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Chris, on or about February 1st 2018 I posted some pic's of the trestle with information on how I built it. If you search under Trestleman1 - Look at this trestle!! you'll find them. I started the thread in the MTH DCS PS2/PS3 but management moved it to Scenery and Structures. They're the one's that labeled it "look at this trestle!!". I don't toot my own horn like that. I cut all the wood out of 2 pieces of basswood approx. 3" x 14" x 6/7' using a table saw. Here are some pic's of the rest of the layout. town212213215216


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Bob, I hope you guys are going to rebuild the kitchen! It will be nice when your done then you can get back to enjoying life and even some trains!

Mark, Glad your knee is holding up. If it was me I wouldnt go down the hill either, thats what the building inspector is getting paid to do! I am glad your Neurologist gave you a clean bill of health! I have a Neurologist appt. on monday and I am hoping for the same thing. I cant think what it would be like without a drivers licence. I am sorry to hear about your Aunt. I hope things get squared away in a short amount of time.

Chris A. Work, work, work, thats what you have b een doing on your layout! The size of your curve and then the extention into a 10' X 10' space. You must live in a castle! LOL

Bill, That sure sounds like a huge undertaking!Good luck and please keep us posted!

Ralph, Nice work, but I sure do hate to see the UP go away!

Trestleman1, WOW not that is a wonderful piece of art! Just amazing. The rest of your layout looks just as good! You sir are one talented man!

Lee D,Looks like you have a good start on the box car rebuild! Good luck and I hope things turn out well!

Well I didn't do anything in the train room, I worked on the deck some more took some pictures for you guys, but my computer wont connect to my phone to up load the pictures! I am going to work on that when I get done here and if I figure it out I will share them with you all!

I hope you all had a great Saturday and an even better Sunday!

Go Hawks!

Sorry to say I have not been following this link for a week now and there are several post but I can not go back and look at currently. I will try in a couple weeks to come back and post. I was in a bad accident while directing traffic with my local fire dept. It was unnecessary and could have easily been avoided. Please respect you fire and police. We are trying to help and protect you.

Curtis, sorry to hear about the accident. Be well and don't let it get to you. By definition accidents are stupid because preventable and there are a lot of people who obviously drive on Autopilot. They get along only as long as nothing at all unusual happens. My friend the multiple-million-mile driver says that on reflection none of his close calls would have happened if he had been driving slower. My Mom always said that we humans have Model T brains (capable of handing nothing faster than a Ford Model T).

TRESTLEMAN1:   Thanks very much for the photos, great looking layout.   Nice inter-modal yard scene.  This is the 2nd time this week I have seen photos of the "Walton & Sons Lumber Co." on someone's layout....   Motivation to get my kit out, weather it, assemble it and cut up a bunch of scale lumber...   I will find the thread on the trestle.   

CURTISH:   Very sorry to hear about the bad accident while directing traffic.   Hope you fully recover.   Yes I am shocked at some of the things I see when I am out driving, particularly the "distracted drivers".... and tail-gating speeders who must have failed, or not attended, physics class !!

Going to a small local train show at 10 this morning, it's multi-scale but I usually find something.  Have decided with the dwindling # of local shows, I had better get myself there and participate, or they'll all disappear permanently....

Bob :   Wanted to say thanks for the note yesterday about electrical panel clearance. requirements....  After taking some measurements and analyzing the situation, I have decided to move the curve in at least 12 inches to provide easier access to the front of the panel....  I am really not giving up anything significant but probably would have proceeded down the path without your note.  

Last edited by chris a

I'm spending the next day or two moving or replacing dwarf signals around the yard... I dont know what i was thinking when I started it, other than possibly "hey that's gonna be right on the edge of the layout, so let's move the signal to the other side of the track.".  My comment to myself now on that is "dumba##, way to go confusing yourself when you attempt to run a consist thru the yard, playing the game of 'wait-wait.. is that signal for this track or that track?'".  Luckily i only got about 50% of the yard signals done, so it's not a complete re-do. 

4D021C58-D56D-44CF-9EB8-D0153E9842C484E52A2B-7F6B-4472-BCED-B63703007920A4AA6AD9-FD47-42E4-8424-851F490F636D7A9A3B4F-B160-4ADE-B743-637C0B832B67903A1E65-6367-4120-898A-3C402D8157A3Well I done done painting before I went to bed last night. This morning I started putting this back together here’s some update pics. This one is not the best built one I’ve messed with I think the previous owner was in a hurry on this one and didn’t get the Jig right but remember these were Craftman Kits they sometimes never fit right 


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Mike- unfortunately the building is spoken for already too.

Chris- Happy to help. Glad you could make it work. I think you and Paul2 keep excavating and extending your basements. You both keep expanding with no end in sight.

Lee- Nice work on that car. When does the layout expansion begin?

Curtish- thanks for your service to your community. I'm constantly amazed at how clueless drivers are when encountering emergency personnel on the road.

Trestleman- WOW . Spectacular work . Very nice layout.

Haven't seen any posts from Elliot lately. He didn't post an end of August update. Hope he's OK. Anybody know?


Last edited by RSJB18

Hey Bob,  that wall (with the electrical panel) is the end, it's 40 feet from the other end, and I am kind of relieved that it can't go any further !!.    Need to get this RR actually running trains, and I have a ton of signal work, scenery and detail work to do most everywhere...

While it's taken a really long time, the good news is if I were to have to move again, or I perish, sooner than planned....  this entire layout is built in modules.   They could be "sold off,"  (bummer)...  or put back up in another location.   I am glad I did this, as I have torn down 3 layouts this century that weren't made to be moved, and I am definitely getting a little old to be starting a new one from scratch.   Just took a lot of time to engineer the modules and break up and label the wiring, but who knows maybe it will out survive me !! 


Quarter Gauger 48 posted:

 Ed, you have performed an 'OUTSTANDING 'job'... on the President project.  Perhaps, if you trimmed the ankles a bit, then re-attache the feet the sentry will fit better in the coach'.. seeing the bayonet would be a nice added feature.. Again, greta job on the plane'...

Thanks. Mr. Muffin advised my 4141 is on its way and should arrive Tuesday.  Can't wait.  I hope to snag a few UP passenger cars at York next month and have a reasonable consist. 

I have so many "to do's" on the layout list, but I so enjoyed assembling the Avenger, I've decided to add a B-17 and a P-38 so I can suspend them over the layout... (My brother flew a P-38 reconnaissance version over Italy and a B-24 as well as a B-26. I may build them all, suspend them, but I'll need 'Air traffic control!')  Then I'm planning to expand a WWII area on the layout so there's more than just a consist.  Stay tuned...Fall and Winter are on the way so more time indoors!   I've been looking for O scale soldiers...MTH makes a few sets but I need more position choices...I have a Tamiya set of soldiers to assemble, but I'm not crazy about that either.  Hunting for what you want is another fun aspect of this hobby.  Take care.

Lee, I always like when you post one of your All Nation projects. This one is looking real nice.

Chris a, you're coming along good with your blayout. That is going to be one nice curve when the scenery is in place. 

Mike g, I have been bad. I have not done laundry for the better part of a week. The lift out section has been in place for that long. 

Vincent, I really like your Lego layout.

Mark, one less headache with the sewer line going in.

Nothing done on the layout since putting those cars on it. Yesterday, Saturday, I spent the better part of the day with one of my Tuesday night guys at the old B & O roundhouse in Cleveland. A few weeks back I got an email from the FIREUP 2100 group for a 99 dollar dinner. I have never done this so I decided to go. It was a great time and money well spent. The money will go to funding more work on the Reading 2100. Started out riding in the passenger car that was used in the movie the Natural. Then getting off I said to my buddy Al let's ride it again. At the same time I asked the conductor if we could ride in the engine.....he said yes and without any hesitation we climbed up into the loco. It was an old RS-3. Have to say nothing like riding in an Alco. We then had a very delicious catered dinner. After the dinner Ross Rowland gave a talk about his life and how he got into operating steam engines. He finished off by showing his concept for another Freedom Train for the 250TH anniversary of the nation. It is going to be a huge undertaking but it will travel the country for 4 years covering 48 states. The evening ended with night photo op of the 2100. That was then and now is now. I hope to get some lighting up in the basement later this afternoon...Paul 2 

Trestleman1 posted:

Chris, on or about February 1st 2018 I posted some pic's of the trestle with information on how I built it. If you search under Trestleman1 - Look at this trestle!! you'll find them. I started the thread in the MTH DCS PS2/PS3 but management moved it to Scenery and Structures. They're the one's that labeled it "look at this trestle!!". I don't toot my own horn like that. I cut all the wood out of 2 pieces of basswood approx. 3" x 14" x 6/7' using a table saw. Here are some pic's of the rest of the layout. town212213215216

Hey Trestleman,

This is some inspirational work and it's a shame we don't get to see it much! This sir, is the reason we all come to this forum. Work like this should be showcased as often as possible. Not only does it validate 3 Rail O Scale as a wonderful aspect of the hobby but it gives inspiration, motivation, and personal interpretation of the many possibilities in this scale. In layman's terms it's eye candy. We all love trains so by all means continue to "toot" because that's what we do. You have worked hard and deserve it.

Thanks for your wonderful post and I hope to see more of your masterpiece.


luvindemtrains posted:

Hey Trestleman,

This is some inspirational work and it's a shame we don't get to see it much! This sir, is the reason we all come to this forum. Work like this should be showcased as often as possible. Not only does it validate 3 Rail O Scale as a wonderful aspect of the hobby but it gives inspiration, motivation, and personal interpretation of the many possibilities in this scale. In layman's terms it's eye candy. We all love trains so by all means continue to "toot" because that's what we do. You have worked hard and deserve it.

Thanks for your wonderful post and I hope to see more of your masterpiece.


Well said Dave.  My sentiments exactly!

Cheers, Dave

Lee, That car looks great!

Everyone, Thank you for the kind words about the knee surgery and neurologist.  I mentioned I would post photographs of the N-Scale Homestead I built 30 years ago.  I would not be able to build it in N scale today.  I can't hold small parts steady even with the proper pliers and tweezers.  Good think I am in O scale!  Here they are.

2014-04-23 20.50.372014-04-23 20.50.512014-04-23 20.51.072014-04-23 20.51.202014-04-23 20.51.302014-04-23 20.52.232014-04-23 20.55.012014-04-23 20.55.24

I went to check the house yesterday and saw the neighbor who must be approaching 80 by now.  He keeps his sewer line through the woods mowed, so we went for a ride on his tractor.  The first view is looking up through the woods, and the second is out in the field looking up to the house.  You can compare the last photograph to the back of my diorama.

2019-09-21 12.05.282019-09-21 12.09.15


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Last edited by Mark Boyce

I've been putting in a couple of hours per day for the last few days, working on my Disney Lego train station. Today, one section "exploded" when I pressed a section into place, and it took a long time sweeping, cleaning, and searching to find three small, missing pieces.

The station has 11 bags of parts, and I have four more bags to go.SUNP0004SUNP0005SUNP0007


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Mark that diorama of the Homestead is outstanding....   Even more impressive that it was done in N scale...  

I got to get down to the basement,  my daughter is painting clouds for me on the new backdrops I built, and painted blue yesterday.   Will post some photos tomorrow.  

Curtish, Sorry about your injuries! I hope you recover soon and the person that hit you is held responsible. I was a volunteer firefighter for 15 years, it got to the point I was spending more time at the station for training then with the family. It was time for me to go. Get well soon!

Scottv, lots of work, but just consider it practice!

Lee D, Looks good! Its sure is a lot better then when you started! Nice work!

Brian, Nice Amtrak shot! 

Paul 2, For $99 that sure sounds like a great deal and a lot of fun! We have one like that about an hour away, last time I was on it was about 10 years ago.

Chris A, I wish I would have built mine in modules but I cant see taking it down just to switch it over! LOL

Mark, Sorry that your selling the homestead, sure is a great looking house and land! You did a great job with your diorama ! Looks just like the real thing, a house I would love about 10 years ago when my knees were younger! LOL

Johan, Wonderful pair. They are really going to stand out once you get the weathering done,  I sure hope you will post the finished product!

Vincent,I am with Mark, nice work, but to much for my bad eyes and fat fingers!

Well guys, today started out as a wonderful day, woke up wife had eggs and French toast waiting for me, then it was off to the train room, I fired up the tracks and moved the train on the inside loop and all of a sudden a short on the track. removed cars and engines and never did find it. It just went away LOL Then I have a switch that the wire for the switch machine popped out. Then to top that off my Seahawks lost to Saints 

Well on good news I figured out how to get the pictures off my phone. So here are a couple of pictures of why I haven't been in the train room! Enjoy! LOLIMG_20190921_170931401IMG_20190921_170913065                                          I hope to finish tomorrow. Then I should have more train room time. I still have to buck up all the wood we have and split. But there is no hurry for that as its all next winters fire wood.


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darlander posted:
BAR GP7 #63 posted:

S.B.R. ALCO HH660 #150 "Anchor"20181012_174055~2 & BRAND NEW CABOOSE C20.

Great scene!   Is the Potato building 2D or 3D?   Very nice!   Love your work!!   One other question: I know that you live in Finland, what is your connection to American railroading?   Just curious.  Thanks!

Cheers, Dave

Dave. Thank you very much. The potatoes house is a 2D, but when a our new backdrops coming, there you can found also a some 3D buildings.

I just love an American trains. That starts about 15 years ago, when all Finnish & European trains start fills boring.

One day i found some Maine railroads, like a Aroostook Valley, Bangor & Aroostook, Boston & Maine, Maine Central. I think they saved my hobby. About 3 years ago i founded my own R.R. Company S.B.R. Of course the first engine was a Baldwin RF16 "Sharknose" what gave to me a whole S.B.R. idea.



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Mark Boyce posted:

Mike, Thank you!  Yes a man ten years younger for sure.  It is amazing Dad kept up with it all until he was 86!!!  The deck looks great!

Chris, Thank you!  Sounds great your daughter is painting!

Thanks Mark! Its been taking me awhile, but when your doing everything your self, you have to come up with special ways to hold the other end of the board! LOL

Mike g, great loking deck. Maybe a train running around under the roof would be a nice finishing touch.

Mark, that is a nice looking rendition of your old home. Maybe if you have the room you could incorporate it into your new layout putting it at the back.

Johan, nice addition to the engine and the layout. Caboose wil look even better once you do your magic on the weathering.

Today I really hope to get some work time on the layout. Yesterday I had to work on the dehumidifyer. The drain hose plugged up and back up into it shutting it down. Rather then mess with the hose again I had an old garden hose outside so I cut it and used that. Got the dehumidifyer back up and running.............Paul 2

Paul, better it shutting down then flooding the room! I like your fix and the price is right!

Well today I got see the Neurologist and see what he has to say! Then back to try and finish the deck so I can move on to more train room time! LOL

I hope everyone has a great day and please have some fun!

BAR GP7 #63 posted:


Johan, do you have local access for 3-rail Lionel, MTH etc?    Everyone with internet can access online listings but I would suspect shipping costs might reduce the appeal if your bidding or buy from US based sellers.   Interested to know if you have other 3-rail modelers in your area, clubs, etc.   Sorry if I am being too nosy but inquiring minds need to know.    Thanks!

My wife and I spent a rainy day in Helsinki in May of 2017.  We were on a Baltic cruise.   Wonderful experience!   We ended in Stockholm and met up with 2nd cousins.  Between my wife and I, we had eight grandparents who immigrated from Sweden in the late 1800's.     

PS:  Another great scene!

Cheers, Dave  

Last edited by darlander
darlander posted:
BAR GP7 #63 posted:


Johan, do you have local access for 3-rail Lionel, MTH etc?    Everyone with internet can access online listings but I would suspect shipping costs might reduce the appeal if your bidding or buy from US based sellers.   Interested to know if you have other 3-rail modelers in your area, clubs, etc.   Sorry if I am being too nosy but inquiring minds need to know.    Thanks!

My wife and I spent a rainy day in Helsinki in May of 2017.  We were on a Baltic cruise.   Wonderful experience!   We ended in Stockholm and met up with 2nd cousins.  Between my wife and I, we had eight grandparents who immigrated from Sweden in the late 1800's.     

PS:  Another great scene!

Cheers, Dave  

Dave. Thanks.  I like mostly use ebay or European, USA, Canadian train shops and usually i dont have any shipping problems. Here in Finland is a almost impossible found any O-scale 3-rail trains, expect some old Tinplates. I have spend about over 30000 euros to U.S train shops. The sellers say it, that nobody dont buy any O -scale stuff here in Finland. 😞

We have here in Porvoo Finland probably only O-scale 3-rail/ Hi-rail club in Europe. Please, check the CTT Magazine June 2019, there you can found a six pages S.B.R. article.

We have here in Porvoo also Museum Railroad and summertime we operate our Museum Trains between Helsinki to Porvoo. Welcome anytime. Mostly we use a Dm7 railcars.

In 2018, Helsinki was the world's busiest passenger port.

🍺 Johan

not to busy of a Monday! Johan nice looking setup!

Well I didn't get any train room time today. But I got some good news and some bad news! LOL Good news first!

I finished the deck so now I should have more free time to work on the train room!

Bad news, The Doctor pulled my drivers license for the next 3 months. Do to a first time seizure ! What a drag. If I don't have another one in 3 months he will give it back with no limitations !

Well I am off to take care of the wife and tank for dinner. I hope you all have a great night and a wonderful Tuesday!

Ralph,  very nice photos & video,  Very sharp CR SD45 ...  Layout looks great !  

Mike G:   Glad that deck is done, nice job !!   Sorry to hear the news from the doctor...  stay positive as you always do...  PM me when you know more about your switch issue.

We got one of two backdrops done with clouds,  I am really blessed to have an artistically gifted daughter, who just graduated honors Computer Science 2019,  and is working in the IT field.  She's really good with a paint brush but I am glad that's not the primary source of income.  

Me,  I worked from about 12 noon,  till a few minutes ago on this long wide radius double main grade... Felt like a nightmare science fiction movie when I started.... Took quite a while to get a consistent 1.5% grade from one end to the other...   Fortunately I only have 3/4 inch more elevation drop to fabricate in the last 90 degree turn to the existing lower level... 

Glad I won't be building any more of these.  Everything is checking out though, consistent grade within 0.3 degrees, and the level across the sub roadbed doesn't vary my more than 0.2 degrees, so shimming it to super-elevate and bank the curve shouldn't be too bad.   




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While my layout doesn't exist yet, I did manage to convert the downstairs laundry room to my train workshop area.  I repurposed the dryer vent to an exhaust fan of sorts.  I added 120V outlets (can't have enough) and terminated the 220V dryer outlet as I don't think I'll be welding any trains !  I scrounged a desk & chair from my wife's old office and upgraded the lighting.  Next will be some shelves, test track, and train accents.  Layout planning is next !IMG_0283


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trestleking posted:

While my layout doesn't exist yet, I did manage to convert the downstairs laundry room to my train workshop area.  I repurposed the dryer vent to an exhaust fan of sorts.  I added 120V outlets (can't have enough) and terminated the 220V dryer outlet as I don't think I'll be welding any trains !  I scrounged a desk & chair from my wife's old office and upgraded the lighting.  Next will be some shelves, test track, and train accents.  Layout planning is next !IMG_0283

Nice private work area


mike g. posted:


Bad news, The Doctor pulled my drivers license for the next 3 months. Do to a first time seizure ! What a drag. If I don't have another one in 3 months he will give it back with no limitations !


Mike, I hope that things work out for you.


Decades ago, my mother's doctor told her that he had to report her to the Pennsylvania State Police because of an eye problem. The next day a very courteous officer showed up, and when my mother refused, he politely informed her that if she didn't hand over her license, he would have to handcuff her and take her in. She then handed over her license.

Last edited by Vincent Massi
mike g. posted:

not to busy of a Monday! Johan nice looking setup!

Well I didn't get any train room time today. But I got some good news and some bad news! LOL Good news first!

I finished the deck so now I should have more free time to work on the train room!

Bad news, The Doctor pulled my drivers license for the next 3 months. Do to a first time seizure ! What a drag. If I don't have another one in 3 months he will give it back with no limitations !

Well I am off to take care of the wife and tank for dinner. I hope you all have a great night and a wonderful Tuesday!

Mike. Thank you. Be a strong, i know  that everything goes well again. You are always so positive. 🤝


Last edited by BAR GP7 #63

Mike, count me in as one who will pray for you.  

Last night I finished rebuilding a K-Line crane car.  I took a picture, and pulled it around my layout a couple times.  When I came in to post my handiwork, I fell asleep with my computer in my lap.  I don't remember going to bed.  I woke up in the right place when our largest cat decided he needed more food.  Today I get to play plumber and electrician in the big house.  The boss purchased a new kitchen faucet and a two motor ceiling fan.fixed


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Today the Postman dropped off this beauty:


So after testing it's couplers for proper operation I put it right work on the Plywood Empire Route:


We lived in Butler, Pa for several years where Pullman Standard peeps welded up about a thousand of these PS-2CD covered hoppers.


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Johan, keep those great pics coming.

Mike g, three months will fly by and you will be back to driving. Nice deck to sit and have a coffee on while reading a train mag.

Today something is better then nothing. Mike it was laundry day so I decided to put up another light. Wasn't exactly sure how I was going to hang it but I ended up hanging it at an angle at the doorway. So it ended up a good day. Tonight starts our Tuesday night group get togethers for the winter. And the rest of the week the wife has doctor appointments that break up each day. Pic..........Paul 2



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OK Brian,  my only question is which ONE or TWO engines do you NOT OWN ???    Looks like you have them all !!   Excellent collection, really well done display shelving.   

I am still downstairs hooking up the new 180 turn to the adjacent short 4 foot module.  Seemed smarter to get the curve on the 1.5% grade perfected then go back and finish the short straight module connecting it to what's already built.    

Hope to start drawing track centerlines and putting down cork roadbed by tomorrow.   

geysergazer posted:

Today the Postman dropped off this beauty:


So after testing it's couplers for proper operation I put it right work on the Plywood Empire Route:


We lived in Butler, Pa for several years where Pullman Standard peeps welded up about a thousand of these PS-2CD covered hoppers.

Looks great, Lew!  Have you seen the one painted in Milwaukee Road yellow in the business park that occupies the former Pullman Standard site.  All the markings are on it.  Build date 6-74, one month after I graduated from Mars High School!

M. Mitchell Marmel posted:

Bikes, Blues and BBQ is coming up,  so I designed and built a new telltale for the gi-raffes: 


Naturally, Shop Supervisor Norma Bates Kitteh had to get into the act:


In the background, a bit of test fitting with the ultimate goal of turning a derelict N5C cabin car into an 0-6-0 electric switcher.


I have the twin of your cat here. He even sits like yours did in the last picture. He is basically scared of his own shadow thou. 


Mark Boyce posted:
geysergazer posted:


We lived in Butler, Pa for several years where Pullman Standard peeps welded up about a thousand of these PS-2CD covered hoppers.

Looks great, Lew!  Have you seen the one painted in Milwaukee Road yellow in the business park that occupies the former Pullman Standard site.  All the markings are on it.  Build date 6-74, one month after I graduated from Mars High School!

Heh. Roomie graduated from Mars in '70. No, I've not seen that car but I'd like to.

Last edited by geysergazer

Still doing shelves and Storing items under table I don't presently have room for right now. 

The B&O has one A-unit powered with TMCC, two B-units with Tmcc and one B-unit powered with legacy, all four of them each have dual motors The last A-unit has TMCC but is a dummy unit. I still have to add onto that shelf ( plan to anyway ) as I only got four of the seven passenger cars on it as is. I hope to extend these shelves to the full length of this wall, 22' .IMG_7409IMG_7410

These two pics do my other wall I have a 2343 A-B-A with the four passenger cars that came with it and the add on Baggage car then I have a 2343 ( Which I have for sale on the bay ) with 3 of the original passenger cars behind it with the add on baggage car, I need the 2531 Observation car and I also need the 2353 AA for in front of the cars. 




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0E431259-636D-46E7-BA78-4F6C5643D337058843A5-FEE3-4729-B1FA-1AE163A7577F3DB49515-352C-4758-836C-A66AA9DDF2A6BDC8CED5-106F-43AA-B04B-BA14A83999801F8E9872-3BDD-4293-93D3-5C50CB1F8032D8025F5A-B5BC-4D18-A4FD-669BD2DD2A9E91C6D3FB-0C67-4654-8A14-E04A78D4DB57Well I’m feeling so much better the pain and soreness is going away so I felt like this evening working on some Atlas O Stock Cars I’ve had for sometime I changed the  couplers to Kaydees and I’m also changing my All Nations cars with Lionel 3 rail trucks. This is the first time I used this Plastic Wood filler looks like it might work any of you guys tried this stuff?


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Lee the rebuild of the stock car looks good.   I am not familiar with those cars, are the floors sheet metal, plastic or wood ?   

I assume you're going to remove the large scale bolsters as they would cause the car to ride too high on Lionel diecast wheel trucks and that is why you're filling the holes in the floor?   

On some cars that I have changed trucks on I have good luck using epoxy like JB weld to anchor a washer on the floor either inside the boxcar or under it depending on the ride height I was trying to achieve.   If you don't need a "through hole" .... You could epoxy some 1/8 inch aluminum stock it's sold in 36 inch bars at Home Depot  like 1/8 x 1/2, or 1/8 x 3/4... it's easy material to drill and tap for screw to mount the truck.  Just a thought....  I haven't seen any plastic wood that would hold a screw thread reliably..   JB Weld is probably strong enough to drill and tap, but I would cut a at least 2 layers of aluminum window screen and bury it in the epoxy in the repair area for reinforcement.  

Walls of trains.  I love it.  So far, I can put all my treasures on my track.  I will build shelves and hope to get them filled.  I remember a movie line that went "If you build it, they will come."

Mark, my daughter in law makes my decals.  She made a shirt for me with my logo on it.  My son did well.

It was 95 again today.  Too hot for the train building.  I scored major points with the boss by installing a fancy new kitchen faucet.  A one hour job took all day.  Dinner made it all worth while.  I will install a huge ceiling fan tomorrow.  Do you think she will cook steak, potatoes, and cherry pie?

After dinner I visited web sites of some OGR forum advertisers.  There are many impressive choices to tempt my wallet open. 



Chris A, The backdrop looks great! I wish your daughter could paint mine! LOL The curve is coming along and looks sharp! Thanks for the positive words!

Treatleking, Looks like a great work area, way to repurpose an unused area for train work!

Mark, Thanks, I never thought I would be in a position where I couldn't drive!

Bill, nice work on the crane car! Iam sorry your plumbing job took all day, but your wife will really enjoy it. I hope you have better luck with the ceilling fan!

Lew,Nice hopper! But then again you can never go wrong with BN Cars! LOL

Brian, Thanks for the support! Also thans for all the wonderful BNSF & UP engines! Sure brings a smile to my face! I have to agree with everyone else, what a wonderful engine collection! Very Impressive! I couldnt get your video to work for me.

Coastsidekevin, nice job on the milk car!

Johan, Wonderful job on the yard! Looks as real as you can get in modeling!

Paul 2, Thank you sir! The light looks good, puts the light right where you need it! Also great job on getting the laundry done!

Rtraincollector, Nice job on the shelves. I also need to do more, but first I have to relocate the ones I have as I have to get up on the layout to get stuff down!

Bob,Thanks, the wife has become my personal driver! It nice, but really sucks on the other hand. The days we both work at the store we are staying in the appartment at the store so she doesnt have to come pick me up at closing, Which means No train room for 2 1/2 days, just stuck at the store.

Lee D, Sure is some nice work on the stock cars! I have a ton of cars to convert to Kadee's,. But I sure like them alot better!

Patrick, Very nice looking train, some very nice weathering on the cars! Very relaxing to watch! Thanks for the video!

Ok first off, Thank you everyone for the positive words! Its going to be a rough 3 months, but I hope it goes fast. I haven't been in the train rrom for a day and have 2 more days to go till I get back home as I am stuck at the store. I thiink next week I will either bring a box of cars and switch the couplers out to Kadee or spend the time and weigh them and make sure they are at the weight they should be. I have a bunch of 1/2 oz. stick on wheel weights I can use.

I Hope everyone has a great day and please find some time to have fun with your trains and layouts!

chris a posted:

Lee the rebuild of the stock car looks good.   I am not familiar with those cars, are the floors sheet metal, plastic or wood ?   

I assume you're going to remove the large scale bolsters as they would cause the car to ride too high on Lionel diecast wheel trucks and that is why you're filling the holes in the floor?   

On some cars that I have changed trucks on I have good luck using epoxy like JB weld to anchor a washer on the floor either inside the boxcar or under it depending on the ride height I was trying to achieve.   If you don't need a "through hole" .... You could epoxy some 1/8 inch aluminum stock it's sold in 36 inch bars at Home Depot  like 1/8 x 1/2, or 1/8 x 3/4... it's easy material to drill and tap for screw to mount the truck.  Just a thought....  I haven't seen any plastic wood that would hold a screw thread reliably..   JB Weld is probably strong enough to drill and tap, but I would cut a at least 2 layers of aluminum window screen and bury it in the epoxy in the repair area for reinforcement.  

Thanks Chris for the tip. I’m putting the Lionel trucks on the All Nations Boxcar and yes I need to fill the holes to re- tap them to get the right look they were set forward to much 

Vincent Massi posted:

Oh NO! 

I just got an emergency notification from Apple Computer telling me that I have just 12 hours to verify my account by giving them my credit card number and other financial information or they'll lock my account forever!


What should I do?!?


I don't even have an Apple account!

DON'T -- This is a fishing expedition and scam and attempt to get money. I get the same things; i delete and into my trash they go. I have an Apple computer.

Last edited by modeltrainsparts

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