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I HAVE MADE THIS POST NOT TO BEAT UP ON THE OTHER CLUBS!!! GOT IT. IF YOUR GOING TO BASH ANY CLUB TAKE A HIKE! Please understand all the clubs have one thing in common and that is we are all trying harder than ever to keep this hobby alive. All the clubs are in this together for the long haul.

1. We at the LCCA would like to know if you have attended one our last two conventions with it's new format.

2. what do you think about our web page

3. how about our video's and up to date info's

4. our offerings and new inovating products for the o gauge and o tinplate trains

5. we promoting our club as family organizations  meaning it's more than just about the trains

6. how do you feel about our publications

A serious response is what were looking for. We would like nothing better than to improve where you folks think we need improvement.

best wishes


Original Post

Replies sorted oldest to newest


  1. I have not been to any of the conventions.  It isn't because of anything good or bad that you have done.  I just haven't had the opportunity to try one yet.
  2. I have only been to a couple of pages on the web site and I tend to look at everything with a web developer's eye.  I like what I have seen so far.
  3. I have not checked out your videos yet.  I have been mainly looking for information on the module standard.  I understand it will take some time but that is my main interest right now.
  4. My budget is extremely tight right now.  I am not looking to buy any club offerings at this time.
  5. I think it is a good idea to promote the club as a family oriented organization.
  6. I haven't looked at any publications other than the web site so I'll focus on that.  In my opinion, the web site is just as much a publication as something that comes out on paper.  I see organizations that still don't understand just how important the web presence is and so they neglect the site in one form or another.  It needs to be kept up.  It really is a full time job.

I hope this helps.

I am an LCCA member.

1 - I have not attended a convention.  While I have been involved with toy/model trains for many years, my vacations have never been train focused. My train related mini-vacations are the York train show. If a convention was held near my home, I would probably make a day trip.


2- I visit the web site on occasion. It looks fine to me.


3 - I've watched some of the videos. I think they are worthwhile.


4 - I'd like to see the LCCA offer some more modestly priced club product.


5 - Family friendly is not on my radar right now.


6 - The LCCA magazine usually has one or two articles that are of interest to me. Given my areas of interest, I think that is very good.


I belonged to 3 clubs at one time, TTOS, LCCA, and TCA.  I attended conventions at

all three in the past, but not lately.  I did use train conventions as an excuse to visit

different parts of the country and would extend my time there to explore.  But sometimes another club would follow in the next year with a convention in the same area.  Did not make those duplicate trips.  Sometimes conventions were/are in areas I did not think were interesting to visit, or that I had visited on business travel, so didn't.  And I was attending conventions to buy and collect.  There seemed to be a falling off, contemporary with the rise of eBay, of collectible items for sale at all the conventions.

One club had been very active in this geographic area and I remain a member of it, but since I don't exclusively collect "Lionel", but Lionel compatible rolling stock by road name, I decided the money could be better spent elsewhere and dropped my membership in another.  Another is about operating, and I have been primarily a collector and model builder, and, while operating is still a goal, I haven't gotten back to it yet.

So conventions, with less for sale, and fewer interesting locations, have become less of an incentive to belong to a variety of clubs, and I could very easily get by now by belonging to just one.

Lately I have been attending scale model railroad conventions, for model material,

convention (different) locations, and emphasis on historical prototype (steam era)railroads vs. contemporary.

Right now I'm a member of the TCA and was a member of LCCA, but  I let my membership expire, i think it ran out last Aug or Sept. I had been reinstated once before when I did this. Now I hate to ask to be readmitted a second time because of my lazyness, but I wish my membership expired on DEC 31, not when it   did. Its all my fault, but I get busy and forget.


The LCCA conventions I have attended in the past were SUPER, no complaints here.


I could tell you why membership is declining, but thats for later, off the record, based on what I have been told by others.


Rod  former 1872

Originally Posted by david1:

I belong to the club but have not attended any convention, not my thing. But everything else the LCCA does is great. I love the sets and cars they do every year. The magazine is one of the best out there and the web site is easy to navigate and it looks great. I belong to just 2 clubs now but the LCCA is my main one. RM 7517

I am a member of LCCA and I think the club does a terrific job.

I asttended one convention many years ago and had a ball, but haven't attended recently for a number of reasons, none associated with the LCCA.


I think your ramped up offerings of products is great and I ahve purchased many of them, including the new Geneerals and the tinplate set. I do not run scale rolling stock and would like to see some traditional sized stock for convention cars, etc.


Anything you can do to involve families is most worthwhile.


Your videos are excellent and I watch each of them as they appear on-line.


The website is OK. I check it out several times a week. It is vital that you update it regularly -- at least weekly. I have used the IT many times over the years and it is a great resource. I would change the rotating photos at the top much more often than you do, however.


Publications are super. I read every word of TLR each issue.


Everyone should consider joing the LCCA; it is a great club!

This year we attended our second consecutive LCCA convention.  Ellen and I have found them to be "down home" and "folksy".  Kind of like Cheers where everybody knows your name.  None of the officers or board members is ever too busy to stop and chat with you.  The seminars are both entertaining and educational.  I like the banquet format where the officers and board members sit with the rest of the members.  It kind of makes everyone feel that they are on the same level.


The special club offerings are just that, special.  Lou puts a lot of effort into thinking up new and different items and making sure that they meet a high standard of quality.


The hard work of all involved in the club is appreciated.

I've been a member of LCCA for about 3 years. I have limited funds available for discretionary purchases, so that figures into my responses.


1. I haven't been to a convention (would go if one happens to be in a somewhat local area).


2. Overall, it is fine. Somewhat easier to use than the old one, but don't visit very often as Al K. or Lou Caponi tend to post info on OGR.


3. Videos are well done. I enjoy watching them. I find it easier to get LCCA info here than go to the web site.


4. I haven't purchased any of the big ticket club offerings (and almost everything is a big ticket item) because of expense. I haven't purchased the convention car because they are Lionel standard size and I run Lionel traditional size.


5. Seems like a good plan, but so far nothing has been anywhere near my region of the country.


6. TLR is well-written and produced, but to be honest I don't find it very useful. It seems like 50% of the mag pertains to before convention or after convention articles (not much value if you don't go to the conventions), another 25% to info and advertising on the big ticket items for sale (again, not much value if you aren't going to buy them). Don't get much out of the tinplate cannonball column. I do like the Bill Schmeelk column, and there are occasional articles of interest.


I realize the convention and product info is valuable for quite a few people, so it probably has to be in TLR, but if you don't go to the conventions or buy big ticket items, then TLR is not an additional reason for belonging to LCCA, because so much of the content is about the conventions and big ticket product for sale.


I have used the Interchange Track to buy a few things, so I do find it useful. However, I think the change to the color cover is a waste of funds and doesn't provide value.


I'd like to see LCCA do some less expensive items, such as stand alone rolling stock. In particular, traditional size items. Offering a scale size convention car every year doesn't provide any value to those of us who run traditional size equipment.


I applaud the efforts LCCA is making to grow the hobby. The modular layout idea seems very promising. But, I'm thinking about not renewing my membership when it comes up as I'm not getting much from my membership.



1.  Have not made it to a convention as yet, but would like to.


2.  I do not hit your web site very often, but have done so recently and it looks fine to



3.  I am not familiar with your videos.


4.  I really like your offerings and products and have owned 2 of the Lionel alco sets.


5.  Family friendly is very high on my list of priorities.  My wife like to participate in this

     hobby with me.  If I feel that some aspect of this hobby is not family friendly, then I

     usually prefer to go another way and avoid it.


6.  I like the scope of the FS/Trade list and am currently learning about other

     publications.  I also enjoy articles on PW and MPC history.




Originally Posted by NROD:

Right now I'm a member of the TCA and was a member of LCCA, but  I let my membership expire, i think it ran out last Aug or Sept. I had been reinstated once before when I did this. Now I hate to ask to be readmitted a second time because of my lazyness, but I wish my membership expired on DEC 31, not when it   did. Its all my fault, but I get busy and forget.


The LCCA conventions I have attended in the past were SUPER, no complaints here.


I could tell you why membership is declining, but thats for later, off the record, based on what I have been told by others.


Rod  former 1872



No problem.  It happens to us all.  We all  lead very busy and sometimes hectic lifestyles.  Send an e-mail to our business office and renew.  We love to have you back. We should be able to get your old number back.


Our business office e-mail address is


Any questions, please call me at 248 709-4137


Al K.

Originally Posted by CSX Troy:



1.  Have not made it to a convention as yet, but would like to.


2.  I do not hit your web site very often, but have done so recently and it looks fine to



3.  I am not familiar with your videos.


4.  I really like your offerings and products and have owned 2 of the Lionel alco sets.


5.  Family friendly is very high on my list of priorities.  My wife like to participate in this

     hobby with me.  If I feel that some aspect of this hobby is not family friendly, then I

     usually prefer to go another way and avoid it.


6.  I like the scope of the FS/Trade list and am currently learning about other

     publications.  I also enjoy articles on PW and MPC history.




We have hudreds of LCCA produced videos in  the video gallery section of our website  Keep  clicking "see more" on the bottom of the video pages.  Let me know what you think of them.


Al K. 

I've never been a member.  I did appreciate being able to take advantage of the 2 sessions that were available to the public in your recent Norfolk convention (Lionel layout and swap meet).  I live just a light-rail ride away from the hotel, so wouldn't have stayed away.


The LCCA folks at the door were congenial and helpful.  I wasn't able to score anything at the swap meet:  A tableholder declined my $30 offer for his Lionel 16021 observation car, but I was able to buy one on this forum last week for $24.


It sounds like you have a lively, well-run organization. 

Al----I've been a member for many years (11147) but I have never been to a convention however TCA has had conventions here in my region in Chattanooga and Atlanta.  I used to look forward to LCCA meet in Chattanooga every year but it seems like they have stopped holding them.  I donated a story to TLR some years ago but Bill failed to proofread it and so left out a crucial sentence which made the story incomprehensible.  Family friendly is not important as I have no family to share my interest.  I read the literature and pore over the Exchange Track but I am not currently in the market to buy any more equipment unless something really catches my fancy.  I would like to see more model building and layout tours though.

Originally Posted by Flash:
Does the LCCA have a regional sub group? Is there a way to connect with LCCA members in my local area?



We do not have local chapters in the LCCA.  We are hosting Special  Events in various cities all around the country. We are seeking volunteers to host such events.  What area are you located?   If interested in hosting an event, please call me at 248 709-4137.


Every member can go to the member roster in the members only section of our website to contact fellow members  in your area.   You can contact any member in any location.  You can sort member listings by state, city, miles from your location etc.  If you have any questions, call me at 248 70-4137.


Al K.

Originally Posted by Jeff Metz:

I am a necommer to the LCCA. I joined just a few days ago because of one of the threads I was reading on this forum. 


Your web site is easy to navigate and I have been to it many times in the last few days. Based on the little I have seen in this short period of time I believe I will visit it at least once a week. I do like the site. 


Keep up the good work!





Welcome to the club!  If you need anything, please call me at 248 709-4137.  Let me know what you think of the. LCCA produced videos in the video gallery section of our website  Please keep scrolling down, we have several pages of videos.  


Al Kolis

I have been a member for about a decade.


1. I attended the 2002 Pittsburg convention and had a great time. Ideal convention site with trains running adjacent and great Amtrak trip to Altoona over the Horseshoe Curve -even with the freight rail delay. Was going to the Buffalo Convention, but the tours I most wanted were early sell outs so I did not go. Did not attend this year because I visited the area during the 2005 LOTS convention.

2. Webpage is much improved.

3. The video's and data updates are excellent. The more quality videos the better.

4. The number of O gauge & tinplate offerings is staggering! Louie - Do you ever have any free time to enjoy your own trains?   I'm not into tinplate, but think it looks great.

Frankly, I'm not buying much lately and doing more selling of "why did I buy this thing."

If I was buying, I be drawn more to "traditional" items since I have a small U shaped layout in a 12 by 12 spare bedroom.

5. Promoting the club as family oriented is a good thing to continue our hobby. Since I'm a senior citizen, it does not directly impact me but I believe it is important for LCCA to do.

6. I like the Lion Roars and understand the heavy convention orientation. More non-convention material would be appreciated.


While you did not ask, I think the proliferation of "mini" LCCA events is great. The upcoming event at Frank B.'s layout in Buffalo should be great fun.



Up on "The D & H Bridge Line"

Here is an example of a recent video news story posted on the LCCA website



Recap of June 9 Special Event with Tom McComas
LCCA Members and their families received a warm and friendly welcome from Tom and Charyl McComas during the June 9, 2012 LCCA Special Event at TM Books & Video.  It was a beautiful sunny day in Michigan City, Indiana.  LCCA Directors Ed Richter and Roger Farkash were there in attendance helping host this event.  President Dennis DeVito greeted members and provided them with sheets of un-cut LCCA Special Event bill board sheets and billboard frames.  This is all part of the LCCA Board of Director's and President DeVito's plan to reach out and touch 2000 members this year.  Members had a great time and they really  enjoyed winning the LCCA club product door prizes.
Mike Reagan, Director of Lionel's Customer Service Center in Canfield OH was there entertaining the crowd while answering all of their service related questions.  Members were given a behind the scenes tour of TM Books & Video  operation and 7 impressive operating toy train layouts.  We were given a rare view of Tom's personal collection of trains including the Tom Snyder C&O Hudson.  Pamela Burke, lifelong  companion of Tom Snyder.  After Tom Snyder's death, she gave this gift to Tom MCComas.  Tom Snyder was an avid and lifelong collector and operator of Lionel Trains.  Tom MCComas shared many personal and antidotal, humorous stories with us.  Our members then went to the nearby Hesston Steam Museum and enjoyed riding on Live steam operating trains.  It was a great and fun event!  We are certain everyone in attendance had a great time.  
A sincere thank you to all of the members who attended this Special event in support of the club.  Thank you for making these LCCA Special events so special.  We had members come in from Florida, Texas and as far away as Nevada to participate in this rare and special event.  Thank you Tom & Charyl McComas for your generous hospitality and opening up your facilities to us.  We appreciate Lionel and Mike Reagan for being there in support of the LCCA and our members.  
To view a video from this event go to the following link.


Al Kolis
Immediate Past President and Special Events Manager

Hi Lou,


I recently joined the LCCA. I have not been able to make a convention yet, but I will try very hard next year.


I absolutely love the family focus that the group has. It is much more than lip service and I really appreciate that.


The website is a good resource. the online Exchange track is really a gem of a buying and selling tool.


While I haven't purchased any of the special offerings yet I would be interested in future offerings.


Finally, the joint effort that brought about the new modular system is fantastic. It goes to show what cooperation and organization can accomplish. It may become our home layout of the future


Keep up the great work!



Long time member of LCCA.  Good club, but ....

Living in Portland Oregon it seems a little "East Coast oriented".

Have not attended a convention; waiting for one in Seattle or Portland or some other NW city (might be a long wait I know.)

Great special cars and occasional locomotive, but again seems like very little done in Western Roads except perhaps UP.

Originally Posted by Kerrigan:

Long time member of LCCA.  Good club, but ....

Living in Portland Oregon it seems a little "East Coast oriented".

Have not attended a convention; waiting for one in Seattle or Portland or some other NW city (might be a long wait I know.)

Great special cars and occasional locomotive, but again seems like very little done in Western Roads except perhaps UP.

The LCCA is actively seeking members to host LCCA  special events out west.  Are you interested?  If so, please call me at 248 709-4137.  Although most of our members currently reside east of the Missississippi, we have been striving to reach out to our members out west.  We had a convention in Sacramento CA and Denver Co in 2009 &    2010.  We have been having special events in the Denver area and San Jose area.   We will be in Tuscon AZ in November, again in San Jose during February 2013.  We will also  be at the WGHOT show in San Diego and Sacramento in 2013.  We had a great time at the WGHOT show in Seatle last year.   Let me know if you and or any of your friends are interested in hosting a LCCA special event in your area.  Thank you for being a member and supporting our club.


Al K.

Somewhere back in the early 90's I joined the LCCA and almost immediately became very disappointed.  I forget what you got when you joined but I never received anything, no gift, no membership card, no newsletters......only a cancelled check.  I made a few phone calls but nothing happened so I just let it go.  Now with this wonderful OGR forum I have no need or desire to join any train clubs.  Everything I need is right here on my computer.  Thanks OGR staff, great job.

Originally Posted by wild mary:

Somewhere back in the early 90's I joined the LCCA and almost immediately became very disappointed.  I forget what you got when you joined but I never received anything, no gift, no membership card, no newsletters......only a cancelled check.  I made a few phone calls but nothing happened so I just let it go.  Now with this wonderful OGR forum I have no need or desire to join any train clubs.  Everything I need is right here on my computer.  Thanks OGR staff, great job.



It has been a long  time since the early 90's.  We have made a lot of improvements since then.   We invite you to try us out again.   If you have any questions, please call me at 248 709-4137.


Al K.

I have been a member of LCCA since 1975 (#1429).  In my opinion, it is one of the best organizations to be a member. I never had the time to attend a convention but have used the Club for buying and selling and trading quite successfully.  The club promotes toy train operation and does so without political bullcrap!   Highly recommend this club to anyone and everyone who enjoys toy trains!

Originally Posted by jonnyspeed:

Hi Lou,


I recently joined the LCCA. I have not been able to make a convention yet, but I will try very hard next year.


I absolutely love the family focus that the group has. It is much more than lip service and I really appreciate that.


The website is a good resource. the online Exchange track is really a gem of a buying and selling tool.


While I haven't purchased any of the special offerings yet I would be interested in future offerings.


Finally, the joint effort that brought about the new modular system is fantastic. It goes to show what cooperation and organization can accomplish. It may become our home layout of the future


Keep up the great work!





Thank you for your positive response.  We plan to post a brief video introduction about the Lionel/LCCA FasTrack modular Railroad in the next few days on our website


Al K.

Originally Posted by LOU CAPONI:

I HAVE MADE THIS POST NOT TO BEAT UP ON THE OTHER CLUBS!!! GOT IT. IF YOUR GOING TO BASH ANY CLUB TAKE A HIKE! Please understand all the clubs have one thing in common and that is we are all trying harder than ever to keep this hobby alive. All the clubs are in this together for the long haul.

1. We at the LCCA would like to know if you have attended one our last two conventions with it's new format.

2. what do you think about our web page

3. how about our video's and up to date info's

4. our offerings and new inovating products for the o gauge and o tinplate trains

5. we promoting our club as family organizations  meaning it's more than just about the trains

6. how do you feel about our publications

A serious response is what were looking for. We would like nothing better than to improve where you folks think we need improvement.

best wishes





I once was a LCCa member. One of my gripes with the LCCA was their conventions. Many of them had little Train realted trips as well as very little Layout tours.


When attending LCCA or any other train club conventions, I am in train mode and want related train trips, layout tours, mfg's/importer tours if possible.


Really who wants to see a "Kentucky Horse Farm" at a train convention!

Why are there no layout tours and all attending members are stuck with are clubs that bring their layouts TO the convention!


The excuses I got from former LCCA administrators were "the LCCA is TOO big" and many home layouts can't handle the amount of people the LCCA brings....


Well My response to that is the TCA is bigger than the LCCA and the TCA conventions HAVE HOME LAYOUT TOURS as well as doing TRAIN RELATED activities! 


The LASt LCCA convention I attended also had the Most Train related activities and that was the 2000 combined Lots/LCCA convention. I suspect LOTS had some input in the train related activities although LOTS members stated the train related activities was minimal to them at best. the following year, I went to their LOTs 2001 Baltimre convetion and I tend to agree with their trainr elated activities... but their board members and how they handle the club business and $$ was another story.

I joined LCCA I believe in the late 70's. I think my number was 6098. I stayed a member until till the early 90's. I really never got much out of it other than the magazine. It's not a club for New Englanders. No meets within 300 or more miles from my home. It's a mid-westerners club. Just my feelings.

  I did go to a national in Lancaster, PA, I believe in the early 90's or late 80's don't remember.

Last edited by eddie g
Originally Posted by eddie g:

I joined LCCA I believe in the late 70's. I think my number was 6098. I stayed a member until till the early 90's. I really never got much out of it other than the magazine. It's not a club for New Englanders. No meets within 300 or more miles from my home. It's a mid-westerners club. Just my feelings.

  I did go to a national in Lancaster, PA, I believe in the early 90's or late 80's don't remember.



We have changed a lot since the early nineties.  You may want to give us another try.  We have been and are currently hosting LCCA Special events in various cities all around the country.  We will be at Charlie Ro's Store  on September 29.  It will be LCCA day at Charlie Ro's.  We hope to see you there.  Any questions or concerns, please call me at 248 709-4137.


Al K. 


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