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lee drennen posted:

Sorry guys no work on the layout or bench I’ve had a bad infection in my big toe for months thought it was gout but it wasn’t it was a bad infection so they had to remove my toe nail yesterday when I get better I’ll start back on the bench and layout. Carry on 

Good luck with the antibiotics, Lee. Sorry about the toe nail.   I had a dresser fall on my big toe a few years back and the Doc took the nail off. It took a while but a new one formed good as new. Hope yours does too.

Hopefully a bad toe isn't some sort of OGR right of passage.  Best wishes on a quick recovery, Lee.  Thanks for the close ups of the '60.  I can almost smell the burning oil....or is that the gas heater?

Mark, that video got me all choked up.  My ceiling layout came down last winter during a room remodeling.


be back later today with some project pics.



Brian, that is a lot of smoke for sure!!  Izzy is going to get a lawyer to file a suit about second hand smoke damage!  

Lee, I'm glad it isn't gout, but I'm sure it hurts after all!  Take care and get the infection cleared up.

Bryan, That is a nice thing to do for the host to sign a car.  

Mike, I'm sitting up on the hill with you, although our hills are about 2500 miles apart!  

Daniel J. Gonzalez posted:

Hi guys,

This is my first post on this thread.

My layout is very much in its infancy but I decided to start weathering some buildings and such.

Here is my first attempt on an MTH engine stall:


I am also laying down some Woodland Scenics Ready Grass as a good base for the layout, I will get some pictures up when I finish that as well.


great start and have fun!


NSRailfan100 posted:

I was able to weather 20+ weaver coal cars with an airbrush! I was quite skeptical at first but turns out airbrushing is very easy if you take your time! I recommend to try if you are interested in weathering your trains!

I have looked, just not too sure if the expense is worth it for me.

If you don't mind me asking, what unit do you use and where did you buy it. If the price is right I might look into it. I could imagine it make life a lot easier.


Once again it was laundry time. So I had a chance to pull the lift out section out and start working on the wiring. All the track is wired up and I added another terminal block to accomodate the DC  and  accessory power. I had to drill a bigger hole for the other half of the plug because of all the wires. Decided to break because I have to look for my electrical tape. Pics.................Paul



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In the next few weeks, I plan to clean my track, do the odds and inns in maintenance, finish the wiring of accessories, and clean all the freight and passenger cars.  You might say, “it’s time”, as the layout is 18 years old. So, I am starting by installing LED lighting in my passenger cars. My question, some of the windows in my Texas Special Passenger Set have mildew/discoloration in them. How do I clean them, or should I replace them....Thznk you for any advice.7C6995B6-B120-41EA-B5BA-DA685430E9866FB4FD95-F289-4794-9ECD-FD130554DB133A9AAA63-7C3C-4457-B8F2-AAF3CD1917AF06877ADB-F808-404D-B8C9-0B58A8D6B104520A04AC-061F-49D4-85DA-0DAD67ADA610A44E6B59-8127-41FA-9678-BB50AC54BE246DB09DDA-03BD-416D-8932-1E2B4A520A1C


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After his Halloween "Trick or Treat" walk about, the little guy and I got one of our bargain table $5.00 engines from April running last night. It is a 1971-1972 Lionel 8142 4-4-2 that may have been through a basement flooding due to the incredible amounts of silty dirt we cleaned out of it. Possibly upside-down, as the motor itself was pretty clean. After a good cleaning, oil and grease, it started moving with quite a bit of sparking at the wheels and pickups. After a quick check for any dead shorts or real flames, we ran it some more, and within a couple minutes it was running quite smoothly! It even gave a couple puffs out the stack, so we added about 8 drops of JT smoke fluid, which to our delight, makes this engine our best smoker so far. It pulled 7 cars pretty easily, and will run fairly slow and steady. The next step is to work on the "Mighty Sounds of Steam" tender that we picked up separately at another show.

Ok Guys, here is go!

Daniel, welcome to OGR forum, you going to love it here with all the great people and information shared! Your weathering is looking great! Keep up the nice work and post!

NSRAILFAN100, wow 20+ cars, you must have been at it for awhile! Just a side question, what compressor are you using for airbrush system?


Paul2, looks like your almost done with the lift out section! A couple more loads of laundry and your done! If you don't have enough to was, I bet you could get Bryan to bring some over and while there he could help you look for your electrical tape!

JOHAN, that sure is quite the lift bridge! Also from what I can see you sure have a great looking layout!

LeapinLarry, I bet you have tons of passenger cars after 18 years! Sure sounds like a huge undertaking! As for the windows, I would suggest trying DAWN dish soap, it seams to clean everything!

Larry, the cars look great!

Slowhands, sure sounds like a wonderful night! Trick or Treating and bringing an old engine back to life! The best part was you had your little helper there to make sure you were doing everything right! LOL

What layout?  Now that the attic is cooler it may be time I got back to work up there.

None the less, lots of irons in the fire at the bench these past few weeks.

Here's a Williams brass K4s in 2 rail straight out of the box and behind it another one which had previously been upgraded to look better.  Besides the brunswick green paint, a more correct PW pilot and low hung bell were added.  A failed fan driven smoke unit had killed all operation.

I swapped out much of the railings for thinner gauge phosphor bronze then blacked out the tires.  Some other boiler details were added by me then it was on to fixing operation.  Removing the smoke unit, while remedying a short, still brought no joy until I took off the tender shell and found a DCC decoder inside.  With the addition of working rear markers and a cab light, all works as new.  Cosmetically, its still a work in progress with no plans for the stock engine..........yet.

Returning to my CLW GP35, I spent some time adding lighting and a decoder.  The DCC is an MRC diesel kit for G applications but appears to work fine in O gauge.  Found at a recent swap meet, sure wish I'd bought more of them at $5 a pop.  Markers are now manually controlled with F3 as well as manual rule 17 lighting.  Again, another work in chore will be cab details.

low beam

High beam

Returning to my CPR van, I fiddled with the brass details on this end, completing the body assembly.  the closed storm door at this end is held on with magnets, for removal when painting.  Out back I hung some markers containing LEDs.  Wiring remains temporary until the interior is permanently affixed.  Right now, the interior is at the beginning stages and is removable for ease of assembly.

After many goes at trying to produce a smooth running doorstop, I hit upon this configuration in my old Max Gray K4s.  Both the motor and the home made vibration damper were parts for an old HP printer.  When removed from the test rollers it now runs super smooth and quiet. 

I think that's enough for now.


Last edited by brwebster
Slowhands posted:

Thanks for the reminder! I had read about that back in April or May when we first got the tender. The tether clip on the tender is missing, so I do have to either try to find one or get creative.

You mean the tether plug?  Here are some happy snaps I just took:


Seems to be a stock electronic item to me.   Keep us posted!   

brwebster posted:

Talk about photogenic!  Norma knows just when to squint before the flash.  " I'm ready for my closeup, Mr. DeMitch." Purrrrrfect!

Norma's an old hand when cameras are about.  She knows to close her eyes when the funny looking thing with one eye is aimed at her...  ;-) 



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Thanks John Well I thought I was going back to work until I put my boots on and tried walking to the chicken house to get the eggs I was in so much pain looks like I’m staying home tomorrow with the foot propped up. I guess I might as well face it  I need to take it easy a few more days. 

Rod I really like that pier great work

seaboardm2 posted:

I did some switching with my railking locosound mountain type.Maybe not the best sounding but you can not beat it for its pulling power.

Locosound always bemused me a bit in RailKing trolleys.  One simply does not expect a diesel engine and horn in a PCC...  

Hopefully,  the Mountain has something vaguely approximating a steam engine sound?  ^.^ 


Mitch,  It is good to see someone up at this early morning, 3:48 A.M.  Norma looks happy playing with her trains.  My cat, Nutmeg,  loved to lay by the track and watch the train pass by.  Is Norma a TCA member yet?  TCA could use new members.

Have a good night.  OGR Forum is the purr-fect cure for insomnia.  I am going back to bed.

Sincerely, John Rowlen

I filled a side dump pipe/log car , 4 gondolas, and 4 hoppers with a load of free "coal" a pal dropped off. Made for some kind of medical filtering filling. It's as hard as a rock. I can't cut it in side small cutters Forklift accidents spill a bunch often and he grabbed a big lunch bags worth seeing a potential. Im thinking it may be candidate for conveyors, etc. I haven't dumped the side dumper yet but the "hollow bead/micro licorice" coal seems very tameable at this point. Not too heavy, it makes a nice load. It I've got about 4lbs left to play withIMG_20181102_074223~3IMG_20181102_074233IMG_20181102_074233~3


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Adriatic posted:

I filled a side dump pipe/log car , 4 gondolas, and 4 hoppers with a load of free "coal" a pal dropped off. Made for some kind of medical filtering filling. It's as hard as a rock. I can't cut it in side small cutters Forklift accidents spill a bunch often and he grabbed a big lunch bags worth seeing a potential. Im thinking it may be candidate for conveyors, etc. I haven't dumped the side dumper yet but the "hollow bead/micro licorice" coal seems very tameable at this point. Not too heavy, it makes a nice load. It I've got about 4lbs left to play with. 


Very nice!  Looks like a similar material I used many moons ago to make fishtank filters.  Back before there were drop in packs, you packed your own with charcoal and cotton.

romiller49 posted:

Making bridge piers from bass wood.7525C2FB-A5EB-4B9C-8916-00056E85B06A

Ron:  Nice!  Basswood is really strong stuff.  I use it for the uprights and roadbed.  I use balsa for the stringers and x-braces.  Wish I had room to use your idea of extending it outward.

I wanted this to be done in Santa Fe colors.







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Slowhands posted:

Thanks for the reminder! I had read about that back in April or May when we first got the tender. The tether clip on the tender is missing, so I do have to either try to find one or get creative.

Found the part you need:  

Screen Shot 2018-11-02 at 3.48.03 PM

Per Lionel:

6908102T61TETHER / TENDER / 3-POS / SOUND OF STEAM $3.00Click to view part.Available from North Lima Trainworks



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Last night this Atlas beauty was finally resurrected:


When I got her, USPS had given her a makeover via kicks and punches. I was able to source all the parts I needed to cosmetically fix the unit. When I did, I tested her for a bit and after a while, it would just randomly take off while running. I damaged a few premium rolling stock that day and learned to test units with nothing else on the track. Reluctantly, I took her back to my bench vs selling it and moving on because I just LOVE this engine too much to just give it up. After searching for days I stumbled apon a few possible issues and fixes which included cleaning and checking the tach sensor and adjusting it's distance. I also went over ever single wire to make sure they were all correct, they were.

Well, I went to go test her again, this time on an empty layout as to avoid casualties lol and she performed great except now the smoke unit quit working, fan would blow but no smoke. I could see the light at the end of the tunnel but I wasn't quite there yet. Long story short, she came back to the bench, this time for like two months as the documentation available for EOB and the TAS Smoke unit are hard to come by. I did managed to track down a few bad solder joints on the smoke control board.

Well, I am glad to say that from the fiery ashes, this engine lives to see another day (or in this case, hopefully many years).

I learned a lot in the process and got advice from countless people in this forum, I could not have done it without them.



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Mitch, Norma looks like she is playing stare down!

Adriatic, The loads look good!

Jerry, your upper levels supports look great!

Daniel, You made a huge disaster come together great!  The UP Diesel looks great!

Larry, The cars look great with the lights.  I have the LEDs and drivers from GunrunnerJohn.  I will need to jump on the relighting bandwagon someday!



Thanks for the nice comments, Mark and Mike.                                    Three of the five cars I have left to do are vista domes.  They are more time consuming to do since the strip of LEDs has to be cut into short sections and then wires are soldered to the strips to connect the sections together.  


Last edited by PSAP2010

Today it was raining on and off most of the day, so we had to play in the train room. The grandchildren ran several LionChief Plus locomotives. Today’s play time was with the Lionel's Lantern Caboose.  This caboose has the conductor that comes out & waves his lantern.

1 Boys running caboose copy2 Ladern Man

Then we made cupcakes that look like billiard balls in the diamond rack from my pool table.

3 Cup Cakes

All photos shot with an iPhone 7 Plus. 

Gary: In the Train Room with my junior engineers.


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Haven't done anything yet.  Will be attending the S. Maine Hi-Railers show in Rochester NH this morning with an HO buddy.  It's about an hour's drive, but with this rain, we may need a canoe.  This show for me is the best for my needs of the half dozen or so that I go to each year.  Not too big, not too small, JUST RIGHT!

Listening to  Queen's Bohemian Rhapsody to get ready.  Taking my wife to the movie next week.  "We are the Champions."

 Red Sox/Yankees rivalry is GREAT.  The 2 best teams in baseball.  Sorry if anyone is offended.

decoynh posted:

Haven't done anything yet.  Will be attending the S. Maine Hi-Railers show in Rochester NH this morning with an HO buddy.  It's about an hour's drive, but with this rain, we may need a canoe.  This show for me is the best for my needs of the half dozen or so that I go to each year.  Not too big, not too small, JUST RIGHT!

Listening to  Queen's Bohemian Rhapsody to get ready.  Taking my wife to the movie next week.  "We are the Champions."

 Red Sox/Yankees rivalry is GREAT.  The 2 best teams in baseball.  Sorry if anyone is offended.

No offense taken as long as you are a Yankee fan!

Seriously- congrats to the Sox on a great year. Most wins ever in the history of MLB. WOW

RSJB18 posted:

Took my new K-line PRR ALCO's apart yesterday and gave the shells a good bath. Must have been in a home with a heavy smoker (not the Lionel kind), they were pretty grimy and sticky. A couple of the pick up rollers are in bad shape. One of them on the power unit must have gotten jammed and had a big glob of track gook stuck to it. When I scrapped it off, the one side of the roller had a big groove in it from dragging on the track. I have some spares so I will swap out the bad ones.
I wired the motors in series as is mandatory with all K-line dual-motor diesels.

Now I need some advice- the dummy A unit has some spray paint splatter on it. Any suggestions to safely remove it with out damaging the plastic shell and lettering?


I also applied some varnish to the first couple of windings on my KW transformer. Every time I move one handle the other roller hits the winding and gets the loco on the other track either moving or trips the E unit.

Packed up more boxes from my recent buying spree  and sent them to the attic for storage.


After several failed attempts with various cleaning products I seem to have hit a winner.

Bug and Tar remover applied to a Q-tip and gently rubbed on the paint. So far so good, making steady progress.

Image result for bug and tar remover

Did the hood and front skirt so far, it doesn't seem to be affecting the numbers or lettering at all.

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RSJB18 posted:
decoynh posted:

Haven't done anything yet.  Will be attending the S. Maine Hi-Railers show in Rochester NH this morning with an HO buddy.  It's about an hour's drive, but with this rain, we may need a canoe.  This show for me is the best for my needs of the half dozen or so that I go to each year.  Not too big, not too small, JUST RIGHT!

Listening to  Queen's Bohemian Rhapsody to get ready.  Taking my wife to the movie next week.  "We are the Champions."

 Red Sox/Yankees rivalry is GREAT.  The 2 best teams in baseball.  Sorry if anyone is offended.

No offense taken as long as you are a Yankee fan!

Seriously- congrats to the Sox on a great year. Most wins ever in the history of MLB. WOW

You may not approve, but I'm a Red Sox & METS fan.  When we moved from Danbury CT to the Boston area for a job in 1990, following the METS was difficult then.  Another perk, our company had 20 box seats all over Fenway Park.  Entertaining clients in Boston was a tough job but somebody had to do it.  So I became a Red Sox fan by osmosis.  

Yankees were second best this year, but still a very good team.

I cleaned a 2025. It was running slow until I dragged a toothpick through the armature gaps. An oiling after that became a decent, but not "all out", clean up. 665 got her wheels shined too. 

  Still scrubbing black away with my fingernail brush today as little bro used black moly grease during the 665s last major lube  Between the moly and the wheel gunk, it was a major mess, though shouldn't have been, wouldn't have been without the moly.... But at least it got lubed by him

Well, It seems to be a rather lazy Saturday by some accounts, others are spending the time cleaning, and others are eating Cheesesteak and Cheesecake!  

Thank you John and Mitch for the Happy birthday!  If this semi-retired thing I didn't ask for continues as more retired than semi, at least I am now old enough to start collecting social security!  It still seems amazing!  

As to the controversy of what team is best, I won't get involved.  The Red Sox did a great job winning in quick fashion!  I still follow the Pirates, and always will.  Not saying they are the best by any means.


Arnold D. Cribari posted:

Thanks to the recent advice given on another thread, I cleaned 10 of my MTH Proto 1 locomotives and ran them on my layout. Enjoyable and relaxing thing to do today. Arnold

The cleaning consisted of dipping an old soft toothbrush in warm water, running the toothbrush over a bar of ivory soap, and very gently scrubbing the outside of the shell of the  locomotive with the soapy toothbrush. Then I used a paper towel and dry soft paint brushes to gently and thoroughly wipe off the soapy wetness on the train. Now the trains look brand new.

RSJB18 posted:
decoynh posted:

Haven't done anything yet.  Will be attending the S. Maine Hi-Railers show in Rochester NH this morning with an HO buddy.  It's about an hour's drive, but with this rain, we may need a canoe.  This show for me is the best for my needs of the half dozen or so that I go to each year.  Not too big, not too small, JUST RIGHT!

Listening to  Queen's Bohemian Rhapsody to get ready.  Taking my wife to the movie next week.  "We are the Champions."

 Red Sox/Yankees rivalry is GREAT.  The 2 best teams in baseball.  Sorry if anyone is offended.

No offense taken as long as you are a Yankee fan!

Seriously- congrats to the Sox on a great year. Most wins ever in the history of MLB. WOW

Attention gentlemen!  The most wins (125) in the history of MLB is by the 1998 New York Yankees.  (114 regular season plus 11 postseason)  The most wins (116) in a regular season is by the 2001 Seattle Mariners, who, of course, broke the Yankee record of 114 from 1998.  The Yankees eliminated the Mariners in the ALCS in 2001, before losing to Arizona in the WS.  Those crazy sawks won 108 and 11 more this year.

Yogi had won five in a row from '49 to '53.  When they failed to win their fourth in a row vs Arizona, Yogi told Bernie Williams, " you gotta start all over again."


I finished removing the spray paint from my Pennsy ALCO. Looks pretty good IMHO.
Cleaned and greased everything and put it on the track for a test run. It moves but not well for a K-line. Back to the bench today for further investigation.

I've purchased my entire collection used- this was by far the worst engine I've gotten, but I knew that going in from the pictures in the listing. I like the challenge


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Last edited by RSJB18

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