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trumptrain posted:


I remember in 1954, my dad and farm neighbor being called by the freight office that our Farmall tractors were in and waiting to be unloaded. They drove to the freight yard and watched as their tractors came out of the double door boxcar. Your scene brings back those memories. Thanks for posting.

josef posted:
trumptrain posted:


I remember in 1954, my dad and farm neighbor being called by the freight office that our Farmall tractors were in and waiting to be unloaded. They drove to the freight yard and watched as their tractors came out of the double door boxcar. Your scene brings back those memories. Thanks for posting.

Josef -  Thanks for sharing that story!  You have authenticated what I have only imagined in that farm tractors were delivered this way.  Your story makes my scene prototypical.  Glad to know that this scene took your memory to that drive to the freight yard back in 1954.  

Rattler21 - according to John White - The American Railroad Freight Car -  the end ventilator opening originated with combination cars which had both solid and barred main doors. The cars could be used for hauling either cattle or general merchandise.  The end ventilator doors were also useful for loading lumber and became a relatively common auxiliary on many standard boxcars.

My Westinghouse Schnabel car consist by MTH including a box car.  The Schnabel and WV caboose were prototypical but can't find any evidence that the box car existed,


And this is a shot of my Southern "wave" box car  by MTH prototypical one of a kind made by Pullman.


This is the actual refurbished one of a kind box car at the NCTM.




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OK - its sort of late on Sunday here it Central Texas and its been a long, rainy, difficult day (did my taxes!).  So I am going to take a little leeway with the term "Box Car" and leave you (hopefully) with a little smile at my stretching of the term.

Hornby Box Car

Yup!  Its a "Box" Car alright, a Hornby Furniture Van from 1954. 

Hope you are all not too offended, meant in fun !

Enjoy the rest of the Weekend, off we go to work on Monday

Don McErlean


Images (1)
  • Hornby Box Car

The CBS railroad purchased a old Rock Island siding track to pull up the rail for a new siding.  At the far end of the siding past a washed out small bridge was 3 almost new Rock Island 60ft box cars.  The cars had been on the siding when the Rock shut down and the bridge washed out and the cost was to high to go get the cars.  The CBS RR crews back filled the washed out bridge and pulled the cars across the fill with a truck and cable.

The CBS RR has sold the box cars and here is a picture of 2 of them in CBS's yard.



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Earlier I posted some photos of my X-29 boxcars that were part of the Friendship Train.  Like most of the boxcars on the friendship Train, they just had signs attached to the side of the car (I attached another photo today).  However, some cars were a lot fancier.  Here are some from the NYC, SP, and CB&Q.

DSC_0002DSC_0003FT-44Tonner [2)


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Well Happy Birthday to Ashly , Sidehack.  Hope she has a wonderful day.

Here are my add's to Boxcar Sunday.

First, my Wall of Plug Door Boxcars (plus 1 hopper,1 sheriff and outlaw and 1 zoo car). Lots of "specials" and single store advertisements even Sears!.  These were fun to collect and normally not very expensive, esp compared with 6464's.  Anyway just for funl

Lionel Plug Door Boxcars

Since I like posting the unusual or at least the uncommon, here is a Unique Lines Boxcar from the late 50's. This came in a set with an Engine, Tender, Gondola and Caboose.  All fully lithographed and the engine was clockwork.

Unique Lines Boxcar


Happy Easter and Box Car Sunday

Don McErlean


Images (2)
  • Lionel Plug Door Boxcars
  • Unique Lines Boxcar
6614BD20-545E-4AD8-9BD0-FF60579575E7FA500772-2EA6-4335-B29C-F3602E4DA69EDon Winslow posted:

Dennis-that collection is amazing. I can't even began to identify some of the items.

Do I see some old Athearn kits?

Thanks Don,  Yes, tons of Athearn in there, MP, WP, ATSF, Aluminum PFE, GN, and RI boxcars, An oddball Athearn wood side GN boxcar as well.  There is a lot of Westbrook and Scalecraft with a few All Nation and even a Lobaugh PFE reefer tossed in.  I regret in stuffing them all in the shot it is difficult to see what is actually there lol. Here’s a couple of shots with some of the Athearn uncovered.



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Last edited by Dennis Holler

hokie71: Thanks for posting the RF&P boxcar.  I used to work in what was called "Crystal City" in the suburbs of Washington D.C. right next to National (now Reagan) airport and the huge RF&P yard that ran along the main street between the main business area and the airport.  When we had free time, we often drove to a local overpass to watch the action.  Its all gone now, land taken over by more apartments and office buildings although the Virginia Rail Express commuter service still uses some trackage into Arlington.  By the way, where did you get that great boxcar?  Make it/buy it?  My nostalgia gene is looking for one and I have never seen one.

Here is my entry for today. 

The Leonardtown and Savannah (L&S) is always short of motive power and because of war production board restrictions (and lack of $$) can't yet get enough diesels to handle its work. old 999 is going to take a string of box cars up to the interchange yard in Macon.  Tough trip as the coastal "mountains" of Georgia stand in the way so it will be a slow slog.  Luckily for management, on duty today is Old Joe - a 50 year man - and he has been running these steam engines for a very long time, so he knows how to set up old 999 for peak performance.  Big Harry, his fireman of many years and also very senior, knows how to build 999's fire and keep it  hot for peak performance.  It won't be fast but he will get the consist through without helpers (and on Sunday that's important to Mgmt because helpers mean lots of overtime pay!)

Here is 999 ready to pull out of the Depot near the Savannah port and head for Macon.  Old Joe and Big Harry have finished their lunch and have 999 ready to go.  They are hoping to make Macon in time to tie up for Sunday dinner.

Marx boxcars with 999

A litter closer look at today's consist.  Marx # 467110 B&O (red) from 1960 , Marx # 3280 S.F.R.D Santa Fe (orange) from 1962, Marx # 467110 B&O (blue) from 1964,  Marx # 176893 NYC (green) from late 50's, and a Marx 18326 Penn Central (twisted worms) caboose (tuscan) from 1973.

Marx boxcars

Happy Box Car Sunday everyone.  The State of Texas just announced that public schools will remain closed for the rest of the school year!  OH JOY!!   Glad I get to go back to work Monday!

Don McErlean


Images (2)
  • Marx boxcars with 999
  • Marx boxcars

Don McErlean, Beautiful older Locomotive, colorful layout, great story, I have a Son living in Savanah Ga., it’s an amazing city.  SIRT, beautiful weathering of your rolling stock, neat box cars.... Great pictures everyone and hopefully having some train time this Sunday. I’m taking a day off from The Yard/Painting/Staining the deck, cutting down trees, gardening, I’m free.... I haven’t learned the art of weathering yet, so my cars are fresh out of the shops....(humor)... Stay Safe, Stay healthy, continually pray for our country.... Happy Railroading 0F98AC8A-B2B0-46F9-929E-85682A623F688EF94786-EC0F-4A1A-B70C-5E57266B472CB42B819E-8617-4744-8FE1-8713BFE4E82D56C66C32-EC0E-47F2-8544-E7C9531564B53546F631-200A-469F-8C2B-0C07C9CC4581


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Here are two more RF&P boxcars.  The outside braced boxcar ( photos 1&2 ) is a MTH Premier.  The blue boxcar ( photos 3&4 ) is by Weaver.  It's by  coninsidence that RF&P boxcars came up today because just a half hour ago I finished weathering the MTH model shown here .... I don't have pics yet.   I also have another MTH Premier RF&P boxcar ( like in SIRT's second photo ) still looking brand new with no weathering. ...  sorry no pic of that one either at this time.  IMG_1848IMG_1846IMG_2142IMG_2154


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Wow Guys...Hokie71, SIRT, & Trumptrain all with RF&P boxcars.  The L&S is most definitely moving to acquire at least one of these.  Thanks for the sourcing info as I am sure I can find one now. 

leapinlarry - thank you for the complement.  You are correct Savannah is quite a city, I bet your son loves it there.  Is he by any chance affiliated with SCAD (Savannah College of Art and Design)? By the way, if you go visit him and you have some free time my wife and I summer about 40 miles East of Savannah on Tybee Island.  Send me something over this forum and perhaps we can get together for an evening or a meal.  No trains at the summer place but always have cold beer!

Something you may not know about Savannah and its RR history. I was reminded because of DG's post of a Central of Georgia boxcar.  Central was always the big name in Savannah arriving in the very early part of the 20th century. However at the very end of the 19th (about 1898 or so) another railroad was built from Savannah to Tybee Island (at the time the island was named "Savannah's Beach").  The route, only about 17 miles , just "ate" money to construct because its almost all swamp, wetlands, and water so the Tybee RR went bankrupt almost immediately.  It was absorbed by the Central of Georgia and continued to operate for another 30 years (till 1932).  It was an interesting "branch" since it never actually connected to the Central, had its own locomotives and passenger equipment (didn't move revenue freight). It was officially called the "Tybee Suburban Service" by C of G.   They had their own terminal stations in Savannah and 2 stations (north and south) on Tybee island.  The loco's were two  light 4-6-0's that started as coal fired but were quickly converted to oil.  It was a principally summer service to the beach (although it did run all year) and no air conditioning thus the coach windows would be open and those coal cinders  did not go over well with Mamma's new beach bonnet !  Winter traffic was mostly commuters and school kids but in the summer demand was high enough that extra cars were needed and the trains often ran double headed.  All was well till they opened the Tybee road (Rt.80) in 1922.  By 1932 the RR was bankrupt .  Money was so tight that by 1933 the rails had been ripped up and sold for scrap.  Except for a few "trails" there is little left of the RR today.  Our house is quite close to the presumed location of the North Station (however no vestige of it exists) and the South Station was right at Hotel Tybee.  While you can't see anything of the station, the current Hotel Tybee is about in the same place.  A few blocks further south there used to be a turn table to turn the loco's for the return to Savannah. 

Sorry for going on but thought you might be interested in this little side note of RR'ing in Savannah.

Anyway, Happy boxcar Sunday

Don McErlean

As a Rock Island aficionado, I've picked up some Lionel Standard "O" Rock Island box cars at train meets relatively cheap.  While mainly just molded-in detail, not to mention a non-prototypical paint scheme, they are at least plausible, not to mention pretty dang'd close to a true 1/48 scale.

With just a little bit of work, I can massage them into a much more visually appealing representation of a ubiquitous R.I. 40' box car.


Cutting off the molded plastic stirrups (at 2 corners) and adding new stirrups bent from Arrow T-50 staples (at all 4 corners) goes a long ways towards adding to the looks of these cars.





Handsome little rascal, ain't it?  Lowering the car ride height, adding some late model die-cast sprung metal Lionel trucks in new holes to allow bolster-mounting (instead of those ridiculous back tabs on the trucks), along with a scribed-wood interior flooring also adds to the looks.  Some additional weight inside (not shown) also adds to the better tracking of the cars.

I'll buy these suckers all day long at around $10 or so apiece.  A little bit of model railroading goes a long ways towards having fun. 



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Last edited by Mixed Freight

Well continuing my penchant for display of the non-normal or scale, today I selected a Marx Joy Line consist.  These date to about 1935 which was just about the same time that Mr. Marx assumed full control of the Girard Model Works and expanded his toy empire. Despite the depression, his high volume / low cost marketing strategy made him one of the largest and most successful toy supplier in the world.  Joy line train cars as designed and manufactured by the Girard Model Works began about 1929 and lasted through about 1936 although the transition to what we mostly know today as the Marx 6" car began to transition into the line in about 1934.  From 1929 on the products of the Girard Model works were exclusively marketed through "Louis Marx & Co" a toy distributor fully owned by Louis Marx and his brother David.  They marketed the full products of the Girard Works including other toys besides trains. Hence due to the exclusivity contract,  the Marx logo is actually imprinted on many of these toys prior to Marx assuming ownership and control.  The "Hobo Rest" boxcar shown below with a black frame and blue roof dates from 1930 to about 1934.  The red-boiler 105 CW locomotive with the sheet metal boiler dates from about 1932 to 1935.  Note that while Marx (in his role as a toy salesman) did sell a Girard Model Works, electric Joy Line train set to Sears in1933-34,  Girard Model Works, the original manufacturer of Joy Line trains, normal strategy was to have them marketed as individual cars, sold at dime store counters.  After what became normal depression era financial stress and maneuvering took place, The Girard Model works declared bankruptcy in March 1934 and was re-organized with Louis and David Marx as Directors in March 1935.  This more or less ended the "Joy Line" era.

Here is the "Hobo Rest" boxcar being pulled by a Joy Line, type 105, clockwork locomotive of nearly the same era.  Locomotive still works rather well although it has a problem with its "cow catcher" and my Lionel switches.

Marx Hobo Rest Boxcar and Joy Line loco


Here is a close up of the box car.  Black frame with straight lines and simulated air tank as well as blue roof date the car to the later period of 1930-1934. You can just read the black lithographed lettering..."The Joy Line" under the roof edge.  A long way from mint but at 86 years old not too bad. 


Marx Hobo Rest Boxcar

Happy Box Car Sunday everyone.  Beautiful day here in Texas, might even go outside today - but only to the back yard .

Don McErlean



Images (2)
  • Marx Hobo Rest Boxcar and Joy Line loco
  • Marx Hobo Rest Boxcar

Well here we are on another "box car Sunday".  I was experimenting with an AMT  "Beep" switcher to see how many cars it might pull.  The result was not really too encouraging.  I found that 2 6464 Lionel box cars around my 0-31 curves seemed about it.  I then lubricated every journal and found that I might get a 3rd but it really slowed down on curves.  Not really too impressive.  Anyway here are some pictures.

Here is my USAF Beep switcher pulling 2 6464 series box cars.  The Great Northern 6464-25 from '53-'54 and the Western Pacific 6464-100 from '54-'55. 

Beep and Boxcars 1

What is this?  Well its an old Navy engineer (somewhat like me) annoyed that the Air Force is getting all the attention

Beep and Boxcars 2

Happy Box Car Sunday everyone.  Stay healthy

Don McErlean


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  • Beep and Boxcars 1
  • Beep and Boxcars 2

Got myself back on MTH's daily newsletter, and got word on how to obtain their 2020 York boxcar:

York 2020 boxcar

This actually arrived last Saturday, but by the time I photographed it (this is an inventory shot) it was too late for a "Boxcar Sunday" post.

As of the most recent newsletter mentioning it, there were still some available, but you need to call MTH directly to order.

[Previous: ETS diesel - York fall 2019] - [Next: 5/21/21 Atlas O 25.5k Tankers from warehouse sale]



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  • York 2020 boxcar
Last edited by RailRide

gene maag :  Don't know about changing the name, but that orange tank really sticks out around that sea of Lionel 2-domes!  Looks like a custom job, am I correct?

OK here is my contribution:  A while back on this thread, we had a short run of pictures and discussions of the RF&P (Richmond, Fredericksburg, and Potomac) and I commented that I used to work in Arlington in what they now call "Crystal City" and in those days the RF&P had a huge yard between the main drag and National (now Reagan) airport.  When we had a little free time (long lunch etc) we used to go to the highway overpass and watch the switching action.  I also was there when it was abandoned, and all the track, except a few through lines (Virginia Rail still uses some track to get into Arlington and then Crystal City), was pulled up.  Its all mostly office buildings today.  Anyway that started a number of pictures of RF&P boxcars and I decided that the L&S had to have one. I go to order one from Atlas, a beautiful outside braced, USRA Single Sheathed Box Car.  Well I waited and waited and after about a month, Atlas finally ships me my car.  Luckily it was worth waiting for with lots of applied detail, full underside brake system, and sprung die-cast trucks.  Next is running on the layout-maybe after yard work today.

Here she is...Atlas did a really nice job with this so it should look good on the L&S.  I only can run steam era, 40 ' or so due to clearances so this one fits right in. 

RF&P Boxcar

Happy B.C.Sun fellows...sunny and beautiful here in cow country (TX).  Have a nice and safe week.

Don McErlean

Owner, Operator, Maintainer, and Sole Stockholder

Leonardtown and Savannah (L&S) RR


Images (1)
  • RF&P Boxcar

Well since we had refrigerator cars,  I am also going to go a little off track.  You know out here in cattle country the Leonardtown and Savannah (Texas branch) was a little concerned that our cows were just not being treated fairly.  So we have invested in some new cattle equipment.  So delivered to the property this week was a Hornby, type 50, Cattle truck born in 1957 but still full of life from our perspective and our cows say they are looking forward to the ride !!

Here is the new car (new to us anyway) and I don't feel too bad about the thread because after all it is a "box" just designed to hold our cattle and given them plenty of fresh air.

Hornby Cattle Car

Here is the car being delivered to the property with a Hornby British Rail, Type 51 loco.

Hornby Cattle Car and Type 51 Engine

Happy Sunday everyone, enjoy the rest of the weekend.



Images (2)
  • Hornby Cattle Car
  • Hornby Cattle Car and Type 51 Engine

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