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@Lionelski posted:

Looks great OhB1, looking forward to more updates.

One area that might be of concern for you to consider at this stage - access to derailments on the tracks under the upper level on the right.

Right you are, I'd give that some thought before chiseling this one in stone!  Not only derailments, but if you ever have to work on  those hidden switches...  OUCH!

Right you are, I'd give that some thought before chiseling this one in stone!  Not only derailments, but if you ever have to work on  those hidden switches...  OUCH!

@Lionelski and @gunrunnerjohn It’s a good thing I thought of that already. You can’t see them but there are two access hole underneath.  One in the front and one in the back.  I plan on additional one on top because of the mountain that will be on top. Obviously lined up with the back one below.

Askin what I've done today, we I have the MTH DCS to decide In no longer want to use the older pattern of bus line around the perimeter of the layout.  the design that MTH DCS has written to make a star pattern place instead.  It's taking the old wiring out of labeling the drops that tie in onto the bus line—that day and a half of removing 12-gauge stranded wire.

That's how my day went.

@OhB1 posted:

@Lionelski and @gunrunnerjohn It’s a good thing I thought of that already. You can’t see them but there are two access hole underneath.  One in the front and one in the back.  I plan on additional one on top because of the mountain that will be on top. Obviously lined up with the back one below.

Just remember, working through a hole with a 6" ceiling isn't the same as having ready access.   I have some access holes in my layout as well, and it's a trick to use them.

@mike g. posted:

Hi Bob, Gun Runner John here on the forum builds a board that you can hook up to your DCS system that is always putting out the watch dog signal so when you power up a section of track like in a yard or a siding the engine doesn't just take off and run away!

Mike G, just reach out and contact Gunrunnerjohn, I'm sure he'll walk you right through it how to hook it up the right way.

Askin what I've done today, we I have the MTH DCS to decide In no longer want to use the older pattern of bus line around the perimeter of the layout.  the design that MTH DCS has written to make a star pattern place instead.  It's taking the old wiring out of labeling the drops that tie in onto the bus line—that day and a half of removing 12-gauge stranded wire.

That's how my day went.

Hi Chuck, just curious, what drove your decision to rewire your DCS ?  Thks,

Rich in SD

A test fitting.  Looking to add a small storage yard, think I found the best location to tie into existing track.  For now, just seeing what it might look like, how long and deep to make it, what it does to access, and what additional track I'll need -- need to find some switches for example.  Current thought is to add a switch off outer mainline just about where the current station annex is.



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Dr Steve, that water looks great.  Next time I will scenic then finish the water last, oh well.  Here's my finished curved trestle on the outer loop.  The "jacobean" stain dried yesterday, and the basic scenic turf and shrubs are still drying today.  Call this scene done, on to putting down more track.stained curved trestle and added basic scenic stuff


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  • stained curved trestle and added basic scenic stuff

I'm putting Woodland Scenics just plug lights in my buildings. Doing the switch tower, it was letting light through the plastic, so I had to do some extra work. I painted it inside and out added stairs and a second floor with controls train orders and a chair. The first floor has a bathroom, desk and bed. I can and will dim the lights when everything is hooked up.



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@SIRT posted:

Let it snow - revisited

Had to reduce the layout to fit in half of the Florida garage by attaching the curves together. Transitioned 2 of the 4 seasons using the bridge and truck.

                                              Have a few more adjustments to make.

Steve, good to see your settled in and posting. I hope you like your new home.

Rich and I have readied 8 Tortoise turnout motors and mounted them along with two Ross 4-way turnouts on levels 2 and 3. We still have to power and label the turnouts, add 8 indicator lights, program the handhelds, and update our backup computer info.

When complete, we are ready to begin tunnel and remaining retaining wall construction.

No photos, just drudgery at this unappreciated but key part of model railroading.

In the new year, after completing the turnouts, we plan to add retaining walls, construct 8 tunnels, and turn Paula’s scenery crew loose. Bridge construction, completion of level 2 and 3 trackwork, highway/road and significant city construction is planned to begin in the second half of the year. This will include terrain (including Mountain and water)  modifications between Bluefield, Roanoke, and Tidewater, Virginia.

Additional manpower is welcome.

Last edited by Bill Webb

Nice projects getting done this winter. Appreciate seeing the different water techniques, SIRT - nice work as always, Dave Ripp. - like the detail on the switch tower.

Been fleshing out the next scene and getting the foundation work out of the way. Thinking I want one more structure in the scene so time to build one up. The houses I made earlier this year fit right in and I dug out a train station from a previous layout that I'll tune up a little. Almost set to start plaster clothing it in.

Happy New Year to all,

Scott 20221230_15091420221230_15092120221230_150940


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Hello everyone! I hope you all had a blessed Christmas. I was able to get some work done earlier this week on the layout by finishing the brick work and adding a Menards building. Unfortunately, I contracted a sinus infection on Wednesday and still trying to get rid of it. Thankfully, I still have a few more days left of my Christmas break.
Thanks for reading!



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@B&O Fan posted:

I dug out a train station from a previous layout that I'll tune up a little. Almost set to start plaster clothing it in.


@B&O Fan


As is your norm, your modeling is superb.

I love your station. I just built a small suburban station for a Christmas train display with a hip roof as you have on yours. I made mine from a solid block of wood that I laminated together, calculated the angle of the roof pitch and, using my larger table saw, cut away anything that did not look like a hip roof. It turned out to be good, but, at today's lumber prices, that is an expensive way to make the substructure of a roof.

I assume that the roof on your station is hollow and supported by a framework. I may be over thinking things, but I have trouble visualizing the angles to cut the main ribs that join the perpendicular faces of the of the roof at the 4 corners of the building. If you could shed a bit of light on the planning and actual cutting and assembling of that part of the roof., I would GREATLY appreciate it. In more simple terms, demystify the process for my old, feeble brain. Also, what did you use for roofing shingles? their appearance is great!

Thank you for any information you can provide. Happy New Year!!!!!!

@B&O Fan posted:

Nice projects getting done this winter. Appreciate seeing the different water techniques, SIRT - nice work as always, Dave Ripp. - like the detail on the switch tower.

Been fleshing out the next scene and getting the foundation work out of the way. Thinking I want one more structure in the scene so time to build one up. The houses I made earlier this year fit right in and I dug out a train station from a previous layout that I'll tune up a little. Almost set to start plaster clothing it in.

Happy New Year to all,

Scott 20221230_15091420221230_15092120221230_150940

Scott, that is a fascinating process for altering the topography. I have never seen this done before. How will you fill in the areas in between structures? If you have done this on other areas of your layout please share some photos.

Thank so much for introducing this project.


@Randy Harrison The station is an Atlas O kit, not sure if they still make it. It has a full interior and was fun to build but after all the work inside you can't really see that much.

@Tranquil Hollow RR Jay, I don't have any other sections like that, typically I just fill the voids with paper and use plaster cloth over it to make the terrain to my liking. Sometimes cardboard strips are useful for added support depending on how high your going.  Hope that helps.


First off good morning and Happy New year to everyone! I hope your all doing well with all this crazy weather that is going on!

Their sure has been a lot of work getting done for the few days I haven't been on here. I check things daily with my phone, because by the time I sit down and have dinner I am too tired to be on the computer!

But I am fresh this morning and want to comment on some work then show my little progress of my own!

@DrSteveDCSteve the corner project turned out wonderful, but what I really love is how the river and lake turned out! What an amazing job!

@SIRT Steve, wonderful transition! It is funny building my layout I really never thought about different seasons!

@Dave Ripp. Dave, the tower looks perfect! I think we have the same guy running the yard! LOL Oh by the way I got the end of train light, just haven't opened it yet as I would have to just pack it up till, I am done with the redo!

@p51 Lee As always Outstanding photos of your wonderful layout!

@Bill Webb Bill sounds like you have been and are going to be very busy! I am looking forward to seeing the upcoming updates!

@B&O Fan Scott looks interesting! I will be watching to see how you go about this!

@Trainmaster04 Things sure are looking good! I hope you get better soon!

@trestlekingLookks good! But sure is a lot of work before noon nap! LOL

@Putnam Division Peter, great idea and I am sure it is going to turn out great looking. But I sure am hopping your brush painting and not spray painting! LOL

Well guy as you know I have been redoing my layout and have had a chance to work on it the last couple of days as we had a late Christmas with the kid and grandkids. First off, I was able to get the wiring done on the left side of the layout and then moved everything from the right to the left along with some cleaning! here are a couple of photos!


As you can see in this last photo I was able to get the right side cleaned off and ready for dismantle. I hope to get to that today! 20221231_135747

I hope your all having a great weekend and hope a wonderful New Year to you all!

Most of all I hope you all find time to have fun with your layouts and trains!


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