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Big Jim,

I like the church a lot!!  I haven't seen City Builder before.  I see they are a British company producing paper kits.  Have you built any before?

Exceptional; where may one buy this kit?  Are all pieces painted?

You can find them on ebay. Yes, everything is printed in color.*
Here is the Ice Cream Stand that I built.
*The only thing is that when pieces are folded, it will leave a bare seam that sometimes needs to be colored to make it look better. Here I used blue tape on the roof seams and white paper formed around the edges of the building.



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Big Jim,

Looking good!!  Yes, I think the white seam is a common problem.  I saw where someone uses felt tipped markers to color the seams a similar color as the adjacent paper print.  That could be a lot of felt tipped markers, unless you are someone like me who has an artist daughter who gave me her old felt tipped set when she got a professional set.  

Yes, I did !!  Went to the TCA show and bought  two standard gauge hopper cars. One is a Lionel 114  with hook couplers that goes up to the bedroom layout with the other early cars -a gondola and a boxcar. The second was a nice IVES hopper car that has two  panels in the bottom to dump like a ballast car. I want to add some more Ives freight cars, I have more than enough  passenger ones. Also picked up my Lionel Super Standard motor I got at the last TCA show-cheap.  Has an AF  E-unit in it. That went in a #8 I have. Also picked up a teeny weeny  O gauge tender for a wind up engine. Saw one gi-raffe car, no price-no dealer-no sale !!  Pet peeve. I thought it was a good show, seemed to be a nice mix of dealers. Not sure about the turn out but the weather didn't help although most roads weren't too bad. Another show Jan. 29th  !!!

Nice. also went to the TCA desert division show. here is my son with his score. a Lionel dash 9. he is stoked 


I also picked up a few things lol....


Was a long trip from new Mexico to phoenix but worth it. 

Got a 1999 run Lionel Atlantic and some MTH premiere rolling stock for me and my sons modern era layout. as well as some more realtrax for the carpet central under the tree. have a 20 foot long loop with 082 curves to run the challenger and some multi unit lashups of modern power as well. awesome weekend overall. happy holidays guys and gals ! 




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theteejmiester posted:

And pics of the Atlantic...sitting in the wife's hutch I am slowly taking over lol.....


hello theteejmiester

That 4-4-2 E-6 really looks good in your hutch, perhaps add few cars and caboose would be perfect.  I do wish to put my S.F. 5011 2-10-4 in a hutch with dozen cars too but don't have a hutch yet lol.    I am not sure if the glass plates would carry such weight of the Texas type locomotive and its 16 wheel oil tender, being 32 inches long   I am expecting a Santa Fe caboose to go with this engine in few days .

"We know that in everything God works for the good of those who love him" Romans 8:28 ERV (Easy to Read version)



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