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leapinlarry posted:

Well, what a great thread, So Much Talent, so many ways to Creat Model Railroads, Thoses folks with an eye for dramatic realism,  those that show us pictures of the Real Thing...I congratulate You All, Hope you had a Happy Christmas Day...Trumptrain, Trussman, Bruansilvermustang, Adriatic, Coach Joe, PSAP2010, Arnold D Cribari, John Pignatelli Jr., BiltT, BOO MAN, Dennis O, AMC Dave, Apples55, Stinky1; LaramieJoe, Handydandi, TedW, Eric C Lindgren, BobbyOgage, and Yes, Moonson....You all made the year 2017 Fantastic...Thank You...0C92E0EE-78BB-4FF6-9A41-CD8ADB8AC3B74A322EBA-A1EB-4A9A-AC57-82B3ED8B1FEB01506335-984A-43EB-97E0-33E8544DB85BC44CB0C4-7DDD-4250-B937-02752DFBF7BCC9067CB3-A4E9-4110-BC56-2D1EB85D1B456C0122B9-53B8-45B4-82D2-C26EDF28C626468EE9E3-5380-41F6-B06A-234A50ABE294FE8959B4-BE5D-4187-BF4C-BECD82B94D00

So honored to be a part of this dialogue.

Trumptrain, The picture above, the B&O lighted railroad bridge is beautiful. I also liked your comments, you work a lot of hours.....Thank You. I pre-sume your a musician, probably play the trumpet, and when I was in high school, back in the early 60’s, I played 3Rd Horn. I should have auditioned for Lawrence Welk. A little humor. Either way, although there are many Wonderful Layouts, they come from individuals of all ages, and many different walks in Life. This amazing Hobby, brings us all together. Model Railroading, or love of trains....

Arnold D. Cribari posted:
leapinlarry posted:

Well, what a great thread, So Much Talent, so many ways to Creat Model Railroads, Thoses folks with an eye for dramatic realism,  those that show us pictures of the Real Thing...I congratulate You All, Hope you had a Happy Christmas Day...Trumptrain, Trussman, Bruansilvermustang, Adriatic, Coach Joe, PSAP2010, Arnold D Cribari, John Pignatelli Jr., BiltT, BOO MAN, Dennis O, AMC Dave, Apples55, Stinky1; LaramieJoe, Handydandi, TedW, Eric C Lindgren, BobbyOgage, and Yes, Moonson....You all made the year 2017 Fantastic...Thank You...0C92E0EE-78BB-4FF6-9A41-CD8ADB8AC3B74A322EBA-A1EB-4A9A-AC57-82B3ED8B1FEB01506335-984A-43EB-97E0-33E8544DB85BC44CB0C4-7DDD-4250-B937-02752DFBF7BCC9067CB3-A4E9-4110-BC56-2D1EB85D1B456C0122B9-53B8-45B4-82D2-C26EDF28C626468EE9E3-5380-41F6-B06A-234A50ABE294FE8959B4-BE5D-4187-BF4C-BECD82B94D00

So honored to be a part of this dialogue.

I am honored as well to have been mentioned! Happy New Year! 

— LaramieJoe

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