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Hey all,

Just wanted to give you a heads up, for those of you who obtained the black memeory module and have the LSU on your computers you can now download the zip file containing the base and cab-2 hex files for version 1.4 software. Pages 4 and 5 in the new manual (also included in the zip file) highlight the improvements of 1.4 versus 1.3.


Lionel will not be mailing out version 1.4 modules. They are only available in 1 of 3 ways.

1.) you recently purchased a Legacy 6-14295 #990 set that came with 1.4 modules from the factory.

2.) You are planning to purchase the soon-to-be-delivered ZW-L, which will include a set of 1.4 modules.

3.) Download the LSU Freeware in conjunction with the black memory module (available through dealers under product number 6-37125) and obtain the 1.4 software via a download from thew link below.


All future software upgrades for Legacy will be presented in this format; a downloadable zip file, accessed from the Lionel website, specifically under the product number of the Legacy set (6-14295) through the Lionel Product Finder. I have provided a link for your convenience below. You must click on "software update" to access the downloadable file, then just click on the file and select the "save" option to save the zip file and its contents to your machine. Once downloaded you can unzip the file and access the contents.


You will find three files;


BASEv1.4..........hex; this is the hex file for the base

Cab-2v1.4.........hex; this is the hex file for the cab

manual.pdf; version 1.4 manual (again, pages 4 and 5 outline what has been upgraded from 1.3 to 1.4)


The link for the download is as follows;




Thank you,

Mike Reagan


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Originally Posted by ironlake2:

Just like mth, those of us that are not computer savey will have to send out units in or will lionel not do that for us either.  I thought the module features were for us non computer nuts to make it easy,

As are those of us that don't use Windows PC's.  Thanks for nothing Lionel.



Originally Posted by MartyE:

Do you run the parallel OS setup?  A lot of folks do.  And it works just fine.


I imagine the PC was easier to program for but that's just a guess. 

I think that a vast majority of the users have Windows was the primary factor.  The fact that you can run it on the Mac with emulation probably sealed the deal.  If they programmed for the Mac, they'd still have to do the PC version.


I've actually found that most of the time, it's the company culture that determines the platform.  If they're a Mac shop, they'll have a Mac application, even if they also release a Windows version.  OTOH, if they're a Windows shop, they'll frequently just depend on emulation for the Mac support.


My guess is Lionel is a Windows environment.

Originally Posted by MartyE:

My download must be extra special as it has a 1.4 manual in the zip file.  Although the "hit list" is still the 1.3 version.




And guys again...some of you are making this way too hard.

No offense Marty, but that's an absurd comment.   I download the file and the manual isn't in it, how is that making it hard?  You guys are obviously getting a different file, though I have no idea how.

Ok Marty, I thought that was directed at me.


Making the modules is not exactly Rocket Science. The LSU makes that part very easy.


I can see that a problem for many users is getting the serial port working.  While I've been working with computers since long before the IBM-PC existed, not everyone has that background. 


Almost any new PC nowadays requires a USB<->Serial adapter, and some of them are pretty cranky when you try to get the drivers working.  I think several folks (including me) made recommendations of serial port adapters that worked well with the LSU. 


Next, you have to actually go into the control panel and change the COM port to 1 or 2 many times for these adapters.  Again, not hard, but daunting to a non-computer type person.  However, a little hand-holding and they should be able to deal with it.


I think that maybe Lionel should consider putting a recommended serial port adapter model and some installation instructions on their site.  Perhaps we might consider doing that ere and pinning it in the forum, since the question comes up a lot.

Originally Posted by gunrunnerjohn:

Mike, I only see a 1.3 manual at that link.  Where's the 1.4 manual?


Another question, will there ever be support for the 100 step mode of ERR products?  I see you can select it, but it doesn't work in 1.4 and the LSU says it's "unsupported".

R100 mode is in the V1.4 software.  Under engine info, Select "DSL or STM", then press "Scroll" once to get to the control type tab, R100 should appear.



As far as a MAC OS version of the LSU; we spent a considerable sum of money on trying to forge a native MAC version, and could never get past the hardware flow control limitations in the MAC.  It simply did not work with the limited capabilities of the MAC OS serial port drivers.

No joy!  It does the same thing as it did when I set it using the LSU for the Electric.  It confuses the crap out of the TMCC package!  I try to reverse the locomotive and the directional lights reverse, but the locomotive keeps running forward!  In addition, if I brake using the boost/brake button, it stops and then continues like it's in CAB1 emulation. 


Of course, the major issue is that you can't run in reverse!


Note that this locomotive works perfectly in TMCC or CAB1 emulation.  It's a standard Lionel TMCC package with the ERR Cruise Commander M in 100 step mode.

Last edited by gunrunnerjohn

If lionel does not offer a send unit in for upgrade or let us buy the modules it will be the end of my lionel engine purchases.  I am not interested learning any more computer stuff and want the module or be able to send in my unit,  Seeing lionel is not going to do this all of us computer nerds will be left out.  Way to go lionel leave out a portion of your buyers who want to run engines and not learn any more computer.  I am 68 years old and I guess lionel thinks I am no longer a customer.

Ironlake, if it makes you feel better there are only a few minor changes in 1.4 that the  user will see. You can continue to run 1.3 for the foreseeable future and never notice a difference. I am not sure what the "Bugs" are in 1.3 dsinn refers to because very few have been posted here or at the LUG meetings at York (Light problems if I remember right).


I am sure if enough people ask for a module service I am sure Lionel will relook at their options, (They have been really good about being responsive to customers requests).


However if you can download and install a program now, you know everything you need to know to get 1.4 installed

Originally Posted by gunrunnerjohn:

No joy!  It does the same thing as it did when I set it using the LSU for the Electric.  It confuses the crap out of the TMCC package!  I try to reverse the locomotive and the directional lights reverse, but the locomotive keeps running forward!  In addition, if I brake using the boost/brake button, it stops and then continues like it's in CAB1 emulation. 


Of course, the major issue is that you can't run in reverse!


Note that this locomotive works perfectly in TMCC or CAB1 emulation.  It's a standard Lionel TMCC package with the ERR Cruise Commander M in 100 step mode.

I will have a look later today and see if I can reproduce this concern.   All the R100 mode is really is a CAB-1 mode with a speed graph.  The graph adds a nice touch, nd it sends relative throttle commands up and down.  The DIR key is the same as CAB-1 mode.  Still something could be broken, so I will post with my results.


For those unhappy with the V1.4 upgrade path:

V1.4, as Chris mentions, is simply a few small feature additions and ZWL transformer support.  Those folks who purchase the ZWL, will get V1.4 (in the ZWL box) as it is required.  All other users do not need V1.4!!!  We make it available for those who wish to upgrade. 



Thanks for looking at this.  I am testing a different locomotive that has the standard ERR Cruise Commander, it acts a bit different.  While it allows reverse (two different ERR CCM locomotives don't work in reverse), it has some quirks of it's own.  Since it's CAB1 basically, I understand why stopping with the brake thumbwheel takes off again.  However, if you brake to a stop with the thumbwheel and then change directions, the locomotive changes direction, but immediately starts moving at the previous throttle setting in the new direction!


Bottom line is this would be a great feature if it worked with the Cruise Commander and the Cruise Commander M, but it's not quite ready for prime time.

Originally Posted by ironlake2:

If lionel does not offer a send unit in for upgrade or let us buy the modules it will be the end of my lionel engine purchases.  I am not interested learning any more computer stuff and want the module or be able to send in my unit,  Seeing lionel is not going to do this all of us computer nerds will be left out.  Way to go lionel leave out a portion of your buyers who want to run engines and not learn any more computer.  I am 68 years old and I guess lionel thinks I am no longer a customer.

Ironlake i understand how you feel .. My dad will be in the same boat as you are he will of course get help from me with  this..  Now some of us are willing to help i know if you lived near me i do it for nothing ...1.4 isnt that big of a deal now 1.5 might be different ...


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