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Patrick, please do me a favor and make a handle bars out a large paper clip. Attach it with some tacky wax....  And the I think Mike will stop complaining about no handle bars on that dargon bike.... finally ........(LOL)>>>>😆😁

LOL TED!  The boy on that handlebar-less bike is Chucky. 

I will, however, let Chucky know you have a good idea about handlebars.  We shall see, in time, if he trys out your suggestion.

@Mark Boyce posted:

Chucky takes me back, not for doing stunts on the bike, but for exploring.  I remember kids who could do tricks.  I was just glad I could ride straight and not fall over.

.........and IF you use Ted's paperclip idea Patrick........make the front wheel turned to the LEFT and the handlebars turned to the RIGHT.

My friend at his small MC shop  always tricked us with so many inventive ideas that we couldn't wait to see what he had thought up from time to time.                            If you think you are good with tricks on a bicycle try riding his left turning handle bar and the right aimed front wheel for awhile .  It's really funny what habits can do to you .

FOR TODAY:  Dinky Dawson takes a well deserved break!  He's loaded both of these REA trailers this morning all by his lonesome self.  The other two fellers called in sick this morning so Dinky went into high gear overdrive and got the job done.  As Dinky sits in the doorway of the boxcar, he realizes the correlation between pay day being yesterday and those two other guys saying they were going to the bar last night to tie one on?  He thinks '"yeah I'll bet those fellers are sick" ... he chuckles " probably hung over is more like it!"  

There's still a little bit of Saturday morning left and his wife will be here to pick him up shortly.  He plans to get home and get cleaned up.  Then he will take his wife up to Westend Patsburg to one of those fancy restaurants for a delicious leisurely lunch ... and then out to a motion pictures at the Westend Theatre.  After doing all this Dinky thinks to himself " I wonder what I'll find in my Easter basket this evening .... hmmm."   ..... Just another day on the railroad.  90769EFA-6F4C-4188-BAC2-0642EFA56476


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FOR TODAY:  Dinky Dawson takes a well deserved break!  He's loaded both of these REA trailers this morning all by his lonesome self.  The other two fellers called in sick this morning so Dinky went into high gear overdrive and got the job done.  As Dinky sits in the doorway of the boxcar, he realizes the correlation between pay day being yesterday and those two other guys saying they were going to the bar last night to tie one on?  He thinks '"yeah I'll bet those fellers are sick" ... he chuckles " probably hung over is more like it!"  

There's still a little bit of Saturday morning left and his wife will be here to pick him up shortly.  He plans to get home and get cleaned up.  Then he will take his wife up to Westend Patsburg to one of those fancy restaurants for a delicious leisurely lunch ... and then out to a motion pictures at the Westend Theatre.  After doing all this Dinky thinks to himself " I wonder what I'll find in my Easter basket this evening .... hmmm."   ..... Just another day on the railroad.  90769EFA-6F4C-4188-BAC2-0642EFA56476

Nice story Patrick! Dinky sure sounds like one heck of a man! You should put this in your book so some of the younger generation can read about it! Might learn something!

FOR TODAY:  Number 75 taking on water at the plug.  Fireman Cephus Gitner and brakeman Willy Slick are on the tender deck as hogger Buzzy Cranford has slid over to the fireman's seat to check some gauges.  A cast of characters at the tower watch the action.  .... Just another day on the railroad. 24A3230A-3E1A-4FAB-BEEB-93EEF18F7E50_1_201_a


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FOR TODAY:  Number 75 taking on water at the plug.  Fireman Cephus Gitner and brakeman Willy Slick are on the tender deck as hogger Buzzy Cranford has slid over to the fireman's seat to check some gauges.  A cast of characters at the tower watch the action.  .... Just another day on the railroad. 24A3230A-3E1A-4FAB-BEEB-93EEF18F7E50_1_201_a

Patrick, once again I reel like I'm there. Great picture, story, and names!

FYI - Check you OGR personal messages.

Just finished final touches to this scene.  On the reader board is the names of my brother inlaw Pastor Rev. Dan Dunn who passed away 2 weeks ago. Also on the reader board is his son chaplain  Major Steve Dunn. Steve served in Iraq  and Afghanistan 2 tours.  This scene will be in place on my layout until this old railroaded passes. I do hope you all like.20220426_150651


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Just finished final touches to this scene.  On the reader board is the names of my brother in-law Pastor Rev. Dan Dunn who passed away 2 weeks ago. Also on the reader board is his son chaplain  Major Steve Dunn. Steve served in Iraq  and Afghanistan 2 tours.  This scene will be in place on my layout until this old railroaded passes. I do hope you all like.

Bill, That is an excellent memorial!!

FOR TODAY:  " That's no Bull!!!"  Those are the words that spewed from the mouth of animal handler Buford Creech, with whip in hand.  Chucky rode his bike down to the tracks to see what was to be unloaded from the livestock car on team track 1.  While at Floyd's Barber Shop this morning,  he heard ol Bufford bragging it up about how he was to be in total command of that shipment of bulls  and that he was ready to crack his big whip. He said " I ain't taken no bull off a bull!"   Evidently ol Buford Creech didn't get the memo.   When he saw that buffalo coming at him ol Beady Eyed Bufford's  ( as the two folk call him ) eyes went from beady to the size of silver dollars!  I imagine his hind parts sucked wind too!! LOL!  ... just another day on the railroad!  ( click on photo to enlarge ) 705EFA02-DBF8-43B7-9AC8-7D392060D35B


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FOR TODAY:  It's dusk and train crews will tie up here for the night.  There will be poker games going on till late in the night in these homes away from home.  Shown here, Pennsy freight conductor Clause Dinkins is inviting N&W engineer Full Throttle Thorton to his Pennsy cabin car for a game of poker tonight.  Clause's departing words "...  and make sure you bring lots of money tonight Full Throttle.  You're going to need it!" as he breaks into his deep throated chuckle. To which Full Throttle replys ...  " That's what you said last time Clause and it certainly didn't work out in your favor!  What did you wife say when you got home wearing no shirt on your back? You Pennsy guys may work for the so called standard railroad of the world but you all can't play poker with &(*&!!"  ... Just another night on the railroad!02015BD8-83BB-4586-8EB7-E07695CF7653


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