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FOR TODAY: It's 1953 -  In anticipation of the harvest season beginning next month, crews from the Car Dept have decended upon the RIP track to repair a string of vat cars.  In this photo we see one of the vat cars in need of repair.  Access door to several of the vats need some TLC.  That's Jitterbug Hackley on top of the car observing the fine welding work of Jess Larkins.   Big Sid Carmichael  takes his hat off hat as he ponders the words of Lars Keeling who brags about his recent fishing trip.  At the rear of the truck Les Moore and Bernie Glow discuss the unfair calls made by one of the umps in last night's game between the Brooklyn Dodgers and the Washington Senators.  Wearing the silver hard hat, Car Dept. foreman Clancey Higgins ponders his crew's next move.  ... just another day on the railroad! 7072BCB7-0F39-45BC-A693-6F1374C1E6CB_1_201_a


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Last edited by trumptrain
@trumptrain posted:

FOR TODAY: It's 1953 -   ... just another day on the railroad! 7072BCB7-0F39-45BC-A693-6F1374C1E6CB_1_201_a

Patrick, great scene above with some serious conversation taking place around the red pick-up!

@Genemed posted:

Patrick, another cool scene with perfect dialogue to match.


@trumptrain- Another great story Patrick!


There are times I wonder if I should skip looking for your entries on the forum Patrick ( not going to happen )and wait for ' THE BOOK '. 

So many imaginative stories sir.   So much fun . So much life.

FOR TODAY:  Chucky is making the best of his summer vacation!  He's down at the railroad yard by 7:30 a.m. sharp every morning!  He doesn't want to miss one bit of  the action.   He says one day he will buy handlebars for his bike, but until then he's perfectly fine going without.  Most folks who live in Patsburg say "one of these days that boy will end up as a stunt man in Hollywood or join the circus!"  Time will tell don'tcha know.     25E1CC2F-A64A-4331-9C71-7D5DDBB8B778

Over on the express track, truck driver Otto Klemsky leans up against the cab door of his truck.  Already loaded on the bed of the truck is the first crate of fireworks transferred from the baggage car.  He's waiting for the unloading crew to load two more crates.  After all the crates are loaded he will take the load to the local American Legion post as the post is sponsoring this 4th of July's fireworks display/celebration.  ... just another day on the railroad!! 9BA338F7-2257-4948-A269-B5201E802CEC


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Last edited by trumptrain
@coach joe posted:

Farmer John, great scene.  That dam makes for a lot of recreational activities.


I love the use of corrugated cardboard for steel sheet piling.

Patrick, just another day on the railroad.  A million stories one at a time.  Thank you.

Thank you so much Coach Joe!

  I agree with you too about Farmer John's scene ... it certainly is great!!!  The corrogated cardboard piling is most convincing1  I love the illuminated hydro-electric powerhouse just below the dam on the right and the the reflection of the spillway on the water.   The meticulous placement of the stones along the shoreline, the boats, and lone fisherman bring a great depth of realism to the river bank as is the dirt roadway leading down to the boat drop at the river's edge. The headlights of the car and the roadway safety cables strung alongside of the road also add a deeper dimension of interest within the context of this scene ... all framed by the arch of the bridge.  I interpret the  scene as very early morning at first light sometime in the 1950s.  

Great photos everyone!

Patrick your story about Chucky getting handle bars made me laugh! when I first seen the photo I was like there he goes again with no handle bars! LOL

John, I always love the photos from your layout! The Dam and spill way being the focal point when you first enter the train room to all the little details you give everything!

As for your little town I think your doing a bang up job, things are really looking great! I might add you might want to hire a police officer or two as the guy in the red truck behind the row of business is driving down the wrong side of the street!

I hope you all have a wonderful and safe 4th of July weekend!

FOR TODAY:  Ahhhhh!   Just arrived at my cabin on the lake.  It feels absolutely freeing to be here!  On this long Independence Day weekend, I'm looking forward to having no schedule or agenda other than to eat, sleep, and sit on the front porch observing nature.  No shoulds, no have to dos.  I will be like a leaf in the wind and go where ever the wind takes me.  However, I did bring along a few fireworks .... just keep that twixt you me


A view from up yonder a few hundred feet from the cabin. 0213ECF9-E2D1-488F-ABC2-880881B7E337


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Last edited by trumptrain

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