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Cabinet Bob:

Hobbyists living below the Mason-Dixon line expect the semi-snowbound to do their duty - endure the snow and retreat to the layout as a "calm place in a snowstorm!" Here in central Arkansas it's shirt sleeve weather; recent rain showers won't turn to snow.

Today I added the Lionel Tire Swing accessory to the City Park area of my L-shaped layout. Already in place there are other Lionel accessories:  Mini Golf, Playground, Pony Ride, and Tug of War -- all wired to 14 vac and activated with Lionel #90 control buttons.

Mike M.      LCCA 12394


I've always looked forward to the big snow days. It was the perfect time to stay home, head down to the basement and run trains or work on them. .  This year we had few snow days in NJ so the train work (and play) was minimal. When the days are sunny and warm the outdoor sports take over but when we are snowed in the focus is on the trains. IMO, trains in this NE area were always a winter hobby. Its cold outside and the weather is not always nice, so the indoor environment is perfect to keep warm and run the trains.

Being in a warmer climate, my train days are when the heat tops 105, then I am in the train room under a/c and fiddling with wiring, watching trains run and fighting that dreaded crunch when something derails or I fail to watch closely and rear end a slow freight. 

Mine is not large enough for most Menards buildings, but they sure look good on your layout.

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