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Dear Friends,

Happy New Year to each of you!

Attached is a video that a friend sent to me.

Please take a look at it as it may make a difference in your life.

Publishers note:  When I watched this video, I was struck at how appropriate it is in relation to how we approach each other and our hobby as well as our lives.  To be honest, this video brought an emotional response from me because it made me think about how we all affect one another as we ride the "train" we share in this hobby.  I decided to feature this video for a while so that each of us are reminded that we should look for the joy we can have together by sharing our hobby with each other.....Thanks Kazar for posting this.....


Videos (1)
Train of Life
Last edited by OGR CEO-PUBLISHER
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This is a very appropriate video even though it may not "discuss" specifically a model or real train....  Since all of us share our love of the hobby, then each of us has something in common.  The video speaks to how all of us are on the same journey liking that journey to a trip on a train....very nice....and much for all of us to think about.  Lets all try to be more positive and respectful of each other even though we may enjoy the hobby, and life, in different ways.  Wishing each of you a happy, healthy, and prosperous new year!


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