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Just a small helpful hint since no one else has mentioned it and it's not intuitive.


Years ago the Lionel and MTH catalogs were not sync'ed together quite so much when they were released.  MTH has always (since the 2 catalogs per year paradigm was adpopted) released them at York - April and October.  MTH has always called the October one Volume 1 for the following year and the April one Volume 2 for the year you are currently in.


Lionel used to release catalogs something more like January and July (then they started to slip a little (probably intentionally) for several years until where they are now, when they are almost released at the same time).  So for Lionel, they used to call the January (now normally April) Volume 1 and the July (now October) Volume 2.


Hope that clarifies.  So we are all waiting for Lionel 2012 V2 to be released on the Web tomorrow (but MTH 2012 V2 is already on the Web, since it was April 2012's catalog), and it's MTH 2013 V1(which is not on the web yet) which we will all try to pick up at York in a few days (and will likely be on the web either the same time, or +/- a few days - lately they seem to wait until some hard copies are out there, I think).




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