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I have some Conventional Engines which are special to my son and I and would like to use them on one of our Loops on our Layout.  In reading the DCS Companion book it sounds way to difficult to operate both Command and Conventional on the same Loop.  I could see a big crash happening...

So being I have an electronic and electrical background I began to put pencil to paper.

My idea would be to park all engines in a yard with just one engine per branch.   Each branch in the yard is only powered on when a SPST switch is on, track is isolated from Loop power.  My idea is we can park the conventional engines when the command are being operated and vice versa.  Just back into the yard and control power via the SPST switches.

To feed power to the track and yard I would be using a DPDT switch.  The DPDT switch would allow us to switch the fixed power from the transformer to either the Fixed In 1 or  Variable In 1 on the TIU L and simultaneously switch the Fixed Out 1 or Variable Out 1 to feed the terminal block powering the track and new yard.  (My wiring will all be home runs to the control area where the power transformers, TIU, WIU, Terminal Block, etc. are located).  

Train Control would be by using the Apple App and WIU connected via USB to TIU L and also the TIU is powered by a dedicated power source,  We would operate in either the Engine mode for Command and Track mode for Conventional depending on the position of DPDT switch.  Only one or the other would be used, never both at the same time.

Anyone see an issue with this design?  Would like some feedback if you feel it would work or if there any gotchas.

My sketch is attached on how I am planning to try this setup.  Should have some time to test it soon but value the experience and expertise on this forum.


Images (1)
  • Command and Conventional DPDT Switched Loop
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If I understand your post and wiring diagram correctly, I think it should work for you. I have a yard set up just as you show only I run all command control. Just like to shut the engines off when not being used. I think you are also correct that conventional and command on the same track would be quite difficult at best. 

I don't run conventional, but I once tested a conventional set by swapping the wiring (banana plugs) from FXD 1 to VAR 1 on both sides and it worked perfectly. This would be the same as your DPDT switch and I see no reason it would cause any problems. Just make sure the switches are rated for 10 amps or more (maximum power the TIU channels are rated for) and I think all will be good.

I have not tried this exact setup, but it sounds like a plan to me. Also, I am sort of a diehard DCS remote user. I have wifi and the deluxe app, but have not used it much at all. It is my understanding that the app is now quite solid and should work be working very well. I imagine Barry and others have probably done this or similar as well, maybe they will be along to comment further. Good Luck!!

stan2004 posted:

Does new app let you set Variable 1 or 2 to "Fixed" operation?  If so, wouldn't that allow you to switch between conventional and command control using just the Variable channel - without needing an external DPDT switch?


Interesting concept to switch the VAR 1 from fixed to variable when in conventional and then back from variable to fixed when in command mode, then I could just use the single pole switches to cut power to the yard that I don't want on during train operations.  Seems reasonable, will have to run a test to see if that will work.

rtr12 posted:

If I understand your post and wiring diagram correctly, I think it should work for you. I have a yard set up just as you show only I run all command control. Just like to shut the engines off when not being used. I think you are also correct that conventional and command on the same track would be quite difficult at best. 

I don't run conventional, but I once tested a conventional set by swapping the wiring (banana plugs) from FXD 1 to VAR 1 on both sides and it worked perfectly. This would be the same as your DPDT switch and I see no reason it would cause any problems. Just make sure the switches are rated for 10 amps or more (maximum power the TIU channels are rated for) and I think all will be good.

I have not tried this exact setup, but it sounds like a plan to me. Also, I am sort of a diehard DCS remote user. I have wifi and the deluxe app, but have not used it much at all. It is my understanding that the app is now quite solid and should work be working very well. I imagine Barry and others have probably done this or similar as well, maybe they will be along to comment further. Good Luck!!

I appreciate your feedback and review of my plans. Have read many of your posts related to this and similar subjects.  Value your knowledge and input.  

Perhaps I will have some time later tonight to setup a test to see if this idea will indeed work.  

I don't have a remote because I just decided to get into DCS as we construct our second layout.  Being I had to buy something.... again.... decided to go the WIU route and only use the app being that appears to be the direction MTH is heading.

The wiring part I enjoy because years ago, 30+, I installed commercial telephone systems in the 25 pair/ key telephone era.  Brings back some old knowledge I have not used for years.  

Thank you for the very kind words. My knowledge is not all that great, but what little I have was gathered here on the OGR forum! Great place!

I thought briefly about what Stan suggested above, but was unsure about using the app to do that? If it's possible (and it may very well be), Stan's idea would be great, easier and also eliminate the DPDT switch as he says. I would definitely try that first. Stan is also one I get lots of knowledge from (among others here).

Guess I should get going on the app myself. Funny because I normally like to go with the latest new 'stuff'. I wanted to go into electronics out of high school, but ended up elsewhere. Toward the end of my working life I did end up working with electronic controls, but didn't get into the bare electronics of it too much. Just tried to make it do what it was already intended to do. Since I retired, this forum has been a wonderful place to learn more about electronics, trains and many other related things. I like the electronics and wiring as much as I do the trains.

Just remember the TIU will need to be powered from the Aux power port or by jumpering Var 1 input to Fxd 1 input. Using the Aux power input is the best way to do this.

Last edited by rtr12
Barry Broskowitz posted:

Does new app let you set Variable 1 or 2 to "Fixed" operation?

Yes, just as does the DCS Remote. Using toggle switches to do what's already built-into DCS isn't very productive and adds an additional potential point of failure.

On the other hand, every one of my 100+ sidings are controlled by toggle switches.

I will test this out later.


Barry, you have to post a picture of your control panel.  100+ switches has my curiosity going...


   Barry is absolutely correct you already have the ability to run Conventional and your P2/P3 engines on the same tracks at the same time.  

I use the TR function and the side receivers on my Z4K's to accomplish this, no toggle switches required.  

Building a layout in the manner you have described is a lot of work for nothing.  Get Barry's book, upgrade your DCS education and then build and use your DCS controlled layout.

Have fun





Images (1)
  • DSCN1789


Barry, you have to post a picture of your control panel.  100+ switches has my curiosity going...

Attached is a picture of the lower level control panel. It's had a few more sidings added since this picture was taken.
There are five other control panels, as well. 3 for the middle level, 2 for the upper level, and 1 for the engine transfer table yard..


Images (1)
  • DSCN0930

There's no need to do anything requiring a switch, or even changing variables to fixed.  For command, run the voltage up took about 16-17; for conventional, just use voltage to control speed.  That's how I do it, even running one command and one conventional on same "loop" at the same time, being careful to have the conventional train heavier.

I must say that command is more operating fun, and with 27 DCS locos, I rarely run any of my 6 old conventional Lionels. 

For any layout running conventional, you want every "loop" cut into small blocks, each with a toggle switch and 14-gauge wire, one drop per block.  I ran conventional for 60 years before DCS came out at the turn of the century, and regularly had several trains running on the same loop.

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