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FOR TODAY:  Focus on the Lionel automatic barrel car.  I got this car for Christmas when I was in second grade. It still works perfectly!!  Now on with the story ...

Sipping my afternoon coffee while peaking out my office window, I see this car load of barrels.  " Hmmmm .... interesting" I mumble under my breath. " Let me run down to the first floor for a better look!"A3D06461-27F8-4654-831B-D6B5CD0947CB

View from the first floor terrace.  "I guess the workers will have to clear some space before these barrels can be unloaded."  .... just another day on the railroad!4EC59531-141C-4210-9633-CCBC2962D8AA


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@Trumptrain, you’ve started a fad, It’s a barrel of fun seeing your barrel car getting ready to be unloaded, (Your first floor view is ideal), and @Dave Ripp has the right fork lift to assist you in unloading those heavy barrels off of the car, Joes his number one operator,  @Mark Boyce is happy with all your ideas, Barrel Day, and now, I’ve found some barrels I bought years ago and hopefully one day they will make it to the layout, Yes, it’s Barrel Day in America. It’s a barrel of fun reading this thread. CCB7B128-C7A1-4B70-8127-EF945C1D26894C0AE796-4FBF-49B7-A982-83458EDD86E8 Great pictures everyone, Happy Railroading Everyone


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@leapinlarry posted:

@Trumptrain, you’ve started a fad, It’s a barrel of fun seeing your barrel car getting ready to be unloaded, (Your first floor view is ideal), and @Dave Ripp has the right fork lift to assist you in unloading those heavy barrels off of the car, Joes his number one operator,  @Mark Boyce is happy with all your ideas, Barrel Day, and now, I’ve found some barrels I bought years ago and hopefully one day they will make it to the layout, Yes, it’s Barrel Day in America. It’s a barrel of fun reading this thread.  Great pictures everyone, Happy Railroading Everyone

Happy barrel day Larry.

FOR TODAY:  These guys have been busy this morning to say the least!  It' s just after 8 a.m. and they've unloaded two boxcars already.  It's now break time.  Elmer Beardsley sits on the doorsill of the new Santa Fe boxcar talking with Les Winkler about last night's ball game.  Shorty Long drives the forklift pulling the last crate to the freight holding area for REA pickup later. ..... just another day on the railroad! 3736A5B2-6229-4503-B426-C70745E222D3E985771A-C11E-49EC-95C1-C7E0195566E2


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@Apples55 posted:

Absolutely love it, Larry - Highway Barrels… the Official State Flower of Pennsylvania To quote Carl the Bus Driver when I first moved to PA, “there are only 2 seasons in Pennsylvania… Winter and Under Construction”!!!

That is absolutely correct, Paul!  Also, once they started using salt in the winter on a widespread basis, there was more need of those barrels, even if they just mark a spot to avoid.  I get it that the salt helps keeping traffic moving, and motorists are calling for it as soon as there are a few flakes of snow, but…

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