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FOR TODAY:  The folks at Smith Brother's Automobiles are open very early this morning as today is the first day of their Thanksgiving Week Super Sale!  Come on down to Smith Brothers located in Patsburg's Westend Neighborhood  and gobble up those great deals !!!  


Nice Patrick. 😉

I see the Studebakers were off loaded from the train safely  for the Smith Brothers .

Thank you Mark, Dallas, Mike g, Lee, and Straphanger for your kind words regarding my Smith Brothers Photo!  I really appreciate that you all took time to comment.  

Yes, Dallas those Studebakers made it safely from end door boxcar to Smith Brothers.  Now they are selling like hotcakes!   Actually Lee, no crane is needed, the new owners drive their new " set of wheels" off the lot and straight down West End Ave and disappear thru the mirror ( which creates an endless street illusion ) once past the mirror ( Mirror Ave ) they hang a right and drive out of town.  No crane needed at all ... unless the new owners want to take a costly short cut lol!   This photo ( although poor .. click on photo to enlarge ) shows the mirror at West End Ave.    Have a wonderful Thanksgiving everyone!! IMG_6650


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Last edited by trumpettrain

FOR TODAY:  Early this morning Jasper and Clem began hauling turkeys to market.  They've made multiple trips back and forth between the market and this stock car which sits on a team track in Danlilu.   Now here they are trying to coax the last two turkey out of the stock car.  For some reason the two turkey's, Hazel and Pauline,  are most reluctant to vacate the car.   IMG_3953

Poindexter, the peacock, thinks to himself  " I thank my lucky stars that I'm a peacock!  It's good to be a peacock, especially on Thanksgiving!!"  IMG_3967


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FOR TODAY:  The folks at Smith Brother's Automobiles are open very early this morning as today is the first day of their Thanksgiving Week Super Sale!  Come on down to Smith Brothers located in Patsburg's Westend Neighborhood  and gobble up those great deals !!!  


Patrick, you inspired me to put an auto dealership on the layout...great photography right above!  I like the city 'back drop!"

Pre-holiday activity picking up at the bus station...

Night Greyhound 1

Paul - terrific lighting in this scene!!  The realism is fantastic especially the street scene with cab and parked cars across the street just under the Greyhound sign.  Very well done!!!!

Also it's gratifying to know that my car dealership scene inspired you to create a dealership scene on your layout.  Please show us photos when you have finished your dealership creation.

NEWS ALERT:  "From the studios of WPBR in Patsburg I'm Dan Ratherknott reporting.    At approximately 8:10 p.m. EST an earthquake toppled the Westend Section of Patsburg!  The quake occurred as crews were working on installing upgraded lighting to area buildings.  The entire area has been destroyed but the lights stayed on at The Smith Brothers Auto Dealership as brother Smitty needed time to close out a deal.   Those Smith Brothers certinly live up to their motto of doing anything to make a deal with you!   One mainline of the Free State Junction Railway has been entirely covered with debri making it impossible for trains to run on this line for many days to come.   Miraculously,  there were no deaths or injuries!   In an interview with radio WPBR, Patsburg Mayor I. Noah Nuttin stated that he is viewing this catastrophic event as an opportunity to rebuild Westend into a new and improved neighborhood.  The mayor went on to say that he is a firm beliver in making lemonade out of lemons.  Well folks there is no shortage of lemons here so there is much lemonade to be made.  Stay tuned for updated coverage!" IMG_6658IMG_6659


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NEWS ALERT:  "From the studios of WPBR in Patsburg I'm Dan Ratherknott reporting.    At approximately 8:10 p.m. EST an earthquake toppled the Westend Section of Patsburg!  The quake occurred as crews were working on installing upgraded lighting to area buildings.  The entire area has been destroyed but the lights stayed on at The Smith Brothers Auto Dealership as brother Smitty needed time to close out a deal.   Those Smith Brothers certinly live up to their motto of doing anything to make a deal with you!   One mainline of the Free State Junction Railway has been entirely covered with debri making it impossible for trains to run on this line for many days to come.   Miraculously,  there were no deaths or injuries!   In an interview with radio WPBR, Patsburg Mayor I. Noah Nuttin stated that he is viewing this catastrophic event as an opportunity to rebuild Westend into a new and improved neighborhood.  The mayor went on to say that he is a firm beliver in making lemonade out of lemons.  Well folks there is no shortage of lemons here so there is much lemonade to be made.  Stay tuned for updated coverage!" IMG_6658IMG_6659

HOLY COW  Patrick.........what's going on ?   Just a few days ago  ( November 16 ) an earthquake hit Twin Bridges and leveled buildings in the railyard !!!   20211116_134133

I can't get over the fact that no one was hurt at the Westend Section of Patsburg ,Patrick. 😐


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