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TTOS National dissolved December 2023. The local divisions had a choice to continue without National. TTOS SP decided to keep going. Not sure how many will be left. I know one decided to join a TCA division. We secured insurance and everything needed to go forward. It was the last magazine and the end of any National events. The end of an era.


TTOS National is scheduled to send out a final edition of The Bulletin with all of the details and answers to the questions many members have asked. Being that everyone is a volunteer is does take some time.

I am the President of the TTOS Southern Pacific Division. We are continuing to operate as we have and are working on growing not only our TTOS Southern Pacific Division but since the clubs have gone to regional controls hopefully create additional value for our TTOS Southern Pacific Division members and the public who comes out to our monthly meets and this will be our 3rd year for our 2 day Super Meet in December.  Our division does create and provide our TTOS SP Bulletin publication which we still produce bi-monthly along with other community support activities. Our website is: Toy Train Operating Society – SP – Southern Pacific Division ( Please check us out.

Please let me know if you have any questions and I will do my best to answer them.

Thank you to all who have and hopefully will support TTOS,

Jeff Meyer

TTOS Southern Pacific Division President

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