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Roo, that sounds really cool! I cant wait to see how you did the new trucks! It doesn't matter if there is or isn't a simpler way, Its all about having fun and doing what you have to, to make things work the way you want them to!

I think what you have done so far is just amazing! Keep up the wonderful work and post!

If anyone is interested in how I went about building an O scale Blast furnace and all the related Mill buildings go to the Scenery and Structures forum and look for the "Steel Mill related structures" thread. I have so far posted scale drawings and lots of photos but that is only half of what I will post lots more to come.

And all the plans and photos are free to download and keep ! Thanks Roo.

Just a quick update for anyone interested.

First I'm not dead I just pinched myself and Yep, I'm still alive. I have had some kind of virus since I came back from the walk which has kept me in bed for 10 days about 30 tick bites didn't help things either, but I am now out of the worse of it and starting to do things I fitted some Kadees on another new Atlas SW yesterday so that's a start not a big start but something.

Today my mate Bruce is coming over and we are going to fit the new Republic Steel control panel the priority is to get the layout up and running again nothing else matters so that is what we will be doing this week. Lots of plans for the future lots of photos all kinds of things coming up as soon as i get fit enough.

You all take care.


coach joe posted:

Nev good to see you posting.  I was beginning to wonder if that walk took too much out of you.

Coach Joe.

I have to admit it did. Thank you for thinking about me.. We are getting closer to getting the layout up and running again this Friday if everything goes to plan.

Colin, nice to hear from you again we have just fitted some new trackwork and a control panel at Republic Steel then I got crook and things slowed right down I'm on the mend so see above. This Friday hopefully. The photos are an under and over view of where we are working.   Nev. 




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Joe .

No, we didn't do a raid on the local telephone exchange, if your referring to the terminals on each end of the board they are 'through connectors" used in industrial switchboards. My friend and operator who does the electrical had a job once of planning and drawing industrial switchboards so he has a good knowledge of the parts needed !

Thanks Roo.

Hi Everyone.

At last we have the layout up and running again and to celebrate we are having TWO running sessions next week Tuesday and Friday give me a call if you can make either day or even both! I provide the lunch and the trains. Photos show the new control panel and trackwork at Republic Steel and our first of two Rail Car sets no more locos running around the coaches, more about the passenger side of the layout later we are working on that it's a project we do in between projects, we might be in our middle seventies Bruce and mysel,f but we are still building and operating trains more than ever. It's Mothers day this Sunday coming so the kids will be over with their kids maybe Grandad will let them run some trains! Take care. Roo.




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Hi Everyone. I have just cleaned up the Team Track area at Valley Forge which included relaying one track and painting the cobblestones the high level platform where the rail car set is stabled is not yet finished that will be this week more photos soon. That Lionel Rail car set might not be the scale length but it fits in good with the sharp curves and short sidings on the YVRR and more important it runs fine after it's 2-Rail modifications, another set will be ready soon if we stop running trains and snapping photos for a few minutes!  Roo.




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Hi ROO, I much enjoy seeing the detail of the guys on that walkway relaxing above empty ladle-carsDSC03738 [2), because having them standing above such cars filled with molten contents in real-life, would have had them cooked alive.64386a4b895194298144c0c200c088cc Attention to detail like that is masterful, IMHO, and enjoyable.



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Last edited by Moonson

Hi Everybody.

Well things are back to normal again with the layout, great day running trains even managed to snap some photos. As you can see most photos are from my operators position and show a variety of cars associated with Steel Mills even two Lionel Car Works, Hot Metal cars  ready to go into service!  Take care. Roo.



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