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leapinlarry posted:

RSJB18, I like your layout and your contributions to this OGR Forum, and your layout is also truly unique....Keep posting your pictures....I think you can see that we all add a different type humor to this hobby...Thank You.

Now, I will close with, thanks to everyone in our Hobby, we can share our thoughts, and pray for those with health issues, and compliment those that show us great Talent, and Learn from others that share there Knowledge so that We all, can enjoy this wonderful Hobby.643829E7-47FB-4425-A853-06D13764505F023A1231-D91B-4D42-B2AF-329F98FF2621DC61C09F-EA65-49E0-8FFD-CF0911EF098C7CCA117F-5FC0-4F5C-A82B-2B5EF786446ECCB5607E-116A-449C-9233-77117B2D0333E49CC63C-77FA-4DD0-9836-2C9980CF254753F8AC2C-143D-4C2B-A659-047745E882AE



Thank you Larry for the kind words. My layout has evolved from my HO scale background to O gauge toy train with operating accessories (which didn't fit), to....I need more room. I've been having loads of fun building this and enjoying this great hobby again. I grew up with HO trains, had two huge layouts in my parents basement till we moved when I was 18. School, girls (married the best one), work, family, etc got in the way. When we finally bought a house I thought I could finally build a layout again. Took about 17 years till I did. I always had a loop of track under the tree each year running my HO Rivarossi Mallet and Hudson that I've had since I was little. Tried to get my son interested with Thomas trains but he never really was bitten by the bug like we are. Too many other distractions for kids today. He does enjoy watching mine run now though.

This forum has been amazing. The support from everyone and the camaraderie are wonderful. Perfect example is the post that you put together. Taking the time to comment on everyone's work is what this hobby is all about. I do try and do the same but often it's numerous "likes" to go around as I don't always have time to mention each and every post.

And I would be remiss if I finished this response without commenting on your spectacular layout and train room. One of the top 10 on the forum IMHO .

Thanks- Bob

Vincent Massi posted:
John Rowlen posted:

After a Valentine's Day break, I finished my 10th 24-Pack of Preiser 65602 Unpainted Seated People in the past 30 days.  The Yellow clothing pack is pictured as I readied the next, #11, for Lavender clothing.  That gives me another 240 people.  I have three more boxes at home to finish, and another thirteen on the way from Germany - I bought two more boxes last night.  The twenty six boxes of 24 will give me 624 people for the Lionel passenger cars arriving around Christmas 2019.

I took a break from painting and converted two Atlas O Trainman 40' B&O Sentinel Box Cars to three-rail.  I will sell the two-rail trucks and coupler boxes on Ebay later this month when I finally sell extra Atlas O 3-rail rolling stock.

Trying to keep up a good head of steam, but I may need to use a pusher engine, to keep me moving through this up-hill painting project.

Sincerely, John Rowlen

John, I had never heard of Sentinel Fast Freight Service boxcars, but your is very nice-looking. The web tells me that their distinctive blue and silver boxcars were used from 1947 to 1958, when the service ended. The boxcars were then painted brown, although some lasted until the mid-60's before being repainted. One fellow claims to have seen one in the early 1970's, in bad shape, in a railyard.

I acquired a Sentinel car as part of a MTH B&O Work train set. Love the colors on the car. One of my favorites.
Thanks for the background info on the real cars.

2018-02-03 10.05.062018-02-03 10.05.18




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  • 2018-02-03 10.05.06
  • 2018-02-03 10.05.18

John, the people are looking great! Nice job on the conversion!

Well for me toady I have to go to an HOA Meeting, then come home and dig out a path so Tank the inspector can get out to a small part of the yard with less snow to have a bathroom! He has a hard time getting threw no 28" of snow with his 8" legs! LOL

I hope after that to get to the train room after a week or so of not even opening the door. I need to clean up so I can lay some more cork and some switches!

I hope everyone has a great Saturday! Tomorrow will be train room all day with the Daytona 500 on the T.V.!


"I hope everyone has a great Saturday! Tomorrow will be train room all day with the Daytona 500 on the T.V.! "  

                               looks like you're good to go Mike


                            Have a GREAT DAY Mike !!!!!!!!!!!!!









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Mike g, the layout is taking shape. Looks like a lot of us are goin to be working on the layouts this weekend.

I ran to Menards this morning to pick up the Materials Handling silos. After a bit of deliberating I opted for this instead of the Gamer and Thrones building. My thought was I could add more switching possibilities to the other Material handling building plus maye scratch build some extra buildings. Won't be working on the layout till late this afternoon. Have a get together with the local club at one of the guy's houses. Pic.............Paul



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John Rowlen posted:

Carl and Mark,  The Preiser 65602 people count is now well over 3,500 completed in the last five years, probably more.  I also purchased 18 packs of 48 (864 )  Chinese seated figures according to Evermodel on Ebay, thirteen of the 8402 and five of the 8406.  The 8402 Seated Figures from China has the man turning around and talking and five other 1/45 (smaller) figures that fit well in the Lionel 21" Dining Cars. 

The boy with his hand on the table had his hand cut from his knee, bent upward, and placed on top of the table.  The young girl turning to her left and the two women with hats are among the six 8402 1/45 figures from China.

"Surgeon John" aka, "Butch R.", has had very few fatalities in his cutting, grinding, and bending as he placed people in the cars.  Unfortunately, a few did not literally make "the Cut."

Sincerely, John Rowlen

Butch R., I’ll not come your way when it’s time for my knee replacement.  I may not make the cut!!  LOL

Thank you for the numbers.  My passenger car populating will have to wait until I am fully retired.  Sounds like a good job for when I get that knee replaced!

You have been an inspiration!

Kon, I like the video of The a Great Northern very much...Your Layout is Fantastic.

Geyser, I like your track work and that’s a good idea, eliminating the S curve...Looks very nice.

Today I installed a Broadway Limited Talking operating and talking water tower..They are so cool. We painted it with Crayola Top, to Simply look at home on my “Leapin Larry’s Looney Lines RR....CFBABFCF-FADF-414A-A078-A3C47348625F6602F374-680B-474C-83A4-816EF57702D7DB637D79-D57F-484B-9500-CB0E25BC10D2


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7355A27E-6FF5-44EA-AF54-F6652B3247C013CF9E70-9800-4342-92C3-722F9985B174E2564CC5-E7E1-4C93-A7FF-C2B3495442A97CA1BED0-42FA-4496-B765-41AB89A7FACEToday I fixed the  pilot  on my F3 about 3 months ago it fell off I just had it super glued on but today I drilled some holes and put 2  screws in it. Now it’s a “fixed” pilot took some pics of it and ran it with a mixed manifest of vintage atlas O and 1 All Nations car I Custom built and some lionel pigs.


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@leapinlarry. Thank you !   My dads a big GN fan and I agree with him.  I’ve found him a good amount of GN.   We drove from outside Philadelphia area to Brooklyn to get the F3s. I think he wants a green GN steam as well... 

your layout looks awesome too !    My goal is to post weekly videos.  Looking to build a camera car as well.  I have another scene planned just need to get started.  

carsntrains posted:
paul 2 posted:

Had a chance to continue working on the gorge. I got the two extra falls in but after looking it over I think I'll add one more foam piece to the one on the left. I think it will look more interesting if they were different heights. Still have to gouge out some more foam where the culvert will be. Maybe after dinner Ill tackle it some more. Pics..........Paul


Paul that is really looking good!  You are out pacing me on getting the project done,  I am missing some turnouts that I need to get my stuff rolling again!  

We are expecting 12 inches of rain in the mountains around us and 8 to 10 inches of rain here in the valley in the next few days.  I think it is the weather system that dropped all that snow on MikeG!  

Lee those TOFCs are awesome!   I may have no choice but to buy those  Trailer Train cars with Southern trailers.   Can you post a picture of that Tucker you have?  

Erica nice repaint on that hopper!   Do you guys own/run a model business??  

Al you always impress me..  Do you run the company that makes turntables??   

I would love to have a job that included trains.  My neighbor at work designs and installs engine upgrades to real trains!  Puts new engines and computer systems in older diesels and they run the 3 rivers rambler in Knoxville, TN.   




I just saw your post. Thank you and Yes I run and Own Millhouse River Studios making turntables and transfer tables.


Paul 2, Thanks you ! I just got done shoveling paths threw the snow, one to the wood shed and the other one to the train room/garage! A little break then its out to the train room!

Brian, Now that's funny! For some reason Tank doesn't like the train room anymore if the big garage door is closed! I even put a bed out there for him!

Andy, nice video! but what more impressive is your Race Car! Very Nice!

Geyser, good change, looks a lot better! Not so busy!

Larry, the water tower looks wonderful! Its amazing how you can just ad something to your layout and it looks like its always been there! What wonderful work!

Lee, nice work on the Pilot fix! Also sweet looking Pacemaker!

Hi Friends!

First off, as usual, very beautiful work everyone! Mike, I hope you are finally passed that pesky virus.

I started ballast today, I have to admit it it quite therapeutic and relaxing IMO.

Here is my first few feet. Going to let it dry before going too far forward to make sure it sticks well to the track:


I do have a question for you guys, I want to spruce up the ReadyGrass area. I have ready that "turf blend" is the best. Any suggestions on what I can use in terms of colors? I must admit I am slightly colorblind so I fear that if I choose something myself, well you can only imagine what will happen.

Hope everyone has a fantastic weekend.

Stay warm and be safe from the MIA!!



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lee drennen posted:

4B7CCE15-0C80-47F6-B653-09CCC94C80BEB2C92764-0FFE-4D48-B5B4-36825495222BDBE457CA-EAE9-4199-A9B3-0299B257467A1C49AB8D-1C1B-407E-A03A-FF8D5F28C4A3Jim here’s some pics of that tucker

Lee man is that cool!   Would it be a stretch to think a Tucker would have made it down the Tennessee before 1959?   I think they were built just outside of Ypsilanti Michigan and very few were produced.   Shocked to see somebody makes one in 1/43.  I knew a guy that had a few of the real ones.   

Al thanks for the response!  I hope the chains you made will work out for you!  

Choff nice layout!  

Daniel good work on the ballasting of Fastrack!   Looks like Choff did something similar!  Keep us posted as it is something some of us (me) needs to do!! 

Ive gotten a bunch of goodies over the past few days.  And I did accidently win a bid on a boxcar that I already bought a few days before.   Who would have thought 6 bucks would get one?   Dang shipping was 14!!!   UGGGGGG    I managed to get 3 switches and some cows ordered on the Feb. sale!  Have to gain some parking space for this new rolling stock!   I can not buy anymore.  The boss said I had enough for now : )  

I will try to get some pictures posted later! 


Daniel J. Gonzalez posted:

Hi Friends!

First off, as usual, very beautiful work everyone! Mike, I hope you are finally passed that pesky virus.

I started ballast today, I have to admit it it quite therapeutic and relaxing IMO.

Here is my first few feet. Going to let it dry before going too far forward to make sure it sticks well to the track:


I do have a question for you guys, I want to spruce up the ReadyGrass area. I have ready that "turf blend" is the best. Any suggestions on what I can use in terms of colors? I must admit I am slightly colorblind so I fear that if I choose something myself, well you can only imagine what will happen.

Hope everyone has a fantastic weekend.

Stay warm and be safe from the MIA!!



Ballast looks great I’m getting ready to do the same thing you’re doing glad you posted this I was wondering what that fast track would look like ballast I’ve seen several on the forum done it but this is the best pic yet

CHOFF, I am with Larry, Nice looking layout! Great work!

Daniel, thanks! Today is the first day I feel normal, but then what is normal at this point in life? Everyday its something else that pops up! LOL Wonderful job on the ballast! I would help you out with the grass color, but I really suck at stuff like that, that's why I do what your doing and ask here! Good luck on your project!



carsntrains posted:
lee drennen posted:

4B7CCE15-0C80-47F6-B653-09CCC94C80BEB2C92764-0FFE-4D48-B5B4-36825495222BDBE457CA-EAE9-4199-A9B3-0299B257467A1C49AB8D-1C1B-407E-A03A-FF8D5F28C4A3Jim here’s some pics of that tucker

Lee man is that cool!   Would it be a stretch to think a Tucker would have made it down the Tennessee before 1959?   I think they were built just outside of Ypsilanti Michigan and very few were produced.   Shocked to see somebody makes one in 1/43.  I knew a guy that had a few of the real ones.   

Al thanks for the response!  I hope the chains you made will work out for you!  

Choff nice layout!  

Daniel good work on the ballasting of Fastrack!   Looks like Choff did something similar!  Keep us posted as it is something some of us (me) needs to do!! 

Ive gotten a bunch of goodies over the past few days.  And I did accidently win a bid on a boxcar that I already bought a few days before.   Who would have thought 6 bucks would get one?   Dang shipping was 14!!!   UGGGGGG    I managed to get 3 switches and some cows ordered on the Feb. sale!  Have to gain some parking space for this new rolling stock!   I can not buy anymore.  The boss said I had enough for now : )  

I will try to get some pictures posted later! 


Yes they were. I think Patrick “Trump Train” has a dealership on his layout of Tucker’s  I think he posted it here a couple days ago check it out 

Thank you guys all for the positivity! It helps so much.

I will keep posting photos for you guys to follow. Bill from Ready to Roll (My LHS) gave me a few tips. I used "wet water" which is just two drops of dish soap and water in a small spray bottle. Next I just made 50/50 water and white glue to stick it down.

I will make a quick video for you guys ASAP so you can see what I do. I am sure it can be approved upon but I have seen a million scenery videos and this really helpful Australia gentleman gave me what I think is the best tip to make it as realistic as possible. (Involves how to clear and tap the ballast down from the track after it is applied from the bottle.)

Thanks guys!

Daniel J. Gonzalez posted:

Thank you guys all for the positivity! It helps so much.

I will keep posting photos for you guys to follow. Bill from Ready to Roll (My LHS) gave me a few tips. I used "wet water" which is just two drops of dish soap and water in a small spray bottle. Next I just made 50/50 water and white glue to stick it down.

I will make a quick video for you guys ASAP so you can see what I do. I am sure it can be approved upon but I have seen a million scenery videos and this really helpful Australia gentleman gave me what I think is the best tip to make it as realistic as possible. (Involves how to clear and tap the ballast down from the track after it is applied from the bottle.)

Thanks guys!

What do you think about trying some HO size ballast on the top?   There is an excellent video in the OGR video archives on how to do ballast.  Exactly what you said.   Wetter water and a 50/50 mix of white glue and water. Cool how that works.  

Wife has me cleaning up because I have "TRAIN BOXES" stacked up all over the house!  LOL 


What did I do today? Simple: I was on my hands and knees restringing track power wire. 

  1. I upgraded the TIU, the Remote, and the WIU to the latest firmware/software.
  2. Re-strung the wire, as mentioned. 
  3. Had a glass of Chianti after signal strength reported a "1" throughout. I just don't know what the problem could be! Wine usually solves problems, but alas not with DCS. 

Off to bed. 

-- Dr Joe

I am enjoying the pictures and videos of the layouts in this thread.  When I wake to help my mother in the middle of the night, I often check the newest work completed.  Thanks.

In progress:  I am working on a Lavender clothing box of Preiser 65602 Seated People.  I have just the lavender and then white touch-up to do before final inspection of these 24 figures.  I also opened four boxes and pulled two figures that will be wearing darker blue pants and tan jackets.  With 26 boxes being painted, I want a variety of clothing in case I need to place two of he same figure in one car, usually a Dome with Upper and Lower levels.  I will then add more white to the blue for the next box of figures in light blue and brown.

Mom just got up from sleeping.  Time for me to fix her a grapefruit or orange midnight snack.  Have a good evening.

Sincerely, John Rowlen


Images (2)
  • DSCN7018: Lavender Group of 24 figures.
  • DSCN7019: Blue pants and Tan Jackets.

After dinner I had a bit of time and I added the piece of foam to the one falls on the left. Made some small pieces for each side of the top falls. Tomorrow I'll cut those pieces down. I think I got enough of the area done between the two abutments. I carved out some more making it a bit wider near the top. I cut out a piece of  foam to make a culvert opening. So I think tomorrow after I vacuum up everything up I can start laying down plaster wrap. Pics....PaulDSCN0167DSCN0168DSCN0169DSCN0170


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lee drennen posted:


I don’t know if anyone told you or not but make sure to get the ballast out in between the rail your engine might suck a piece up into the gears and cause you some heart ache. 

Thanks Lee, I was not planning on leaving it there, just wanted to leave it for now until I got further along and I can use a clean vacuum to pick the unused ballast up and reuse it. For now I have been using my inside loop when I want to run trains. Don't want the trains to loosen the ballast before it is completely dry.

Thanks again!

carsntrains posted:
Daniel J. Gonzalez posted:

Thank you guys all for the positivity! It helps so much.

I will keep posting photos for you guys to follow. Bill from Ready to Roll (My LHS) gave me a few tips. I used "wet water" which is just two drops of dish soap and water in a small spray bottle. Next I just made 50/50 water and white glue to stick it down.

I will make a quick video for you guys ASAP so you can see what I do. I am sure it can be approved upon but I have seen a million scenery videos and this really helpful Australia gentleman gave me what I think is the best tip to make it as realistic as possible. (Involves how to clear and tap the ballast down from the track after it is applied from the bottle.)

Thanks guys!

What do you think about trying some HO size ballast on the top?   There is an excellent video in the OGR video archives on how to do ballast.  Exactly what you said.   Wetter water and a 50/50 mix of white glue and water. Cool how that works.  

Wife has me cleaning up because I have "TRAIN BOXES" stacked up all over the house!  LOL 


Hey Jim, I might look into it, I actually wanted to think of ways to improve on the look. It might be an option. I will give it a try on a scrap piece of FasTrack and let you all know how it goes.

Thanks Jim!

Daniel J. Gonzalez posted:
lee drennen posted:


I don’t know if anyone told you or not but make sure to get the ballast out in between the rail your engine might suck a piece up into the gears and cause you some heart ache. 

Thanks Lee, I was not planning on leaving it there, just wanted to leave it for now until I got further along and I can use a clean vacuum to pick the unused ballast up and reuse it. For now I have been using my inside loop when I want to run trains. Don't want the trains to loosen the ballast before it is completely dry.

Thanks again!


I didn’t think you would I really wasn’t going to say anything I’m the last guy to give advice on someone’s layout. Thanks for not taking it the wrong way can’t wait for more update and you and a couple others are giving me the fever to start ballasting.

8B32E573-50E2-46F8-AD3F-6DA7DCB08564E898A7ED-4904-493B-8DE6-F2150A6349DFCA1AF6FC-4C79-42CE-A70A-FCE19C2BB85D971BBC60-AA2D-492B-BBDD-D2BE1CC871E1Before I went to bed last night I dug out my old Lionel 202 I notice that the decals were starting to peel and the flat paint I used was fading so I put a gloss coat on it to seal it I never wanted a gloss coat in the first place but I don’t feel like restoring it again. This was my  very first locomotive it was orange faded and needing help so I sanded it and repainted it and decaled it. This will probably go on the layout in my new model/train room in the house. 


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Another great Saturday of layout work. Wish I could say the same. I did pick up the piece of trim I need for the front edge of the layout. I should have time to cut and install today.

Paul- the gorge is looking great. I'm stressing over the waterfall work to come....

Daniel- The ballast looks good. I have a couple of pieces on my layout that I did the same with. I painted the sides with white glue and sprinkled the ballast on. I let it set then went back with wet water and more ballast to fill any gaps. I left the top bare too. Once dry I blended the edge with some different gravel and some brush to cover the back of my 5121 switches.

2017-08-07 19.35.452017-08-22 08.41.01

Dr. Joe- I with you on the adult beverages (I usually head for the single malt ),...not DCS though, exactly why I have not made the jump yet.

Mike G- glad you are finally dug out. I'm sure Tank is happy to get into the yard again too. I wonder what our furry friends think of snow. Our outdoor cat loves it, she runs around like a nut diving into the piles. Expecting a whopping 1-2" tonight, changing to rain tomorrow. Don't know what happened to winter this year. All the storms have been just northwest of the Island. Enjoy the race today.

Brian- Izzy needs to start laying track....

Kevin- the striping crew is doing a great job. Those union work rule are a PITA to deal with.

Lee- Love that Tucker. All of your cars and trucks are just as nice as the trains.

John R- Another fine looking bunch of people. You are a good Son too......

Choff- Very nice layout. Please share more

Larry- Love the water tower. Gotta have some fun now and then. The roof looks great.

Geyser- the new track plan looks much better. I'm always frustrated by miss-aligned couplers on curved sections. I usually call in the 5-finger yard master to fix the problem. That looks like a great area to do some serious switching work.

Mark- haven't commented lately but good to hear you are finally felling better. Hope you get back to work on the layout soon.

Put my new WM MP-15 and caboose out to do a few laps. More pix to follow.


2019-02-17 08.03.30



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  • 2017-08-07 19.35.45
  • 2017-08-22 08.41.01
  • 2019-02-17 08.03.30
lee drennen posted:
Daniel J. Gonzalez posted:
lee drennen posted:


I don’t know if anyone told you or not but make sure to get the ballast out in between the rail your engine might suck a piece up into the gears and cause you some heart ache. 

Thanks Lee, I was not planning on leaving it there, just wanted to leave it for now until I got further along and I can use a clean vacuum to pick the unused ballast up and reuse it. For now I have been using my inside loop when I want to run trains. Don't want the trains to loosen the ballast before it is completely dry.

Thanks again!


I didn’t think you would I really wasn’t going to say anything I’m the last guy to give advice on someone’s layout. Thanks for not taking it the wrong way can’t wait for more update and you and a couple others are giving me the fever to start ballasting.

Hey Lee,

I have two girls under 2 yo, a full time job and my wife stays home with the kids.

Stress is my middle name, last thing I want to do is spread that stress here or on this hobby, at the end of the day, it's why I do it; to help manage the stress.

You gave me a great tip and to be honest, had I not watched a few "how to" videos I might have left it as is lol.

Thanks you for being extremely helpful!

lee drennen posted:

8B32E573-50E2-46F8-AD3F-6DA7DCB08564E898A7ED-4904-493B-8DE6-F2150A6349DFCA1AF6FC-4C79-42CE-A70A-FCE19C2BB85D971BBC60-AA2D-492B-BBDD-D2BE1CC871E1Before I went to bed last night I dug out my old Lionel 202 I notice that the decals were starting to peel and the flat paint I used was fading so I put a gloss coat on it to seal it I never wanted a gloss coat in the first place but I don’t feel like restoring it again. This was my  very first locomotive it was orange faded and needing help so I sanded it and repainted it and decaled it. This will probably go on the layout in my new model/train room in the house. 

UMMM.....did I miss a big announcement?

Nice work on the ALCO too!

Dr. Joe, I sure hope the wine helped! I know how frustrating it can be with DCS!

Paul 2, Looking good! What do you plan on using for the water on the falls?

Kevin, looks like the striping crew is doing a great job! you don't want to rush them, cause you don't want to have to call them back to fix any mistakes! LOL

LEE D, The 202 looks good! The decals are just wear and tare from years of service!

Bob, Thanks! The ballast looks great and it also looks like you have a little fun with your WM MP-15 and caboose! Sounds like a good night overall!

Brian, way to step up with the NYC Engine pictures! You always have pictures for everything! LOL

Yesterday I got to the train room in over a week, I did some cleaning and will be out there again today. Maybe some more brick wall castings and running my solo train around and around! LOL A couple of pictures for you guys! Also you will notice my airfield cut down to 1 runway. Room for moor buildings!20190216_15340420190216_15341320190216_15342020190216_160823


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mike g. posted:

Dr. Joe, I sure hope the wine helped! I know how frustrating it can be with DCS!

Paul 2, Looking good! What do you plan on using for the water on the falls?

Kevin, looks like the striping crew is doing a great job! you don't want to rush them, cause you don't want to have to call them back to fix any mistakes! LOL

LEE D, The 202 looks good! The decals are just wear and tare from years of service!

Bob, Thanks! The ballast looks great and it also looks like you have a little fun with your WM MP-15 and caboose! Sounds like a good night overall!

Brian, way to step up with the NYC Engine pictures! You always have pictures for everything! LOL

Yesterday I got to the train room in over a week, I did some cleaning and will be out there again today. Maybe some more brick wall castings and running my solo train around and around! LOL A couple of pictures for you guys! Also you will notice my airfield cut down to 1 runway. Room for moor buildings!20190216_15340420190216_15341320190216_15342020190216_160823

Mike glad to see you made it back to the train room!  Runway looks good!!!  What is that building up next to the runway?   

Im heading down to Lowes to get some outlets and a wall switch.   Maybe some lighting fixtures.    My Brother is supposed to come this afternoon and help me with the wires I had exposed with the demolition. I'm not holding my breath but I figure I should be ready if he shows up!  Not feeling it today but things need to be done : ) 


paul 2 posted:

After dinner I had a bit of time and I added the piece of foam to the one falls on the left. Made some small pieces for each side of the top falls. Tomorrow I'll cut those pieces down. I think I got enough of the area done between the two abutments. I carved out some more making it a bit wider near the top. I cut out a piece of  foam to make a culvert opening. So I think tomorrow after I vacuum up everything up I can start laying down plaster wrap. Pics....PaulDSCN0167

Paul I, and I'm sure many others here, are enjoying watching this project unfold.

GEYSERGAZER, thanks. I am eager to see how this is going to unfold because I had no set paln when I started this. 

This morning Iadded a few more side pieces to the upper falls. Thought it was a bit too wide and too many straight lines. I did a final cut on the front facia and then vacuumed up the whole area. Then I cut strips of plaster wrap so after lunch I can at least start to get all the foam board covered. Pics..........Paul



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RSJB18 posted:
lee drennen posted:

8B32E573-50E2-46F8-AD3F-6DA7DCB08564E898A7ED-4904-493B-8DE6-F2150A6349DFCA1AF6FC-4C79-42CE-A70A-FCE19C2BB85D971BBC60-AA2D-492B-BBDD-D2BE1CC871E1Before I went to bed last night I dug out my old Lionel 202 I notice that the decals were starting to peel and the flat paint I used was fading so I put a gloss coat on it to seal it I never wanted a gloss coat in the first place but I don’t feel like restoring it again. This was my  very first locomotive it was orange faded and needing help so I sanded it and repainted it and decaled it. This will probably go on the layout in my new model/train room in the house. 

UMMM.....did I miss a big announcement?

Nice work on the ALCO too!

Bob.  Not a big announcement I just mention it about 4-5 pages ago. The wife wants to turn the “Sitting” room into a Dinning room and our current dining room is small that’s where I have my work station there in the corner. I had a model room but when my youngest daughter wanted her own room guess who lost there man cave to pink walls and vanity oh well she’s worth more than just a room. I will keep you posted  

lee drennen posted:

F861CEA6-B145-42BF-BD22-93D048992C9ACan anyone tell me what scale my little 202 is? Is it 0/027 or standard O it looks kinda small pulling Lionel standard O car and O scale Weaver car but looks about right pulling these menards cars which I think are 0/027 

It's traditional 0/027 semi scale. It's short of scale in length, width, and height.

Hello Guys and Gals,

I haven't posted anything in a while but this week I will be making up for that. I have some time off of the job so I plan to get tons of stuff done...stay tuned. Here's the results from painting the walls to have them blend better with the backdrops. Sorry for any mess you see around. I was just so anxious to get it posted. 


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Paul 2 and Dr. Joe, thanks guys!

Paul 2, I have to ask, ISNT lunch over yet? LOL

Johan, Great looking car!

Dave the backdrops and the walls turned out wonderful!

Matt, I am with you! It sure would be nice to see Chase win! But I wouldn't mind seeing Jimmy Johnson win another one!

Ok I am heading out to the train room. Not sure what I am going to do, might just watch the Daytona 500 and my train go around and around! LOL

mike g. posted:

Paul 2 and Dr. Joe, thanks guys!

Paul 2, I have to ask, ISNT lunch over yet? LOL

Johan, Great looking car!

Dave the backdrops and the walls turned out wonderful!

Matt, I am with you! It sure would be nice to see Chase win! But I wouldn't mind seeing Jimmy Johnson win another one!

Ok I am heading out to the train room. Not sure what I am going to do, might just watch the Daytona 500 and my train go around and around! LOL

Mike: Thank you very much.  Maybe i try later paint also a S.B.R. -version.


luvindemtrains posted:

Hello Guys and Gals,

I haven't posted anything in a while but this week I will be making up for that. I have some time off of the job so I plan to get tons of stuff done...stay tuned. Here's the results from painting the walls to have them blend better with the backdrops. Sorry for any mess you see around. I was just so anxious to get it posted. 


That right there is some assuredly gorgeous work! Tnx for sharing.



Got a strange question for you, Mitch.  I have a Bachman HO Thomas the Tank Engine with two passenger cars The couplings are not compatible with anything except a large passenger car that I bought separately.

Assuming your train is Lionel, are those all Thomas rolling stock? If not, are the original couplings compatible with your other railcars?

lee drennen posted:

Thanks Lou

I think the Lionel Standard O cars look the best to me. Here’s a video of it pulling some lionel Standard O and tanks cars I can’t remember the names 

Lee, that's great video, but the new guy needs to ask you a question. I noticed that your caboose is illuminated. Is this by a connection to the track or by a battery-powered light inside?

I turned my first locomotive (a early 90's Lionel 2-4-0) into a park display. The locomotive doesn't fit in with the scale size equipment I run (or have TMCC/DCS, obviously) but I wanted it to be a part of my layout. Need to ad some details around the area (benches and what not), but at least the locomotive is out of the box and on the layout.



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Vincent Massi posted:

Got a strange question for you, Mitch.  I have a Bachman HO Thomas the Tank Engine with two passenger cars The couplings are not compatible with anything except a large passenger car that I bought separately.

(has a look online) Yeah, those are Hornby couplers.  Most Euro HO equipment has similar couplers.  

Assuming your train is Lionel, are those all Thomas rolling stock? If not, are the original couplings compatible with your other railcars?

Those are all Lionel rolling stock, and they have regular Lionel couplers... 




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Vincent Massi posted:
lee drennen posted:

Thanks Lou

I think the Lionel Standard O cars look the best to me. Here’s a video of it pulling some lionel Standard O and tanks cars I can’t remember the names 

Lee, that's great video, but the new guy needs to ask you a question. I noticed that your caboose is illuminated. Is this by a connection to the track or by a battery-powered light inside?

It’s probably not keeping connection maybe some can tell me how to fix it 

Lou1985 posted:

I turned my first locomotive (a early 90's Lionel 2-4-0) into a park display. The locomotive doesn't fit in with the scale size equipment I run (or have TMCC/DCS, obviously) but I wanted it to be a part of my layout. Need to ad some details around the area (benches and what not), but at least the locomotive is out of the box and on the layout.



I like those cars nice looking pictures 

geysergazer posted:
luvindemtrains posted:

Hello Guys and Gals,

I haven't posted anything in a while but this week I will be making up for that. I have some time off of the job so I plan to get tons of stuff done...stay tuned. Here's the results from painting the walls to have them blend better with the backdrops. Sorry for any mess you see around. I was just so anxious to get it posted. 


That right there is some assuredly gorgeous work! Tnx for sharing.



Thanks a bunch Lew!

I finally added some marker lights made by Tomar, paint the handrails and the awning flat black, shorted the rear coupler quite a bit, and added a homemade drumhead for the West Point Route on the tailcar of a Commodore Vanderbilt set I picked up for this purpose a while back.  I wish I would picked up some interiors when the were still available from the Lionel parts department to go in them...3CEA0EAE-677E-4E25-9FF0-A94CF7E6B391


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On eBay, I finally found a 1/43 scale World War II Jeep model that had the MBT trailer.

I had no idea anyone made one in that scale, so I jumped at it, mostly just to get to the trailer.

The Jeep also had a pedestal mount with a m1919 .30 caliber machine gun, on the m1917 tripod mount, which was very common in the time frame I model.

So, I took off a few things, repainted a few things, added a canvas windshield cover out of tissue paper, and did a little bit of weathering to it. I like how it turned out.






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Paul 2, It sure is looking good there Paul! I know what you mean about housemans work! LOL I had to go shopping with the wife this morning! But she was a great woman and gave me the rest of the day for train and the Daytona 500!

Lee D. Nice little video!

Mitch, it sure seams like your always having fun! Sure makes life a lot better when you take that time to enjoy yourself!

Lou, Nice looking layout display! We have something like that in our little town. Trains from back in the day on display in the shopping area. Next time I am in town I will take a couple pictures and share them here!

CHOFF, Nice presentation of parts of your layout!

Mark, sorry that life is taking time away from the trains, But it happens! Just remember all the train stuff is just relaxing waiting for you when you come back!

Sparke2, Wonderful work!

LEE, Nice find! You have done a great job on the repaint and weather, it looks so real! Nice work!

So gays & gals the wife was nice enough to let me have the day for trains and Daytona 500. So after shopping I spent the rest of the day in the train room. I was able to get 2 more switches wired in and worked on my slide shelf for my Z4000. I also did a little brick wall casting . On top of that I watched the Daytona 500 and have a Coors frosty pop, ok maybe 2! LOL here are a few pictures and a small video! Enjoy the rest of your weekend!20190217_15512320190217_15513220190217_155137


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Lou1985 posted:

I turned my first locomotive (a early 90's Lionel 2-4-0) into a park display. The locomotive doesn't fit in with the scale size equipment I run (or have TMCC/DCS, obviously) but I wanted it to be a part of my layout. Need to ad some details around the area (benches and what not), but at least the locomotive is out of the box and on the layout.



Fabulous layout... thanks for sharing. I LOVE the idea of using your first engine into a static display. Hope you don’t mind if I steal it. I have to have some restoration work done on my PW 637 - now I know what to do with it when it’s fixed up!!!

mike g. posted:

So gays & gals the wife was nice enough to let me have the day for trains and Daytona 500. So after shopping I spent the rest of the day in the train room. I was able to get 2 more switches wired in and worked on my slide shelf for my Z4000. I also did a little brick wall casting . On top of that I watched the Daytona 500 and have a Coors frosty pop, ok maybe 2! LOL here are a few pictures and a small video! Enjoy the rest of your weekend!20190217_155123

Glad to see you're off the roof and back in the train room where you belong!    I thought you were using Tortoise switch machines.   Looks like a Gargraves switch but what's the switch machine?    Dave

Had my daughter home for the weekend, made minimal progress on my kitbash building... glued in some more re-inforcements and was able to take it out on the deck for photos in the sunshine.  While she was here, I decided to start building home made pine trees.   These are 11 to 14 inches tall.   We had a pretty good time of it.   Fortunately, or unfortunately for viewers, the one completed tree actually looks much better "in person" than in the photos.   But it was a fun creative project, and I'll definitely be making more.   The process went faster once we made the first one and figured out what was required.   Just painted the last 2 tonight, so I'll be spraying the with adhesive and applying the 2 mm static grass fibers tomorrow.  

Mike G,  layout's looking good, beats the heck out of shoveling !!!  

Lou,  I agree, that's a great way to incorporate your "original loco" into your present day layout 

Lee,   outstanding weathering work, and really nice tarp cover in the trailer,  great scene and great photo.  


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p51 posted:

On eBay, I finally found a 1/43 scale World War II Jeep model that had the MBT trailer.

I had no idea anyone made one in that scale, so I jumped at it, mostly just to get to the trailer.

The Jeep also had a pedestal mount with a m1919 .30 caliber machine gun, on the m1917 tripod mount, which was very common in the time frame I model.

So, I took off a few things, repainted a few things, added a canvas windshield cover out of tissue paper, and did a little bit of weathering to it. I like how it turned out.





What a great find!   Great transformation!!  Well Done Lee!!!  Cheers, Dave

Last edited by darlander
p51 posted:

On eBay, I finally found a 1/43 scale World War II Jeep model that had the MBT trailer.

I had no idea anyone made one in that scale, so I jumped at it, mostly just to get to the trailer.

The Jeep also had a pedestal mount with a m1919 .30 caliber machine gun, on the m1917 tripod mount, which was very common in the time frame I model.

So, I took off a few things, repainted a few things, added a canvas windshield cover out of tissue paper, and did a little bit of weathering to it. I like how it turned out.





Nice find Lee I like the windshield cover very  Authentic. I have one like this but it’s a old 1/48 Bandai kit I’ve started it guess I need to finish it. The lighting and background is awesome another stunning pic Lee.

LaramieJoe posted:

What did I do today? Simple: I was on my hands and knees restringing track power wire. 

  1. I upgraded the TIU, the Remote, and the WIU to the latest firmware/software.
  2. Re-strung the wire, as mentioned. 
  3. Had a glass of Chianti after signal strength reported a "1" throughout. I just don't know what the problem could be! Wine usually solves problems, but alas not with DCS. 

Off to bed. 

-- Dr Joe


Tomorrow (Monday) is National Drink Wine Day - I would recommend retrying tomorrow  

lee drennen posted:


Bob.  Not a big announcement I just mention it about 4-5 pages ago. The wife wants to turn the “Sitting” room into a Dinning room and our current dining room is small that’s where I have my work station there in the corner. I had a model room but when my youngest daughter wanted her own room guess who lost there man cave to pink walls and vanity oh well she’s worth more than just a room. I will keep you posted  

Easy fix, Lee... buy her a Girl’s Set, and start laying track  

Apples55 posted:
Lou1985 posted:

I turned my first locomotive (a early 90's Lionel 2-4-0) into a park display. The locomotive doesn't fit in with the scale size equipment I run (or have TMCC/DCS, obviously) but I wanted it to be a part of my layout. Need to ad some details around the area (benches and what not), but at least the locomotive is out of the box and on the layout.



Fabulous layout... thanks for sharing. I LOVE the idea of using your first engine into a static display. Hope you don’t mind if I steal it. I have to have some restoration work done on my PW 637 - now I know what to do with it when it’s fixed up!!!

Feel free to steal my idea. This forum is a great place to get ideas. Post some pictures when you're done setting up your park display. 

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