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Originally Posted by Amfleet25124:

I've never been able to get quality dark night photos to my satisfaction on either my regular camera or any of the various cell phones, no matter how many megapixels, etc. the manufacturers boast.  This batch of photos features some overhead shots showing the track loops.


Merry Christmas Everyone!





Your layout absolutely screams Christmas to me.  So much bright red and green and it's just fun.  Thanks for sharing and Merry Christmas to you too.


I never thought I would be in a position to respond to this post, but I can happily say that I am. I have to thank my childhood train set that I had. My daughter called last night and said she would be going into labor with her second child. I had to go and pick up my Grand daughter Lily and bring her to our house to stay for a few nights. It was a cold night with snow showers. Christmas lights were out everywhere and Lily and I looked at them on our ride home. I asked Lily if she wanted to stop at the Model Railroad Shop on the way home and she said yes. We went in and I found a nice Lionel train set and purchased it for her just like my Dad did for me many years ago. I set up the train and she has had a lot of fun with it. 


Lily now has a brother named Liam who was born today at about 10AM. What a great Christmas present for us all.


Alan Graziano




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Originally Posted by Chugman:

This is probably the wrong place to put this, but I get a chuckle out of it every year at this time.






Absolutely hilarious!!!  I just sent a copy of that comic strip to my wife 


Originally Posted by Pine Creek Railroad:


   Great Christmas layout, I love it!

Merry Christmas


NYC Fan,

   Your stuff is always fantastic also!



   Dave I just put the Bear Tree on the platform this week also, and the final siding is not in yet, nor the houses, we are both in the same boat it seams.




Thank you very much


Originally Posted by towdog:



Your layout absolutely screams Christmas to me.  So much bright red and green and it's just fun.  Thanks for sharing and Merry Christmas to you too.




You're very welcome



Last edited by Amfleet25124

It's grown again. I think it is mature now. This years big change eliminated the siding, on the outer loop and replaced it with a whole loop. Also, the train control electronics (DCS an LC polar express) are now all accesible to the left of the layout. Not nearly as well done as many of the pics, but we like it and a growing number of folks come back each yeat to play.

Oh, and there's an undersized TARDIS on there somewhere. My wife and son like the idea of me having unlimited space inside the TARDIS




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Last edited by Marty R
Originally Posted by Alan Graziano:


I never thought I would be in a position to respond to this post, but I can happily say that I am. I have to thank my childhood train set that I had. My daughter called last night and said she would be going into labor with her second child. I had to go and pick up my Grand daughter Lily and bring her to our house to stay for a few nights. It was a cold night with snow showers. Christmas lights were out everywhere and Lily and I looked at them on our ride home. I asked Lily if she wanted to stop at the Model Railroad Shop on the way home and she said yes. We went in and I found a nice Lionel train set and purchased it for her just like my Dad did for me many years ago. I set up the train and she has had a lot of fun with it. 


Lily now has a brother named Liam who was born today at about 10AM. What a great Christmas present for us all.


Alan Graziano



Congratulations on the new grandchild Alan!

Love the picture of Lily falling asleep with the LionChief remote in her hand. Hard to believe, just a few years ago that would have been a picture of a kid lying on the floor falling asleep with their hand on a transformer.

Originally Posted by Lima:

Tree image1-2

Gave the Marine and his wife some of my "stuff" so they could begin their own tradition. Wonder how many others there are set up and running on the base.

(How do cats and dogs do with the snow sheets? Good idea or not?)

The top of the tree is, uh... interesting?  Ever hear of clippers?  Or perhaps this is one of those quirky family traditions we all have?

Originally Posted by MichMikeM:
Originally Posted by Lima:

Tree image1-2

Gave the Marine and his wife some of my "stuff" so they could begin their own tradition. Wonder how many others there are set up and running on the base.

(How do cats and dogs do with the snow sheets? Good idea or not?)

The top of the tree is, uh... interesting?  Ever hear of clippers?  Or perhaps this is one of those quirky family traditions we all have?

I tried that one year...but The boss out voted me and she made me trim the top....

Originally Posted by Eddie Marra:

My department in work does a Christmas display each year, and this is my contribution to what we did this year.  The little DC docksider has been more of a workhorse than I thought!

Wow Eddie, wish I worked with you!


There is a manager where I work who brings in two LGB sets each year.  He's a good guy, I worked for him at one time for 5 years, but it's all his show and he doesn't like any competition.  


I keep a Pennsy boxcar and now my President Reagan car on a shelf in my office.  I had a steam engine there at one time, but when I found it one morning with the tender behind the engine backwards, I knew the cleaning people were doing more than just bumping it with the feather duster.  

Originally Posted by Mark Boyce:
Originally Posted by Eddie Marra:

My department in work does a Christmas display each year, and this is my contribution to what we did this year.  The little DC docksider has been more of a workhorse than I thought!

Wow Eddie, wish I worked with you!


There is a manager where I work who brings in two LGB sets each year.  He's a good guy, I worked for him at one time for 5 years, but it's all his show and he doesn't like any competition.  


I keep a Pennsy boxcar and now my President Reagan car on a shelf in my office.  I had a steam engine there at one time, but when I found it one morning with the tender behind the engine backwards, I knew the cleaning people were doing more than just bumping it with the feather duster.  

This is the second time I had an opening to bring in trains for the holidays, the first being a couple years ago and I brought in my Lionel G Polar Express set to run for our area.  We're in a different building now, and the tree with this underneath it is at the very front area, and there are tons of people in the lobby area for other offices just looking in our door to watch the Lionel run!


I also have some trains on my desk, but they're HO "expendables" that if they have a fall and something happens, I can either repair them or not worry about them like my trains at home.  But this year looks to be the first of many years for me to bring trains in for the Holidays!

Last edited by Eddie Marra

My department in work does a Christmas display each year, and this is my contribution to what we did this year.  The little DC docksider has been more of a workhorse than I thought!


I may do something similar at work next year. I work for a school district, and some of the elementary schools have a train under a tree in the halls outside the offices. We have a large hallway that is at least 20 feet wide in the high school that goes from front to back of the building which would be a great place to set up a small layout. Good PR for the community that come for various functions and sporting events.


Originally Posted by Eddie Marra:
Originally Posted by Mark Boyce:
Originally Posted by Eddie Marra:

My department in work does a Christmas display each year, and this is my contribution to what we did this year.  The little DC docksider has been more of a workhorse than I thought!

Wow Eddie, wish I worked with you!


There is a manager where I work who brings in two LGB sets each year.  He's a good guy, I worked for him at one time for 5 years, but it's all his show and he doesn't like any competition.  


I keep a Pennsy boxcar and now my President Reagan car on a shelf in my office.  I had a steam engine there at one time, but when I found it one morning with the tender behind the engine backwards, I knew the cleaning people were doing more than just bumping it with the feather duster.  

This is the second time I had an opening to bring in trains for the holidays, the first being a couple years ago and I brought in my Lionel G Polar Express set to run for our area.  We're in a different building now, and the tree with this underneath it is at the very front area, and there are tons of people in the lobby area for other offices just looking in our door to watch the Lionel run!


I also have some trains on my desk, but they're HO "expendables" that if they have a fall and something happens, I can either repair them or not worry about them like my trains at home.  But this year looks to be the first of many years for me to bring trains in for the Holidays!


Originally Posted by rail:

My department in work does a Christmas display each year, and this is my contribution to what we did this year.  The little DC docksider has been more of a workhorse than I thought!


I may do something similar at work next year. I work for a school district, and some of the elementary schools have a train under a tree in the halls outside the offices. We have a large hallway that is at least 20 feet wide in the high school that goes from front to back of the building which would be a great place to set up a small layout. Good PR for the community that come for various functions and sporting events.


Expendables, yes that is what my cars are.  There is almost no one at our office since we were bought out in 2007.  With the ability to telecommute, I think some evenings there are more cleaning people than employees during the day.  


Don, That is great for the schools.  The high school idea would be very good!

Hey guys,


GREAT PHOTOS AND VIDEOS!!!! Thank you for sharing your Christmas layouts.


I am still working on my carpet central holiday layout. Still need to put down some black base material under the buildings (between the Superstreets circuit) and some white base material (felt and snow blanket) to represent a snow scene.


Some of my buildings still need to be wired. 


The videos below show the first run of three Fastrack ovals (084, 072 and 060), plus one Superstreets oval. I am sure you'll recognize the locomotives and rolling stock. That's the new-for-2014 Legacy Polar Express, MTH Silver Bullet (bay doors open), and an MTH Imperial K4 hauling some holiday candy cars. Each Fastrack oval has its own remote control so that when I have guests, they can all operate a train on their own without having to share a remote. Two tracks are powered by a Lionel PH 180 (Fixed channels on the MTH TIU); one track is using an MTH brick (running through the variable channel on the TIU in case I want to run a conventional engine at some point). Superstreets is running a UPS truck (powered by a Lionel C-80). 


Still more work to do but I wanted to share these test run videos with my OGR buddies.


Happy Holidays!



Coram, New York



Last edited by Terrence L

I really like this annual topic. Great photos and posts.


Charlie Howard, savage, and kjstrains, thanks for posting the photos of the Rankin Bass and Peanuts figures in your scenes.  I have a bunch of the various figures made by Playing Mantis a few years ago in storage depicting characters from the Christmas TV specials. You've given me some ideas for a Christmas layout.

Got to get our dog Cody into the Christmas layout act. He had surgery three weeks ago and had a hard time with the many stitches he received. On Thursday, thank goodness they all come out. Anyway, for us he is as much of the Christmas season as our North Pole layout pictured with him.





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Looks like Cody is recovering well.  The photo reminds me of our dog Annie.  She always attacked the PE under the tree, barking then nudging the engine off the tracks.  I have been working on a Christmas layout in our recently married daughter's room.  I finally got two trains running and will post some photos soon.  I had to raise the table up on blocks, because Annie was able to get her paws onto the edge and tore the snow blanket.  No problem, the snow blanket from Randy Harrison is very forgiving.  Now Annie has lost total interest.  

Originally Posted by Passenger Train Collector:

Got to get our dog Cody into the Christmas layout act. He had surgery three weeks ago and had a hard time with the many stitches he received. On Thursday, thank goodness they all come out. Anyway, for us he is as much of the Christmas season as our North Pole layout pictured with him.






I am glad she is better. In mine case a kitchen counter still doesn't stop mine especially if they think there is food up there. Our cat would just knock things off.


Angle, My German Shepard and Joey ( My wife's dog) with my youngest 




  And the trouble maker Tiger My middle daughter's cat.




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Last edited by suzukovich
Watching these sappy but enjoyable hallmark movies, Matchmaker Santa just started and the opening scene, on a simple loop around the tree, a Lionel train. Couldn't make out what road name as they only filmed one pass, but I jumped up, "cool, a lionel train under the tree on tube track!" Wife looks at me like I've just grown a second head and back to her Pet Rescue or Candy Crush or one of those games she plays shaking her head lol. Then just out of the blue, "we need ours up and running" lol

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