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Who has waited the longest for a train they paid for?

I see it frequently referenced in our discussions but who holds the record for longest wait? So let's have three competitions for longest wait.  They are these competitions:

THE "Anticpation" competition

Only two rules: 1) You pre-ordered it 2) You finally got it (it wasn't cancelled).

You need to tell us how many months.


"Alone on the honeymoon" competition

Only two rules: 1) You pre-ordered it 2) It was eventually cancelled BY THE MANUFACTURER AFTER AN EXTENDED WAIT.

How many months (and other pain it caused you, i.e. pre ordereing an ATSF engine and while waiting ordering a whole ATSF passenger set only to see the order cancelled leaving you

with no ATSF engine and a set of passenger cars with no use) 


"Sorry did I say that" competition?

Ebay or other order of an existing train that was finally delivered long after paid for.  Extra points awarded for the story on how you thought you were scammed until you got it.


Let's see who holds Gold, Silver and Bronze in waiting and overall competition!

I wish you all bad luck as I hope none of you have had the pain of a prolonged wait!


Still awaiting a delivery date on my MTH 2011 calendar K-4 set and 0-6-0 premiere trains!



Last edited by fmbugman
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