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I purchased the 6-38864 Lionel Lines Legacy Pioneer Zephyr during Nassau Hobby's clearance sale, and am having problems with the locomotive's lighting:


1. There are no cab lights.
2. The classification lights only come on when in reverse.


I've checked for obviously loose/broken wires while installing the battery, and I've tried reprogramming it, which leads to another question: Do the newer Legacy locomotives no longer need a programming code? The manual doesn't list a code, and I've looked at the manuals for other locomotives using the same RCMC Receiver Board, and they don't seem to list a code either.


Any suggestions would be appreciated - I'd hate to have to ship it off for repairs right away, especially if it might be something as simple as crossed wires I could fix myself.



Jim Madigan

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Not sure if this is relevant, but are the cab lights turned off via the remote?  Also using the extended lighting menu, hold down aux2 on Cab2, perhaps maybe there is something in the lighting menu for the class lights either tender or engine marker lights. Just something to try. Not sure if the marker light buttons are only for steam in this case.

Well, pushing the cab light button on the controller results in a quick "hiss" or "chuff" sound from the engine, so it's receiving the command, but no lights come on.


I did just try the lighting menu, and the only thing that happened was I found how to make the headlight brighter with Rule 17 (thanks!), but nothing had any effect on the cab or class lights.


Guess I'll try Customer Service on Monday and see if they can help, before I try moving connectors around - I have visions of smoke that's not coming from the smoke unit! 



Yeah, sigh...


Curiouser and curiouser...  I've been going over Youtube videos of this set, and there definitely should be a cab light, so that's a problem.


Regarding the classification lights, the videos of the Legacy models

Classification off in forward; 22:13

Classification on in reverse; 2:04

Classification on in reverse; 2:30

clearly show the lights on in reverse; however an older chromed, apparently TMCC version

Classification on in forward; 1:02

shows the classification lights on when moving forward, which seems to me the way it should be.


Wish I knew if it's a matter of programming, or just a different output terminal on the board. I can't seem to find any info on these RCMC boards anywhere. Definitely not looking forward to speaking to Customer Service - on my last call, they didn't seem to have an answer to my CAB-2 question and so just told me that I was "overthinking things"...

I just pulled it apart again and found where the led is hiding, and reseated all likely connectors  - no change.


I don't have a suitable power supply for testing the led, and without any wiring/connector info, I'd have to pull apart the harnesses to trace which connector I'd be applying test voltage to (brown/black show up on at least 2 possible plugs), which would lead to "voided warranty" discussions. Although I'd readily do this for something used/out of warranty, it seems too much for something that should have worked new "out of the box."


Now if Lionel tries to tell me that an led not working when an engine is brand new is not covered under warranty, then I'll have to start cutting tie wraps and jury-rigging a low voltage DC power supply...

Heh -
haven't had any resistors lying around since my Heathkit days... have to make a stop by RS to pick some up. I found a 3-AA battery holder I could use for a 4.5V supply - hopefully that would be enough for test purposes.

Called Nassau Hobby about it this morning, and they are going to issue me a call tag and send the engine on to Lionel for me, so I guess I won't be needing to deal with testing LEDs until it's time to convert my passenger cars. I'll be watching with interest for developments with your LED conversion kit.

Kudos to Steve at Nassau Hobby!

Since there seems to be so little info on that RCMC board anywhere, I think I'm going to start trying to figure out what the all connectors are for, to try to figure out if there's an output I could use to make the classification lights come on in forward.


I believe that the card is the same for each application (at least those I've checked so far), with the difference being the firmware. I now have 3 engines (the Zephyr, and the 6-38717 F7 A-A set) that use this card, so maybe if I compare the wiring between them, I can figure out what each connector is used for. The motor connectors are the easy part...


Heh - Jeopardy! "Cryptic Crossword Clues "L"" for $400 just on:

Toy Company Whose Employees Are Always Train-ing 


Last edited by Jim Madigan

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