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My first actual Williams engine and rolling stock Crown Editions. The paint finish on these are great. Along with a Weaver caboose. Really like the Sharknose Diesels! Along with the Delaware and Hudson paint scheme. When I first ran these I finally understand why the motors  need to be rewired in series. What a difference! And super easy to do. Runs so much better and slower. PXL_20230506_134532567


I really like that caboose Donnie !

Last March I bought the same locomotive A-B-A with PS2 3 volt. They run very smooth !


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@taycotrains posted:

I really like that caboose Donnie !

Last March I bought the same locomotive A-B-A with PS2 3 volt. They run very smooth !

Thank you sir. Your purchase inspired me to get those. After I got the weaver Pennsylvania sharknoses I saw your video. I thought I need the D&H ones as well! Those do run nice and smooth. I had to add lock washers to the dummy couplers because they seemed too loose and vibrated the locos like crazy.

Thank you sir. Your purchase inspired me to get those. After I got the weaver Pennsylvania sharknoses I saw your video. I thought I need the D&H ones as well! Those do run nice and smooth. I had to add lock washers to the dummy couplers because they seemed too loose and vibrated the locos like crazy.

I’m getting old and forgetful Donnie…I completely forgot I posted those locomotives last March…but I am glad I inspired you to get them !

@Apples55 posted:

Ahhhh… the D&H - now you’ve gone down a deep rabbit hole, Donnie. And the sharks are sharp (just ask Bob @RSJB18 ). From experience I can tell you Alco PA’s in D&H livery are also gorgeous!!! You may wish to review/add to this thread

HEY! How did I get dragged into this????????

Great Sharks Donnie. As Paul stated, the hole gets deep real quick!


Great thread! I actually had the Lionel MPC D&H diesel a while back. I've currently ran out of room with all my recent acquisitions. No longer will I allow you gentlemen to be a bad influence... 😂. Yeah right... To be continued.

Us??? Gentlemen??? Bad influences??? I think you have the wrong impression of us, Donnie

@RSJB18 posted:

HEY! How did I get dragged into this????????


Because you resemble that remark???

Not bought, but a birthday gift last month… this is a pair of bookends showing the Cincinnati Union Terminal. They are made by Rookwood Pottery and were originally made to celebrate the opening of the Terminal - sets were given as gifts to dignitaries at the terminal’s dedication on March 31, 1933. Since two of my favorite lines stopped at the terminal back in the day, figured these would be a perfect addition to my train collection.



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Great buys everyone, I just bought this Hurst stepper motor with brake and beautifully made aluminum bracket to get my turntable back in operation. It goes to my PTC 3 (programmable turntable controller), made by NYRS PTC 3/PTC 4, out of Ft. Worth Texas. It allows 99 stops, head-end and 99 tail-end. It works on a memory basis, and is very accurate. Happy Railroading Everyone IMG_8264


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Got word that Cedar Point had Lionel produce an O gauge version of their number 22 Myron H. I had to make a special trip to pick up one as I had worked there for a few weeks last year (that's a different story for a different time). I had the crew sign the box as I knew them from last year. My face says it all holding the box.  20230507_14523020230507_19224420230507_114326


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Last edited by Nathan B
@Apples55 posted:

Not bought, but a birthday gift last month… this is a pair of bookends showing the Cincinnati Union Terminal. They are made by Rookwood Pottery and were originally made to celebrate the opening of the Terminal - sets were given as gifts to dignitaries at the terminal’s dedication on March 31, 1933. Since two of my favorite lines stopped at the terminal back in the day, figured these would be a perfect addition to my train collection.


OK I gotta be a pain in the kiester, what scale are they.  one of that would look great as a station on a layout. 

@Apples55 posted:

Not bought, but a birthday gift last month… this is a pair of bookends showing the Cincinnati Union Terminal. They are made by Rookwood Pottery and were originally made to celebrate the opening of the Terminal - sets were given as gifts to dignitaries at the terminal’s dedication on March 31, 1933. Since two of my favorite lines stopped at the terminal back in the day, figured these would be a perfect addition to my train collection.


Very nice, Happy Birthday!

i visited Cincinnati Union Terminal years ago, when I was in Cincinnati for a business Meeting. I also walked across the Roebling  bridge to get to a Reds game which was a few blocks from the bridge. (The hotel was in Ludlow KY).

@Apples55 posted:

Not bought, but a birthday gift last month… this is a pair of bookends showing the Cincinnati Union Terminal. They are made by Rookwood Pottery and were originally made to celebrate the opening of the Terminal - sets were given as gifts to dignitaries at the terminal’s dedication on March 31, 1933. Since two of my favorite lines stopped at the terminal back in the day, figured these would be a perfect addition to my train collection.


Okay, these are really great.  For those interested, Rookwood Pottery makes these bookends in at least three glazes: white, brown, and the color Apple55 has purchased:  If only I had the room ... sigh. And, how awesome it would be if the pottery produced other rail stations.  Now I'm going to have to go buy those US train station postal stamps as a consolation :-).

Tomlinson Run Railroad

I have had a fondness for Lionel 4-4-0 "Generals" since I was a kid.  I have managed to collect pretty much all the W&ARR Lionel "Generals" from the modern era, and a little over a week ago, I won a #1800 General Frontier Pack in excellent shape for an unbelievable price, so I am now officially into the realm of the Postwar "Generals"...




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@Nathan B posted:

Got word that Cedar Point had Lionel produce an O gauge version of their number 22 Myron H. I had to make a special trip to pick up one as I had worked there for a few weeks last year (that's a different story for a different time). I had the crew sign the box as I knew them from last year. My face says it all holding the box.  20230507_14523020230507_19224420230507_114326

How cool is that?!!!!  Congrats on that amazing purchase!

@pennsyfan posted:

Very nice, Happy Birthday!

i visited Cincinnati Union Terminal years ago, when I was in Cincinnati for a business Meeting. I also walked across the Roebling  bridge to get to a Reds game which was a few blocks from the bridge. (The hotel was in Ludlow KY).

Thanks, Bob. Never knew there was a Roebling Bridge in Cinncy. Needless to say, I’ve been over the Brooklyn Bridge more times than I can count (interesting that the Cinncy towers have some resemblance to the Brooklyn towers!!!), and I’ve driven across the Roebling Bridge near me in PA.

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