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@c.sam posted:




All of your photos are GREAT, but, I particulaly like the photo including PRR GG-1 #4876. That is the locomotive that was pulling the "Federal", a combined New Haven RR and PRR passenger train in 1953 to Washignton D. C. loaded with passengers for President Eisenhower's inauguration. The train developed a failure in its brake system sometime after leaving Baltimore and could not stop as it entered the terminal track at Union Station, Washington D. C.  4876 plowed through the bumper block and into the station concourse with its first few passenger coaches and sunk through the floor. Thanks to the weight and solidity of the GG-1 and the quick thinking by the on-board train crew warning the passengers to tuck down and brace for impact, no one was seriously hurt including the engine crew. 4876 was cut into smaller parts, shipped to Altoona shops, rebuilt and restored to service. It was retired from service in the early 1980's in northern New Jersey. Here are some new photos of the aftermath of the wreck.

4876 crash4876 crash 44876 Crash 14876 Crash 2


Images (4)
  • 4876 crash
  • 4876 crash 4
  • 4876 Crash 1
  • 4876 Crash 2

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