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TedW posted:

Can’t wait to see that thing chasing NBK down the track!  

With her eyes closed all the way!   

RSJB18 posted:

Might be a bit top heavy.....No???????

Yeah, it doesn't work when pushed by a train.  Here's some brief test footage pushed by hand:

For video, something lightweight like a small GoPro would be ideal.   I'll do an "Under the Hood" on the Trainpod later on...   



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                                                       slowly getting there....

   will be starting to rough in the upper level next, from the black boards to the ceiling....

  in spring, the 4 panels between the shelves and the black boards get cut out to the   12'x30'addition,  a 25' x5 ' wide yard goes in this area.......                            

                                    the upper level views from the upper level....

   from the black boards up will be all mountainous mainline...some what like this.....


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Last edited by briansilvermustang
Mark Boyce posted:

Oh now I get it!  I had no idea what that thing was hanging from the cat's neck in the photograph Bob first posted!  Still, it seems an odd shape for a camera to me.  Shows I don't keep up with the latest items, or maybe this thing isn't the latest, and I'm a couple decades behind.

Kinda lost some of the meaning with the post falling on the top of a new page. Just havin' fun with Mitch.

           here is a general idea of this part of the layout, the mountain level is from the

    black boards up to the ceiling.  the supports for this level will be hidden in the mountains.

       the floor level is not shown....the upstairs level will not have that wall framed in.....


            you will see the mountain level from the raised floor on the upper level....

          you will also be able to see portions of the mountains from the floor level...

                          the floor is raised 36" down the center of the upper level......

                          the mountain level will wrap around these 3 walls....

               hopefully will get basic mountain level framed in by this weekend....


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Last edited by briansilvermustang

It took me a second to stop wondering why the cat had a "Life Alert" button

If you would just mount it on a slightly heavier solid metal truck instead of stamped metal it would have worked  

  I see you've found out how stable a single truck can be after the micro-stage coach flatcar and decided to push the envelope That might not have worked here, but it's really amazing how well they stay planted isn't it. I built a mini crane and was surprised how well it works. Other than boom swinging accidents (just like all of them) it never tips, stringlines, or climbs rails. I just added a plate type electro coupler onto a riveted coupler shanks truck to get two couplers on one truck.

Hey, that's a way to get a slightly lower center of gravity; PW plate couplers they hold the axle; or four wheel pilot trucks whos's wheel sets could lower the C.G....& the camera, more. Early wheels are not Fast Angle and neither are most pilot wheels. They will ride with less axle twisting. With no sideframe on plate couplers, holding the wheels on?????  A tiny "toy wagon" spring nut & a thrust washer?

Even with a go pro I think you'll need the stability of a car and at least one more truck. A Schnabel? 

Or better, since this is not bound by looking like a rail car: a heavy pilot wheel and trailing wheel set, hinged off a center camera truck. In a curve, as an articulated unit, the pilot/ trailers would serve as outrigger weights (and there is near room for 2 lbs of stacked flat wheel weights). So, in a curve both guide trucks moving inboard and in relation to the center truck would help counter the  ( Ex-) centrifugal force tipping the camera to the outside in curves; as well as fore and aft stability.  You still have to lick staying upright in straights. Hmmmm... a metal bar and an L-bracket?


..Too bad we dont run "Outside 3rd rail" that fence would come in handy for Mitch's Brownie ..Bet that lens weighs more than a phone or go-pro  


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RSJB18 posted:
Mark Boyce posted:

Oh now I get it!  I had no idea what that thing was hanging from the cat's neck in the photograph Bob first posted!  Still, it seems an odd shape for a camera to me.  Shows I don't keep up with the latest items, or maybe this thing isn't the latest, and I'm a couple decades behind.

Kinda lost some of the meaning with the post falling on the top of a new page. Just havin' fun with Mitch.

No it wasn't that, I was following along message by message.  I just never saw one of those (cameras?) before.  What is it called?

Got my needed supplies from Home Depot. Paint I was running low on, drywall screws, foam applicators and a few 1X4X8's. Also my package from Scenic Express arrived today. I added a few things to just getting the earth color I needed. Now I have pretty much what I need to get a number of things started and completed. Pics.......Paul



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               hopefully will get basic mountain level framed in by this weekend....

Brian, that sure is going to be a lot of work for a weekend project. I sure hope you get it framed in as I cant wait to see it in some pictures! I hope you don't to forget to take care of the GF and inspector! LOL

mike g. posted:


               hopefully will get basic mountain level framed in by this weekend....

Brian, that sure is going to be a lot of work for a weekend project. I sure hope you get it framed in as I cant wait to see it in some pictures! I hope you don't to forget to take care of the GF and inspector! LOL

Mike, Mike; Brian is up to the challenge!!  He has to do it to keep the GF and Inspector happy!!!  

Mark Boyce posted:
mike g. posted:


               hopefully will get basic mountain level framed in by this weekend....

Brian, that sure is going to be a lot of work for a weekend project. I sure hope you get it framed in as I cant wait to see it in some pictures! I hope you don't to forget to take care of the GF and inspector! LOL

Mike, Mike; Brian is up to the challenge!!  He has to do it to keep the GF and Inspector happy!!!  

Mark, I guess your right, as Brian did already buy the beer and Lumber!

Yesterday, I worked on a few construction projects. One project has me filling in the deck openings on the lower level. I still have work to do in aisles 2 and 3, but I'm concentrating on aisle 1 right now. Because the hidden yard is directly below, I want to have all the holes closed up, so I can paint the rails and ballast without worrying about the trains parked down there.

The area with the clamp on it is about 2" lower than the track. I'll be using foam to fill in the vertical gaps and create the river bank.


I put in the last section of backdrop on the south wall. There will be a second layer of backdrop in front of the siding in the back which will start behind the grain elevator (those two 1x4's sticking up), and continue to the right where it will wrap around the big helix. I have to prime and paint the new section before I can do that.


Behind the loose piece of Masonite is another track. That track will be in what will amount to a tunnel. I have to secure this piece, and then there will be a road and a bluff that will blend it together.


I have a similar situation over in aisle 2. This is what it looks like now...


here it is with the Masonite wall standing. Again, there will a road (US 61) and a hillside covering these tracks. I'll have it so I can lift the road off and get in there if I have to.


Today I spent my dialysis time working on naming signal heads for JMRI and more reading on it. Time to head downstairs to keep working.


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mike g. posted:

Elliot, you sure are a go getter! First you do Dialysis, and working on train stuff at the same time. I get that I did the same thing during chemo. But then you get home and your still going. You are what most of us could keep up with. Thanks for being you and sharing!

You are right Mike!  I'm supposed to be healthy for early 60s, but I'm too tired from raking, blowing, and hauling leaves today to do anything.

Thanks Mike and Mark.

I spent a couple hours downstairs after that post. I got the other two (1 & 2) backdrop supports in, and finished securing the other two (3 & 4). They had just been hanging there with only their top ends screwed to the upper benchwork. 5 & 6 have been in place since I rebuilt the helix supports more than a year ago. Clearance is going to be tight for the front track. I took out a couple track screws and realigned the track slightly, and that's why I wasn't in a hurry to ballast that section.


In all honesty, my health has been more of a motivating factor than a hindrance. I want to see this thing more or less finished and have a chance to host operating sessions.


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Last edited by Big_Boy_4005
Mark Boyce posted:
RSJB18 posted:
Mark Boyce posted:

Oh now I get it!  I had no idea what that thing was hanging from the cat's neck in the photograph Bob first posted!  Still, it seems an odd shape for a camera to me.  Shows I don't keep up with the latest items, or maybe this thing isn't the latest, and I'm a couple decades behind.

Kinda lost some of the meaning with the post falling on the top of a new page. Just havin' fun with Mitch.

No it wasn't that, I was following along message by message.  I just never saw one of those (cameras?) before.  What is it called?

Not sure Mark but I've seen videos of people putting them on their cats to see what they are up to outdoors. Some pretty funny stuff on Youtube.

Big_Boy_4005 posted:

Thanks Mike and Mark.

I spent a couple hours downstairs after that post. I got the other two (1 & 2) backdrop supports in, and finished securing the other two (3 & 4). They had just been hanging there with only their top ends screwed to the upper benchwork. 5 & 6 have been in place since I rebuilt the helix supports more than a year ago. Clearance is going to be tight for the front track. I took out a couple track screws and realigned the track slightly, and that's why I wasn't in a hurry to ballast that section.


In all honesty, my health has been more of a motivating factor than a hindrance. I want to see this thing more or less finished and have a chance to host operating sessions.

I agree Elliot!  I have seen too many men with physical jobs retire, then sit in a rocking chair, and before long they couldn't do anything.  My dad has been an excellent example of keeping going at a moderate pace, and it was only this year at age 86 that he couldn't keep up.  Mum did too, but osteoarthritis has beaten her down through her 80s. 

I'm looking forward to seeing your reports here of operating sessions in Minneapolis area!!! 

RSJB18 posted:
Mark Boyce posted:
RSJB18 posted:
Mark Boyce posted:

Oh now I get it!  I had no idea what that thing was hanging from the cat's neck in the photograph Bob first posted!  Still, it seems an odd shape for a camera to me.  Shows I don't keep up with the latest items, or maybe this thing isn't the latest, and I'm a couple decades behind.

Kinda lost some of the meaning with the post falling on the top of a new page. Just havin' fun with Mitch.

No it wasn't that, I was following along message by message.  I just never saw one of those (cameras?) before.  What is it called?

Not sure Mark but I've seen videos of people putting them on their cats to see what they are up to outdoors. Some pretty funny stuff on Youtube.

Yes, I'll bet those videos would be funny!!  

Last night I rewired four 022c controllers. This was my first time soldering anything, and it went much better than expected.  I did slightly burn my index finger if that gives you any idea on my initial expectations

When I was finished, I tested them. Three worked perfectly, but on one controller I had a little excess solder on one of the wire contacts that was causing both light indicators to light at the same time. I was able to quickly heat up the area and remove the excess solder.

Small win in the big scheme of things, but it was satisfying to resurrect the controllers. Hope to post some pictures of the layout and progress soon. 


Last edited by JD2035RR
Adriatic posted:


Even with a go pro I think you'll need the stability of a car and at least one more truck. A Schnabel? 


Ectually, without the camera, the little goober is quite stable when pushed around the layout.  I suspect one of those featherweight micro spy cameras will work quite nicely!  One thing I do plan to do is get a replacement for the positioning handle.  The big one is fine for a big camera (when, for example, I'm using the trainpod for taking still pics), but for action shots,  I wanna get a metric screw to replace it so it doesn't interfere with the locomotive when being pushed about...  


Mike Webb, a local HO dealer, had an American Flyer 4-4-0 whose owner had had it sitting on a mud floor for 30 years...  


The motor and gears had fused together into a solid lump of rust. 

Frankly, the most valuable part of the thing was the mud dauber nest on the inside of the boiler.  


I decided to clean it up as best I could, wire brushing the rusty metal bits and scrubbing the mud off the shells.  Here, I'm installing a bracket for a replacement pilot I had on hand. 


The pilot installed...


...and after painting.  


While this particular loco will never operate again,  it is slated for a nice retirement as a static display at the J. Reilly McCarren Museum in Springdale, AR at the Arkansas and Missouri depot!   



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M. Mitchell Marmel posted:

Mike Webb, a local HO dealer, had an American Flyer 4-4-0 whose owner had had it sitting on a mud floor for 30 years...  


The motor and gears had fused together into a solid lump of rust. 

Frankly, the most valuable part of the thing was the mud dauber nest on the inside of the boiler.  

I decided to clean it up as best I could, wire brushing the rusty metal bits and scrubbing the mud off the shells.  Here, I'm installing a bracket for a replacement pilot I had on hand. 

The pilot installed...

...and after painting.  


While this particular loco will never operate again,  it is slated for a nice retirement as a static display at the J. Reilly McCarren Museum in Springdale, AR at the Arkansas and Missouri depot!   


Nice work Mitch, lots of people will enjoy seeing it in the museum.   

Last edited by TedW

Today I got the second coat of earth color on. Once that sort of dried I started laying down the ground turf and ballast. I did the same around the Morton Salt building but no ballast. And this afternoon while doing that FED EX dropped off a package from Marios Trains. I decided to start buying some backup units. Now I can go back to the table under the stairs and with the gluing all done I can start to make up the frame for the table that will go in front of that one. Pics....................Paul



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Big_Boy_4005 posted:

Thanks Mike and Mark.

I spent a couple hours downstairs after that post. I got the other two (1 & 2) backdrop supports in, and finished securing the other two (3 & 4). They had just been hanging there with only their top ends screwed to the upper benchwork. 5 & 6 have been in place since I rebuilt the helix supports more than a year ago. Clearance is going to be tight for the front track. I took out a couple track screws and realigned the track slightly, and that's why I wasn't in a hurry to ballast that section.


In all honesty, my health has been more of a motivating factor than a hindrance. I want to see this thing more or less finished and have a chance to host operating sessions.

Tweaking the details is something we all hope to avoid through thorough planning and prior experience.  It never works out that way.  No matter how much room is given there's always a need for another 6" here and 3" there.  I actually notched out a section of rafter wall just to accommodate a broad curve.  I will shortly be returning to that section of layout to rework the curve and eliminate the notch.  It became apparent early on in the build that constructing in a manner that allows easy re-positioning of the track plan sure helps when final tweaking is involved

By no means is my layout as complex as yours, Elliot.  During the planning stages the biggest obstacle I had was thinking in 3D.  I would have had many sleepless nights tackling a multi-layered, prototypical layout like yours.  As always, the immensity of the project is literally mind blowing.


Thanks Bruce. I'm not sure that any amount of planning would have caught that one. There was never a well drawn out plan of the upper deck anyway. I'm a firm believer in "seat of the pants engineering". There may need to be an even further fudge when I get around to hanging the Masonite. What I'll do is add a support block to the bottom of that raised roadbed, which will pull the backdrop a bit out of plumb, but give a little more room for the lowest track.

More progress today. I started by entering all of my paperwork from yesterday into the computer. I named all the signals on the lower level. Tomorrow, I'll do the same for the upper level.

Back to work on the south wall lower deck, Hastings and Prescott. I filled in the narrow strip next to the backdrop, and more of the river bottom. My goal here is to get everything filled in so I can paint the rails.




This is an interesting angle. The two tracks near the backdrop are Prescott, Wisconsin (ex CB&Q). The area with the fresh plywood is the not so mighty Mississippi River. The next track is the CP (ex Milwaukee Road) main at Hastings, Minnesota, and the tracks in the front are the ConAgra Mill.


I got tired of kicking that piece of fascia which has been on the floor for more than a year, so I just tacked it in place. In the process, I learned that I needed to let it out on the inside curve, because the 89' cars were hanging over and rubbing.


I broke out the pink foam to create the river banks. By the way, this is going to be a winter scene in the whole aisle.


Last week, I mounted my signals to the signal bridges. These still need to have their wires run over the bridge and down the legs.


This one has had its wires run, and just needs to have plugs soldered on and the brass tubes painted silver.


Here's a Plasticville bridge. Its name is Oakland, after a real station on the joint BNSF - CP. each of the four signal heads has a name, O1E, O2E, O1W and O2W.



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Elliot, That is quite a bit of work accomplished.  Yes, I guess the Mississippi isn't so mighty in Minnesota; I'll look forward to seeing how you approach the winter scene.  I recall walking across the bridge over the Allegheny River in the winter to go to college in the mid '70s.  The wind blew right through you, and looking down at all the jagged hunks of ice that covered the still moving river made me feel about 50 degrees colder than what it was.  I am glad to be sitting in a warm house writing this on a blustery Pennsylvania day.

Yesterday I ran trains for a while. I found out I should probably add more power since running 3 engines with smoke plus 8 passenger cars seems to trip my Z-1000 breaker. I may end up doing the Auxiliary power on my TIU, so I am not running my TIU and my engines from the same power source. I am not sure if that will really help on my layout.

Then maybe after the Holiday's I can work on the construction again.

Elliot wrote:

" I'm not sure that any amount of planning would have caught that one. There was never a well drawn out plan of the upper deck anyway. I'm a firm believer in "seat of the pants engineering". "

Same beliefs also.  That's the reason they make and we use flexible track.  Hey, if freelancing is good enough for governmental accounting, it's good enough for me. 



Thanks guys!

Mark - The Mississippi is quite mighty in Minnesota. By the time it gets to the Twin Cities it is huge. I just don't have room to model it as such, especially in that scene.

Last year my wife and I went up north to Lake Itasca to see the fall leaves and the headwaters. I had been there many times, but she had never been. A selfie with the monument.


You can see the monument at the far left, and the river as it flows out of the lake. Humble beginnings.


Here it is at Hastings. The Minnesota River has already dumped into it 20 miles up stream, and the St Croix will join it a couple miles down, where it forms the border with Wisconsin at Prescott.


Dave - That's a bummer that you guys are in a hurry. Hopefully next time.


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I was out rail fanning today on a CSX branch line and scrounged some black plastic foam strips that must have blown off a rail car. It is black, 7/8" thick and the long strips are 8 ft. long and 5" wide. It feels stiffer and stronger than what you find in Lowe's and HD. Any ideas??  I have enough to put it under my Standard gauge track but no enough for the O gauge-I think. I would like to use it in place of what I am using now-cardboard and indoor carpet.  Is anyone familiar with this  ??  I think it is industrial  grade insulation.

paul 2 posted:

I had to take a step back today. The more I stared at the steps the more I knew I had to cover them up a bit. So I cut a bit a Masonite to cover them a bit. I got a coat of white on and once that is dry I can apply my blue paint. In the meantime it is back to cutting and measuring for the front table. Pics............PaulDSCN0971DSCN0972

Yes Paul, I would have done the same thing!!

For the first time in 6 months, I finally got something done on our layout! The last opportunity I had to work on the layout, my son Chris removed 3 Lionel O-22 remote control switches that had been in place for many years so they could be taken to a repairman for servicing and cleaning in that they were malfunctioning. One of them, my son Chris had to extract from under a  tunnel. It operated one side of a dog-bone reverse loop. It was screwed in place. Chris had to remove the screw by feel.

The switches have been back in good working order for quite a few months. I feared that we would never be able to re-install the switch under the tunnel, so, I put off the installation until today. I finally got up on the platform (which is no small task at my age and in my physical condition) , performed major surgery on the side of the mountain under which the tunnel runs, positioned a flood light to illuminate the tunnel's interior and managed to replace the switch. I was even able to screw it back in place.

I feel very satisfied with my accomplishment and hope to do more in the very near future. For now, I think I will go eat a bottle of Motrin and relax a bit.

briansilvermustang posted:


                           now just need a motorized mouse to run down the rails.....

One evening about 5 years ago, I and several of my friends were the guest of Howard Zane to see his legendary HO layout in the basement of his house plus the two other basement extensions that he added. The layout is incredible. Howard's scenery and handcrafted buildings are breathtaking.

Anyway, to get back to the mouse topic, at one far end of the layout on a mountainous terrain, I saw a live mouse coming out of an HO tunnel portal climbing the mountain and entering another, repeatedly. The mouse was putting on quite a show. I call several others to come and see it. Howard came over with them. I asked Howard if the mouse was motorized and if he were operating it remotely. Howard briefly smiled one of his rare smiles. I am sure he was thinking of how he could actually accomplish this until one of his cats positioned himself to jump to platform level and end the show. Before kitty could do this, Howard grabbed the cat and took it upstairs. In Howard's layout, the mouse did way less damage than the cat would have catching the mouse.

Thanks for that info MODELTRAINPARTS. It cam at the right time and I sealed the whole bottom. I just finished painting the blues on so I think this is where I am stopping for the night. With it all painted I can now put the whole table in and in the corner where the stairs come down I have pink foam to cut and put in for the hill/cliff I am putting in that corner. Pics.............Paul



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Mark Boyce posted:


Thank you for the information and photographs!  Now we see who the wonderful woman is who lets you do all this stuff in the train room!  She's a keeper for sure!

You're welcome Mark, and yes she is a keeper, but not necessarily because she puts up with my train habit. She knew all about that shortly after she met me. It was hard to keep it a secret. On the other hand, the fact that she frequently comes with me to dialysis, then puts pressure on my punctures while I clot at the end of my session... Now that's love!

P.S. She approved this post.

Last edited by Big_Boy_4005
Big_Boy_4005 posted:
Mark Boyce posted:


Thank you for the information and photographs!  Now we see who the wonderful woman is who lets you do all this stuff in the train room!  She's a keeper for sure!

You're welcome Mark, and yes she is a keeper, but not necessarily because she puts up with my train habit. She knew all about that shortly after she met me. It was hard to keep it a secret. On the other hand, the fact that she frequently comes with me to dialysis, then puts pressure on my punctures while I clot at the end of my session... Now that's love!

P.S. She approved this post.

I agree!!  I can picture Mrs. B. doing the same if I had to go on dialysis!  She sure did keep the nurses hopping when her father was on dialysis!


                                                            i wanna help....

                                          like hand prints in the new cement.....

                           O K, let's get this done and go have some pizza........

                                                             short work night....


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Last edited by briansilvermustang

Been working on this scratch built Ice and Cold Storage building for about a month... Finally got the LED lighting, and sign completed and got DSCN3722 [2)DSCN3724 [2)it back on the layout today.   I had purchased the Icing Platform some years ago and decided it was perfect for the fleet of PFE and ATSF Reefers that I have accumulated.   Ended up sizing the storage building to fit the platform.   It's built so that the West Bound Arrival/Departure track goes underneath it in the back corner, needed to start filling this corner and wanted to hide the 90 degree 096 turn back there. 


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I was supposed to go to an NMRA meeting this morning, but when I woke up at 9:15 for a 9:30 event, it was obvious that I wasn't going. I had been going back and forth about it all week. What I really wanted to do was work on the layout, so I got downstairs by 10:00.

I spent the first two hours transcribing my work from Friday into the computer. What this is, is a list of all the signal heads that will be on the layout, 169 of them. They are broken down by masts, and each mast one, two or three heads. Each head has a long name in the first column and a short set of initials for JMRI. This is all about staying organized.


I did a little more work on my river banks.


There was no way around having to use the saber saw to cut that angle in the plywood. What a mess! Most of the sawdust stayed up top, but a bunch rained down on the trains. I spent about an hour cleaning that up.


I added some lights to the hidden yard. Unfortunately, they didn't have the desired effect. They don't throw off enough light to keep the cameras in color mode when the room is dark. I still like them, and have two more strings to hang.


While I was at it, I tied up all the wires. There are only a few wires for the signals left to add. Those will be easy because they will be Cat5's.


Now I just have to put all the trains back together down there.



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Last edited by Big_Boy_4005
Randy Harrison posted:

For the first time in 6 months, I finally got something done on our layout! The last opportunity I had to work on the layout, my son Chris removed 3 Lionel O-22 remote control switches that had been in place for many years so they could be taken to a repairman for servicing and cleaning in that they were malfunctioning. One of them, my son Chris had to extract from under a  tunnel. It operated one side of a dog-bone reverse loop. It was screwed in place. Chris had to remove the screw by feel.

The switches have been back in good working order for quite a few months. I feared that we would never be able to re-install the switch under the tunnel, so, I put off the installation until today. I finally got up on the platform (which is no small task at my age and in my physical condition) , performed major surgery on the side of the mountain under which the tunnel runs, positioned a flood light to illuminate the tunnel's interior and managed to replace the switch. I was even able to screw it back in place.

I feel very satisfied with my accomplishment and hope to do more in the very near future. For now, I think I will go eat a bottle of Motrin and relax a bit.

Randy I'm just down the street if you need any help. if nothing but moral support



                                                just tinkered around some....


                                                     and ran some trains....

                                           then slept while watching a movie....



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Last edited by briansilvermustang

Elliot, sometimes you just cant make some meetings, that's because there is more important things to do! LOL

Brian, Sunday is a great day to Tinker! What you set up there looks really nice, at first look I thought it was part of your layout that is up and running. The pictures are wonderful and what a surprise when you see the last one, great job!

After a brief trip to Lowes,  the TrainPod now sports a natty 5mm screw instead of its bulky lever, as seen with my recently repaired Frisco 0-8-0, hereafter referred to as "Lucky"... 


While leaping up to the table to inspect the job,  Trainee Motorfur Norma Bates Kitteh tripped the lever for the Razorback Traction Birney, demonstrating an ability to start trains going... 


If she ever figures out the power strip,  we're all in trouble. 



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  • GEDC0532
  • GEDC0533
  • GEDC0535
  • GEDC0534

I installed some lighted wrought iron fence in the Westend neighborhood today.  Looks good.  

Friday I visited Lionel Buy and Sell in Kensington, Md.  I was able to find two Weaver Milwaukie Rd. boxcars for ten bucks.  Once home I added car weights and replaced a set of trucks on one of the cars.  They look good behind my Williams Reading Trainmaster.  Now that they have run for about an hour behind the TM, I will put them into my regular boxcar pool.   

Making progress building benchwork & putting in some roadbed. This room is about 13' x 13' but I lose width as I go up in height so I arrived at a compromise of 7' wide x 13'6" long ( @48" base height).  My dear wife suggested we move to PA next year & semi-retire so this layout will be temporary, but this is the closest I have come to a layout in 30 years so I am excited to progress.  My train room was "orphaned" in a remodel by the prior owners so my only access is via an extension ladder - good exercise though.


Images (4)
  • JC GP9 001: latest shot
  • Sept 2017 dump 067: 15 yr old backdrop unrolled & in-place
  • room & P&R  LVRR 001: had to create a false ceiling for wiring & insulation &  exh. fan
  • train room & pond & wheel gaug 001: ladder on the right, please watch your step !
M. Mitchell Marmel posted:

If she ever figures out the power strip,  we're all in trouble. 


Well I sat around ran the trolley today. Yesterday, for a  I wrestled with matching up led brightness on old scrap leds with no ID info, using scrap resistors. 

 Watch out.  My buddy's cat's grip just wasn't strong enough to use door handles . Watching him try different combos of open & shut doors and various handle combos after seeing the first robin of spring was hilarity. He also used the toilet but was usually too gentle on the handle to flush; but always tried Huge, he slept perched on top of a tiny flat banister post on the stairs; he could hardly get four paws on it. They had a Holiday Lionel, but he steered clear, watching from a shelf or his banister. 

   When I was a kid, some gerbils really liked riding in hoppers, and one parakeet, a daredevil, would ride a caboose all day. He also rode the ceiling fan on high speed, attacked cats at the window, and would battle your fork full force to eat your scrambled eggs himself,  claiming all egg piles, and directly defending the largest plateful at any given moment The lovable, but spoiled rotten little cannibal's name was "Peeps" of coarse course...   When I first saw the hampsters/gerbils in the Lionel cars on the old Dentistry commercial, I was flooded with recall of a lot of great memories of those pets, my trains and toy soldiers on an under the bed pullout layout. I also had a painted turtle for a few years that liked to just put his tounge on the rails...he ran away into a big field with brush; dusk got pitch black fast, he got away. Lots of them around there, I'm sure he did well  

I spent a few hours working on signals again. Now that I have everything in the computer, it was time to match the physical signals with the master list. Turned out I was a couple short on single head masts, three short on triple head masts, and one long on doubles. I assembled the missing masts, and repaired a couple broken ones. Sorry guys, no new pics. You've seen this whole process anyway.

Thank you Frank... yes I am having fun trying to figure things out, and getting more and more excited with each board put up on the layout.  still have a long way to go just in the frame work, and tinkering around with the scenes is a nice break from framing

        Izzy is a great companion while working on the trains,  now if I could only get

                                                   her to hand me tools while helping....


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Last edited by briansilvermustang
briansilvermustang posted:

Thank you Frank... yes I am having fun trying to figure things out, and getting more and more excited with each board put up on the layout.  still have a long way to go just in the frame work, and tinkering around with the scenes is a nice break from framing ...

As we all get to enjoy other hobbyists' layouts, both on this forum and in real-life visits, I get more and more convinced that in addition to the treasure that the trains themselves are to us, the investment of imagination is what keeps us devoted to this bobby of ours. Creativity can be very satisfying and rewarding. Plus, we have the innate good sense to make time for fun. (I'll bet it all has a beneficial effect on our longevity, intellects, and quality of life.)


Moonson posted:
briansilvermustang posted:

Thank you Frank... yes I am having fun trying to figure things out, and getting more and more excited with each board put up on the layout.  still have a long way to go just in the frame work, and tinkering around with the scenes is a nice break from framing ...

As we all get to enjoy other hobbyists' layouts, both on this forum and in real-life visits, I get more and more convinced that in addition to the treasure that the trains themselves are to us, the investment of imagination is what keeps us devoted to this bobby of ours. Creativity can be very satisfying and rewarding. Plus, we have the innate good sense to make time for fun. (I'll bet it all has a beneficial effect on our longevity, intellects, and quality of life.)


Well Said!!! - Amen to that Frank!


Last edited by darlander
briansilvermustang posted:

    some more tinkering around, this wall is only temporary, next spring these walls get

    removed for expansion, this area will eventually be a 5' wide yard area....

Awww look at the woggy! My favorite of all the pics. BTW...I didn't misspell doggy. I was saying that to myself as if I was petting and talking in my play voice.  

Moonson posted:
briansilvermustang posted:

Thank you Frank... yes I am having fun trying to figure things out, and getting more and more excited with each board put up on the layout.  still have a long way to go just in the frame work, and tinkering around with the scenes is a nice break from framing ...

As we all get to enjoy other hobbyists' layouts, both on this forum and in real-life visits, I get more and more convinced that in addition to the treasure that the trains themselves are to us, the investment of imagination is what keeps us devoted to this bobby of ours. Creativity can be very satisfying and rewarding. Plus, we have the innate good sense to make time for fun. (I'll bet it all has a beneficial effect on our longevity, intellects, and quality of life.)


I totally agree with the above comments by Frank. I have been thinking similar thoughts recently.

I am 66 years old today and never felt better in my life, and love my peacemaking collaborative and mediation divorce work, and my outside interests that include the trains, songwriting, golf with my 29 year old son who can hit the ball over the moon, and, in the past, archery (target shooting with recurve bow). My wife says being married to me is like being married to 5 different men because of my diverse interests.

The trains help us discover, and stay connected to, the creative child within.

Recently, I sat next to an 88 year old woman lawyer colleague at a law seminar. She was wearing a short skirt, is a blonde, still attractive, especially for her age, and has a vitality about her. I asked another woman lawyer who works in the same law office as the 88 year old blonde, and she said her secret is that the 88 year old blonde wearing the short skirt thinks and acts like a teenager!

I share a law office with 2 other lawyers who have a father and son law partnership. The senior partner is 86 years old, loves his work and refers to his wife of 59 years as "my girlfriend." I found this so inspiring that I wrote a song about him and his "girlfriend" called Glistening Brown Eyes.

So, I encourage you all to keep creating and having fun with your trains. It can be a fountain of youth of sorts.

Arnold D. Cribari posted:
Moonson posted:
briansilvermustang posted:

Thank you Frank... yes I am having fun trying to figure things out, and getting more and more excited with each board put up on the layout.  still have a long way to go just in the frame work, and tinkering around with the scenes is a nice break from framing ...

As we all get to enjoy other hobbyists' layouts, both on this forum and in real-life visits, I get more and more convinced that in addition to the treasure that the trains themselves are to us, the investment of imagination is what keeps us devoted to this bobby of ours. Creativity can be very satisfying and rewarding. Plus, we have the innate good sense to make time for fun. (I'll bet it all has a beneficial effect on our longevity, intellects, and quality of life.)


I totally agree with the above comments by Frank. I have been thinking similar thoughts recently.

I am 66 years old today and never felt better in my life, and love my peacemaking collaborative and mediation divorce work, and my outside interests that include the trains, songwriting, golf with my 29 year old son who can hit the ball over the moon, and, in the past, archery (target shooting with recurve bow). My wife says being married to me is like being married to 5 different men because of my diverse interests.

The trains help us discover, and stay connected to, the creative child within.

Recently, I sat next to an 88 year old woman lawyer colleague at a law seminar. She was wearing a short skirt, is a blonde, still attractive, especially for her age, and has a vitality about her. I asked another woman lawyer who works in the same law office as the 88 year old blonde, and she said her secret is that the 88 year old blonde wearing the short skirt thinks and acts like a teenager!

I share a law office with 2 other lawyers who have a father and son law partnership. The senior partner is 86 years old, loves his work and refers to his wife of 59 years as "my girlfriend." I found this so inspiring that I wrote a song about him and his "girlfriend" called Glistening Brown Eyes.

So, I encourage you all to keep creating and having fun with your trains. It can be a fountain of youth of sorts.

Frank and Arnold I certainly agree.  Working on  a train layout certainly engages the imagination in a child like way.  I think a lot of us, who grew up in the post war years, try to recapture that child like imaginative feeling/experience which we felt so strongly during our younger years when building and playing with our trains ... now on our now adult layouts.  We human beings are creative beings and need to express ourselves.  What better way than to allow ourselves to access the child within and create our art ( I do believe model railroading is a form of visual art and theatre too )  from that very inner child like place.

There are times, when creating scenes/vignettes on my layout,  that a linear sense of time seems to disappear.  As I'm totally absorbed in my creative process, there is no past or future, for only the moment exists.  This is how it was for me when I was a young kid experiencing my layout.  Experiencing this sense of "now" or "being in the moment" is perhaps the strongest reason  I love this hobby so much. 

Regular creative play time is a healthy activity for us adults ( and kids too ).  Accessing the wonder/energy of our inner child is a powerful thing!  AND a FUN activity!  

AMCDave posted:

Benchwork framing complete tonight......I am beat all that up and down carrying wood.....cutting and attaching.  I was hoping to get just some roadbed down....but have all week w/o anything I'll get it this week. Goal is to get one line (the subway) running by Sat......

If I may suggest:

Relax. More. You'll be sorry when the adventure is done. Believe me. But you probably know that already. Pace yourself, take time for the joy of it all.  Don't work at it. Play..  


Last edited by Moonson
Moonson posted:
AMCDave posted:

Benchwork framing complete tonight......I am beat all that up and down carrying wood.....cutting and attaching.  I was hoping to get just some roadbed down....but have all week w/o anything I'll get it this week. Goal is to get one line (the subway) running by Sat......

If I may suggest:

Relax. More. You'll be sorry when the adventure is done. Believe me. But you probably know that already. Pace yourself, take time for the joy of it all.  Don't work at it. Play..  


Frank that's some great advice!

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