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Nice projects getting done this winter. Appreciate seeing the different water techniques, SIRT - nice work as always, Dave Ripp. - like the detail on the switch tower.

Been fleshing out the next scene and getting the foundation work out of the way. Thinking I want one more structure in the scene so time to build one up. The houses I made earlier this year fit right in and I dug out a train station from a previous layout that I'll tune up a little. Almost set to start plaster clothing it in.

Happy New Year to all,

Scott 20221230_15091420221230_15092120221230_150940


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Hello everyone! I hope you all had a blessed Christmas. I was able to get some work done earlier this week on the layout by finishing the brick work and adding a Menards building. Unfortunately, I contracted a sinus infection on Wednesday and still trying to get rid of it. Thankfully, I still have a few more days left of my Christmas break.
Thanks for reading!



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@B&O Fan posted:

I dug out a train station from a previous layout that I'll tune up a little. Almost set to start plaster clothing it in.


@B&O Fan


As is your norm, your modeling is superb.

I love your station. I just built a small suburban station for a Christmas train display with a hip roof as you have on yours. I made mine from a solid block of wood that I laminated together, calculated the angle of the roof pitch and, using my larger table saw, cut away anything that did not look like a hip roof. It turned out to be good, but, at today's lumber prices, that is an expensive way to make the substructure of a roof.

I assume that the roof on your station is hollow and supported by a framework. I may be over thinking things, but I have trouble visualizing the angles to cut the main ribs that join the perpendicular faces of the of the roof at the 4 corners of the building. If you could shed a bit of light on the planning and actual cutting and assembling of that part of the roof., I would GREATLY appreciate it. In more simple terms, demystify the process for my old, feeble brain. Also, what did you use for roofing shingles? their appearance is great!

Thank you for any information you can provide. Happy New Year!!!!!!

@B&O Fan posted:

Nice projects getting done this winter. Appreciate seeing the different water techniques, SIRT - nice work as always, Dave Ripp. - like the detail on the switch tower.

Been fleshing out the next scene and getting the foundation work out of the way. Thinking I want one more structure in the scene so time to build one up. The houses I made earlier this year fit right in and I dug out a train station from a previous layout that I'll tune up a little. Almost set to start plaster clothing it in.

Happy New Year to all,

Scott 20221230_15091420221230_15092120221230_150940

Scott, that is a fascinating process for altering the topography. I have never seen this done before. How will you fill in the areas in between structures? If you have done this on other areas of your layout please share some photos.

Thank so much for introducing this project.


@Randy Harrison The station is an Atlas O kit, not sure if they still make it. It has a full interior and was fun to build but after all the work inside you can't really see that much.

@Tranquil Hollow RR Jay, I don't have any other sections like that, typically I just fill the voids with paper and use plaster cloth over it to make the terrain to my liking. Sometimes cardboard strips are useful for added support depending on how high your going.  Hope that helps.


First off good morning and Happy New year to everyone! I hope your all doing well with all this crazy weather that is going on!

Their sure has been a lot of work getting done for the few days I haven't been on here. I check things daily with my phone, because by the time I sit down and have dinner I am too tired to be on the computer!

But I am fresh this morning and want to comment on some work then show my little progress of my own!

@DrSteveDCSteve the corner project turned out wonderful, but what I really love is how the river and lake turned out! What an amazing job!

@SIRT Steve, wonderful transition! It is funny building my layout I really never thought about different seasons!

@Dave Ripp. Dave, the tower looks perfect! I think we have the same guy running the yard! LOL Oh by the way I got the end of train light, just haven't opened it yet as I would have to just pack it up till, I am done with the redo!

@p51 Lee As always Outstanding photos of your wonderful layout!

@Bill Webb Bill sounds like you have been and are going to be very busy! I am looking forward to seeing the upcoming updates!

@B&O Fan Scott looks interesting! I will be watching to see how you go about this!

@Trainmaster04 Things sure are looking good! I hope you get better soon!

@trestlekingLookks good! But sure is a lot of work before noon nap! LOL

@Putnam Division Peter, great idea and I am sure it is going to turn out great looking. But I sure am hopping your brush painting and not spray painting! LOL

Well guy as you know I have been redoing my layout and have had a chance to work on it the last couple of days as we had a late Christmas with the kid and grandkids. First off, I was able to get the wiring done on the left side of the layout and then moved everything from the right to the left along with some cleaning! here are a couple of photos!


As you can see in this last photo I was able to get the right side cleaned off and ready for dismantle. I hope to get to that today! 20221231_135747

I hope your all having a great weekend and hope a wonderful New Year to you all!

Most of all I hope you all find time to have fun with your layouts and trains!


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Andy - Thanks for the kind words but I can't take 100% credit.  It was a kit that I installed.  It came with a couple of LED strips you place on the ceiling and a speaker with a control/program.  What I did add that you can't tell is a small amplified subwoofer.  When the thunder comes in - you know it.  I also designed a little circuit where it will turn on when the lights get dim.  The ballpark is in a little alcove with its own overhead lights so its easy to do that. Will be nice when all is completed.

Re your park building.  I remember those type structures when I was a kid.  Some also had a wide counter all along the outside where they would serve food etc.  And recently I was at a picnic that had one as a shelter for just the tables which I think you are shooting for.  Please follow up with a completed structure.  Bill

Morning guys I hope your all doing well!

@Bill Sherry Bill nice to see the grounds crew were able to get the field covered before the storm got to bad!

@Steamfan77 Andy you got a good start on the shelter! I hope it will be ready before the picnic tables arrive! LOL

@DrSteveDC Steve the lake and park area sure look like a pleasant place to take a break during that long drive home. You can get a snack and some flowers for the wife at Sandy's! As for the road crew they are paving the road to the future! Who knows one day there may be a house, apartment, store. Then again it might be some of that stimulus money just being thrown in the air! LOL

Well guys I did get back out to the train room yesterday and was able to get the upper level off and all the track on the lower level along with all the cork that needed to come up to work on that section of the layout. I hope to get all the track laid out and checked so I can get the new cork put down. I also have to widen the lower level by a foot.

I might get to that today or not! LOL

Here is where I am so far!

I hope you all have a great week and find time to have fun with your layout and trains!


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@mike g. posted:

Morning guys I hope your all doing well!

Well guys I did get back out to the train room yesterday and was able to get the upper level off and all the track on the lower level along with all the cork that needed to come up to work on that section of the layout. I hope to get all the track laid out and checked so I can get the new cork put down. I also have to widen the lower level by a foot.       Here is where I am so far!         I hope you all have a great week and find time to have fun with your layout and trains!

I like your layout along the wall with the two layers Mike.   I think that's a great way to put up a layout.

It certainly seems to be a nice way to keep electrical and scenic projects more fun to work on.......and a  good way to observe your locomotives and rolling stock.

Make it a great week all. 

Help please, identifying what was originally described as a 157 Station platform. Upon closer inspection, the lighter maroon base is molded as 2256, the roof is dark green, 157-3 is molded into the underside, no lights or fixtures or elements to suggest lights were an option, plastic picket fence between the posts, no provision for adhesive posters, and silver caps on the roof posts to hold it in place.

Every 2256 I’ve been able to find in my searches have a green base, and several later versions with a maroon base have grey roofs.  Do I have a work bench creation, or is it a (limited) production item. Your thoughts are appreciated.

this all came about when one of 157 boxes yielded a strange one, and so far my internet searching hasn’t come up with an example.

thanks for your thoughts


Bill, kit or not I think it looks great. You posted a video but nothing plays. Can you post again so that we can see/hear what’s happening? The scene itself is terrific. Takes me back to the local ball field when I was a kid. Thanks for the kind words, I’m definitely shooting for the kind of structure you mentioned, but no shelf to serve outside of the shelter. It was mostly a place to keep out of the rain showers. I’ll keep the progress pictures coming.
Thanks Mike, I think the tables will get here just in time. Now I can’t wait for summer 😁.


Morning guys I hope all are well!

Lets get started here shall we! LOL

@Steamfan77 Andy you might need to check your settings on your computer, Bill's video worked fine on my old laptop with Windows 10! LOL I want a new computer, but the CEO says it would have to come out of my train funds! So I just try to keep this one working!

Trussman, Nice work! It sure is Amazing the transformation that the brick wall makes! It really helps the light poles stand out!

Well, I did get some more destruction done in the train room yesterday. I was able to get more track and roadbed taken up, did a lot of cleaning of the bench work so I will have a smooth area for the future roadbed, I also moved my track cleaning station to the garage, so I don't have to clean up every night, maybe every other night! LOL

Here are a couple of photos of yesterday's progress, as you will see it the last photo, I have a lot of tracks to clean up, which means more ballast to wash and get ready for the new layout!


As you can see the track in the back has already been cleaned and the stuff up front is next. So far, I have 3 1lb coffee cans full! LOL


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@DrSteveDC posted:

Sandy Acres is taking shape - aside of the bright blue duck pond - once it’s dry I’ll repaint.1DFD2E76-1810-4807-8BC6-A75BD2A73A18

Just leave it to the ducks and it will be murky brown in no time.....🤣🤣

Here are images of my bridge that I just finished cutting out and building. It is 4 ft. long by 11.5 inches tall. Now I have to get it integrated into the layout.




Wow. Scratch built or kit? Very nice.


Evening guys I know its different for me posting at night.

@DrSteveDC Steve, maybe just add a little green and brown. You could also do as Bob says and leave it to the ducks! LOL

@idea-thinker WOW that is very impressive! I too would like to know if it was scratch built or a kit?

Well guys I and the inspector went out and cleaned more track this afternoon. In the photo below you can see I have gotten all the curved sections cleaned, tomorrow I hope to get the straight sections and switches cleaned before I take anymore off the layout!

Before today's cleaning.


And after!


As you can see the inspector is really working hard!

I hope you all have a great night and will check into tomorrow! I also hope you all had a chance to have fun with your layouts and trains!


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@mike g. posted:

Evening guys I know its different for me posting at night.

@DrSteveDC Steve, maybe just add a little green and brown. You could also do as Bob says and leave it to the ducks! LOL

@idea-thinker WOW that is very impressive! I too would like to know if it was scratch built or a kit?

Well guys I and the inspector went out and cleaned more track this afternoon. In the photo below you can see I have gotten all the curved sections cleaned, tomorrow I hope to get the straight sections and switches cleaned before I take anymore off the layout!

Before today's cleaning.


And after!


As you can see the inspector is really working hard!

I hope you all have a great night and will check into tomorrow! I also hope you all had a chance to have fun with your layouts and trains!


           My bridges are scratch built using CAD software.



Got tired of hearing the vibrotor in my 192 tower, so I replaced it with a small rotating motor pressed against the spinning platform. Also turned it into a 3-wire configuration so that the light is always on but the guys inside only move when an infra-red sensor turns on the motor as a train passes or there is activity in the yard. Covered the motor guts with the grey sheathing. - Terry

192 tower


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  • 192 tower

@Tranquil Hollow RR

Jay - Here’s some photos of the next two steps. Plaster cloth over paper fill and then the brown paint job. Touch up of the rock faces will be done and then a base coat of fine turf with glue water. After that some coarser material, bushes, weeds and trees.

Enjoying everyone's projects. Mike - you really need to get your Track Inspector on the ball, you'll be out pacing him in no time.




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Afternoon guys, I hope everyone ids doing good!

I really wasn't going to post anything today but @Joe B Joe asked me how I am going about cleaning the ballast from the track. so here I go on my steps.

So I know I loosen up a lot of the ballast first before I even have the track up because I uses a small wire brush and run it along the top of the ties to find the nail heads, I had painted brown.

Once the track is up, I use a punch with a square end on it and run it along the ties like a pick on a gaiter string, then what ballast that is still left I use the square end and go between the ties and last but not least I use a small wire brush to try and get everything else. They don't have to be perfect cause they are going right back down, as long as the rails and bottom are clean, you're all good. The ballast goes into a bucket for washing at a later date! LOL No that is the real fun stuff! HA! HA! HA!

@tcripe Terry that sure is a good-looking tower! I have never seen that one before!

@B&O Fan Scott, you my friend is one heck of a landscaper! I love how the ground just rolls from one house to the other and look good at the street also!

@Steamfan77 Andy that is great news as I have some in the shed just waiting for the rebuild to get started, really its waiting till all the track is down and tested several times then it will come out for scenery! LOL

Oh buy the way guys, I got out today without the inspector as she was taking care of a sick CEO and got all the rest of the track up that needs to come up and it is all cleaned ready for reinstall. Now all I have to do is get the bench work in!LOL

I hope you all have a great day! Most of all I hope you found time to have fun on your layout and with your trains!

Terry, nice work on the tower, it looks and sounds (to you) and works better.

Scott, the scenery is outstanding, you’re moving along at a good clip. Big changes, and more to come I’m sure.

Mike, nice work on getting the track up and making it ready to reinstall. I know it can be a bear, but you’re making it look easy. Save all of your Masonite. I’ve reused it several times already for various projects.


Last edited by Steamfan77
@B&O Fan posted:

@Tranquil Hollow RR

Jay - Here’s some photos of the next two steps. Plaster cloth over paper fill and then the brown paint job. Touch up of the rock faces will be done and then a base coat of fine turf with glue water. After that some coarser material, bushes, weeds and trees.

Enjoying everyone's projects. Mike - you really need to get your Track Inspector on the ball, you'll be out pacing him in no time.




I'm very impressed with the elevation you are creating. I can tell this will be a signature scene on your layout. May I ask was is at summit of the hill/road?



          I have not tried painting the masonite. It will stain if you get liquid on it so I suspect paint would adhere to it.

I have had decent success with painting it. All the backdrops on my Twin Pines layout were painted masonite. I used the thick and the thin stuff.  Priming is a good idea.  No real issues with warping having painted only one side.   

@Apples55 posted:

Looks great, Bob. Can you say “eminent domain”??? Any of those O-72 curves - they make some beautiful engines that require O-72 curves

054 outer and 042 inner. I'm not looking to buy many more engines ( I know....who's kidding who??????) but there are a select few that I would like that require larger curves. I recall a certain set of D&H Sharks that haven't seen the light of day yet too......

The space is 12' along the top/ back wall so unless I did around the room with a lift bridge I couldn't fit the curves. I don't see this getting built any time soon but I had some free time over the holidays so I decided to finish up this plan that I had started a while ago.

Eminent domain will not be invoked at the present time.


@RSJB18 posted:

Just because........a little day dreaming.......

This would fit in the space where my current layout resides.....minus my son's gaming lair.......

The turntable (24" Atlas) is a work in progress

Test Plan_bmp


Keep working it Bob, that’s what helps to keep our minds sharp. That will be a nice layout that will have a lot of operational fun. You have the skills to make it a reality.


Great work everyone, It is nice to see you all busy with so many projects!

@RSJB18 Bob, don't worry about getting the gaming area, sooner or later your son will give it up for something else! LOL

@DrSteveDC Steve things look great! I really like the details you're putting into your layout, with all the fallowers at Sandy Acres!

@idea-thinker Your work is just Outstanding! I can tell you take pride in what you do. Not only does that show in your bridges but also in your track work in the background!

As for me not a lot today, I spent a good amount of time taking care of the CEO, she said she was getting better and gave me a break to go to the train room.

I took down the upper level where the track will start to go under the new upper level and where it will run under the main table to a staging yard. I took the time to run my belt sander over the area to smooth it out, cleaned everything and installed the new cork roadbed.

Tomorrow, I plan on painting the corner Sky Blue again over the mountain scene as things will change in that area. Then I hope to get some track laid and the hole cut for the grade going under the layout. I am still trying to figure out how long I need to make that! LOL I hate math problems! 

Here is a photo of today's projects all wrapped up in one photo!


I hope you all had a great day!


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Yesterday I added the wood flooring to the three floors, tonight I placed the furniture, and tomorrow I plan to find some seated and standing characters to add to the depot. Plan to glue in characters and furniture Friday, I hope. I can't wait to add the depot to the layout.  The depot will be positioned on top of the tunnel and the interior will be easily visible.

I Began this depot redo way back in the spring, so I am ready to move on and begin another building.


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  • IMG_4126: depot second floor office area
  • IMG_4125: depot first floor

I had great plans last Sunday......the Transfer Table pit was painted and I was going to detail it with fine gravel. I mounted the blue tape........and, then I was hit with fever, chills, muscle aches and extreme malaise......and, went to bed.


Next morning (Monday), I got tested at my wife's office. I figured that it was the flu. I did.... but, I not only did I test positive for influenza B, I tested positive for Covid. Since I had only minor respiratory symptoms, a normal pulse ox and no SOB, we avoided Paxlovid and I got treated with Tamiflu and Tylenol. Except for wanting to rest all the time, I am much better. Quarantine ends today. I have to wear a mask around people until the 11th.....and, I'll just avoid crowded places till then....

It's good to feel better and want to do things again!



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I had great plans last Sunday......the Transfer Table pit was painted and I was going to detail it with fine gravel. I mounted the blue tape........and, then I was hit with fever, chills, muscle aches and extreme malaise......and, went to bed.


Next morning (Monday), I got tested at my wife's office. I figured that it was the flu. I did.... but, I not only did I test positive for influenza B, I tested positive for Covid. Since I had only minor respiratory symptoms, a normal pulse ox and no SOB, we avoided Paxlovid and I got treated with Tamiflu and Tylenol. Except for wanting to rest all the time, I am much better. Quarantine ends today. I have to wear a mask around people until the 11th.....and, I'll just avoid crowded places till then....

It's good to feel better and want to do things again!


Glad you are on the mend Peter. We have to continue to be healthfully vigilant. But, at least you’re getting it out of the way early in the year. Now you can proceed without issue.


Seth nice job on the depot. Your interior looks good.

Peter glad to see that you are feeling better. Flu and Covid mix can’t be pleasant.

The transfer table is going to be a nice addition. Do you plan to weather the gravel?

We have been working to install two 4-way Ross switches. They are in difficult to reach places and include four lanterns per switch. Both switches are installed. One  is wired, lanterns installed, wired, and tested only to find that one lantern appears to be slightly off/needs moving, another is not connected properly and is a morning job which is when things usually work best.

The other switch has been installed and one lantern attached.

Yesterday I got disgusted when the lantern had to be moved and I quit. This job needs two people, Rich has been tied up all week, PM today we are picking up Paula’s Christmas presents, so maybe we can finish the turnouts tomorrow.

We have installed about 40 turnouts and lanterns and they can sometimes be frustrating when easy to reach; these are in the worst location on the layout. Procrastination has lasted for months and completion is a New Year’s resolution. 🤬🤬🤬

Last edited by Bill Webb

@Bill Webb  Good luck with those hard to reach switches.  My most problematic one,  I could only reach through a pop up. It was such a PITA I most often would set the switch and then leave it alone. The points would only throw part way 30% of the time causing a derailment in that hard to reach spot.  I also had a 4 way installed with the DZ2500s. Switched to throw pairs for the crossover. Those too failed to throw completely regularly.

The points themselves could be blow back and forth so I know there was no binding. Had to be something with the motor, spring or how I assembled. On assembly and testing the switches operated flawlessly.  Go figure - another gremlin to pay homage to - in hopes they stay away.  (all Ross turnouts, no issues with the manual aspect) 

@Bill Webb posted:

Peter glad to see that you are feeling better. Flu and Covid mix can’t be pleasant.

The transfer table is going to be a nice addition. Do you plan to weather the gravel?

Contemplating grease and oil spills……since it will be below grade and hard to see, it may not be that extensive…….but then, once I see it, I could change my mind…..


I found some leftover building facades that I'm going to use and attempt some kitbashing.  One full front piece and a partial AmeriTowne, remaining sides will be wood is my current thinking.

Not sure where this is going but hopefully something useful will come out of it.  Even if it is a lesson in what not to do.


Something along these lines is current thinking.



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@Mayor Magoo posted:

I found some leftover building facades that I'm going to use and attempt some kitbashing.  One full front piece and a partial AmeriTowne, remaining sides will be wood is my current thinking.

Not sure where this is going but hopefully something useful will come out of it.  Even if it is a lesson in what not to do.


Something along these lines is current thinking.


Mayor Magoo,

I love kitbashing projects. Keep us updated, please

@Scott, nice job on the overall scene, your ideas for the station sound great.
@Lee, the coal car is terrific nice pic.        
@ideathinker, the bridge looks great, nice work.  
@Mike, great progress, you’re really making it happen fast!    
@Seth, the floors look fantastic, nice detail to add.    
@Peter, so glad to hear that you’re on the mend. I too fell victim to COVID this past week. Mild case like yours, and I’m feeling better. Transfer table looks ready for detail.    
@Bill, I know it can be frustrating, but stick with it, it will be worth it.    
@Steve, I like your ideas for the kitbash, can’t wait to see how it goes.    
@Trainmaster, nice video, thorough and well done.


Finally some progress. Rich was here this morning and we went to work on the problem 4-way turnout. Two of us were able to see the entire work area and adjusted three turnout lanterns. First turnout complete.

Then we started on the second 4-way. Rich worked on the turnout lanterns while I did the wiring. Tortoise turnouts require the use of a second relay when using DCS and that takes additional time. We stopped about 2:30 and hope to finish tomorrow.

Paula was MIA today tending to her Christmas presents that we picked up yesterday. Meet Holly (black) and Nicholas (White).

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F6F8E421-FE10-4758-8AE0-042EFC22AE35   Holly visited the train room caused no problems.


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@mike g. posted:

Great work everyone, It is nice to see you all busy with so many projects!

@RSJB18 Bob, don't worry about getting the gaming area, sooner or later your son will give it up for something else! LOL

@DrSteveDC Steve things look great! I really like the details you're putting into your layout, with all the fallowers at Sandy Acres!

@idea-thinker Your work is just Outstanding! I can tell you take pride in what you do. Not only does that show in your bridges but also in your track work in the background!

As for me not a lot today, I spent a good amount of time taking care of the CEO, she said she was getting better and gave me a break to go to the train room.

I took down the upper level where the track will start to go under the new upper level and where it will run under the main table to a staging yard. I took the time to run my belt sander over the area to smooth it out, cleaned everything and installed the new cork roadbed.

Tomorrow, I plan on painting the corner Sky Blue again over the mountain scene as things will change in that area. Then I hope to get some track laid and the hole cut for the grade going under the layout. I am still trying to figure out how long I need to make that! LOL I hate math problems! 

Here is a photo of today's projects all wrapped up in one photo!


I hope you all had a great day!

I like your airplane in the corner:



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Hi guys and gals! WOW what great work being done!

@Bill Webb Bill glad you are getting things figured out and thanks for the information on the Tortoise machines and relays! I hope you enjoy your new pups!

@DrSteveDC Steve wonderful start on the trestles!

@Steamfan77 Andy, your picnic shelter is really coming along nicely!

@idea-thinker Your bridge looks amazing at its new home! I am sure you will come up with something great to fill the voids!

@Jstewart204 Nice to see things getting started! I can't wait to see more!

@Aflyer Thank you sir! Wait till I get my airfield back on the layout!

@David Holland David everyone can always use more shelves! LOL

@RSJB18 Bob, the new layout plan is looking great, don't worry about the TT as it is your layout, and you can do anything you want! LOL

Well guys as for me I know I haven't been here for a couple days and I am sorry for that, I have been trying to get as much done on the layout before my knee surgery on Wednesday. I was able to get my great cut out in the main bench work leading down to my future staging yard that will be under the layout.

Of course that was after I had to take the upper level back down as the grade going down is directly below the upper level. Then I had to buy heavy duty brackets to hold up the upper level.

My grade is about 3% and my clearance is at 7 1/2", Here are a couple photos and videos.


I hope you all have a great week, but most of all I hope you all find time to have fun with your layout and trains!


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20230109_070727 - Trim - Trim - Trim
@RSJB18 posted:

Did nothing on the current layout. Still fooling around with the future plan tho....

I changed the inner yard (green) and added a passing siding. Also filled in the turntable whiskers in the engine yard. A TT doesn't really make sense on a small layout but MRR-MR.


Test Plan

Having a third rail doesn't make any sense, nor does it make sense to have multiple levels of track looping around each other, or any of many other things that we all do.  In other words, just like you said - MRR / MR.

I like the plan - looks like it would allow for some good train watching with room for switching and accessories.  Two thoughts... 1) do you have access to all sides? If not, could be some reach issues, and 2) do you have extra room along any of the long sides to add some staging tracks for long trains?   

@Mallard4468 posted:

Having a third rail doesn't make any sense, nor does it make sense to have multiple levels of track looping around each other, or any of many other things that we all do.  In other words, just like you said - MRR / MR.

I like the plan - looks like it would allow for some good train watching with room for switching and accessories.  Two thoughts... 1) do you have access to all sides? If not, could be some reach issues, and 2) do you have extra room along any of the long sides to add some staging tracks for long trains?   

The space is walls on 3 sides, hence the center aisle. I'm 6'5" tall. I can reach a good long way..... If I do actually build it, I would have room to lengthen the right hand side further into the basement. No expansion left or right.

@Papa Dave posted:

RSJB18, Right in the middle of your plan, the blue track appears to go both over and under the same green track in a very short space.  Am I missing something?

Not missing a thing. That's just SCARM doing what it wants with the layers. Green and yellow are on the bench, and the blue line is 6" above the rail head below. I'm at about a 2.5% grade at the moment.

Just fiddling around for now......

Thanks for the comments.

@Cogen1981 posted:

I received a Vision Line class A for Christmas. Unfortunately I did not design my tunnels to accommodate the boiler swing of large scale articulated steam locomotives.

I really liked my woodland scenics concrete tunnel portal, but I like my class A more.

I will craft a timber portal out out of 3/16" x 1/4" balsa wood


I'd demo the tunnel portal in a heartbeat.....

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