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I was driving into work this morning listening to the Classic Rock station (rock radio in NYC is really poor) and Locomotive Breath by Jethro Tull came on.  It's one of my favorite older songs.   I got thinking about train themed songs.


So let's hear what your favorites are.


Here's a few of mine


Locomotive Breath - Jethro Tull

Casey Jones - The Grateful Dead

Orange Blossom Special - Charlie Daniels Band (and many, many others)


What are yours?

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Monkees - Last Train to Clarksville


ELO - Last Train to London


Lostprophets - Last Train Home


Norman Blake - Last Train from Poor Valley


and the best train album cover (though no songs are technically about trains)...




and just to change the theme a bit...


NRPS - (Somebody Robbed the) Glendale Train


Doc Watson - Freight Train Boogie


& The Orange Blossom Special anyone


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  • DanHicks
Last edited by overlandflyer

Being from The Crescent City as we used to call it before "The Big Easy" became popular,  I'll go with CITY of NEW ORLEANS by any of the fellas mentioned above. Also like the Highwaymen and Willie Nelson's renditions.

A second for me is the Elvis song posted above by Alex - great guitar...

Gordon Lightfoot has 3

Canadian Railroad Trilogy, The Watchman's Gone, Steel Rail Blues.

Steve Goodman's City of New Orleans.

Fairport Convention's Traveling by Steam

Johnny Cash' Rock Island Line (Wolf remix)

And Mike Watt's Big Train. Perhaps not the most railroady song, but comes with the weirdest video that you saw today at least. Watch before Uncle Pete has it squashed again.

Hard to beat "City of New Orleans" or "Wabash Cannonball" or "Wreck of the Old 97" - but the greatest train song I ever heard was a live performance by Doug Kershaw, the Cajun fiddler, of "Orange Blossom Special." It was a long time ago in a scuzzy country music bar on the west side of Phoenix. A buddy and I went to see Kershaw perform. About halfway through the set, he launched into "Orange Blossom Special," and midway through a brilliant fiddle solo, he laid down his fiddle, grabbed a beer off the tray of a passing waitress, signaled the band to keep playing, and drank his beer. The band just kept playing the backup. After a few minutes, he drained the beer, set the empty mug on the tray of another passing waitress, picked up his fiddle, cocked his ear, and hit the solo at exactly the point where he had left off. The crowd went wild. I will never forget that. Of course it was set up in advance, but it was a brilliant piece of showmanship by one of the greatest fiddlers who ever was, or ever will be. 


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