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bob2 posted:

Dave, Allen, and all - thanks for attempting to help me.  I think the problem is the iPad.  There is no "right click -left click" on an iPad.  And when I go to the enlarged photo on Photobucket, there is only one option.  There used to be four, but Photobucket has changed dramatically within the last year or so, and is no longer very iPad- friendly.

Bob, did you see/use the DIRECT button I mentioned? Didn't clicking on DIRECT copy the URL, even on the iPad?

No, Dave.  There is no longer a "direct" button on the enlarged Photobucket presentation.  There were four options a while ago, but now there is only the one.

Photobucket and Outlook have both made changes that baffle me.  The Photobucket thumbnails are now covered with options that I have no use for, and they make the thumbnails lots less useful.  Outlook concatenates my e-mails so I cannot find things when I need to - they get buried behind my responses.

My photobucket photos still get posted on other forums, just not here.

Many thanks for trying to help.

Bob , I haven't given up, but rather than continue posting in this thread, I posted a note to your Wall. FWIW, I used Chrome on my phone to look at Photobucket and saw what you mean about the options, but was able to get the correct URL to post here using the "Insert/edit image" option. Hopefully my post will help resolve this for you.

OGR Webmaster posted:
Ken M posted:

I can't view posted videos in full screen.  If I go to u-tube full screen works fine.  I have tried both chrome & Firefox.

This has nothing to do with the forum upgrade. This is a YouTube thing. This has been happening for a long time...long before this upgrade.

Correct, I noticed this well before the upgrade, the only way to go full screen was to first go to YouTube.  It's not only here, but anywhere they allow YouTube links.

Thanks Dave.  I did not know I even had a "wall".  I got the button to work, and it gave me five options, none of which was "direct".  Most were ways of buying stuff printed on canvas, etc.

I shall, for now, give up.  I think i have bored enough folks with repetitions of early cab forwards anyway.  I have other places to post photos.

I suspect these are teething problems - my touch-screen is wtill working about 3/4 of the time, and I have been able to do only one "edit".  If one cannot edit, one needs to be more careful, which is not a bad idea from the get-go.

OGR Webmaster posted:
Hot Water posted:
Hot Water posted:

I think this question may have been alluded to at least once but; Is there anyway to indicate who the original poster is that starts a subject, if they don't have an avatar?  If not, could that feature be added?

Any answer to this yet?

Not yet...

I suggested earlier to make an avatar file with nothing but their forum name.  If nothing else it would accomplish the goal until Hoopla fixes it.  While not a picture of ones self like in the TOS, at least it could provide the thread starter.


Avatar Example


Images (1)
  • Avatar Example
Last edited by MartyE

This is a test video, for a non You Tube Video. It is my under standing it must be under 100MB. This video short is 93.8MB.

The time is 37 seconds in HD.  /   I am using Google Chrome & OGR add an attachment procedures. Before I post, I am seeing a black box with a blue arrow on the left side. Lets see if it works.


Videos (1)
Weekend at the Movies • Short • RailKing F3 • Dec 18, 2015
superwarp1 posted:

When you edit a post, does it still show last edited date and time?  Not seeing it in a post I just edited. Not that it's a big deal, just wondering.


Edit tracking is either not there, or at the very least it's not turned on.  (I added this second sentence in an edit, but my post is not marked as edited)

OK, as called out by several posters below, it is just different.  Look for blue asterisks.


Last edited by Dave45681
Dave45681 posted:
superwarp1 posted:

When you edit a post, does it still show last edited date and time?  Not seeing it in a post I just edited. Not that it's a big deal, just wondering.


Edit tracking is either not there, or at the very least it's not turned on.  (I added this second sentence in an edit, but my post is not marked as edited)


It's in the (Blue?) asterisk next to the date/time of the post below the posters name. Just put your cursor over it and it will show when it was last edited.

EDIT: If it wasn't edited, there won't be an asterisk.

Last edited by DoubleDAZ
DoubleDAZ posted:
Dave45681 posted:
superwarp1 posted:

When you edit a post, does it still show last edited date and time?  Not seeing it in a post I just edited. Not that it's a big deal, just wondering.


Edit tracking is either not there, or at the very least it's not turned on.  (I added this second sentence in an edit, but my post is not marked as edited)


It's in the (Blue?) asterisk next to the date/time of the post below the posters name. Just put your cursor over it and it will show when it was last edited.

EDIT: If it wasn't edited, there won't be an asterisk.

I find the asterisk rather useless on an iPad.  Can't seem to touch it so the information can be read before it disappears.

DoubleDAZ posted:
Dave45681 posted:
superwarp1 posted:

When you edit a post, does it still show last edited date and time?  Not seeing it in a post I just edited. Not that it's a big deal, just wondering.


Edit tracking is either not there, or at the very least it's not turned on.  (I added this second sentence in an edit, but my post is not marked as edited)


It's in the (Blue?) asterisk next to the date/time of the post below the posters name. Just put your cursor over it and it will show when it was last edited.

EDIT: If it wasn't edited, there won't be an asterisk.

Ok see it now, thanks

GregM posted:

I find the asterisk rather useless on an iPad.  Can't seem to touch it so the information can be read before it disappears.

I find it hit & miss on my Note 5. I seem to have to click, then click/hold fairly quickly. Sometimes it displays, other times it doesn't, so I just try a few times. When it does, it remains displayed until I click again. I rarely check when something was edited, so doesn't much matter to me. It was just fine where it used to be displayed, so not sure why they changed it. Seems like page designers change things at times just to be changing them.

Hello Rich,

I've reserved comments about the upgrade, because as a long time member of the Forum, I've ridden this upgrade train many many times.  As always it takes several weeks of dedicated effort on your part to work out the bugs.  I just wanted to say that thus far the new format looks great and has a much more cleaner look to it.  For that I want to commend you for as it's initial release wasn't as nicely formatted.   I understand that some of the real heavy posters on the forum are still having issues and I fully believe it will eventually work its self out.  The only question that I have is will the feature of seeing which posts one has read (being highlighted) in the past be returning?  After reading several posts over several pages it gets a bit difficult to discern which one was read and which one wasn't.   That's all I have and I wish you continued success in the coming New Year and a Merry Christmas to you and your family.

I apologize if this issue has already been discussed but I have been having problems using the Forum on my Samsung Tab2 10” Android tablet ever since the Upgrade.  The Forum opens up fine and it works fine for awhile but usually after scrolling up or down a few times it freezes up, crashes and goes back to my “desktop” screen.  It has Android version 4.2.2.  I don’t have any problems using the Forum on my new Android phone, a Samsung S6 with Android version 5.1.1.  And it also works fine on my Windows 7 laptop.

Is anyone else experiencing this problem?  Do I need to upgrade the software on my tablet?



WftTrains posted:

I apologize if this issue has already been discussed but I have been having problems using the Forum on my Samsung Tab2 10” Android tablet ever since the Upgrade.  The Forum opens up fine and it works fine for awhile but usually after scrolling up or down a few times it freezes up, crashes and goes back to my “desktop” screen.  It has Android version 4.2.2.  I don’t have any problems using the Forum on my new Android phone, a Samsung S6 with Android version 5.1.1.  And it also works fine on my Windows 7 laptop.

Is anyone else experiencing this problem?  Do I need to upgrade the software on my tablet?



I can't say whether or not an upgrade will correct the issue BUT you definitely want to upgrade if for no other reason then to get whatever security fixes Google/Samsung released.  ALWAYS a good practice to stay somewhat current.  

Last edited by Chris Lord
OGR Ad Man posted:

....................  Take a look at the last post on any page and note that you can set the number of replies per page of up to 200.  I believe the default is 40.  Just click on 200 and the posts will go all the way to the bottom of the page.....

Am i the only one who finds it ironic (maybe even a little backwards) that the selection for that is only at the bottom of the page?  Would somewhere near the top make more sense?

If you scroll all the way to the bottom and then select a new #, it will reload and take you all the way to the top again (at least on PC with Firefox - maybe phone/tablet behavior is different).

Doesn't bother me on a PC, but if I was a frequent tablet/phone user, I could imagine all that swiping just to get to the bottom to select the new # would drive me insane after a while.  I guess if you do that first before reading any posts it might be OK, but otherwise you then also need to re-skim to figure out the last post you read before changing the replies per page setting.


Last edited by Dave45681

I too have exactly the same problem as Bill (WFTTRAINS).
I have the Samsung Galaxy NOTE 10.1 and the latest update available is Ver 4.12.

After a few seconds of entering the Forum, the screen freezes up and eventually resorts back to the home page or desktop.

The Forum is fine on Win 10.  I finally ditched XP, as it was beginning to get outdated for most applications. 

Thanks...   Tom


Last edited by Tom Burke

This is a test of the photo attachment process. Today I posted this artwork as a j-peg file. See link below, I am doing this test because the pixels did not look as sharp as the original Photoshop j-peg file.

Below I am going to place the same art work as a Photoshop pdf file, to see what happens. Looks like it is not going to work. At this point, I do not see the artwork as part of the post.

Looks like, you can only attach a j-peg file, to show up in the post. Has anyone tried to place a tif file, as part of the post. I still like j-peg files for the OGR Forum, fast to load and less memory, being used.

The pdf attachment, does open. Click show. 


Last edited by trainroomgary
WftTrains posted:

... Do I need to upgrade the software on my tablet?



Staying relatively current on software levels is usually a good thing, although trail-blazing the very latest levels has its moments/risks.  So those days are gone for me, as  I generally prefer letting other folks debug the very latest software and OS levels.    But this forum software update caught everyone by surprise, and many of us were affected with a variety of "issues".  Although Rich notified us of the update planned, I don't think ANYBODY (including Hoopla's clients) were given sufficient information as to the negative impact this software update would ultimately have.  This update seems to be using certain software interfaces that "stress" or tax older mobile devices out there -- even if it's still just  doing the most basic functions.

For example, I'm still experiencing very uneven/inconsistent scrolling performance on my iPad2, which is often frustrating.  So scrolling all the way to the top or bottom of any given screen display can be quite the nuisance at times. And despite Rich's best efforts, I have found this update turned out to be generally unfriendly overall for iPhone4 users.  So unless I'm at my desktop PC, my use of this forum has been down dramatically -- both browsing and most certainly posting new content.   It wouldn't surprise me to see overall general usage stats taking a hit this month... and perhaps going forward as well.  If that turns out to not be the case, then we're a very patient, tolerant, and forgiving audience indeed.  Either that, or we just really love talking about trains!  

Off the top of my head, I'd say Hoopla owes the folks at OGR a huge credit for all the troubles this update has caused!    Wow... Just Wow... 


Last edited by Rocky Mountaineer
Tom Burke posted:

I too have exactly the same problem as Bill (WFTTRAINS).
I have the Samsung Galaxy NOTE 10.1 and the latest update available is Ver 4.12.

After a few seconds of entering the Forum, the screen freezes up and eventually resorts back to the home page or desktop.

The Forum is fine on Win 10.  I finally ditched XP, as it was beginning to get outdated for most applications. 

Thanks...   Tom



I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one with this problem and I see that yours is a different Samsung model than mine.  Now, are we enough of a sample size to justify Hoopla to work on a fix or do we need more members to report this problem?

So is there anyone out there with an Android tablet who does NOT have this problem?  Could it be unique to Samsung Galaxy 10” Android tablets? 



Rocky Mountaineer posted:
...It wouldn't surprise me to see overall general usage stats taking a hit this month... and perhaps going forward as well.  If that turns out to not be the case, then we're a very patient, tolerant, and forgiving audience indeed.  Either that, or we just really love talking about trains!  

Well David, we must enjoy taking about trains!

In December 2014 we averaged 252,600 pages per day and had a total of 7,831,052 pages served. So far this month (through the 20th) we are averaging 283,000 pages per day, which puts us on pace to hit 8.7 million pages this month. However, traffic always slows down around Christmas for a few days, so I don't think we'll hit that 8.7 million page mark, But I do expect we will see very close to if not slightly over 8 million pages this month.

trainroomgary posted:

This is a test of the photo attachment process...Looks like it is not going to work. At this point, I do not see the artwork as part of the post.

Looks like, you can only attach a j-peg file, to show up in the post. Has anyone tried to place a tif file, as part of the post. I still like j-peg files for the OGR Forum, fast to load and less memory, being used.

Gary, the procedure for attaching files here did not change with this upgrade.

This Liberty mag cover was a 24 megabyte .bmp file:

284 Cover Norm2
And this photo was a 19 megabyte TIF file.

Ameri-Builds 875 Lous L
This Ameri-Builds image was a 6.75 megabyte, CMYK mode jpg file.

All uploaded just fine.

No word from Hoopla on the Android and Ipad issues discussed above. However, this system is designed to take advantage of all the latest features and capabilities in the current smart phone and tablet operating systems. If you are using an older device running an older OS, you may have problems.


Images (3)
  • IMG
  • 284 Cover Norm2
  • Ameri-Builds 875 Lous L
Last edited by Rich Melvin
RJR posted:

I posted this Samsung Note 10 problem many pages ago in this thread and webmaster said he'd refer issue to the problem makers at hoopla..  As of last evening, problem still exists.  It does not appear to happen on my Samsung Galaxy S6 smartphone.

OK, so this problem has previously been reported and hopefully that means that is at least in the queue to be worked on at Hoopla. 



When I access the new OGR Forum, the sign in place is gone from the top. I have to click on a subject at the right side of the screen, then scroll to the bottom of the page to get to a sign in point.  What's with this?   And where is the search box?  There's a magnifying glass symbol in the www address box, but that's the only place search appears, and it's not for searching a topic on the forum.

Last edited by mtnhi7
John H posted:

While we are searching for Search, is there a way to search individual forums? For instance, i like to search for items in the For Sale forum, but get a lot of hits for other discussions.

  • click magnifying glass at top of page.
  • Click "Advanced Search" (instead of typing in the box the magnifying glass provides right below the "Advanced Search" text)

  • Look at the top of the form in the new page you end up on.  Default is " Search Everything"
  • Click this and choose "Search Forums" instead.

  • Now there will be a new pull down option near the end of the search options where you get to pick the forum you  want to search.



Images (2)
  • blobid0
  • blobid1
Last edited by Dave45681

Hi Rich one question ,since the new forum web site has changed how do you do a search like we use to do to find a previous thread, I don't see where the search engine is maybe it's me . would appreciate your wisdom and thought where and how to do the search engine ! Merry Christmas and thanks for all your great work on this forum web sight. you do a great job !

Alan Mancus

jhz563 posted:

On my Samsung tablet I don't see the avatar pictures on the recent posts, should I be able to? 

FWIW on my Samsung Tablet (Galaxy Tab2 10.1) for which I and a few others reported the scrolling problem, I do see the Avatars.  For example, your Avatar in your posting is visible on my screen.

But the scrolling problem is still there.  Otherwise the upgrade works fine.


RootBeerRail posted:

... I'm not sure total pages would be as meaningful for whether the site is causing people to leave...

Good point!  For starters, the number of hits to this thread alone should be subtracted out of a meaningful total!!!  

In all seriousness though, Rich has been OGR's saving grace to this forum software upgrade being a total disaster.  It's light years better than the day Hoopla threw the switch to go live with this new software.  On that day the forum was clearly not ready for prime time.  But within a few days, I think members got past most of the stuff that was grossly unacceptable.  There are still a few glitches, and some I've written off to the new software just not working well with older mobile devices.  And that's probably not gonna change.  So everybody's experience is gonna be a bit different.  Unfortunately, Hoopla never communicated those platform nuances to the user community... They just blindly proceeded with the software upgrade, and we were left to "discover" those glitches along the way.

Candidly speaking... In the 15 or so years I've been a part of this forum, I've looked the other way many days with respect to its moderation policies and content being deleted.  (And I'm sure OGR has looked the other way tolerating my critiques over the years as well.).  But it took this forum software upgrade's initial roll-out to push me to the point of participating on another toy train forum -- which is a darn nice place also.   And that's an important message that should go right to the top of Hoopla's management -- if they even care.  No software upgrade is worth the price of losing community membership -- especially at a time when ad revenue here appears to be an important incremental piece of income for OGR's business model.



As far as the search goes, there is no magnifying glass on the page at all. At the top left of the page there are three white horizontal lines on a blue banner. Once you click these lines, search and many other functions are listed. Not a big deal for me, as I've used these functions already. Just a comment that everything does not show up the same for everyone. I'm using an ipad3 with the latest OS, using Safari. I've gotten the same look using Chrome and Firefox. I wanted to post this for other iPad users. As far as other issues with posting pictures, and the ad banner up top being cut off, they have been resolved.


Steamfan77 posted:

As far as the search goes, there is no magnifying glass on the page at all. At the top left of the page there are three white horizontal lines on a blue banner.


this is because it detects what program you use as your internet access and adjusts accordingly.

some have what rich posted some have the three bars.


Files (1)
Last edited by bigdodgetrain
OGR Ad Man posted: already have the ability to do what you are requesting.  Take a look at the last post on any page and note that you can set the number of replies per page of up to 200.  I believe the default is 40.  Just click on 200 and the posts will go all the way to the bottom of the page.....

Not on the topics page I can't! RTFP!

stubbsO posted:
OGR Ad Man posted: already have the ability to do what you are requesting.  Take a look at the last post on any page and note that you can set the number of replies per page of up to 200.  I believe the default is 40.  Just click on 200 and the posts will go all the way to the bottom of the page.....

Not on the topics page I can't! RTFP!

it does not matter whatever you set it too will just go back to 40. and in a post several days ago rich said hoopla will not be changing that anytime soon. weird.

Having given some time for things to settle down, and to get used to things, I haven't noticed anything that would cause me grief with the change at this point.  However, there are some small things that would be nice to address.  also some comments on the trouble some others are having.  As a note my experience may be different to that of other users, I primarily read the forums on Mac with Safari.

#1  Three bars vs. the full menu at the top of the page:

This one isn't really a problem, but could be confusing for some users.  The software detects the width of the window you have open, so if it is wide enough, ex. full screen, you will see the full menu bar. On the other hand if the window is not wide enough, ex 3/4 the width of the screen or less, it will show the three white bars.  This is pretty much the standard symbol for a menu on mobil devices, but pretty uncommon to see on full sites for display on a computer.  It isn't a problem, but may take getting used to for some folks.

Screen shot with wider window:

Screen shot with window slightly narrower:

As a side note to this, if the window is not wide enough, the drop down menu for 'Forum List' still cuts off whatever does not fit. This seems to happen because the menu 'drops down' aligned to the right side if the 'forum list' heading, so the box doesn't fit on the screen. 

#2:  No next/previous buttons on each forum page's listings:

I mentioned this one a while back, but didn't see any comments on it, so I'll drop it in again.  it's not a particularly big deal, but just seems awkward to have only the page numbers and no next page/previous page buttons on the forums when you are looking through the topics.  they are there in an individual thread, but not on the list of all the threads in a given forum.  

#3 No indication of what forum a post was made on in recent posts side bar:

This one has been mentioned by others, and I seem to recall that it was being looked into.  That said I bring it up again because of a slight annoyance it has caused.  It seems since the update went live there are many more people commenting on posts in the specialized forums such as tin plate or 2-rail scale that do not look to see that the question posed is specific to that particular group, and holds a much different meaning when asked about tin plate versus o-gauge as a whole.  I think folks are clicking on a recent topic, reading the post and commenting, without consideration that their answer has nothing at all to do with the specialized nature of that particular sub-forum.  It is also annoying when you click on what seems an interesting topic only to find it is a For Sale post.  

Thanks for your time, and all the hard work to resolve everyone's issues.  



note...please do not take this comment as criticism or bashing of the forum in any way, shape or was suggested i post this comment here as was originally posted on switcher saturday this weekend...

...Good morning switcher saturday fans...

My two cents...I'm a techno dinosaur...and thought this may have been all my fault...but now it doesn't sound like I'm alone...

since the iPhone and iPad don't seem to like the change I may have to seek professional help...and try to get around the "diesel filter"... :-)


bigdodgetrain posted:
stubbsO posted:
OGR Ad Man posted: already have the ability to do what you are requesting.  Take a look at the last post on any page and note that you can set the number of replies per page of up to 200.  I believe the default is 40.  Just click on 200 and the posts will go all the way to the bottom of the page.....

Not on the topics page I can't! RTFP!

it does not matter whatever you set it too will just go back to 40. and in a post several days ago rich said hoopla will not be changing that anytime soon. weird.

I think you guys are missing the point! When I hit a forum, doesn't matter which one, just pick one! The discussions will only go to about 1/2 to 1/3 of the way down the page, then a bunch of space to get to the bottom of that page. Go there and there's nothing about changing thread count. BUT, on any topic in any section, at the bottom of the page you can change it there and that's it! Get it now?

Last edited by stubbsO
Allegheny posted:

The recent posts aren't visible no matter how I orient the phone or swipe the image.  Is this to be expected when using an IPhone? 

Yes...this is how it works on  an iPhone. The iPhone screen is too small to show everything there. I cannot imagine trying to read and post on this forum using an iPhone! It's WAY too small.

I'll see if I can rearrange the main page so the recent posts are seen instead of the ad in the center widget.

Last edited by Rich Melvin
Allegheny posted:

Not sure what I need to do, but when using my IPhone6 , I only see the items listed in the center column of the Forum main page.  The recent posts aren't visible no matter how I orient the phone or swipe the image.  Is this to be expected when using an IPhone? 

Interesting...  Santa Claus brought me an iPhone 6Plus... and if I hold the phone in landscape mode, the Recent Post column appears to the right.  However in portrait mode, there is no Recent Post column.  With my old iPhone4, I could never see a Recent Post column, which essentially made browsing the forum an exercise in futility on that phone.  At least with the iPhone 6Plus, I can stay in touch with things here while I'm on the go.  But I still don't use it for posting.


Last edited by Rocky Mountaineer

In a web site like this one, built with Responsive Design, what you see on the screen is dependent on the size and aspect ratio of the screen itself. Every device on the internet now reports its screen size to the web server. The server then determines how to format the screen and display the data, based on that information.

The smaller screen size of the iPhone 4 did not allow room to display the Recent Posts column. The larger screen if the iPhone6+ has room for it, so it gets displayed. That's how Responsive Design works.

OGR Webmaster posted:

Gary, I have no idea how the forum points system works.

I have said before that if I could shut if off, I would. Much ado about nothing...

Hi Rich - Got it, I just want to fix my artwork. You know I like to make simple art on the OGR Forum. This has the open "e" fixed....... & made smaller. This is a artwork test. to match the gray colors up & collapse attachment procedures. 

Like OGR Forum v3


Images (1)
  • Like OGR Forum v3

I like the forum and the fact that the OGR team is working to make the experience even better. Running on all sorts of hardware with many different browser for tablets, cell phones, desk tops and Surface pro's is not an easy accomplishment. 

OGR team keep up the good work. This is "not" a marginal product.



The thing I like most of all is not having to double click.  About 50% of the time, a single touch on the iPad does it.  The rest of the time it can take three or four touches before I get a response, and on a couple of occasions no amount of touching works.  I should get some Windex.

I suppose another nice thing is I can no longer post photos.  Everybody tried to help me, but to no avail.  I can still post photos on all the other forums I visit. OGR has seen all of my photos, so it is a win-win.

I do like the way it looks.

Just want to add my comments about the look of the new forum upgrade.

I had not been on OGR since way last spring, and had no idea that the format had changed when I logged on just before Christmas. Noticed right away that it looked considerably different, but I liked it immediately! It's clean, straightforward, and user friendly. Everything is pretty much where it should be and works as you would expect it. I have spent about the same amount of time on both the I-pad and the desktop, and both work equally well. The desktop of course wins out with content in a single screen, but both get the job done.

All in all a definite thumbs up Rich!



p51 posted:

... and there's no option to use the desktop option on a cell.

Hate that.

Me too.  We've been told it's all tied to this "responsive design" programming, where the software "best determines" the screen layout based on your device.  Unfortunately, we often don't agree with the decisions software is making nowadays, and I always prefer when a manual override is available.  But we don't have that option.

Having said that, I will say that since I've been using an iPhone 6+... If I orient the phone in landscape mode, it gives me a display that populates more information -- similar to what I might see on my desktop PC.  So at least I have access to the RECENT POSTS section if I hold the phone that way.  But know way I can get that when holding the phone in a vertical orientation.  With my older iPhone4, I couldn't see the RECENT POSTS section no matter how I held the phone.  It was very frustrating.


bob2 posted:

The thing I like most of all is not having to double click.  About 50% of the time, a single touch on the iPad does it.  The rest of the time it can take three or four touches before I get a response, and on a couple of occasions no amount of touching works. 


With an iPad2 I've been experiencing these same inconsistencies.  Even more frustrating with the iPad2 appears to be the swiping motion to scroll information is VERY inconsistent -- with the result being it feels as if the software just isn't working with me when scrolling.  At times an entire vertical swipe will move the screen content a full page -- which is what I would expect.  But more times than not, that full-screen vertical swipe only moves the content an inch or two.  When it behaves that badly, I just bag it all together.

Bottom line... it appears those of us with "legacy" devices -- (no relationship to Lionel's Legacy system which is why Lionel should NEVER have named it that way to begin with!!! ) -- will experience operational issues as software begins to use newer programming application interfaces available to the latest software programs.  Unfortunately, today's developers don't have the discipline to warn the user community about these inconsistencies beforehand.  They just blindly forge ahead and let the user community discover these nuances as we limp along.

At this point, I'm reasonably happy with the forum's operation on my desktop PC.  That's the ONLY environment that I would rate as truly ready-for-prime-time now.  And much of that is due to Rich's hard work to make the new forum software much more friendly than the way HoopLa delivered it.  For those of us who were here on Dec 2nd when HoopLa made the software changes... well, let's just leave that in the past.

Now that I have a more "up-to-date" iPhone 6+ (vs. my former iPhone4), the forum software "plays nice" on that platform.  Great to view forum content, but I still don't post content on that device.

And as far as the iPad2 goes... let's just say I'm not about to upgrade that device to a newer iPad just so the forum software will play nice with it.  To date, there's no other software app on my iPad2 that misbehaves like the HoopLa forum software.  So whatever they did in the software re-write, they're using new API's or whatever that play nicer with more up-to-date hardware platforms but give users of older devices some serious bouts of frustration.  Fortunately, a critical mass of apps I'm running on my iPad2 works just fine.  So I have no plans to upgrade that device in the near future.   And I just don't use this forum on my iPad all that much anymore.


I have noticed this hesitant scrolling issue on my iPad 2, but I'm not sure it is the fault of the iPad itself or this forum. I've seen this same behavior on other web sites. I think it is a page loading problem. Here's why I think this way...

Today's web server/web browser relationship is a little different than it was even a year ago. And I think it is this difference that causes the scrolling issue.

Not too long ago, when you visited a web page, the entire page loaded as soon as you got to the page. Even the portions of the page that were off screen loaded as soon as you hit the page. Recently, things changed. Now when you visit a web page, only the portion of the page that is visible on your screen actually loads. The remainder of the page doesn't load until you scroll down to it! On my iPad, this shows up as hesitant scrolling when scrolling down the page for the first time. However, once I have scrolled to the bottom of the page and the entire page loads, then the page scrolls smoothly. I've seen this same behavior here, on YouTube, on and a couple of RV forums which I visit.

David, would you do me a favor and test this on your iPad? Load this page (it's a long page!) scroll through the entire page to this post at the bottom. That will load the entire page. Then scroll around the page and let me know how the scrolling behaves.

Last edited by Rich Melvin
Rocky Mountaineer posted:
p51 posted:

... and there's no option to use the desktop option on a cell.

Hate that.

Me too.  We've been told it's all tied to this "responsive design" programming, where the software "best determines" the screen layout based on your device.  Unfortunately, we often don't agree with the decisions software is making nowadays, and I always prefer when a manual override is available.  But we don't have that option.

Having said that, I will say that since I've been using an iPhone 6+... If I orient the phone in landscape mode, it gives me a display that populates more information -- similar to what I might see on my desktop PC.  So at least I have access to the RECENT POSTS section if I hold the phone that way.  But know way I can get that when holding the phone in a vertical orientation.  With my older iPhone4, I couldn't see the RECENT POSTS section no matter how I held the phone.  It was very frustrating.


I have a Galaxy 5 and it doesn't work in either mode.

WftTrains posted:

I apologize if this issue has already been discussed but I have been having problems using the Forum on my Samsung Tab2 10” Android tablet ever since the Upgrade.  The Forum opens up fine and it works fine for awhile but usually after scrolling up or down a few times it freezes up, crashes and goes back to my “desktop” screen.  It has Android version 4.2.2.  I don’t have any problems using the Forum on my new Android phone, a Samsung S6 with Android version 5.1.1.  And it also works fine on my Windows 7 laptop.

Is anyone else experiencing this problem?  Do I need to upgrade the software on my tablet?



Had the exact same problem with that exact same tablet.

Only way I found to correct that issue is go to the app store and download the free Dolphin browser. After you download it you'll have a choice of which browser to run .   I use it for this site only.    Have not had any problems since..


Sorry, but here's a silly one.  If someone posted it already I missed it.

With all the selections that pop up under our name when we hover over it when logged in, why is "pending posts" important, but not the much more useful "posts" (or whatever we want to call posts not under review by a moderator).

It would seem for 99.9% of the population, most posts are not pending moderator review.

I know how to get there by going to my actual profile, then clicking the Activity selection, but with all the single click shortcuts included, this seems odd to omit.



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OGR Webmaster posted:

I have noticed this hesitant scrolling issue on my iPad 2, but I'm not sure it is the fault of the iPad itself or this forum. I've seen this same behavior on other web sites. I think it is a page loading problem. ...

David, would you do me a favor and test this on your iPad? Load this page (it's a long page!) scroll through the entire page to this post at the bottom. That will load the entire page. Then scroll around the page and let me know how the scrolling behaves.

Rich, that was a good hunch, but I don't think that's the culprit here.  I've tried loading a couple of different long threads (including this one) for a couple of days now, and I can't seem to get a consistently pleasant scrolling behavior with the iPad2 for long threads -- even after scrolling through the entire page so content and photos could be populated.  Still feels like the forum software isn't working with me.  That's the best way I can describe it.  I don't experience this to the same extent on my desktop PC or iPhone 6+, whereas the iPad2 seems strained.


Last edited by Rocky Mountaineer
Rocky Mountaineer posted:

Rich, that was a good hunch, but I don't think that's the culprit here.  I've tried loading a couple of different long threads (including this one) for a couple of days now, and I can't seem to get a consistently pleasant scrolling behavior with the iPad2 for long threads -- even after scrolling through the entire page so content and photos could be populated.  Still feels like the forum software isn't working with me.  That's the best way I can describe it.  I don't experience this to the same extent on my desktop PC or iPhone 6+, whereas the iPad2 seems strained.

Well...darn. I was sure this would be it.

If I load a long page (like page 20 of this thread) on my iPad 2 and attempt to scroll it, it goes hesitantly on my first pass through the page top to bottom. However, after I have scrolled the entire page once and the whole page has downloaded, then it will scroll just fine, up and down.

Back to the drawing board...

JC642 posted:
WftTrains posted:

I apologize if this issue has already been discussed but I have been having problems using the Forum on my Samsung Tab2 10” Android tablet ever since the Upgrade.  The Forum opens up fine and it works fine for awhile but usually after scrolling up or down a few times it freezes up, crashes and goes back to my “desktop” screen.  It has Android version 4.2.2.  I don’t have any problems using the Forum on my new Android phone, a Samsung S6 with Android version 5.1.1.  And it also works fine on my Windows 7 laptop.

Is anyone else experiencing this problem?  Do I need to upgrade the software on my tablet?



Had the exact same problem with that exact same tablet.

Only way I found to correct that issue is go to the app store and download the free Dolphin browser. After you download it you'll have a choice of which browser to run .   I use it for this site only.    Have not had any problems since..


Joe:  I will give that Dolphin browser a try.  Thanks for posting.


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