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Kazar, I don't think so It's not a job I like doing but the results are nice.

Photo Caption. "I guess the trolley is a bit small"

More photos soon, have to prepare the layout for Thursday 's running session Friday is out this week no power all day, go for a drive in the hills.

Thanks guys. Roo.




Images (1)
  • DSC03914

I don't work on the Railroad layout all the time there are other things I do.

When the termites got into my shed and timber including all my treasured jigs dating back 35 years I tossed the lot down the dump I cried that day and had the Termite man spray and treat everything including the house, workshop, shed, everything, took him a full day after that crisis I don't keep any timber at home except the odd piece if I need to build something I buy what I need on the day before the project. Today I rebuilt one of my jigs out of scrap pieces it's for industrial stairways it makes me happy to see this again this time I will keep it in a safe termite free place. Great hobby if you can get through these things without falling down! . Roo.



Images (1)
  • DSC03946
Last edited by Roo

Hi Everyone.

Today we had another great operations day here are some photos and even one of the "Boss studying the train orders looking a bit confused Ha Ha !

The layout has been operating for many years now in different themes the railroad track plan has changed during this time but not the actual baseboard space one day I will try and trace a timeline and see how old the layout actually is, there is still some original track on the present layout we have certainly had our money's worth over the years and expect a few more years yet. never had plans to rip it all out and sit around playing snakes and ladders for the rest of my life! All the photos you see here were taken today during the session. The last photo is looking down on the BOF (Basic Oxygen Furnace) The staging area where that Skinny bloke is (Bruce) is not yet finished will be soon. It's not a prize winning layout but is very reliable it's very rare excluding operator's mistakes do we have any problems.  Roo.






Images (15)
  • DSC03954: My two mates really good blokes. Big John and Bruce.
  • DSC03955: Bruce at Bay Ridge
  • DSC03956: Unfinished Coil Loading shed
  • DSC03958: Where I operate Republic Steel
  • DSC03959: The Boss
  • DSC03962: Crane named after Andy Romano a good bloke.
  • DSC03963: The big hook
  • DSC03964: Waterside yard
  • DSC03965: Bay Ridge yard
  • DSC03967: Coil loading
  • DSC03968: Armstrong siding
  • DSC03969: Empty Limestone gondolas
  • DSC03970: BOF
  • DSC03971: Staff car park
  • DSC03975: Detail on the BOF's roof
Roo posted:

I have painted the signs and the "EVA" sign I am working on is for the Blast Furnace named after one of my Grand daughters who is quite volatile sometimes ! 

The large Republic Steel sign is for the roof of the Rolling Mill Roo.


Roo, if I missed the reason why sorry, but why did you choose Republic Steel?


PRRronbh posted:
Roo posted:

I have painted the signs and the "EVA" sign I am working on is for the Blast Furnace named after one of my Grand daughters who is quite volatile sometimes ! 

The large Republic Steel sign is for the roof of the Rolling Mill Roo.


Roo, if I missed the reason why sorry, but why did you choose Republic Steel?



It's got nothing to do with the original Republic Steel or American politics! I just like the word "Republic" I think it sounds like a good American word. I've modelled American Railroads for almost 50 years and when I decided to build a Steel mill I thought Republic Steel sounded better than the other Steel mill names or a fictitious name that I could have thought up myself.

Being a Ford man all my life I should have gone for Ford or River Rouge Steel but no I liked Republic that's the reason I chose it. Roo.

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