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I was wondering if F3 B-units (or any of the cab-less diesels)  were mixed with other diesels?

I have a RailKing Santa Fe F3 B-unit - but no SantaFe F3 A...but I do have a SantaFe SD-90...was thinking it might be cool to run the F3 B with it as a helper.

Not particularly concerned with the realism - but I was wondering if these mixed consists happened?

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Thanks for all the replies - I scored this NIB RailKing B unit for 99 cents on ebay...with the intention of re-selling it...

But then got to thinking...hmmm. These RK F3s are sort of stubby/short compared to LIONELs stuff and might look OK with another warbonnet engine...(even if they might not have been contemporaries.)

And - Im 50 - but used to live in Athens OH when I was a kid - near the Hocking River - I think maybe a B&O line ran up the street - and I can remember odd consists and configurations...but nothing really specific. But I have some recollection of F3s riding elephant style - and wondering why - in fact - by then it might have been pretty rare to see an actual ABA consist.

Last edited by Former Member

Philosophically, the MU'd diesel electric was designed "to run anything with anything"; it was modular, stacked power controlled from one cab by one crew - one of the 3 major advantages of diesels (or electrics) over steam. In the real world, of course, some things went better (would we say "paired well" today?) with other things than did some others. Some early MU equipment did not "talk to"  some other early equipment. Diesels were run with steam, also (double-headed - no MU'ing!). EMD MU'd with Alco, and so on.

An F3B with a current production SD-something is highly unlikely, but, so far as I know, not technologically impossible.

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