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I understand the Forum respects the privacy of the individual and so offers Options as to what Information you display in your Profile.  That being said from what I can tell only signed-in form members can see that information.  If a moderator can verify this that would be appreciated.

Knowing that, I really wish others would display as a minimum where they live and an E-mail address.  I as a Digital Subscriber I can contact other Digital Subscribers, but if no E-mail I can't reach out to others.  Also there is nothing nefarious in my wanting to know where others live, I really would like to get to know others in my area for some in person conversation (I am a very slow typist) or doing train things (shows, railfanning).

I would like to here the opinions of others on the Forum.  Thanks.

Last edited by MainLine Steam
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Everything I say here is just my opinion.

In another discussion about the future of command control, a forum administrator pointed out that there are about 29,000 members of this forum, but over the past year, there have been almost 90,000 more distinct guests.  Now, I don't have the data (and I'm not going to try and find it), but I would bet that less than 50% of the actual membership provides the data you seek, and I'm sure one of the reasons is security.

Despite pledges of information security, we've all seen various places get hacked and personal information stolen.  The only way to prevent your info from being stolen is to not provide it, but if you want to participate here, you have to provide some, but you don't have to make it available to anybody but the managers/administrators.  AND, if you are a paying member / subscriber, you can send a direct private message to anybody else in the same status here, almost like a secret e-mail system.

I understand your desire to make acquaintance with kindred spirits locally, and you might actually do some of that here.  But your best bet is to find a local hobby shop, club or railfan group in your area and just introduce yourself.  I, personally, wear a lot of railroad related clothes (hats, t-shirts, etc.) when I go out, and you would be surprised how many people ask me if I'm interested in trains.  Conversations like that are the best way to make new acquaintances (and this even works with the opposite sex on occasion).

Good luck,


Last edited by PRR1950

I agree with @MainLine Steam - nice to know if someone is local.  I've corresponded with other local forum members based on such information.

Re the security issues raised by @PRR1950, the forum requires a valid email address and other info for membership, so personal info already exists on the system - if a hacker is adequately skilled and so inclined, they can find it.  Realistically, all of the info that we might put in our profile is already freely available without much effort - try googling your name or address and see what pops up or visit your county's property tax website.   

My pet peeves are 1) folks who don't monitor their profile email address / don't check for messages in their spam folder / don't reply to emails and 2) people who will list their email or phone number in a post that can be seen by anyone.     

Last edited by Mallard4468

I did a quick search and read and it looks like the Poughkeepsie Public Library District has rooms that can be booked. You could consider booking one and then posting flyers around town for a model railroading meeting at the library. Typically, these rooms are cheap or free. We have groups where I live that use the rooms at the library frequently. They range from study groups for students to the local Rotary. Of course, I just proved your point by looking at your profile and figuring out where your local library system is but honestly, there is a local board game group here that just started up at the library and it has been immensely successful to the point where the library is adding related books to their collection. I think your library will do the same if you find your meeting grows over time.

I also think finding and hanging out at the local hobby shop is a good move. Just stop in once or twice a week. I go to a hobby shop that is an hour away and it has provided me with a few handy connections.

My personal opinion is that my address and phone number are a bit much to post but my email address is a great buffer and private messages are a good move. I have formed some great friendships on OGR because of having messages turned on and an email included.

I understand the Forum respects the privacy of the individual and so offers Options as to what Information you display in your Profile.  That being said from what I can tell only signed-in form members can see that information.  If a moderator can verify this that would be appreciated.

Confirmed.  This category is not intended to be a discussion forum rather a help desk if one needs info and/or how to do something on the forum ... so with that said, I am going to close this topic since Mainline Steam's is essentially correct.


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