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Following Sitka...cattle cars...this one a Marx MOPAC cattle car.

Marx MoPac Cattle car side

Following pd. no cattle loader, but here is a cow!  Just anxious to get out of the car!

Marx MoPac Cattle car cow exiting

Best wishes from a frigid central Texas


Maybe that cow heard about the one that got loose in NJ; ran down NJT tracks was hit by a train, sustained minor injuries, was brought to a farm / sanctuary. Never again having to worry about Golden Arches.

@pennsyfan posted:

Following the articulated chain.
Here is the Lionel M-10000.

"Greg,  Of the 3 M-10000s presented here; I think your AF version is the most eye catching."

Thanks Bob.  The photo I posted is of the Marx M10000 that I have in my collection. It isn't an American Flyer version.  Thanks for the compliment anyway.

Northwoods Flyer


Last edited by Greg J. Turinetti

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