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Last week Dotty and I traveled to Seattle Washington to visit with friends Larry and Donna Brown.  Larry promised me if I would come he would show me a week of great trains and planes.  We first started at Eastside Trains in Kirkland.  What a train store.  I have been in west coast train stores in the past and I now know where the best one is located.  We spent time with Steve Suskin, Johnny, Stacy and Bill.  I found a few items I have been looking for.  This is one super stocked store.  I looked up on a shelf to see a NIB Lionel Milwaukee S-3  #261.  


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L-R  Bill, Self, Stacy, Dotty, Steve, Johnny and Larry Brown. 


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Larry Brown and Donna took us the next day to visit Dave and Ted Hikel at the NORTHWEST TRUNK LINES.  This has been a work in progress layout that Dave has been working on for 6.5 years.  I was blown away when I saw the layout.  Words can not describe this layout.  Before Dave started the layout, the owner sent him to several locations in the Pacific Northwest and Canada to photo areas he wanted duplicated on his layout.  Dave also took soil from the area and this scenery is the real deal.   This layout is controlled by a huge control panel by computer with control stations located all around the layout.  This is a DCS layout.  Dave and Ted spent all day showing us the fine points of this very large and involved layout.  I have seen a few layouts in my day and have never seen anything like this before.  Dave also showed us his new line of steel sectional catenary he is producing.  WOW.  Being a catenary kind of guy, I can tell forum members this wire can be used as Pennsy style or Milwaukee style.  Dave has a home run with this wire.  Please enjoy a few pictures of this fantastic layout.



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The next photo was taken for my friend Brian Vaill (Passenger Train Collector) to show what this layout has for equipment.



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Dave has narrow gauge on this layout and you can view this dual gauge switch that Dave handlaid.



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Below is a handlaid 9 degree crossing Dave built.


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Dave did his research on what wood was used for the crosstie for the golden spike ceremony at Promontory Point.  He also installed a real gold spike.  Dave Hikel has given a new meaning to the word DETAIL.



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The below photo is of a coaling tower that actually works and fills the hopper cars.  Unbelieveable.

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Below are rock and earth samples Dave took from the locations the owner wanted incorporated in his layout.


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Here is Dave Hikel sitting at the control panel he designed and built to operate this unbelievable railroad empire.



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L-R  Dotty, Ted, Larry Brown, Donna Brown and Dave.



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L-R  Dotty, Ted, Self and Dave.



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A view of some of Dave's fantastic catenary wire.  Watch for it at York, all you juice fans will be going wild.



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Ted conversing with our good friend Locolawyer (AKA Erol Gurcan) back in New Jersey.



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This is a short video clip of a burning forest Dave built.  The burned trees are still smoking and you can see embers glowing.








On the next day, Larry and Donna took us to the Museum of Flight in Seattle.  As we approached, we observed this pristine Concord.







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Next photo is of an SR-71 Blackbird hanging from the ceiling.



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Next is the world famous Flying Tiger.



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Next is A C-121.  This is an aircraft I am very familiar with.  Love that R-3350 motor.



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No trip to Seattle would be complete without a photo of the icon.



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On the last day of the trip Larry and Donna took us the the Boeing plant in Everett Washington where the 747-777 and Dreamliners are made.  This plant is huge and we were not allowed to use the camera.  I have been to the west coast many times but never visited Washington.  This is a very clean state with great people.  Special thanks to Larry Brown and his wife Donna for showing us a great time.  Special thanks to Dave and Ted Hikel for putting up with me for a day.  Dave and Ted were great and they took us out to eat that night and a great time was had by everyone.


Images (28)
  • Seattle March 2014 028: One huge inventory
  • Seattle March 2014 044
  • Seattle March 2014 051: L-R  Bill, Self, Stacy, Dotty, Steve, Johnny and Larry Brown.
  • Seattle March 2014 052
  • Seattle March 2014 055
  • Seattle March 2014 080
  • Seattle March 2014 063
  • Seattle March 2014 082
  • Seattle March 2014 104
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  • Seattle March 2014 127
  • Seattle March 2014 128
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  • Seattle March 2014 141
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Videos (2)
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Seattle March 2014 145
Last edited by Marty Fitzhenry
Original Post

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Wow. Great train shop and a nice trip. Paula and myself are heading to Seattle in June via the Cardinal from Phila) the and Empire Builder (from Chicago). It is a long trip (3 days) but we have our own bedroom with a private bathroom.

Hope that you got to go on the Boeing Tour, visited Seattle Underground, and went up to the top of the Space Needle for dinner. If that train shop is not too far of a drive we will probably stop in. Thanks for sharing this with us.

 I had the good fortune to go to Seattle, and Portland areas a couple of times. I'd be shocked if you weren't also impressed with the shipping and ports out there.

 I did get an engine from Eastside a few years back. Got a great deal and a pleasure to deal with. I should look for more now that I see all that G scale in your pics.

Getting to see the NORTHWEST TRUNK LINES and the rest of your trip would be a major event to me. The Woodshire RR also would be cool.

 I didn't know Boeing was there back when I went. They probably wouldn't have let us "Road crew" type guys in the gate anyways.

 Thanks for sharing! The memories come back.



Great photos and story; thank you.  I'm looking forward to seeing that catenary.


You mentioned you were very familiar with the C-121 and its engines.  Were you Air Force or Navy?  I have a little more than a 1,000 hours in USAF EC-121s.  My first flight as an aircraft commander was my last flight in the Connie; I took it to the boneyard.



Last edited by CAPPilot

Ron, I was in the Navy and graduated from Aviation Machinist Mate school in Memphis Tenn.  I worked on and flew in the 121 in Newfoundland.  I spent two years there.  The R-3350 was also used in the AD Skyraider as well as several others.  Great engine.  Nothing can match being stuck back in your seat while those engines scream down the runway.  It was a pretty sight to see the Connie last week.

Marty said:

"Nothing can match being stuck back in your seat while those engines scream down the runway."


Actually Marty, a "cat" shot in an F-4 Louisville Slugger at full afterburner and then going vertical at 104% immediately after leaving the carrier IS a real kick in the pants!  Better than any rollercoaster I've been on...


Tomcat is probably just as much fun but I got out before they appeared.




Hi Marty,  thanks so much for posting the pictures, looks like a great time!   I live in the area and have never done the Boeing tour. It figures.  Last time I was at Eastside trains, Johnny told me that the store, which looks like a train station, is modeled after Lionel's Rico Station.   

Marty....just got a chance to look at your thread.  WOW!!!!....what a wonderful set of pictures!  AND....the catenary looks very tempting.  I will be after some of that at York for sure.  That part of the country is some of the most beautiful and if I were ever going to live in that part of the west, Seattle would be on top of my list.  I have always thought it was such a wonderful city. 


Thanks so much for sharing your trip with us....This will be hard for me and LaKeeta to top when you and Dotty come visit...  Looking forward to seeing you two in about three weeks!



I live near Olympia, and there are few other places where you can see so much transportation stuff in one region like you can here. Also, there are oodles of amazing layouts, but you gotta get 'in' with the right people to find out that many exist.

Mary, such a shame you didn't come a few years earlier, several great hobby shops have closed up in Seattle recently.

Did you see the space shuttle full trainer across the street at the museum of flight?


Yes it was a great time, especially when you share it with great people like Marty and Dotty and of course those Hikel brothers as they are always coming up with something new and exciting in the world of model railroading.


Just for the record the plane that sits on top of the Evergreen Water Park building (next to the Air Museum) is actually a 747 which is used as a starting point for numerous water slides by exiting out the sides of the plane.


Donna and I actually live in Portland as I have been a customer of Eastside trains for many years and as Marty mentioned it doesn't get much better for a train store.  I should also mention that we all like food for sure and Seattle has its share of great restaurants isn't that right Marty?  By the way, anytime you would like to visit Portland just let us know as you have a place to stay and the price is right.


Larry & Donna Brown


OGR Publishing, Inc., 1310 Eastside Centre Ct, Suite 6, Mountain Home, AR 72653
800-980-OGRR (6477)

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