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I have a couple Lionel 1615s and a 1685, an 8200 docksider?, also a General and an MPC looking 6102.

What are your favorite and/or best looking 4-wheelers? I know that for some folks the Lionel 4 wheeled locomotives are the less detailed and/or less desired choo-choo trains, but a lot of us probably started with the four wheeled locos - and I'm interested to hear what your favorites are. I always liked the look of the locomotive as long as the running gear were detailed, with the exception of the 8200 docksider - I thought the docksider looked cool even with the simple running gear and plastic body.

Pictured is a 1615 that my grandfather stored for me 30+ years ago and it suffered some chemical paint damage and the front markers were broken. Anyhow, I rebuilt and repainted it into a local theme (that never existed). I still need to replace the headlight lens.


Images (1)
  • Lionel 1615 repaint: Lionel 1615 repaint
Last edited by woodsyT
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My father passed away in 1994.  When I went back to Michigan for the funeral, I found this little engine on the dresser in the spare bedroom.  I asked my mother where it came from, and she didn't know.  I think dad left it for me.  It's not only my favorite 4-wheeled locomotive, but also one of my favorite engines.  I have it currently set up for battery powered remote control.  The tender was a gift from my train buddy Bob!  I eventually plan to give both a new paint job.

Loco and Tender



Images (1)
  • Loco and Tender

I have many 4 wheel locomotives, by-product of my collecting interests in "toy" trains I guess.  However, at least one of my favorites is the Hornby M1 engine, supplied with the M1 "Goods" (meaning freight) set.  Available from 1947-1957.  The M1 locomotive and sets were some of the first trains available from Hornby after the war.  Interestingly, in the early years almost all of them were exported, in fact domestic sales were restricted, England needed foreign capital to recover her economy.

She is a classic 0-4-0 tender type, lithographed, and clockwork powered.  Here she is running her small freight consist on my layout.

Hornby M1 Goods train leaving tunnel

Here is a close up.

Hornby M1 locomotive front w tender

Here is a picture of the complete set.

Hornby M1 Goods Train set box

Best wishes



Images (3)
  • Hornby M1 Goods train leaving tunnel
  • Hornby M1 locomotive front w tender
  • Hornby M1 Goods Train set box

Lionel's 1948 2-4-2 1655 and Lionel's 1958 2-4-2 249.  Though they be small yet they be mighty.  I inherited the 1655 from my Dad and the 249 from my Grandfather.  Both engines still run extremely well.  These less expensive locomotives are a testament to the durability of the trains manufactured by the old Lionel Corporation.

I've got lots of favorite 4 wheel critters!  You can't go wrong with a PRR A5, see k-line model below.  I also love any H;K: Porter 0-4-0 saddle tanker and of course a Rdg A4 Camelback.  I have pictures of both but now sure about the copyright status so sorry - not dealing with the drama.




The you have to like the Republic Locomotive RX-500, seen above in yellow.

For tinplate I have an adorable Hornby similar to what @Don McErlean showed above, but what about a Marx CV?  Hard to go wrong there either!



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@RSJB18 posted:

The MTH 0-4-0 Docksiders are nice, ROW's are more detailed.

2018-06-16 07.51.12

For diesels- K-line Plymouth

2018-10-13 08.06.06

But the ROWs are missing the distinctive sets of rivets on the saddle tank. It’s like they copied the 1980s Sunset model of the C-16. They are the only two manufacturers to make that mistake. I love the diecast MTH version.



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  • IMG_0546
Last edited by Jim R.

Trying to think if I have any 4 wheeled locomotives... Assuming trolleys and handcars don't count, I can't think of any.  I have several General style 4-4-0 that I like, but those probably don't count as 4 wheel locomotives.  There is just something about them that I like, and as a plus, they usually they aren't too expensive.

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