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I use the trackman 2000 it works really well.
Before I run it around the layout I soak the pad with
denatured alcohol and the track comes out

Alex: I too have the Trackman 2000. I must say that I'm not happy with mine at all. I don't soak my pad though so maybe that's why - but it's made to run dry. I spoke with Henry a few times about it with no good suggestions coming forth other than to use it.

Yes, my pad shows the 3 black streaks but if I wipe my finger on the track my finger will still come up with black on it.

The reason that I don't soak the pad is that it SEEMS that all that it would do is loosen/spread the grease around. I was thinking that something needed to come after it to wipe away the loosened grease from the rail. I guess I have nothing to lose by trying what you do.

One thing that I did learn about this car, and told Henry about, was that I needed to put a piece of rolling stock behind the car when dragging it around. Without the car behind it the pad wouldn't re-center itself coming out of curve. With a car it does.

- walt
Hi Walt yes your right I forgot to mention too
everyone, after I run it with the soaked pad
I cut a heavy paper towel to the exact size
of the pad and attach it the same way as the pad.
I run it around each loop and then change the
paper towel again and run it around one more time.
The paper towel has a lot of dirt and grime on it.
Try that. Walt don't make the paper towel hang over
the rails too much it will catch on something just
make it the same size.

I've had very good success with Centerline track cleaning car. I tried a postwar Marx with static cleaning pads, and a modern Lionel with fluid tank and rotating pads. Neither was very good. I like using a rag and cleaning fluid, as several have suggested. But since I've got a large mountain/tunnel (with 3 thru-tracks), that won't work. The Centerline car does a very good job.
I like the scrub pad stuffed under a heavy gondola we saw here several months ago!

I'm with you. I put the pad under an 027 observation car instead of a gondola, but it works great. The pad has to be cut to fit, but once there, it requires no screws or glue to stay in place. My track cleaning chores have been cut by orders of magnitude since I went this route.

But on those now-rare occasions when I do have to do any manual cleaning, it's just paper towels and rubbing alcohol.

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