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I recently replaced my  o-27 42" and 27" yard switches from the older version with the "pillbox" to to low profile LED version.

I did it mainly for the visual improvement (to me anyway). A little dark brown paint on the ties and  black I/A wash on the plastic ballast and they blend in nicely with the yard ballast.


Overall, I was pleased with the look and the functioning untill I came across an unforseen stumbling block.. I was hoping to add a pair of Lionel signal bridges over the 4 yard spurs next to the two switches as overhead turnout indicators. Unlike the older version with light bulbs, theses ones do not seem to work. I have some LED experience in the sign industry and basic wiring skills , but limited when it comes to circuit boards. I did notice that unlike the older style switches where the post opposite the switch direction is energized untill the momentary swith activates the selonoid, then the other post is energized. So I assume that the Green light is also energized by the turnout post and the Red by the thru post.   

I think I have that right but not certain, but per my meter, only one post has power at a time. On the LED switch, one has the fixed voltage and the other has approx 3 volts which I think is used to power the LED indicator.  Again, I am not sure if I have a correct understanding of the circiut but, they do not like having the signals wired to them.


So the simple question is: does anyone know of a relatively simple way to control signal bridges to act as  turnoutsindicators and is it possible using these switches?


Simple meaning reletively inexpensive?



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Trying to tie signal bridge into turnout as indicator light. Not sure how the controller circuit would work. 

The switch does not work when I connect the signal bridge to the terminal posts like on the older style switch with incandescents.


The idea is to rewire the bridges with LEDS and tie into the turnout. One way for sure is to remove the existing LED and tap into the sockets. My question was can I just connect them in parallel to the existing turnout LEDs so I can keep the LEDs on the turnout.   Or is there an even easier way.


Like I said, not my area of expertise. Slowly learning.

Never asked the Radio Shack guy for advice. Just where they kept the LEDs. Their 5mm Red and Green are exact replacements for the ones in the turnouts. Not sure what is in the controller but they are much larger in size. The 5 mm is perfect size for the signal bridge replacements. Green is 3. VDC 20 mA Red is 2.6 VDC 28MA About a buck apiece and I only need 4 each for my yard. But ideally I would want to dispense with the controller because they work fine with SC-1 and fixed voltage. Attaching the incandescent mess it up because unlike the older style switch there is always voltage at both terminals. 3v ac and 12v ac when operating at 12v ac fixed voltage.

Fred it appears that nobody has answered your question, "Can I hook up LEDS in the signal bridge in parallel with the ones in the LED circuit?". If it was me I would do something like that. I'm no expert anymore but I would find out the value of the resistor that's in series with the LED and wire one like it in series with the add on LED and wire that in parallel with the existing LED and resistor. Chime in guys if you don't think that would work.



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