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Originally Posted by Silver Lake:
I know in the past there has been Lionel Holiday Pop ups in some cities. NYC and Houston among others. Last year there was only an abbreviated Houston shop. The NYC shops have been in Rockefeller Center and across 5th from Bryant Park. Any rumors out there on this?

Have you ever dropped by the showroom opened a few years ago?

Originally Posted by WftTrains:

cbojanower posted the following message when someone else asked this same question on here in August: “I am pretty sure they said the Holiday stores were done as they served their purpose  If i remember none were open last year”





Curious that an analysis would determine that "they served their purpose." I wonder what statistics led to that conclusion? Given the current paucity of hobby shops, especially those carrying Lionel trains, you'd think the need for Holiday stores to get the word out would be greater than ever.

Originally Posted by breezinup:
Originally Posted by WftTrains:

cbojanower posted the following message when someone else asked this same question on here in August: “I am pretty sure they said the Holiday stores were done as they served their purpose  If i remember none were open last year”





Curious that an analysis would determine that "they served their purpose." I wonder what statistics led to that conclusion?

I'm pretty sure Lionel's not going to tell us, nor do they have to.



Originally Posted by WftTrains:

cbojanower posted the following message when someone else asked this same question on here in August: “I am pretty sure they said the Holiday stores were done as they served their purpose  If i remember none were open last year”





I believe that was from one of the LCCA interviews with Jerry Calabrese, surprising to me but since I am not privy to the numbers I can only go with what I heard

Originally Posted by Gilbert Ives:
Originally Posted by Silver Lake:
I know in the past there has been Lionel Holiday Pop ups in some cities. NYC and Houston among others. Last year there was only an abbreviated Houston shop. The NYC shops have been in Rockefeller Center and across 5th from Bryant Park. Any rumors out there on this?

Have you ever dropped by the showroom opened a few years ago?

That showroom is not open to the public, if I recall from reading an article either in OGR or CTT about it when it opened.  You can't just "drop in" unless you want to just stare at the outside of the building.




I heard, from a good source though it is still "hear-say", that Lionel did not make a profit on the pop-up stores.

It is my guess that for the rental cost for major mall space to generate a profit they would have to sell a ton of product. The only way they could do that is to sell at rock bottom prices. If Lionel did that I again venture to guess that they would really hurt their bread and butter retailers.


That said,the only way we will ever see this type of seasonal outlets again is if Lionel went back to the old practice of fronting their dealers to layout the cash and manage the venture for their profit. But, again that too has slipped into history.


What ever the reason for the end of these Christmas store front operations I am going to miss them. It was fun having a place to hang-out when I took my wife to the mall.


Who knows, maybe the large dealers would find it profitable to open a seasonal Christmas shop in a mall that sells ornaments and trains on the side. Yea, I'm hoping they do this at the one time of year when the general public is making tracks to their stores.


When it's all said and done it simply comes down to a nice idea that just did not pan-out.

Last edited by gg1man
Originally Posted by gg1man:

I heard, from a good source though it is still "hear-say", that Lionel did not make a profit on the pop-up stores.


I had in mind that the pop-ups seemed like good advertising, not a source of revenue. Nonetheless, Jerry says in the interview that 4 out of 5 stores were successful (one wasn't, but that was due to weather issues). Usually, if something is successful, you do it again...maybe even expand it.


Also in the interview he's talking about the pop-ups being some sort of test of a concept for a male version of American Girl. I'm afraid I didn't track that much at all. You still hear people say "I didn't know Lionel was still in business," and as long as that happens, there's a need to get the word out.


As far as the modular railroading he speaks of, that may have a future with adults, but kids aren't going to be interested in trying to organize get-togethers with their busy friends just to be able to run their trains. How often is that going to work out? And if they don't, their little 4-foot modular section of layout is pretty useless. 


All this is just IMHO, of course, from someone not in advertising and obviously not privy to Lionel's numbers, so that and $3.00 will get you a cup of coffee (at Starbucks). I'm sure Jerry will be calling me any minute for advice.


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