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Hi everybody! I'm back! For anyone that cares, as I sure you guys do, I have been away from the OGR site for months now, concentrating on the fact that my brain tumor has returned (regrown).


Let me begin by telling everyone that it is not malignant (it is benign) but it has a growth pattern now that I haven't had to worry about in 8 years.


Anyway, now that I have decided on the treatment method (radiation which can be delivered in one dose), I am a lot calmer and have even gotten back to sleeping for 8 hours a night. I should say here, that for a while, approximately 3 or 4 weeks I wasn't getting more than an hour per night!


I became interested in trains again in 2005 at the suggestion of my father! Shortly after(my original brain surgery) he gave me back my American Flyer set of S gauge trains which didn't match my O gauge trains and are currently in storage( the S gauge trains). My story is on my member info site.



  As I wait for radiation I have a chance to reconnect to you guys. Even though I tried to go to York this spring I decided to stay home for personal health reasons and because at that point I was really feeling down on myself and hadn't decided on where to go for treatment (I am going to NY Presbytarian Hospital).


Glad to be back, my membership card expires in September, I have a couple of months to go before then. Congratulations on defeating that draconian two signature rule guys.

Now hopefully membership #'s will swell.


Is there a similar rule for already been down that road once members?







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Mike....I completely understand where you are coming from. As someone with a leg amputation and a kidney transplant after 3 years on dialysis I know how easy it is to get down on things including life in general. Like the others have said, take it one step and one day at a time. The technology and science that is available in todays society is extrordinary and getting better every day. Hang in there and drop in when and if you need a pick me up. As you know the forum members are here for you when you need us.

It's great to have you back Mike. Life can be tough to deal with sometimes. I guess it's the bad stuff we go through that makes all the good so much more appreciated.


Hang in there buddy and always try to make time for the things that bring you joy in life. That's the only way we can rise above and conquer our fears.


God bless and welcome home to crazy land.

My father has been dealing with a brain tumor. Had it removed in Stanford and is dealing with chemotherapy and radiation. Each MRI scan is a roller coaster ride in emtoion. You are in my thoughts, heart and I wish you the best. Hang in there and remember to be positive. Science has shown how impportant attitude is to dealing with cancer of difficult disease.

Gee thanks guys! A hobo salute to you all! I got the news in October but chose to occupy myself with The Holiday Train Show instead at the Nursing Home there's something about Christmas that got me through it. Maybe it was seeing all those excited kids interacting with the older folk at the home that did it maybe it was seeing all the happy faces, I can't wait for it again! Just thinking of it gives me goose bumps! It was such fun! The next thing I knew, it was January, I was sitting in the doctors office asking questions when I woke up at 5:00 am next morning and began my 3 week long nightmare (in which I didn't get three hours straight a night. It was **** for my wife too. February slipped by, then March, then April Darn by the time I looked up York had passed all this time I spent doing research. I interviewed 3 doctors who specialize in Gamma Knife Treatment before settling with the one who did the surgery in the first place. You think that was something, I interviewed 14 Neurosurgeons the first time in 2004! Anyway I am glad to be back on the forum. I really missed you guys! The joy of trains continues in my life! I secretly love the clickety-clack sound that the trains make as they pass and the sound that the Santa Fe makes as it blows it's horn. Soon it will be time to plan another show! Mike
Guys, Rereading this thread makes me feel very good about the choice of doctors I made back then in June. I am sad that summer is over, but certain events that took place over this summer made it into the longest summer since I can remember. In June, I had radiation that killed my tumor. In July, I had no train club! In August, I had a brand new train club! In August, after attending Greenberg Train Show, I have a new supply of trains for my Holiday Show in December. I have been busy planning marketing strategies for the new show. Life goes on , it's like a whirlwind! Mike

Hi everybody! I resurected this post because a lot has gone on between September 2012 and now!


For one thing I didn't think we could do it but we buddies and I formed a new train club and we ran 2 shows the Annual Holiday Show (in December) and a brand new "Spring into Spring" Train Event here at Clove Lakes Health Care Center just last weekend. We didn't advertise or publisize this latest event specifically because it was the first time and I wanted to see the response we got from the residents and family members who attended.


Three years ago with the other club( the SIMRRC) we didn't have half the set up that we had this past weekend. The new club is called the Richmond County Model Railroad Club.


The other club was a multi gauge club consisting of HO, and O and Standard. This club lacked direction and purpose. Our new club has new revitalized members and is constantly growing as an O gauge and Standard gauge club. We are trying to be a 501 c3 (non profit).


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800-980-OGRR (6477)

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