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paul 2 posted:

Lee, goes to show you can always improve something. Nice job. Does make a big difference. Last night I started applying ground turf to areas around the bridge abutments and streams. Still have more to add. Pics.....Paul


Very nice Paul.  Time to look for terrain floor tile and a camouflaged vacuum cleaner & tool box. 

Hello All;

        Attached are photos of our layout which we have just started. Much of the fundamental benchwork is in place and we have started to lay track. Our layout is 40'x50' and will be a walk through style with the lowest level of track being on the floor and working its way up. Our plan is to be able to run 50 to 75 trains at one time as this will be accomplished with computer control. I will post more pictures as we make progress.




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idea-thinker posted:

Hello All;

        Attached are photos of our layout which we have just started. Much of the fundamental benchwork is in place and we have started to lay track. Our layout is 40'x50' and will be a walk through style with the lowest level of track being on the floor and working its way up. Our plan is to be able to run 50 to 75 trains at one time as this will be accomplished with computer control. I will post more pictures as we make progress.



Holy cow...!


My little 4x8 fold-up, post-war basement layout is going modular to be displayed at Metca's (TCA) semi-annual swap meet, so yesterday I (oh-so-painfully) sawed it into four sections.  Although the original panels' track plans will remain the same, I will be able to insert additional modules between them for the shows.  I just wish I had a bigger basement (sigh).  My next step is to replace the old tubular track with a bunch of K-Line's "Super K" shadow rail I've been acquiring.

LoadMaster posted:
idea-thinker posted:

Hello All;

        Attached are photos of our layout which we have just started. Much of the fundamental benchwork is in place and we have started to lay track. Our layout is 40'x50' and will be a walk through style with the lowest level of track being on the floor and working its way up. Our plan is to be able to run 50 to 75 trains at one time as this will be accomplished with computer control. I will post more pictures as we make progress.



Holy cow...!



I have started rebuilding and refurbishing an Athearn sd50 to a weathered (kind of) SD40E. It will be NS 6330 when completed. Final work includes: finish rewiring the locomotive, add LEDs, Finish decals, grease it, and get a decoder for it. If it is a successful rebuild, I may build a few more in the future as I cannot find the real SD40Es from athearn for decent prices where as I can get SD50s for Okay prices.


Last edited by NS6770Fan
briansilvermustang posted:

      yep, Dad helped me turn the door around for that reason...

                                 me and Izzy ran trains till about midnight last night...

And let me guess, Izzy is still sleeping! Tank woke me up at 2 this morning and now he is sleeping in my chair! LOL

Jushavnfun posted:

Stage 1

Started with cardboard & tunnel openings



Finished stage 2 today.  Built this corner mountain today. I used cardboard and aluminum , spray painted for ground cover base.

Basic outline




Glued and painted in separate sections


Stage 2 done


Next step adding turf rock...etc

looking just GREAT! Cant wait to see whats next!

Nice job on the tunnel. I noticed from your first picture that you have a switch in the tunnel. This should usually be avoided but if you want a switch in the tunnel make sure you have easy access to it. You should also make sure you have access to reach a train if it derails in the tunnel. Murphy's law says it will.

A company named General Models made an o gauge speeder in the 50's. If you look up General Models speeder

in ebay completed listings you will see a few.  Also I came across a youtube video of one. These were unusual

in that the front wheels were actually the commutator so to get them to run you needed to push start them.s-l1600


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beardog posted:

A company named General Models made an o gauge speeder in the 50's. If you look up General Models speeder

in ebay completed listings you will see a few.  Also I came across a youtube video of one. These were unusual

in that the front wheels were actually the commutator so to get them to run you needed to push start them.

Yep!  And they had a trolley using the same mechanism:

Brian - Just a suggestion, but could you add to your frequent posts what you have done to your layout?  I see so many posts with just pictures and I want to compliment you on what did on your layout, but I'm not sure what it was.  Like the warehouse that is in so many of your pictures, did you just build that?  Is it a paper building front?  It looks really good and I have wanted to comment on it, but was hoping in one of your posts you would tell us about it.  Then I thought maybe you did and I missed it.

You must have an enormous engine collection too as I have seen hundreds on this thread since I have been watching.  Do you have room to run them all or do you have to store so many of them like most of us do?

Thanks, Art


mike g. posted:

I don't think I will ever make it there!

Trip to York

Me neither, for the same reason.

I would say, "Road trip!" as we live in the same general area, but I've crossed the country on the ground from that part of the country to here twice (by road, alone, in 1998 and by Amtrak's Capitol Limited and Empire Builder in 2015) and it's a long haul!

p51 posted:
mike g. posted:

I don't think I will ever make it there!

Trip to York

Me neither, for the same reason.

I would say, "Road trip!" as we live in the same general area, but I've crossed the country on the ground from that part of the country to here twice (by road, alone, in 1998 and by Amtrak's Capitol Limited and Empire Builder in 2015) and it's a long haul!

Lee, I made that trip once when I got out of the Corps! From Quantico, Va. to Seattle in 3 days! Long enough trip for me and wouldn't want to do it again!

mike g. posted:

Lee, I made that trip once when I got out of the Corps! From Quantico, Va. to Seattle in 3 days! Long enough trip for me and wouldn't want to do it again!

I did it from Aberdeen proving Ground to Ft Lewis in October of 1998. I was single then, so I took a week's leave, took two days to visit my brother going through CGSC on TDY at Leavenworth, and hit every museum and tourist thing that was open along the way. I think I did the trip in almost 2 weeks, and loved it. The only disappointment was at Little Bighorn, where I got to the battlefield 20 minutes after it closed for the day, but with plenty of light left. I got to see the site of Custer's defeat, through the fence, but that was it. Oher than that (and some tourist RRs that I wished would have bene running but I knew would be done for the season by then), it was a great trip.

Successfully repaired the overhead lighting in every one of my MTH Amfleet cars. One by one the original bulbs had burnt out leaving me with two or three lights on on the entire train.  I replaced the MTH bulbs with simple LEDS. I elected to go with "cool white" LEDS which have a slightly bluish-white light. I like the way they look.  I attempted to take a low-light photo in order to show them off but of course, this triggers the camera's flash but I think you can see that they're on. 

Amfleet new lights_20180419_130502476

Amtrak Amfleet new lights_20180419_130534160


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Last edited by Ralph M
Chugman posted:

Brian - Just a suggestion, but could you add to your frequent posts what you have done to your layout?  I see so many posts with just pictures and I want to compliment you on what did on your layout, but I'm not sure what it was.  Like the warehouse that is in so many of your pictures, did you just build that?  Is it a paper building front?  It looks really good and I have wanted to comment on it, but was hoping in one of your posts you would tell us about it.  Then I thought maybe you did and I missed it.

You must have an enormous engine collection too as I have seen hundreds on this thread since I have been watching.  Do you have room to run them all or do you have to store so many of them like most of us do?

Thanks, Art

      hello Art, yes them are paper building fronts, do not know who made them...


working on a new multi-deck layout 24'x48' that will have two additions someday...          

                                     storage and work shop...

          and yes, a lot of trains on shelves throughout the house...

                and a 12'x35' room that will be all Alaska themed...


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Last edited by briansilvermustang
paul 2 posted:

First day at York I only bought one car so far. I must have a fever LOL

Paul, I am sure you will get over it tomorrow! You will think to yourself, I didn't come this far just to meet dad! So tomorrow break out the big cash and get your dream stuff!

Did you get a chance to meet Bob yet?

I haven't been spending much time on the forum lately, partly due to dull content, but mostly because I've been working on the layout. Unfortunately, I'm feeling a bit burnt out. Six months without a day off will do that to a person.

My guy is coming back Tuesday to take pictures for the convention. This time, I think I'm ready, but it hasn't been easy.

Yesterday was the first day in a little over a month that I didn't work on the Hoffman scene. Instead, I went back over to aisle 1, and worked on my girder viaduct, which has left the CP main out of service for more than two months, ever since I cut the roadbed away, leaving the track hanging in mid air, unsupported.

I grabbed my cheap can of flat black spray paint, and blasted all the bridge parts.


I glued the piers down to the plywood, then I took my support segments and glued them to the bottom of the ties.



That left a 1-1/8" gap between the top of the pier and the bottom of the segment, so I cut a piece of 2x4 down to that dimension, and made blocks which I painted black.


I applied glue to the tops and bottoms of the blocks, and placed all the nearest heavy objects on it to dry. I also repainted the piers with my own concrete color.


This is how it is sitting right now. I'm anxious to remove the weights, and give it a little load test, throw the Challenger on it. That's by far my heaviest piece.


I spent two days this week organizing all of my used foam chunks, first sorting by color, then by size. This box is actually for sifting Legos, but it worked great for the foam.


I got a bunch more glued onto the rock face. Not seeing any hot glue threads, what a pain.


This was a test project. It seems that the vinyl letters don't like to stick to the semigloss paint.


My wife just happened to have a bottle of Mod Podge, which I appropriated. One coat, and the letters were fixed in place. Now I just have to go around and do the rest. A few are already messed up and will need to be fixed.


Finally, while I had the concrete paint out, I started doing sidewalks and grade crossings. This street is far from finished, but you get the idea.



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Brian, you sure have a lot of cars! Just wondering if you have one from every RR out there! They all look great on your layout! Next you will be shooting full length videos!

Elliot, the piers turned out great looking! It doesn't hurt to take a day here and there from trains! Its called ANTI- Burnout! LOL Everyone needs to do it here and there! I think most would agree with me that you have accomplished feats that none of us would ever take on! In my mind you are truly and Layout Master! I always love seeing what your doing and thank you so very much for taking the time to share it with the rest of us!

Thanks Mike, and you're welcome. I probably wouldn't be working like a mad man if it wasn't for this convention. I just want it to be looking its best for this national and even international audience.

The piers are not scratch built. They are made by Chooch, and I got them from Scenic Express. I did have to do some modification though. They were way too tall for this viaduct, so I ran them through the table saw to get them to the height I wanted. Then after laying out the bridge, I saw that I was short two piers, so I took the cut off pieces and made a couple more. The only problem was they didn't have the caps like the originals, so I made those from some scrap wood. Now that they are painted, you can't tell which are which.

Big_Boy_4005 posted:

Thanks Mike, and you're welcome. I probably wouldn't be working like a mad man if it wasn't for this convention. I just want it to be looking its best for this national and even international audience.

The piers are not scratch built. They are made by Chooch, and I got them from Scenic Express. I did have to do some modification though. They were way too tall for this viaduct, so I ran them through the table saw to get them to the height I wanted. Then after laying out the bridge, I saw that I was short two piers, so I took the cut off pieces and made a couple more. The only problem was they didn't have the caps like the originals, so I made those from some scrap wood. Now that they are painted, you can't tell which are which.

Hey Elliot

When is the National Convention is it Sept 5-8?   just wondering cause Haydays is on Sept 8-9 might have to take another road trip eh

Last edited by chester7

I bought this MTH F40PH  while ago to make it into a dummy. I think it originally had Loco Sound or something,.  Anyways, after years of running this and my powered F40PH as an A-A pair, it suddenly dawned on me to try it at the end of train in  push-pull configuration.  I knew I needed a red light to run that way and I remedied that with a quick LED install.  I was pleased to find when I opened it up that MTH had provided a red lens and all I needed was an ordinary LED behind it.

I'm liking it, 

AMTK F40 Dummy LED_2212AMTK F40 Dummy LED_2212-X


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Ended up having a great York between buying and catching up with friends. At York I got coal loads from Don Kane and they are nice, I picked up another Weaver trailer on flat car, at Trainworld I ended up with the last MTH 44 tonner he had, and at Joe G I picked up a Pacific Fruit Express 2 pack trailer set and ordered another two sets.Also a few more Gar Graves uncoupling tracks.  When I got home my engine from the Canadian club was waiting for me. All and all it was a great time. But now I have to spend the next few days cleaning up the layouts because I will be hosting my Tuesday night crew Here are some pics of my buys..........Paul



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Ralph M posted:

I bought this MTH F40PH  while ago to make it into a dummy. I think it originally had Loco Sound or something,.  Anyways, after years of running this and my powered F40PH as an A-A pair, it suddenly dawned on me to try it at the end of train in  push-pull configuration.  I knew I needed a red light to run that way and I remedied that with a quick LED install.  I was pleased to find when I opened it up that MTH had provided a red lens and all I needed was an ordinary LED behind it.

I'm liking it, 

AMTK F40 Dummy LED_2212AMTK F40 Dummy LED_2212-X




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mike g. posted:

Brian, can you explain the lights on top of the last passenger car? Is that normal as I have never seen one like that!

                                            Metroliner Cab Car...                                         





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Running big trains with my little girl.  Sorry if the camera gets a little shaky.

That’s every caboose I could find that runs - just because it’s fun!  The only three not in this mix are at the office on display, an original 817 that doesn’t get along with gargraves switches, and a Marx unit that just showed up that I don’t have a way to couple to yet.


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jhz563 posted:

Running big trains with my little girl.  Sorry if the camera gets a little shaky.

That’s every caboose I could find that runs - just because it’s fun!  The only three not in this mix are at the office on display, an original 817 that doesn’t get along with gargraves switches, and a Marx unit that just showed up that I don’t have a way to couple to yet.

just fyi, there is a little kit on ebay right now to make marx and lionel knuckles compatible. I think it is under marx


Panther97 posted:

It took me a few years.   I finally purchased the last ride for my amusement park at York!   Next s the scenery.....

I may be able to fit an o-scale free fall ride!

Amusement Park

Outstanding, Panther97. When children visit your layout, they must think they have found a little bit of heaven. Congratulations on your success with your amusement park. I am much looking forward to your sharing your next creative scenery efforts with it, as you indicated.


Last edited by Moonson
Steaming Jon posted:

IMG_3714Kinda small to call it a layout, but it's all I have room for... started cutting and glueing foam today... cars and engines are there for some weight...

Hey, if you build it, it's a layout! That's my problem right now, trying to figure out enough room for a mid size layout that I can keep permanent.


LoadMaster posted:
Steaming Jon posted:

IMG_3714Kinda small to call it a layout, but it's all I have room for... started cutting and glueing foam today... cars and engines are there for some weight...

Hey, if you build it, it's a layout! That's my problem right now, trying to figure out enough room for a mid size layout that I can keep permanent.


I guess I see this as a big diorama with a loop of track, so I can run trains up off the carpet... I plan on having a nice mountain in the middle, focusing on making the scenery as nice as I can...

Well it should be "what did I do to my layout this past week". I've never been happy with how the downtown are of my layout turned out. That and my passenger terminal only had 2 tracks. So over this past week I removed the entire downtown section and mountain. I also added another track to my passenger terminal, for a total of 3. I'm still in the process of redoing everything but it's going along. There will be no more mountain, instead the trains will run under the downtown area. Once I finish adding some details to the retaining wall it's time for paint, scenery repair, and rebuilding the downtown area. I'm hoping to get it done by June but we'll see.





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