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Brian, I sure love all the engines and rolling stock you have! I also like how you are making room for them all with the new shelves! If I had to tray and keep track of all that my head would just spin! I wouldn't know what to run, what to shelf, heck I would most likely forget where I put the stuff, and it would be right in plain sight! LOL

Brian, The Wabash Geeps remind me of a postwar GP7 in Wabash livery I had, build date 3-57.  I shipped it off to a Postwar fan recently.  Speaking of birthdays, that one was 60 this spring, a year younger than me!   Still runs great!  Maybe better than I am running!    Oh yes, I am not able to run any more; just a brisk walk!

I am with Mike on not knowing what to run, or even what I had if I had what you have!  I'm glad you are sharing so much of your fabulous collection with us!!!  I am sending a real big thank you!!! 

Last edited by Mark Boyce
paul 2 posted:

Brian, I like what you're doing. What a plus to be able to add all that shelving to have your things out in the open so you don't have to sift through boxes to find an item. Today I am glad I went out when I did. I got the last black foam board at Staples. When I got home I glued the remaining buildings to the board and laid the last of the track I had. But it was a good stopping point because I decided to modify my track plan so in the spot that is still open I am going to add some switches to access the Morton Salt building with two extra sidings to hold hoppers cars. After dinner, taking the wife out because as she is the CEO of the railroad. I told her I ran out of track so she said get what you need. Unfortunately it will be a few days till it gets here so I'll have to jump to something else. I have so many irons in the fire that all I have to do is pick one. Pics for today......................Paul


The Empire is taking shape Paul. It's good that the CEO has approved the additional budget request!


Mark Boyce posted:

Pardon me for asking Brian, but are you married?  If my question is too personal, please just ignore me.   It seems trains are overrunning your house.  My wife is very tolerant of my trains, but I know that they should stay in their designated areas!  

That's why he is going to be living in the building with his trains!!!!!!!!!  

Mark Boyce posted:

Pardon me for asking Brian, but are you married?  If my question is too personal, please just ignore me.   It seems trains are overrunning your house.  My wife is very tolerant of my trains, but I know that they should stay in their designated areas!  

tried it once, guess I like trains.......kinda like "if you go fishing one more time,

i'm leaving"  gee i'm going to miss her..........actually  was really into cars and racing

       back then, late 80's,  one day she decided she didn't like doing that anymore,

                                     and we went our separate ways...

    do have a girlfriend now, who also likes trains, and helps work on them with me....

Last edited by briansilvermustang
suzukovich posted:
Mark Boyce posted:

Pardon me for asking Brian, but are you married?  If my question is too personal, please just ignore me.   It seems trains are overrunning your house.  My wife is very tolerant of my trains, but I know that they should stay in their designated areas!  

That's why he is going to be living in the building with his trains!!!!!!!!!  

Oh, yes, I forgot!!!  Short term memory is the first to go.  Just ask my Mum!  What?  What? 

Mark Boyce posted:

 My wife is very tolerant of my trains, but I know thatthey should stay in their designated areas!  

Hi Mark, I'm with you on that score. In our house, including the fact of my wife's strong and affectionate support of my model train hobby (many of my scale steam locomotives were gifts from her, for example, and she is especially fond of our inviting guests to the house for a layout operating session,) not a single train item is anywhere in the nine rooms above the basement trainroom (partly viewable below)

Part of 1st floor at Christmastime.... (no train items anywhere)...


The basement trainroom layout begins here, at the foot of the cellar stairs, under the breakfast room and family room...

frontmiddle_12connection betwix oldand new roomsphoto 1IMG_8609

...under part of the kitchen area...

IMG_0852, which was my missive to myself before I ever started the layout in 1995, not even at Christmas, anywhere; not even under The Tree (as seen above.)

Maybe, that is a good topic for a thread somebody could start - how many of us have/tolerate/accept/happily include train-related items outside of a reserved room(s) for the purpose of the hobby(?) I wonder.

FrankM, Moon Township, USA


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Last edited by Moonson
Mark Boyce posted:
suzukovich posted:
Mark Boyce posted:

Pardon me for asking Brian, but are you married?  If my question is too personal, please just ignore me.   It seems trains are overrunning your house.  My wife is very tolerant of my trains, but I know that they should stay in their designated areas!  

That's why he is going to be living in the building with his trains!!!!!!!!!  

Oh, yes, I forgot!!!  Short term memory is the first to go.  Just ask my Mum!  What?  What? 

I can see it now Brian is opening all those boxes, comes across that anniversary present he bought but couldn't find. That's what happens when you have to buy a 40ft milvan to store your trains in and don't have an inventory list to what's in it.  

Moonson posted:
Mark Boyce posted:

 My wife is very tolerant of my trains, but I know thatthey should stay in their designated areas!  

Hi Mark, I'm with you on that score. In our house, including the fact of my wife's strong and affectionate support of my model train hobby (many of my scale steam locomotives were gifts from her, for example, and she is especially fond of our inviting guests to the house for a layout operating session,) not a single train item is anywhere in the nine rooms above the basement trainroom (partly viewable below)

Part of 1st floor at Christmastime.... (no train items anywhere)...


The basement trainroom layout begins here, at the foot of the cellar stairs, under the breakfast room and family room...

frontmiddle_12connection betwix oldand new roomsphoto 1IMG_8609

...under part of the kitchen area...

IMG_0852, which was my missive to myself before I ever started the layout in 1995, not even at Christmas, anywhere; not even under The Tree (as seen above.)

Maybe, that is a good topic for a thread somebody could start - how many of us have/tolerate/accept/happily include train-related items outside of a reserved room(s) for the purpose of the hobby(?) I wonder.

FrankM, Moon Township, USA

Frank I wish I had the room you have. I guess I pretty lucky with my wife, My layout took over the bonus room and she was ok with that.

Moonson posted:
Mark Boyce posted:

 My wife is very tolerant of my trains, but I know thatthey should stay in their designated areas!  

Hi Mark, I'm with you on that score. In our house, including the fact of my wife's strong and affectionate support of my model train hobby (many of my scale steam locomotives were gifts from her, for example, and she is especially fond of our inviting guests to the house for a layout operating session,) not a single train item is anywhere in the nine rooms above the basement trainroom (partly viewable below)

Part of 1st floor at Christmastime.... (no train items anywhere)...


The basement trainroom layout begins here, at the foot of the cellar stairs, under the breakfast room and family room...

frontmiddle_12connection betwix oldand new roomsphoto 1IMG_8609

...under part of the kitchen area...

IMG_0852, which was my missive to myself before I ever started the layout in 1995, not even at Christmas, anywhere; not even under The Tree (as seen above.)

Maybe, that is a good topic for a thread somebody could start - how many of us have/tolerate/accept/happily include train-related items outside of a reserved room(s) for the purpose of the hobby(?) I wonder.

FrankM, Moon Township, USA

Impressive....upstairs and downstairs!

This morning I starting cutting out the buildings and found some at the corners had come loose. I had gone to another adhesive glue. Maybe I should of stuck with the first. First was 3M and this time I used Lok tight adhesive. So I re glued the ones that needed it and was able to get all the buildings cut out. Later today I'll start getting the lift out section done so it can be lifted out................Paul

suzukovich posted:
Mark Boyce posted:

Pardon me for asking Brian, but are you married?  If my question is too personal, please just ignore me.   It seems trains are overrunning your house.  My wife is very tolerant of my trains, but I know that they should stay in their designated areas!  

That's why he is going to be living in the building with his trains!!!!!!!!!  

So true- I was discussing my expanding collection with the CEO the other day. She said "you have more trains on your layout then you have room to run them". I said- "yea- I do. Gotta put up some shelves to hold the ones I don't want to run"

Got a puzzled look " why don't you stop buying trains" she said.

Then the discussion worked its way to Brian's train house and ever expanding shelves. She said " you can do that long as you understand you will be living alone"

We all kid our spouses about our hobbies, thankfully they have stood by us (sorry Brian), regardless of our insanity!


suzukovich posted:
Mark Boyce posted:
suzukovich posted:
Mark Boyce posted:

Pardon me for asking Brian, but are you married?  If my question is too personal, please just ignore me.   It seems trains are overrunning your house.  My wife is very tolerant of my trains, but I know that they should stay in their designated areas!  

That's why he is going to be living in the building with his trains!!!!!!!!!  

Oh, yes, I forgot!!!  Short term memory is the first to go.  Just ask my Mum!  What?  What? 

I can see it now Brian is opening all those boxes, comes across that anniversary present he bought but couldn't find. That's what happens when you have to buy a 40ft milvan to store your trains in and don't have an inventory list to what's in it.  

briansilvermustang posted:
Mark Boyce posted:

Pardon me for asking Brian, but are you married?  If my question is too personal, please just ignore me.   It seems trains are overrunning your house.  My wife is very tolerant of my trains, but I know that they should stay in their designated areas!  

tried it once, guess I like trains.......kinda like "if you go fishing one more time,

i'm leaving"  gee i'm going to miss her..........actually  was really into cars and racing

       back then, late 80's,  one day she decided she didn't like doing that anymore,

                                     and we went our separate ways...

    do have a girlfriend now, who also likes trains, and helps work on them with me....


suzukovich posted:
Moonson posted:
Mark Boyce posted:

 My wife is very tolerant of my trains, but I know thatthey should stay in their designated areas!  

Hi Mark, I'm with you on that score. In our house, including the fact of my wife's strong and affectionate support of my model train hobby (many of my scale steam locomotives were gifts from her, for example, and she is especially fond of our inviting guests to the house for a layout operating session,) not a single train item is anywhere in the nine rooms above the basement trainroom (partly viewable below)

Part of 1st floor at Christmastime.... (no train items anywhere)...


The basement trainroom layout begins here, at the foot of the cellar stairs, under the breakfast room and family room...

frontmiddle_12connection betwix oldand new roomsphoto 1IMG_8609

...under part of the kitchen area...

IMG_0852, which was my missive to myself before I ever started the layout in 1995, not even at Christmas, anywhere; not even under The Tree (as seen above.)

Maybe, that is a good topic for a thread somebody could start - how many of us have/tolerate/accept/happily include train-related items outside of a reserved room(s) for the purpose of the hobby(?) I wonder.

FrankM, Moon Township, USA

Frank I wish I had the room you have. I guess I pretty lucky with my wife, My layout took over the bonus room and she was ok with that.

In my case my wife felt sorry for me.  While the daughters were in college, she suggested I build the Ceiling Central in the family room because I had nowhere for a layout.  Due to recurring carpal tunnel, It took me 3 winters until it was "finished".  In the meantime, one daughter married, the minimalist, and she quickly removed all her belongings leaving a small bedroom set, with twin bed.  My wife suggested I put the Christmas layout in a corner there.  I think 4 x 8 took up more room than she thought, 3 years later, it is still there.  When our other daughter, the hoarder, moved out, it has taken a year, and there are still things there.  She did clean out the art studio, but a bunch of that was boxed up in the family room so I couldn't get the stepladder up to reach derailed trains on the Ceiling Central.  This summer, she finally cleared most of it out, and I can once again reach most of the CCRR, except for the spot right above daughter's upright piano, that she doesn't have room for at their place.  So that is why I say designated areas, but none of the first two are less than ideal.  Now that I am working 3 days a week, I hope to get started on the layout in the former art studio, my first full train room since 1993; though it is only 130 sq ft!  We will see what other shoe falls to delay my plans!   

TedW posted:
briansilvermustang posted:
Mark Boyce posted:

Pardon me for asking Brian, but are you married?  If my question is too personal, please just ignore me.   It seems trains are overrunning your house.  My wife is very tolerant of my trains, but I know that they should stay in their designated areas!  

tried it once, guess I like trains.......kinda like "if you go fishing one more time,

i'm leaving"  gee i'm going to miss her..........actually  was really into cars and racing

       back then, late 80's,  one day she decided she didn't like doing that anymore,

                                     and we went our separate ways...

    do have a girlfriend now, who also likes trains, and helps work on them with me....


                       guess you could say I have her " TRAINed " well

Last edited by briansilvermustang
briansilvermustang posted:

     or should i say we make a nice couple together...........just not totally coupled.......

tried it once, guess I like trains.......kinda like "if you go fishing one more time,

i'm leaving"  gee i'm going to miss her..........actually  was really into cars and racing

       back then, late 80's,  one day she decided she didn't like doing that anymore,

                                     and we went our separate ways...

    do have a girlfriend now, who also likes trains, and helps work on them with me....


Brian:  And the reason your sleeping in the train room is?

Last edited by suzukovich
suzukovich posted:
briansilvermustang posted:

     or should i say we make a nice couple together...........just not totally coupled.......

tried it once, guess I like trains.......kinda like "if you go fishing one more time,

i'm leaving"  gee i'm going to miss her..........actually  was really into cars and racing

       back then, late 80's,  one day she decided she didn't like doing that anymore,

                                     and we went our separate ways...

    do have a girlfriend now, who also likes trains, and helps work on them with me....


Brian:  And the reason your sleeping in the train room is?

          running out of room in the house.....

Last edited by briansilvermustang

   Moonman, looks like you stand an equal chance of being published in Home & Garden as OGRF. 

   This place used to be similar, restyled upstairs every 5 years and Lionel central downstair. Neither Grandparent had much to say about either end of the staircase...till Grandma claimed the wall of Generals....and added skirts and curtains.......and better lighting........and decent seating.....and a fridge........ I.e. she did the "detailing" that made Gramps world more comfortable and he just did wiring made sawdust and bought the paint. Ceiling tunnels had been okay-ed, but she was going to have it her way. Never quite got there.

   Now I'm off to walk Puppi and hopefully bump into "Katey" again and a possible Susie Q for myself  

Thanks for the inspiration gentlamen.


Adriatic posted:

   Moonman, looks like you stand an equal chance of being published in Home & Garden as OGRF. 

   This place used to be similar, restyled upstairs every 5 years and Lionel central downstair. Neither Grandparent had much to say about either end of the staircase...till Grandma claimed the wall of Generals....and added skirts and curtains.......and better lighting........and decent seating.....and a fridge........ I.e. she did the "detailing" that made Gramps world more comfortable and he just did wiring made sawdust and bought the paint. Ceiling tunnels had been okay-ed, but she was going to have it her way. Never quite got there.

   Now I'm off to walk Puppi and hopefully bump into "Katey" again and a possible Susie Q for myself  

Thanks for the inspiration gentlamen.


A gentle correction to "Moonson" instead of "Moonman".   

Mark Boyce posted:

Pardon me for asking Brian, but are you married?  If my question is too personal, please just ignore me.   It seems trains are overrunning your house.  My wife is very tolerant of my trains, but I know that they should stay in their designated areas!  

LOL I am in the same boat there Mark, that's why the wife want an extra room built off the back of the garage! So the trains wont be in the house!

Mark Boyce posted:

Pardon me for asking Brian, but are you married?  If my question is too personal, please just ignore me.   It seems trains are overrunning your house.  My wife is very tolerant of my trains, but I know that they should stay in their designated areas!  

I'm in the same situation Mark, that's why the wife wants a room built off the back of the garage, that way no trains all over the house!

mike g. posted:
Mark Boyce posted:

Pardon me for asking Brian, but are you married?  If my question is too personal, please just ignore me.   It seems trains are overrunning your house.  My wife is very tolerant of my trains, but I know that they should stay in their designated areas!  

I'm in the same situation Mark, that's why the wife wants a room built off the back of the garage, that way no trains all over the house!

Mike I was showing the pics that Frank had posted. She liked the layout and the house. Then I got when we talking  of having to take down the layout while they replace the drywall , carpeting and other things in our living room from the storm damage. You are going to rebuild the layout in the garage right? 

My wife was gone so I built my layout in the dining area and would have  built in the living room but there was a free standing round fireplace in the road. made me think (??)  why confine this masterpiece you built to the attic, basement,  garage etc ??   Let the rest of the family put the TV and old couch in those dreary places. I really liked my layout where it was convenient and close at hand all the time. I had no female friend to please or kids to criticize so I did what I wanted. Now I am happy with a 8' x8' carpet RR with 2 loops.  Better than nothing.

suzukovich posted:

She also said a 40ft Milvan  or Sealand container was out of the question. 

.......but a K-line container would be to get it past working on that...

          told them it's just part of my train layout......

          I think it blends in with the yard alright......

          see, you can hardly see behind a little O gauge engine.......

          now hopefully I can find someone with zoning that likes trains.......


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suzukovich posted:
mike g. posted:
Mark Boyce posted:

Pardon me for asking Brian, but are you married?  If my question is too personal, please just ignore me.   It seems trains are overrunning your house.  My wife is very tolerant of my trains, but I know that they should stay in their designated areas!  

I'm in the same situation Mark, that's why the wife wants a room built off the back of the garage, that way no trains all over the house!

Mike I was showing the pics that Frank had posted. She liked the layout and the house. Then I got when we talking  of having to take down the layout while they replace the drywall , carpeting and other things in our living room from the storm damage. You are going to rebuild the layout in the garage right? 

When we can afford it we are adding a train room to the back of the garage. 12' X 24' , I would have had it done by now, but we had to spend $5000 on our bulldog for emergency surgary!

jim pastorius posted:

My wife was gone so I built my layout in the dining area and would have  built in the living room but there was a free standing round fireplace in the road. made me think (??)  why confine this masterpiece you built to the attic, basement,  garage etc ??   Let the rest of the family put the TV and old couch in those dreary places. I really liked my layout where it was convenient and close at hand all the time. I had no female friend to please or kids to criticize so I did what I wanted. Now I am happy with a 8' x8' carpet RR with 2 loops.  Better than nothing.

Jim, You are right in your situation.  If my wife passed on, my daughters would say, Do whatever you want Dad!

mike g. posted:
suzukovich posted:
mike g. posted:
Mark Boyce posted:

Pardon me for asking Brian, but are you married?  If my question is too personal, please just ignore me.   It seems trains are overrunning your house.  My wife is very tolerant of my trains, but I know that they should stay in their designated areas!  

I'm in the same situation Mark, that's why the wife wants a room built off the back of the garage, that way no trains all over the house!

Mike I was showing the pics that Frank had posted. She liked the layout and the house. Then I got when we talking  of having to take down the layout while they replace the drywall , carpeting and other things in our living room from the storm damage. You are going to rebuild the layout in the garage right? 

When we can afford it we are adding a train room to the back of the garage. 12' X 24' , I would have had it done by now, but we had to spend $5000 on our bulldog for emergency surgary!

Sorry to learn this, Mike!  How is Pup doing after surgery?

briansilvermustang posted:
suzukovich posted:

She also said a 40ft Milvan  or Sealand container was out of the question. 

.......but a K-line container would be to get it past working on that...

          told them it's just part of my train layout......

          I think it blends in with the yard alright......

          see, you can hardly see behind a little O gauge engine.......

          now hopefully I can find someone with zoning that likes trains.......

Invite them over to run trains Brian. They will surely grant you a permit then.

Or tell them you are only putting the container in the yard, not the drop well flat car too.


HI Mark he is doing fine, someone threw something over the fence and he ate it. Blocked him up completely so they had to open him up to remove it, at the same time they found that someone had hit him or something cause his spleen was bleeding also. Needless to say now we keep a close eye on him and have installed video cameras where he goes outside!

briansilvermustang posted:
suzukovich posted:

She also said a 40ft Milvan  or Sealand container was out of the question. 

.......but a K-line container would be to get it past working on that...

          told them it's just part of my train layout......

          I think it blends in with the yard alright......

          see, you can hardly see behind a little O gauge engine.......

          now hopefully I can find someone with zoning that likes trains.......

I like it!  I saw the two times I visited Brady's Train shop in Greensburg, Pennsylvania, they had a small K Line container beside their shop!

mike g. posted:

HI Mark he is doing fine, someone threw something over the fence and he ate it. Blocked him up completely so they had to open him up to remove it, at the same time they found that someone had hit him or something cause his spleen was bleeding also. Needless to say now we keep a close eye on him and have installed video cameras where he goes outside!

Wow!  That could have been bad!  I'm glad he's okay!

mike g. posted:

HI Mark he is doing fine, someone threw something over the fence and he ate it. Blocked him up completely so they had to open him up to remove it, at the same time they found that someone had hit him or something cause his spleen was bleeding also. Needless to say now we keep a close eye on him and have installed video cameras where he goes outside!

Takes a real low life to do this to someone's pet.. I hope find the culprit and your pet fully recovers!!!

This morning I tacked a few building corners back done. I have learned my lesson to stay with what works. I also got al the plaster off the lift out. That was easy nothing stuck to the plywood. When I get back home I'll be using MIKE G's suggestion of white glue then apply the plaster to that. And to my surprise my 36' reefer from the Canadian Club was on my doorstep. Pic..................Paul



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   Mike, Momma mastiff swallows socks like they are buttered noodles sometimes, I always worry till that passes.  What did "Jaws" have in his belly anyhow? Fortescue?

  Finally fell asleep at a human hour and  for a whole night really..Got up before dawn, out of milk..out of coffee, so snapped a picture for tuesday & Trumptrain and went for a slow walk to Wallyworld in search of a basket of goodies and a skeleton or pumpkin face to turn onto a boiler plate.

 I've struck out at three big stores and two dollar stores. They dont seem to make the head/pumkin shaped flashlight defusers for kids anymore. Closest thing was a string of Christmas tree lights with a skull really ment for a Día de Muertos party. Not even a cool one, just super cheesy.

   Disappointed I headed towards food. Debating over coffees I bumped into another O gauge local, and we filled in the gaps on the "what ya been up to"-s. He has a couple motors saved for me to bash on and maybe steal the Magnetraction bearings from ( I need the MT correct 2037 bearings to retain MT on my first train....hens teeth it seems. I don't want to trash a C-8+ adriatic for good ones, but I might.)

   I could see an itch in him developing as we talked. His layout bas been down over a year and wifes has been sick requiring him to care for her, and work every hour left that he can. She is now better and recovering well, and he has the week off too. His first chance to relax in a couple years. Knowing this, I only said to him.."It's only a half mile, this store is further" and got back a nod and smile that screamed "thank you".  It started raining and would have been another hour till I got picked up again so I rode home with him too.

  Today & tonigbt I'll be cleaning every layout mess, vacumming them, and wiping track so he can run what he wants where he wants. I'm looking forward to running some new and visiting trains too. It's been a long time and we used to run one of ours about once a month. No telling what he will show up with either. He doesn't collect tons, but buys, sells trades to keep a variety of things that are "fresh" to him.

I met him when I posted for Lionel trades on Craigslist and he answered. I ended up fixing his ZWs and some other things in trade. Over time, it turns out we had done buisness before. He was the regular mechanic for a number of freinds business trucks and one of only 5 mechanics to ever do my old VW brakes and valves 100% correctly. I was always too busy to really meet him and only saw him twice.  I just dropped keys in his mailbox and then the cash in the mailbox and he dropped it off and collected. He said he recognized the VW campervan one day when I had the garage open and told me he used to work on it for the original owner. I told him I was second owner and it had only been dealer serviced bedore that and I was picky about who wrenched for me. Then our previous business became apparent to both of us. I'll overpay a good mechanic if I can. A tip, usually $20. He never forgot and said it "saved" him a few he throws his junk that I can use my way for free, and drops off cars he thinks I "need"


Brian, So you aren't building a loco to fit the box???..

...I'm confused .

Well MIKE G we will see if my second time plastering the edges will stick with your suggestion. If it works I can color the plaster and start putting down ballast. And I am hoping that I am done with re gluing the buildings. So I started lining them up along the piece of plywood to see how they will look.. Tomorrow I cut some strips of wood to hold that plywood in place then I can go from there. So for tonight that a wrap. Pics.............Paul



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Over the weekend I canabalized a pair of  a pair of prewar 042 switches so that I could access space in the yard using 18" cars and SD class road engines.  I've been looking for a pair of 072 tubular switches for the last year or so (Lionel 5165 & 5166).  These manual switches will tide me over until a pair shows up.  Today I ran trains.



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paul 2 posted:

Well MIKE G we will see if my second time plastering the edges will stick with your suggestion. If it works I can color the plaster and start putting down ballast. And I am hoping that I am done with re gluing the buildings. So I started lining them up along the piece of plywood to see how they will look.. Tomorrow I cut some strips of wood to hold that plywood in place then I can go from there. So for tonight that a wrap. Pics.............Paul


Paul, one question? Did you put the plaster down while the glue was still wet?

Brian, great looking pictures! I had to ask myself if maybe the house was on fire at first! LOL

Adriatic, come to find out it was a huge piece of rope that he ate! when we got it, it was about the size of a big pill bottle and about 4" long! I too am also happy you met up with your friend and you will have time to run trains! I bet you will have a great time, just like 2 little kids in a candy store!

Matt, very nice looking layout! quite the curve for those long cars, I sure am glad they work well!

Greetings Everyone,

Well, I have made a bit more progress on the layout and I have posted a few pictures for those who have been following its development.   I finally have all of the elevated main line (Track 3) right of way complete and I'll be making final track alignment and adjustments before adding power.  The Atlas Pratt Truss Bridge has to be removed to facilitate the opening of the hinged "Lift-Out" section which allows entry into the middle of the layout.  Power is supplied via a small plug/socket arrangement which allows removal of the bridge.  I will be adding more MDF board along the right of way on both sides of the bridge and when time permits, it will be painted and gussets will be added so it resembles Girder Bridge Plate.  Both of the 2 X 4 Piers supporting the bridge will be covered with a "Brick Veneer" made from Foam Board as shown in the pictures.  Thank you all for the kind words and encouragement from my previous layout posts and please feel free to opine on these pictures as well.   Thanks for looking!

Chief Bob (Retired)     GEDC0001GEDC0003GEDC0004GEDC0006GEDC0008


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          ran some trains......


          worked on some more shelves.......

          need to clean up,  getting pretty messy........



          went down to the Alco dealership to check things out......

          then stopped down by the station to watch some trains......

           and watched them working in the coal yard.......

                               getting dark out, time to call it a night......


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Last edited by briansilvermustang
paul 2 posted:

Well MIKE G we will see if my second time plastering the edges will stick with your suggestion. If it works I can color the plaster and start putting down ballast. And I am hoping that I am done with re gluing the buildings. So I started lining them up along the piece of plywood to see how they will look.. Tomorrow I cut some strips of wood to hold that plywood in place then I can go from there. So for tonight that a wrap. Pics.............Paul


Paul: Looks great !! Where did you find your buildings? Did you print them? Bob..

Paul, i've been following your (adventures and misadventures) of layout building for several months now and will keep my mouth shut (and fingers off the keyboard) for the most part, but your issues with plaster are unnecessary. To achieve what i think you're trying to do - that is create a natural earth look alongside the ballasted track - is quite simple and inexpensive. First paint the ply with some cheap flat latex paint - preferably a dark grey tinted with very little brown and green, but grey overall. Then using plain old cheap joint compound that has had water added to it to make it nice and sloppy, dunk some wadded up heavy paper towels (Bounty or the blue mechanic's type you can buy at any NAPA store) into the mix and lay down along your right of way. Smooth out any unnatural wrinkles, but leaving the natural rises and curves. Let dry for 24 - 48 hours. Paint with the same grey-ish paint. Then cover with your choice of ground cover held down with the age old mix of white glue and water. I used a base of washed sand interspersed with patches of coarse ground foam and occasional bits of cinders. It's lasted over 25 years. Sorry i don't have any better pics.P1000155-1248tDSC00010


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MODELTRAINPARTS, thanks for that information. Up until a few years ago I used drywall compound. I then decided to switch to GYPSOLITE as I was doing some new scenery, But I also switched to pink board instead of using screening. The GYPSOLITE was more porous then drywall compound and accepted coloring better, at least to me. However I did use plaster wrap first. This piece of plywood was the first time I had the plaster come off. The glue method worked so I was able to color it. So once I glue ballast, cinders and ground turf down I'll be done with this section. Pics....Paul



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paul 2 posted:

MODELTRAINPARTS, thanks for that information. Up until a few years ago I used drywall compound. I then decided to switch to GYPSOLITE as I was doing some new scenery, But I also switched to pink board instead of using screening. The GYPSOLITE was more porous then drywall compound and accepted coloring better, at least to me. However I did use plaster wrap first. This piece of plywood was the first time I had the plaster come off. The glue method worked so I was able to color it. So once I glue ballast, cinders and ground turf down I'll be done with this section. Pics....Paul


Looking good Paul. I was curious about how you are going to wire this section. There's a lot going on over a short distance. Do you have multi-pin connectors or some other method in mind? Is it a full lift-out or is it hinged on one end.

Inquiring minds would like to know

Today I did another modification of an 042 prewar switch to accommodate long  cars and SD class engines in the yard. Below are step by step pictures.  Tool used is a Milwaukee rotary tool with cut off wheel and grinding stone.  These canabalized switches will work until I can get a pair of Lionel 072 tubular switches or go with Atlas 072's  Other than pins that are available, not sure how to compensate for height difference.fullsizeoutput_7a8fullsizeoutput_7a9fullsizeoutput_7a7IMG_0927


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paul 2 posted:

MODELTRAINPARTS, thanks for that information. Up until a few years ago I used drywall compound. I then decided to switch to GYPSOLITE as I was doing some new scenery, But I also switched to pink board instead of using screening. The GYPSOLITE was more porous then drywall compound and accepted coloring better, at least to me. However I did use plaster wrap first. This piece of plywood was the first time I had the plaster come off. The glue method worked so I was able to color it. So once I glue ballast, cinders and ground turf down I'll be done with this section. Pics....Paul


Hi Paul, I am so happy that the glue trick worked for you! I figured if it would work for concrete it should work for plaster! Things are really looking great!

I have been sick as a dog since my last post here eleven days ago. Today I was finally feeling good enough to go downstairs. When last I was down there, I had just popped the circuit breaker for the track power, after doing some high voltage rewiring. My solution to the problem was to add a second neutral wire in a piece of conduit about 25' long. I knew this was going to be a difficult task with three wires already in the pipe.

After two hours messing with this thing, I ran out of both strength and patience, and had to hang it up. I think I got it really close, like within 2', but I also got it really stuck. I guess tomorrow I'll have to pull it back, and take another run at it.

Can't run trains until this gets done.

Adriatic posted:

Fishtape? Ive used welding wire and tape measures with the edges to the pipe in a pinch on straights and single bends.

I worry about damaging the insulation on the other wires with the tape. I do have some smaller wire that might work as a fish. I'll give it a shot.

dobermann posted:

Wire and cable lube?

Yeah, the first attempt was dry. I pulled that all the way back, and went with lube. Got a little further going that route.

Hopefully both techniques combined will get me through.

Big_Boy_4005 posted:

I have been sick as a dog since my last post here eleven days ago. Today I was finally feeling good enough to go downstairs. When last I was down there, I had just popped the circuit breaker for the track power, after doing some high voltage rewiring. My solution to the problem was to add a second neutral wire in a piece of conduit about 25' long. I knew this was going to be a difficult task with three wires already in the pipe.

After two hours messing with this thing, I ran out of both strength and patience, and had to hang it up. I think I got it really close, like within 2', but I also got it really stuck. I guess tomorrow I'll have to pull it back, and take another run at it.

Can't run trains until this gets done.

Elliot, Try taking a cotton ball and tie a string to it, then use your vacuum to suck the ball threw the conduit. Tie the string on the ground wire and pull it threw!

mike g. posted:
Big_Boy_4005 posted:

I have been sick as a dog since my last post here eleven days ago. Today I was finally feeling good enough to go downstairs. When last I was down there, I had just popped the circuit breaker for the track power, after doing some high voltage rewiring. My solution to the problem was to add a second neutral wire in a piece of conduit about 25' long. I knew this was going to be a difficult task with three wires already in the pipe.

After two hours messing with this thing, I ran out of both strength and patience, and had to hang it up. I think I got it really close, like within 2', but I also got it really stuck. I guess tomorrow I'll have to pull it back, and take another run at it.

Can't run trains until this gets done.

Elliot, Try taking a cotton ball and tie a string to it, then use your vacuum to suck the ball threw the conduit. Tie the string on the ground wire and pull it threw!

That is inspired, Mike. 

I've got to run some new cable up the cavity wall for my new range hood.  Hmm. 

MaxSouthOz posted:
mike g. posted:
Big_Boy_4005 posted:

I have been sick as a dog since my last post here eleven days ago. Today I was finally feeling good enough to go downstairs. When last I was down there, I had just popped the circuit breaker for the track power, after doing some high voltage rewiring. My solution to the problem was to add a second neutral wire in a piece of conduit about 25' long. I knew this was going to be a difficult task with three wires already in the pipe.

After two hours messing with this thing, I ran out of both strength and patience, and had to hang it up. I think I got it really close, like within 2', but I also got it really stuck. I guess tomorrow I'll have to pull it back, and take another run at it.

Can't run trains until this gets done.

Elliot, Try taking a cotton ball and tie a string to it, then use your vacuum to suck the ball threw the conduit. Tie the string on the ground wire and pull it threw!

That is inspired, Mike. 

I've got to run some new cable up the cavity wall for my new range hood.  Hmm. 

Hi Max, works great for me! I was able to get the string threw 120' of conduit and then pull the wire!

With the tape edges turned to rub against the pipe, the tapes curve cant slice  most sizes of wire, even lightweight 2 wire communication wire is safe. I wouldn't worry until I was under16 gauge, unsheathed single strand, or smaller. 

Small thinner tapes at 1/4 & ⅜ wide work best if you find yourself in a pinch. i would flatten the tape's stay tab by vice so there was to poking with a broken blade either. 

I didn't learn the trick from an old and well known plumber

Actually, Mitch has the answer we had to use most on AC pulls, but sometimes on straight and easy runs, the tape got used. 25ft would be too long for many small tape measures too come to think of it. But we spliced them, covered them with tape, etc. etc.. Enough undamaged tape and you stop worrying. Those electricians worried more about about "micro" nicks in the wire from stripping ends. (systems work, & I did communications; we had to run that and system AC together sometimes and electricians did all of the AC if we used them, often jump the gun not considering other wires might follow because 99% of the time they don't deal with comunications rubbing elbows with any ac that way.)

Big_Boy_4005 posted:

I have been sick as a dog since my last post here eleven days ago. Today I was finally feeling good enough to go downstairs. When last I was down there, I had just popped the circuit breaker for the track power, after doing some high voltage rewiring. My solution to the problem was to add a second neutral wire in a piece of conduit about 25' long. I knew this was going to be a difficult task with three wires already in the pipe.

After two hours messing with this thing, I ran out of both strength and patience, and had to hang it up. I think I got it really close, like within 2', but I also got it really stuck. I guess tomorrow I'll have to pull it back, and take another run at it.

Can't run trains until this gets done.


Tie a string to the existing wires and pull them all out. Then add the 4th wire and pull it all back. They are probably twisted in the conduit and causing the extra wire to get stuck.

Hope you are feeling better. If I was closer I'd be happy to help but Long Island to Minnesota is a bit of a hike for a service call


mike g. posted:
MaxSouthOz posted:
mike g. posted:
Big_Boy_4005 posted:

I have been sick as a dog since my last post here eleven days ago. Today I was finally feeling good enough to go downstairs. When last I was down there, I had just popped the circuit breaker for the track power, after doing some high voltage rewiring. My solution to the problem was to add a second neutral wire in a piece of conduit about 25' long. I knew this was going to be a difficult task with three wires already in the pipe.

After two hours messing with this thing, I ran out of both strength and patience, and had to hang it up. I think I got it really close, like within 2', but I also got it really stuck. I guess tomorrow I'll have to pull it back, and take another run at it.

Can't run trains until this gets done.

Elliot, Try taking a cotton ball and tie a string to it, then use your vacuum to suck the ball threw the conduit. Tie the string on the ground wire and pull it threw!

That is inspired, Mike. 

I've got to run some new cable up the cavity wall for my new range hood.  Hmm. 

Hi Max, works great for me! I was able to get the string threw 120' of conduit and then pull the wire!

Mike's technique will work fine with an empty conduit, can't do it in one with wire already in it. This works best in PVC too.

Max- if you have to get  a wire up a stud wall, you are going to need a snake- 1/8" steel or fiberglass and drop it down from the top (or up from below if you have a basement)

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