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I hate getting bored with something with the growing fleet of passenger cars and freight cars and of course a few more engines my small layout became a little smaller than I liked. two loops no reversing on the lower one loop on the middle level no reversing and a single loop on top in conventional. just wasn't cutting it for me.  the longer trains seemed to be always chasing there tail. so here's where my layout is at the moment. moral of this story never let me get bored with something

there were features I liked and some not so much. it will come back better than ever this time. just need to nail down a new track plan to fit some of the things I want in it this time like a bigger yard  maybe do a around the walls style layout so working on scenery and such will be easier. we will see







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sorry I like long trains and when a train is hitting 2 corners on a 10x12 layout sometimes 3 corners it's time to rethink the layout when the front engine is coming out of one tunnel and the last car is still in the tunnel at the other end of the layout and you can see both ends at the same time. time to rethink


It's a small thing, but I ordered some brass whistle castings as the plastic whistles break off the top of my On30 ten-wheelers pretty easily.

Can't get around to the layout much right now, as I'm in the middle of some (non-RR-related) drawings I'm being paid to create for a book project. I lost a 4-day weekend last week which could have bene spent working on the layout but this project has to come first, darn it. Thankfully, I'll be free to work the layout when I'm not at the office after I'm done with these drawings...

     Well I got A package in the mail yesterday and when I opened it up well this is great!!!!!!! The OGR member shipped me the 14 packages of street lights and 18 SPDT switches. 12of the light poles had the globes broke off or busted and the switches were listed as DPDT and they are SPDT. Now it is back to looking for the right switches and finding more  light poles. It is not worth the trouble to buy things off the for sale forum to try and save A few dollars another $88.00 wasted for nothing! Choo  Choo Kenny

First of all, thanks to Adriatic for shedding some light on my photography.  It explains why my career in photography never got out of the dark (room).
Yes, hoisted many "lights and darks" at McSorley's myself.  I found images of the building using Bing and Google.  I looked for as 'straight-on' an image as I could find and pasted it in Powerpoint, then sized for what I needed.  The sign I cut out and attached to a thin piece of balsa before attaching to the building front.  The street-level window backgrounds are also images of McSorley's.
Originally Posted by Randy Harrison:
Originally Posted by Adriatic:

Mayor Magoo, I shined some light on the issue.



McSorley's looks GREAT!!!! I spent entirely to much time in my younger years at the real one. Where did you get the Mcsorely's sign?


Finished the de-construction of the Christmas layout. Got the room ready for the start of the next one. With the old layout down, we can begin construction of the new one. Early start, sure, but what better to do with cold, long winter days. Don't want to work with it during the nice weather, and since this is no small project, I would rather have it done earlier than later.


Unboxed the GMToT and got it ready to go to the main layout. Sure a great looking passenger train.

Originally Posted by Choo Choo kenny:

     Well I got A package in the mail yesterday and when I opened it up well this is great!!!!!!! The OGR member shipped me the 14 packages of street lights and 18 SPDT switches. 12of the light poles had the globes broke off or busted and the switches were listed as DPDT and they are SPDT. Now it is back to looking for the right switches and finding more  light poles. It is not worth the trouble to buy things off the for sale forum to try and save A few dollars another $88.00 wasted for nothing! Choo  Choo Kenny

Has the person offered to at least take back the switches which are incorrectly listed?


 Shipping delicates should always be done in a different package. Even if its one box inside another. The weight of the switches moving around, almost obviously did the damage. Sounds rather neglectful .  

Originally Posted by Adriatic:
Originally Posted by Choo Choo kenny:

     Well I got A package in the mail yesterday and when I opened it up well this is great!!!!!!! The OGR member shipped me the 14 packages of street lights and 18 SPDT switches. 12of the light poles had the globes broke off or busted and the switches were listed as DPDT and they are SPDT. Now it is back to looking for the right switches and finding more  light poles. It is not worth the trouble to buy things off the for sale forum to try and save A few dollars another $88.00 wasted for nothing! Choo  Choo Kenny

Has the person offered to at least take back the switches which are incorrectly listed?


 Shipping delicates should always be done in a different package. Even if its one box inside another. The weight of the switches moving around, almost obviously did the damage. Sounds rather neglectful .  

At the risk of hijacking this long standing post, I just wanted to add my 2 cents to the above.  If a deal between two reputable OGR members such as this falls through in such a disasterous way as to the wrong advertised switches and poor packaging, i believe the seller should offer a full refund upon the buyer returning the sale.  Maybe a naive notion but Buying and Selling on this forum should be a step above the usual norm.




PS just in keeping with this posted topic, i added a Lionel Maiden Rescue accessory to my layout today.....very cool!

Working on converting a MTH Bank into a Central Terminal building.  Glazed the large aide and small rear windows with Frosty Contact Paper ala Alex Malliae although mine didn't come out as nice as his.  Cut out the brace for the lower lights to add a floor and replaced all 4 lights with LED bulbs and mounted facing upwards towards aluminum tape on ceiling to reflect downward.  Need to add doors to the side for main entrance.

     I put up rope lighting on the under side of the layout and I put the support legs 1 foot back so that no one will be bumping or kicking the legs while viewing the layout. The clips that hold up the rope lighting are very brittle. The aid that helps my mother hollered for me to come down to the basement. I go down and all the rope lighting is laying on the floor. She told me that she was carrying A basket of mothers clothes and wanted to look at the layout to see if I did anything new. When she walked into the train room the cloths basket hit the rope lighting under the platform and broke A bunch of the holders and it took off breaking the rest of them. I had to run to the hardware store and get holders and screws. It took me about 2 hours to unscrew the broken holders and screw up the new ones. After finishing up that little project my dad comes down and starts looking around. I have the walls up for the tunnel and the embossed brick paper on them. My dad does not like the look of it and he wants me to tear it all out and put in walls made of ceiling tile. Looks like my luck is just the same as last year! BAD! Choo Choo Kenny

Not on it, but under it. Locked the mutts in the kitchen, and then scrubbed, and oiled the old wood floor.

  In my condition one 12x20 room only took 16hrs(not steady) 

 Worth it. Shiny, squeaky, slick but has more grip than wax. Darker, and brighter depending on the area. Soo much richer. Made me want a floor layout again so I could look at the pretty trains, on the pretty floor.

It's been a good couple days on the railroad, and I'm well on my way to meeting my goal of finishing all the track in the first aisle by the end of the day Sunday.


Yesterday I finished all the filler pieces in the arrival yard.


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Today I soldered all the leads to the bottom of a Ross 4 way. I now understand the value of Ross ready.


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Tomorrow, I have to finish the last 2 tracks on the left, and the track on the hump itself.


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Originally Posted by Larry Sr.:

... This tree stuff is getting expensive. Almost 300 trees and it seems to be only a dent.


Oh well, still having fun.


And the result has been most effective!If it's true that its necessary to crack some eggs to make an omelette, you sure are on your way to a feast! We all have to buy and/or craft plenty of trees to make an effective outcome, and you are proving it a worthwhile exercise in getting very postive results.


Spent some time today working on the plans for the new North Pole/PE layout. The dimensions will be 7 ft. by 24 ft. which should give plenty of room for the two scale PE sets to stretch out and look good at the same time.


We want to take you on a journey leaving the mountain range and heading straight to the North Pole.


Just think about all the elves we are going to need. Elizabeth will be busy this year.

Originally Posted by Larry Sr.:

Paul that's exactly what I been doing for 2 days. This tree stuff is getting expensive. Almost 300 trees and it seems to be only a dent.


Oh well, still having fun.







Wow fantastic job!  Lots of layouts have trains going through tunnels, but vehicles is really neat!!

Today is Thursday, and Sunday's goal is literally right on track. I've been putting in 3 hours per day consistently all week.


The hump yard is done!


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The track along the wall and the crossover in the distance were completed today.


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These next two shots are all that is left to do. Just a little more than 2 sections to fill this gap.


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The crossover in the red box needs to be removed. For years it was used to create an operational loop, but it was never intended as part of the original plan. With the completion of the new hidden yard, it has been out of service for months.


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Today was a very special day. For the first time, Patrick, Matt and Jon were over on the same day. Today also marks Patrick's 2 year anniversary working with me on the layout.


Patrick and Matt were both back at their respective tasks.


Patrick finished the backdrop for the Ford Plant (upper) and Hiawatha Milling District (lower).


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Matt did 13 more Tortoises, bringing his total to 114. This just leaves 10 to finish that project. I still need to install some of the switches, so completion of this task is on hold for a while.


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Jon and I worked on a couple different things. First I had him help me with the two sections of track against the wall.


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 Then Jon hung and wired the last 3 cameras in the hidden yards. Of course aiming them is a 2 man job since the monitor is on the other side of the room. 


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I took out one of the switches from the old cutoff crossover yesterday. Today I got the other one. 


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And with that, my goal of having all the track in this aisle done by Sunday, is complete.


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Next up, the second aisle, which simply entails finishing the engine service area at Northtown. I'm setting a goal of completing this by Thursday.


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I had plans to be out of town all day but they folded at the last minute.

I was going to cut and mount all the fascia along the edge of the layout, so I could finally start drilling front holes for the blue point turnout controllers, but it was drizzling off and on all day, and I have to cut stuff that big out on the back deck. So instead, I marked the bolt holes and DCC plug holes exactly where they're needed on the fascia that's already cut. Shouldn't take more than a couple of hours to have it all cut and mounted, next weekend, now.

I also have all the drawings done for a book project I was commissioned for, so I plan on dropping them off then immediately hitting the local hobby shops where the author lives, will surely find stuff for the layout that day!

Never was interested in a tiered layout but yesterday I laid a 6'x7'  loop of Standard gauge  track on the carpet under the O scale layout. No other place to put it. Basement and garage too cold but did run my 4 standard gauge locos. two big ones ran great, the smaller ones need shopping. Waiting to get the big steamer out of the shop. So back to playing with trains on the floor.

Originally Posted by Passenger Train Collector:

Nice job on the painted figures, TrainsRMe. 

I thank you, sir.  The photo shows a mixture of Life Like (I think), Sentimental Journeys, the Hong Kong 100, even vintage Marx as well as my newly purchased seated ones.  I believe I have enough figures now.  Time to think of something else to do.


I love the photos you have shown of your beautiful layout and equipment.

I cannot get excited about building this Steam Era Structures feedmill, being kitbashed

into more of a grain elevator.  It is comprised of a store, elevator, and warehouse, all

in a line with multiple doors at track/car level. Yesterday I finally got three walls of

the store assembled, so now actually have something that looks like a building, and began the kitbash, doubling the height of the elevator.  Other than height, I discarded the  idea of enlarging the footprint to match the prototype photo. While I had no problems building a store kit from this mgr. without including interior walls or closely following instructions, the drawings and photos in instructions have really been necessary for this structure,  because the interior wall instructions get in the way.  I

am out of interior bracing stripwood, to circumvent the interior walls, and strengthen the structure,  so progress is on hold.

Originally Posted by Big_Boy_4005:

 Then Jon hung and wired the last 3 cameras in the hidden yards. Of course aiming them is a 2 man job since the monitor is on the other side of the room. 


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Okay, when you have need for several cameras just to keep things in check on your layout, you officially have a large layout!

Nothing so massive as some of the projects outlined above, but my recent projects were replacing some older, toy-like K-Line structures on my main, downtown street with several newer, detailed Ameritown structures, including their new "Midtown Hotel".  Only I added a lobby to the lower floor, a roof shack for the elevator mechanism and renamed it:  Hotel Notell"  "We'll leave the RED light on for You".  Also widened part of the street, added street lights and two other buildings, one of which I'm still working on.


Then, following the mentions of Business Cars in another thread, I hauled out my K-Line Milwaukee Road business car, took it apart and added interior details and new colors,  more people and dressed up the "back porch".  Have it on one of my freight trains right now.


Now I've got to get to work on some standard gauge passenger cars to have them ready for sale at York.  We've got a Great Lakes TCA Division meet here in Cleveland this Saturday and I'd love to have those cars ready by then.


Paul Fischer

Originally Posted by p51:
Okay, when you have need for several cameras just to keep things in check on your layout, you officially have a large layout!

 Yeah Lee, it's true. The cameras are there to see the two holding / staging yards under the layout. I used to have to chase all over the room to see what was going on down there. Now that things are built up, it is more difficult to see what's happening.


I will probably end up putting in 4 more cameras to cover two other areas that will be hidden when the layout is done.


The big hidden yard has 5 tracks with 5 stopping zones on each. When a train leaves the yard, all the trains behind it on that track need to advance one space. I had some company over the other day, and the system worked perfectly, as I just stood there with my Cab-1 and moved all the trains.

Went to the LHS and picked up some new Standard gauge track to replace the very old, and I mean old track that I put down on the carpet a few days ago. The new sure isn't as heavy duty as the old but i like the 36" lengths plus everything was clean although that didn't seem to help much. I have a square loop about 8 or 8 1/2 ft. square that is under my o gauge layout. No scenery just run trains for now.  Maybe a basement layout when it warms up.

My sister has gotten my wife hooked on this company called "Thirty One". They make totes and bags and other such things. She caught this item on special a while back, and even got the railroad's initials embroidered on it. Unfortunately it is no longer available.


I guess I need a few more Cab-1's.


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Back to the business at hand, the Northtown engine service facility...


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Aisle 2 is now complete. Next up...


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Clean up on aisle three!!!


Shooting for Sunday on that.


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Originally Posted by Big_Boy_4005:

My sister has gotten my wife hooked on this company called "Thirty One". They make totes and bags and other such things. She caught this item on special a while back, and even got the railroad's initials embroidered on it. Unfortunately it is no longer available.


I guess I need a few more Cab-1's.


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Room to spare for future LionChief purchases.



Thanks Mark.


Bruce, I won't be getting into Lion Chief. I'm very happy with TMCC, and have way too many engines.


I'm not even sure I understand the LC system, but I'll give it a shot. It uses a dedicated remote per locomotive, and cuts out the command base by sending a radio signal directly to the engine. Somebody please correct me if I'm wrong about this.

I cut all my fascia last night, using a sabre saw on a table on the beck deck. I'm assuming the saw noise confused my neighbors so late at night...

I also drilled all the holes for the DCC plug faces and spots where I have carriage bolts for the leg supports (just in case I ever need to take the layout apart, I don't want to have to rip all the fascia off for that, I'll be painting the bolts the same color green as the fascia so it'll blend in eventually).

I was going to start mounting the pieces but it was really late and I was exhausted. But at least I'm at a point where I can accomplish a lot indoors and without any further help. I've already bought a bunch of small C clamps to hold the pieces in place while I'm drilling holes through the masonite for the wood screws. My plan is to have all the fascia mounted no later than by the end of the weekend.

I would do it on Saturday, but I have to take some drawings I'd been commissioned for on a book project to the author. That'll give me some spending cash for some hobby shops very close to where he lives, but I'll have to squeeze further weekend work in between that trip and the NFC championship game on Sunday. Normally I wouldn't care much about football other than my alma mater playing in NCAA games, but Seattle might make another Superbowl run.

To the layout, nothing.  


On the layout: I literally used a corner of it to work on the new RMT GG1 - disassembled one just to look inside it (diecast metal shell!) and modified it so it does not jackrabbit.  


And while I did that, the trains ran.  Always run those trains.  Today, just for fun, all LC+.  I have five running.  Nice!

Got the NP dark green North Coast Limited paint out and painted he edges of the scale porthole windows; used black paint on the lenses for the scale number boards in prep for number decals; painted a bulkhead door for the vestibule end of a previously painted GM&O coach that was missing the piece (how I assembled the car w/o the piece years ago remains a mystery); and, test fit the module for LED lighting in a 15" passenger car and planned where and how the wiring would be done.  I also used the Dremel with a sanding disc to remove the non-scale number boards from PW LIONEL F3's in preparation for installing scale, brass number boards.  Also used the Dremel to shorten headlight lenses so they could be installed as second headlights in a couple of repaints--the holes for the lenses had been drilled, and bezels made and installed a long time ago.

Jon came over today. We got a couple of things done, but we spent much of the afternoon talking about the layout. 


We started off by finishing running the camera wires that we started last Saturday. After that we snapped chalk lines to start drawing the track plan for the Ford Plant. It's not too bad working up there. Most of the track will be toward the front edge anyway.


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It was about that point when we got sidetracked as Jon discovered some photo albums on the bookshelf. The first one was from enterTRAINment, the second was past layouts that I built. The third one was reference photos of the locations that I'm modeling on this layout.


We were well into the discussion of scenery, when Jon asked what season I plan to model. I thought for a moment, and said why not all of them? I have four aisles, one per. 


All that talk made me want to start unpacking trains, but Jon talked me out of that. Instead, we took my intermodal collection of containers and trailers down from above the bookshelves, and I started to spread them around some of the more finished areas of the upper deck. This is actually the very beginning of scenery. The stacks on the left now conceal the opening in the backdrop. 


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I still need to work on it, but that's the general idea.


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Here's the view from "backstage".


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It was just a fun afternoon. Patrick Sunday.


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Spent an enjoyable 2 hours last evening rebuilding my Culvert Loader. (Unloader was tackled last week). Seems one of the pulley axles was loose. Well, since I don't have a press to tighten it up, I just swapped out the complete vibrotor assembly with a spare I picked up a number of years ago. Now, to go to the local repair guy to rent some press time with a number of roundtuits. We're getting there with the layout reconstruction!

I posted a couple of pics to a topic on the scenery forum. So when I was looking at the pics I did not like the way some of the evergreens looked. I had bought some smaller ones with a plastic base. So I found a bag of fine green turf and I sprayed glue on them and added the foam. They look better. On some I can take the base of leaving the wire which I will drill a hole in the area and place them closer to the ground. Once they dry later tonight I'll plant them where I took them out from. Got more leaf foam in the mail and now I can go back to making hardwood trees...............Paul

Today we got down to brass tacks (figuratively speaking). Went to Home Depot and got a roll of rosin paper. Worked diligently and placed the rosin paper on the floor of the room to mimic the top of the benchwork we are installing the new Christmas layout. Traced the double track system which really works out well to what I drew on paper. Tomorrow we start laying out all of the special design features on the rosin paper.


It pays to have a plan before you start to cut the wood. 

Ran trains with my son.  We got out a few packs of trees, the kind you get for holiday village setups, and he placed them around the layout.  I also have a bunch of plasticville buildings on the layout and he changes where they go depending on his mood.  


He is really getting into this layout, and I made sure there is nothing on it that would break my heart if it breaks.  I love to let him explore how he wants things set up and he loves to play with the figures that came with the polar express with the trains.  

I decided to switch gears today and take a break from track laying. I wanted to try my hand at weathering track.


A while back I bought a gallon of regular latex wall paint, in a lovely dark brown color.


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The trick is to mix it with just right amount of water. Too much and it gets runny. Not enough and it clogs the airbrush. This is the perfect job for my ancient external mix Badger.


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It really makes a difference!


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Things were going along pretty well, until I accidentally dropped the airbrush and the bottle shattered. Sheered the neck right off with the threads still in the body. I took that as a sign that it was time to stop.


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I also set up my drafting table. I'm a dinosaur, and don't believe in using a computer to draw layouts. Mine is too big and complicated to do that anyway. Now that the track is almost done, I can redraw both levels, get prints and mark them up for electrical and such.


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No Patrick tomorrow after all. He has to work. I'll probably go back to track laying. 


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A lot of foam carving by you all as of late. Not wanting to be left out, I began carving green foam again too. I did do some in the summer. I thought it was great. Bruno either didn't like the results, or wanted to taste the "fish oil" in the primer? Doesn't matter Bruno is the star. Normally he watches the trains from a footstool, and only wants to inspect/ sniff or guard them from the other dogs. Especially if moved. Like this...




dogday4 [2)


Its going well enough, but my camera is down, so you get Bruno.

 But, I want to remake my layout in SCARM, to test out some Super O curve measurements for the Super O SCARM Library. Ill post a SCARM screenshot, of what I'm up to soon as I finish the track swap out. 

Here is a "pretty version". Not fast to lay, just an pretty accurate "object".




I have also been working on an item for my Looney Tunes/ Marvin the Martian layout again. I'm loving it... War of the Worlds meets ACME M.O.W.... gotta find the old camera's power pack. 





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Worked on my Baseball field vignette that is situated near my elevated subway.  The field is being glued down to the fold down door located under my turntable.  When not in use I will be able to close it up where it will be hidden.  Anyway that is the plan. I still need to scratch build the dugouts and bleacher stands.




This is how it will look when the fold down door is up



 Heres a quick video of the Subway system



Last edited by BFI66

cleaned all the debris from initial work up,  still go to clean floor from some paint spots and clean the workroom portion of the building

train room is behind door and the entire building on left

this was bare ground in jan 2014

and it has all been painted,  but outside shop is a mess,


going to try the "Woodland Scenics" carved rock stuff,  should be fun, just go to remember that better to create small sizes many times rather than large size once

Last edited by pelago

The long-planned fascia is finally mounted. One section I had to cut three times and another really should be cut again, but all in all it's almost completely done. I've drilled all the holes for mounting screws for the DCC plug faces and the throttle pocket holsters. I just need to prime and paint it before mounting all that hardware. Soon, I'll be mounting the blue-points for the turnouts.


Note the plug faces for the DCC plugs in the center of the photo, lying on the bench work. The holes in the fascia are for the DCC wires to pass through to hook up throttles to. There is a plug every few feet.

The hole in the back of the section to the right os for the carriage bolt to pass through for the leg support, just in case I ever need to take the layout apart. I made it in sections to be dismantled if I ever have to move.

That's a high-modified Woodland Scenics Ethyl's gas station near the center of this shot.

Last edited by p51
Originally Posted by Pingman:

Used the Dremel with a cutting attachment to open up the number board openings on repro F3 shells to accept P&D Hobby brass 45 degree number boards for one project.  Will due the PW LIONEL TS 2245 A shell tomorrow on a different project.  Need to vacuum up the plastic bits on the floor. 

that would scare you know what outta me


The Great Procrastinater has been distracted by other snakes to kill, and has not glued

one stick onto another on this feed mill morphing into an elevator kit for at least a

week.  He did walk through one train show and managed to glomb a rare structure kit

(as if he needed another one) at a good, but not great, price.  That one down and only

one known to go...(although something unheard of by me will surface, sooner or later).

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