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It is, but I haven't done anything about the existing fleet to this point.  There are too many other higher priority items demanding my attention.


I certainly want all my engines to have different numbers, and in fact, I want the engines to be numbered accurately - with those numbers that actually ran on the Panhandle.  I'm fortunate in that Lionel's M1a #6759 actually did - no renumbering required.  But the others, K4s, B6sb, L1s will have to be changed.


As for cars?  Hmmm, maybe.  I certainly buy cabin cars with unique numbers already.  I have some H21a's and H22's with unique numbers.  Other cars will need to be renumbered.  Again, this is a much lower priority for me.



There are more people using the car card system for realistic operating sessions than I would have thought in 3-rail.  I know it is big in 2-rail.  It seems like the electro couplers on engines and uncoupling tracks for cars would facilitate operations.  I hope to find out soon.



Last edited by Chugman


That is why I keep requesting a DCS module to add to most cars:

It only needs a settable ID # and a protocoupler.

Use the totally ignored AUX button and it should give us at least 99 valid ID's.

This would allow you to make any car uncouple anywhere on the layout.

Awesome for operations and lots of sidings.

Not at all important.  Trains are for running.  Besides, with two cataract operations on the horizon, car numbers are, well, ....rather blurry. 


Come to think of it, I never look at car numbers while waiting for a 1:1 passing train at a grade crossing, either.


Several of our (LHS) customers are really into the operations 'thing'.  They're all HO modelers.  At my age and with my sight, having to read HO car numbers for a night of 'operations' would be akin to model railroad water-boarding.   UNCLE!


The topic reminds me of a York meet several years ago.  My wife, also very much into the hobby and it's idiosyncrosies, encountered a vendor selling coffee mugs painted in different logos, etc..  Knowing my interest in Santa Fe she spied a mug decorated like the side of an old Santa Fe refrigerator car, which included the car number.  She said to the very talkative and bubbly vendor, "This is really nice!  But, do you have any others in different car numbers to make a set?" (She wasn't serious, of course.)  I thought the guy was going to split a gut laughing at the idea.  I remember he gave her a nice discount for the humor!


I like some form of unique ID for operations.  Placing the first available boxcar on a siding isn't the same as placing a particular boxcar.  It gives the conductor (me) something to yell about to the yardmaster (also me).  Now unique ID can be nothing more than NH versus NYC.





Russell - That is an interesting suggestion.  I wonder if there is any chance of it happening?


dkdkrd - I can relate to the failing eyesight problem, but maybe we can associate ourselves with younger conductors and be engineers?  Let them read the car numbers and decide where they need to go?


Your wife's comments on the mugs is pretty funny.




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