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@Rixster posted:

@Strap Hanger I also have a dummy engine I wish to add a smoke unit to.  In my case, it already has pickup rollers and I added LED lights.  But I have no idea what smoke unit to add or how to go about it.  Would love to hear suggestions.  Thanks.


I figured I’d solve the smoke unit project after I get the pickup rollers installed.  So far, I’m stuck on step #1. I have a few MTH operating refrigerated milk cars with smoke units installed. If worse comes to worse, I thought I’d open one up and reverse engineer MTH’s design and buy the parts from their parts website.

Spent some fun time running two trains on a dogbone layout, using two different DC systems - Lionel Legacy and MTH PS3.

Using a CAB2, MTH DCS w/Remote, and the Lionel app to control a MTH F3 AB, 2 Lionel Lionchief 2x and 1 Legacy locos.

My layout has a long way to go, Iʻm happy with the track plan but want to add an upper level, possibly with 2 tracks.  And scenery.

Playing chase around the track is easy, then I did some switching - photo below:



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Last edited by Kelunaboy

Hi guys its been a week or so since my last visit and man have, I missed out on some great stuff being done! You all are so skilled in modeling and working with track and trains!

@ScoutingDad, Jeff, I know it is a small room is there any way you can claim a little section on the other side of the wall for a single track? Then you could just put a porthole in the wall and run it to the other side of the room and back into the train room!

I would comment on everyone, but I don't want to be accused of boosting this thread to the next page! LOL

I hope you all are having a great weekend and finding time to have fun with your layouts and trains! I will check in next week!

I’ve been busy all weekend because my wife has been out of town. My son in law was here over thanksgiving weekend and we both decided to change the upper part of the layout and fix the ramp so it would work better.  We were able to remove all of the track that was all O36 atlas. I was lucky enough to get my hands on some gargraves track mostly flex track.  I am going to flex it to an O72 track so I can run some bigger locomotives. This part of the layout will be all elevated around the half that doesn’t have an upper level. IMG_4577IMG_4578IMG_4579

As you can see I have some cleanup to do but I am able to run trains right now.


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Making better progress on getting the layout into operating condition.  I keep finding rail sections with no power due to Ross and Atlas switches not conducting thru the switch. (I thought I had checked everything).  Lift-outs are wired with banana plugs. Last bridge to rebuild is the lead to the lower yard.

I ran a K-Line Milwaukee Road ABBA to check track and engine function. This set has 3 powered units and one dummy. Still need to give the track a good cleaning and a general vacuuming.

MikeG - no room to expand into the other room - I had thought about it.


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Me and the grandson have been on the workbench applying tweaks and bulbs and fixes. “Got Smoke?” (Thanks to Eli and ChooChooCharlie). I never had a steam engine with whistle and smoke. Our grandkids do… 😃 The wonderful woman who had the courage to marry me… a 5 1/2 year old kid, asked… “How many engine do you need?” I responded “only one, these are for the grandkids”. 😜 😜

Below is our best “found in the dumpster with three rail Lionel track and log loader building” finds….. still original worn patina Green, heaviest engine we have, smooooooooth power, original pantographs…. And and… wait for it…. An original GG1 “Horn”.  We are stoked to share with all y’all as our success has breadcrumbs back to you. Note: “Original, Autographed Lionelski box car!”

Thanks to all, I appreciate ya, from our little 4x8 carpet layout. (Oh, p.s. , I’ve been asked to add a couple switches for sidings to park a consist , did I use that properly, and a box of curves to run a loop up the stairs, across the hall, under the table, under the chair and back again)

roflmao, I replied “Absolutely!”

stay tuned….. ⏰

ppss: thanks, for allowing me to share… in this group of colossal builders, skilled visionaries, Artists and photographers. We watch your videos of Dream Layouts and Fantastic Modeling… Mr Elliot would always thanks me for volunteering to assist in his “Dream (nightmare) Layout”. It was I who thanked him for the learning opportunities. salute to you all 🫡


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Rich, that is certainly a nice blue on the backdrop Masonite sections!

Jeff, the ABBA set certainly looks great running on the layout.  I discovered the Ross switch leading into the curved yard you suggested for my layout has a missing or loose connection.  It could be either situation, oversight or sloppy soldering.  I am certainly capable of each!

Miggy, Scott don’t fret over your layout not being as elaborate as some you see here.  You and Eli are having fun with trains, which is worth a whole lot more than my layout and no grandchildren!  😃 👍🏻 Your engines are running great, and look at that smoke!!

Afternoon guys I hope your all doing well and keeping busy!

@OhB1 Sure looks like you and your son have a good plan I am glad your running trains and the best part is you can do that and clean up at the same time!

@DrSteveDC Steve what a wonderful scene! I wish I could help you with the light bulb question,

@trestleking Rich WooHoo you have a start! I can't wait to see what is next! It is always fun to fallow new builds!

@ScoutingDad Jeff WOW what smooth running train and the track work speaks for its self! Now that is smooth! It didn't hurt to ask about the other room! My lovely CEO informed me that the house were looking for is either going to have a shop for the train room or a basement. Cause it is not going into any of the extra bedrooms that might get used by guest! Mind you the room MIGHT get used! LOL

@Miggy Scott I have to agree with Mark, The time spent with the grandson and trains beats almost anything else! LOL

I hope you all keep up the great work as it gives me something to read and keep me motivated till I can start a new layout! I hope you all wont forget me! LOL

I hope you all find time to have fun with your trains and layouts!

Last edited by mike g.
@RSJB18 posted:

So the guy builds his own trian room literally from the dirt up. Builds not one but two layouts. Always has a nice thing to say about everyone's work.

You're not going anywhere Mike! Well....I believe east will be in order....🤣🤣🤣🤣

Bob, You said it s well!!  Look out Joplin, Mizzou!  Mike will be there building a wonderful layout with the experience he has gained!! 

@DrSteveDC posted:

where did you get the sound module?

Well, that's a bit of a tale.

When I first went in search of a track-voltage crossing bell sound module a few years back, I contacted the seller of this eBay listing, from whom I had earlier purchased a horn module in order to create a push-button diesel horn sound installation for the layout. He agreed to do up a couple of custom crossing bell modules for me, and, a bit of hand-waving later, I was able to place the modules and speakers inside the repurposed toilet paper tube enclosures, which are visible in the video before they were installed under the layout.

I had suggested to the seller that there might be a market for such modules, but I have seen no evidence he acted on my suggestion, so the best I can suggest is to contact him if you're interested and see if he'd do custom modules like mine for you or others. Or, I'm sure there must be other options available out there, but this one worked for me!

Last edited by Steve Tyler

Morning guys, thanks for the nice words! I will be doing my best to keep up to date on all the wonderful things you all do! Even if I am not building right now, this place is still the best place to learn things from some really skilled modelers!

The 2 Steves above prove my point, @DrSteveDC ask about a sound module and @Steve Tyler stepped up and gave him all the information he had on it.

It just shows what a great group of people sharing all the great knowledge of this wonderful forum!

@mike g. posted:

Morning guys, thanks for the nice words! I will be doing my best to keep up to date on all the wonderful things you all do! Even if I am not building right now, this place is still the best place to learn things from some really skilled modelers!

The 2 Steves above prove my point, @DrSteveDC ask about a sound module and @Steve Tyler stepped up and gave him all the information he had on it.

It just shows what a great group of people sharing all the great knowledge of this wonderful forum!

@Mike g., Mike did you find a new train room yet ?  Hopefully to include a storm shelter as well !


@OhB1 posted:

I’ve been busy all weekend because my wife has been out of town. My son in law was here over thanksgiving weekend and we both decided to change the upper part of the layout and fix the ramp so it would work better.  We were able to remove all of the track that was all O36 atlas. I was lucky enough to get my hands on some gargraves track mostly flex track.  I am going to flex it to an O72 track so I can run some bigger locomotives. This part of the layout will be all elevated around the half that doesn’t have an upper level. IMG_4577IMG_4578IMG_4579

As you can see I have some cleanup to do but I am able to run trains right now.

Is that a Milwaukee Road 4-6-4 from Weaver?

Continuing progress on landscaping, I have been slowly getting this area finished. The area is a mixture of plaster cloth, gypsum plaster and sculptamold. I made 150 poly tress and 35 pine trees. I painted the area brown and then covered with white glue. I used several large shaker cans to sprinkle on two colors of tile grout. Then added the trees on the top and clump foliage and lichen below the poly trees. I used T pins along the ridge and on any vertical areas to help hold the scenery items in place. LS 2LS 1LS 3LS 4LS 5


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Good evening everyone! I survived my first semester of college life. Now, I’m back at it on the layout.
The past two evenings I have started back up on weathering my scale rolling stock. I started back up with four double sheathed boxcars and a newly acquired SP wood sided caboose. Still using my dry brush technique I gave the cars a base coat, topped with some grey highlights, and finished with a spray of black paint.
Here is the final product. Grungy, coal and soot covered cars that have seen better days.


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